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Keshia C. keshiacor
Software developer 👩‍💻 fuelled by salsa dancing 💃 and coffee ☕


Ivan Alejandro Mejia iamejiac
├ 🇲🇽 León ├ 👨🏻‍💻 Software Engineer ├ 🚀 Innovating with Technology └ 🏈 NFL Data Analyst

HUNDREK Technology Lab León, México

Vichea NHIM vicheanhim
software engineer @tokyo


Aahan Salecha aahan0511
I am a student, who has excellence in Python.


Renato Amaral 19758017
Engenheiro de Software | Governança | Gestão de TI

São Paulo SP

Heisen Park HeisenPark
Prese il pane, lo spezzò e disse: è di ieri ☘️🍻🥨

Fìdoka SRL Gubbio

Ernest Kimu bantukimu
Management Information Systems Graduate

Malawi , lilongwe city ,Area 25 C, sector 1

Bruno Ribeiro brunoribeirol
Computer Science Student

Recife, Brazil

nh_ nonxistnt
creator of @NullLinux

@NullLinux ↖ this building

Ellen ellensartsandstuff

Magnolia Care Estates