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Daniel Buzzo danbz
Artist, designer, researcher, educator video art, generative media, interaction design. code tutorials on
mjoviedo mjoviedo

ISEP / FCE-UNC Córdoba, Argentina

Abhishek Mehra abhishek-mehra
Software, Big Data

Northeastern University Boston

Yash Jain yashYJ621
Data Engineering | Business Intelligence | Analytics Graduate Student at Northeastern University


Jonathan Gray jwyg
Reader in Critical Infrastructure Studies King's College London. Co-Founder @PublicDataLab. Research Associate @digitalmethodsinitiative @medialab.

@PublicDataLab Europe

Evan Suslovich evansuslovich
21, Programmer, Student at Northeastern University. Contributed to @mediacloud and @broadinstitute!

Providence, Rhode Island

Virginia Partridge ginic
Data Science for the Common Good @ UMass Amherst

University of Massachusetts Amherst