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Gabriel Viana vianaz
Hi everyone! I'm just a DevOps that loves to read, watch movies and play some games :)

Clint Digital Florianópolis, Brazil

G. Pires giovannipds
Software Engineer

@avenuecode Bento Gonçalves, RS - Brazil

Estudante que almeja entrar no mercado de programação. Toda dica é válida.


Diego Candido DiegoSCandido
Auxiliar administrativo inicinando seus estudos em programação e iniciando a graduação em Analise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas.
Cristiane Mayara CristianeMayara
Software engineer

GoShare Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil

Jean Marcos de Souza jean-souza2019
Software Developer Node.JS | Javascript | React | Oracle | SQL Server | Postgres | Firebase | Devops


Patric patric-vinicios
Elixir | NodeJS | Python | Go | ReactJS | React Native | VueJS

Inover Brazil

Front-end developer with experience in React, TS, redux and PWA. Diving into web performance lately.

São José/SC - Brasil

Roberto Costa robertheory
“Do or do not. There is no try.”

@techinrio Rio de Janeiro

Juliana Mello Viana jumelloviana
Desenvolvedora de Software | Criadora de Conteúdo de Programação no @ju.coding

Software Developer Imbituba - Santa Catarina - Brazil

Viviane Martini vivianemartini
Front-End Developer 👩‍💻 I'm passionate about learning!


Jamil Ben Brahim 01JAMIL
Highly motivated web developer I'm passionate self learner working to build a strong career in IT

GettingApp 💪 Tunisia

Ruan Aragão RuanAragao
curl -L

@shopmaior && @12min Microcosmos

Marco Ollivier marcopollivier
Tech Lead | Staff Engineer | ex @nubank , @olxbr e @flash-tecnologia | Professor | Mentor de carreira | Palestrante | Criador de conteúdo

@lemonenergy @educacionalAda São Paulo - SP - Brasil

Marcos mrviniciux

Garopaba - SC - Brazil

Thander Augusto thanderaugusto

Emiteaí Morrinhos-GO - Brasil

Luiz Melo luizmlo
Red Teamer, Infosec Researcher; Machine Learning Enthusiast;


Evandro Orlandini EvandroOrlandini
Java Developer

DIO Campus Expert Itajaí - SC - Brasil

Leonardo Lemos mrlemoos
Frontend Engineer, software architecture enthusiast, and open-source contributor. 🚀


Jorge Rodrigues jorgecrodrigues

@unscode Florianópolis, SC, Brasil

Luan AP luan0ap
I'm a front-end developer lover of the open source culture and willing to help the world to be a better place

Santa Catarina, Brazil

Afonso Pacifer afonsopacifer
DevRel & Platform Front-End Specialist @ Neoway

Neoway São Paulo - SP, Brazil

Lucas da Costa lucasfcosta
Founder, open-source wizard, published author, and professional problem solver. Chai.js and Sinon.js maintainer. Testing expert. Ex @elastic.

@briefercloud São Paulo, Brazil

Leandro Dias leandroCodeDev

CERTI Foundation Florianópolis

Guilherme Almeida guisalmeida
Software Engineer

The Brooklyn Brothers Brazil

Lucas Silva landir
Software Engineer (Web dev, Compilers...)