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Alfredo-Lopez promise-key
Javascript | Python | AI Engineer with 10+ years of experience.
Anilcan KARA anilcan-kara

Ministry of Justice Sydney

Fanfan54 fanfan54old
Bored 🙃

Chez moi France

Michaël Nass - PlugN PlugNPush
Quadrilingual engineering student driven by technology. 🇫🇷🇩🇪🇷🇸. President of the @groupeminaste. Founder of CraftSearch, Extopy and FMobile.

@GroupeMINASTE France

Guimauve Digital's Weblate User guimauvedigital-weblate
I'm a bot pulling and pushing work from Guimauve Digital's Weblate platform

@guimauvedigital France

Nathan Fallet nathanfallet
📱 Kotlin and Swift mobile app developer ❤️ Open source lover

@guimauvedigital France

Cevat Uygur CevatUygur
 iOS Developer

Open to Work Turkey