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Alphonse EBROTIE AlphonseEBROTIE
Strong research focus on machine learning (Generative & RL) and path signatures, with a specialization in applications to mathematical finance.
Marlin Danford DvegaDv01
Sometimes I go off on a tangent…
Raeid raeidsaqur
I'm worse at what I do best..and for this gift I feel blessed. Visting @OxfordMaths; PhD (C) @uoft-dcs, @VectorInstitute; Fulbright Scholar @princeton NLP

UofT CS, Princeton CS, MIT CSAIL, Vector Institute, Finatechal, IBM


German Cancer Research Center - DKFZ Heidelberg

Zac Keskin ZacKeskin
Quant Researcher in HFT. Previously mathematical computing postgrad @UCL and Physics undergrad @imperial College


Maths postdoc in Oxford
Aaron Fordonnell afod22

Bath, United Kingdom

Stelios Christodoulou stelios-c
Space, telecoms, spatial and transport data analyst

@Inmarsat-itcloudservices UK