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Bastiaan Quast bquast
Machine Learning researcher | author of R packages: transformer, attention, rnn, datasets.load, rddtools, decompr

ValiQ Security Zurich

nerdCopter nerdCopter
betaflight and emuflight dev-team member. below average pilot.
Irsath Ahamed Irsathz
Hacker | Developer | Security Researcher

Tamil Nadu

Merlin von der Weide CarIos-Matos
if you're in doubt // it out

Melih Catal melihcatal
PhD Researcher at UZH

University of Zurich Switzerland

DrShab Dr-Shab
Data Science & Cybersecurity enthusiast. Exploring the nexus of analytics and digital security through some projects.

ZHAW Zurich

Zora Fuchs zorafuchs
in ❤️ with ruby since 2015, but also having numerous affairs ever since 😇
Yago Lizarribar yagoliz
Hello there!

armasuisse W+T Thun, Switzerland

Robert Tulke rtulke
I started with Linux in 1998 (Debian 2.0) and i like to work with black consoles.

Bern, Switzerland

摸鱼真人 ZacharyZhL
WENJUN ZHANG x-tinkerer
Simple life, simple work, happy coding. 喜欢前沿技术,先让代码跑起来。 喜欢折腾一些硬件小玩意,捣鼓各种小硬件。 喜欢买打折的游戏,但是真正通关的不多.

Shenzhen, China

🤖 Robot_Invasion mostrub
◈ equality ◈ recognition ◈ freedom


Jonas jnzd
MSc Computer Science Student @ ETH Zurich


Zig rwxzig

Reykjavík, Iceland

Albert Gran Alcoz albertgran
Networking Researcher, PhD ETH Zürich

ETH Zürich Zürich

Charles Dufour dufourc1
PhD student in the chair of statistical data science, EPFL. Core contributor at PyTorch Geometric for the explainability

EPFL Lausanne

AkasakaJelos AkasakaJelos
Random git repository


rootcoolk rootcoolk
I Don't fix i hack to fix
Christian Nyffenegger Consulting - CNC cncgmbh
I contributed to several large-scale projects based on my professional expertise and extensive knowledge of computer technologies and business-driven solutions.

Christian Nyffenegger Consulting - CNC Zurich-Switzerland

Zoo Sky zoosky
Just trying something new.
Matthias Hüppi maede97
IT-Specialist Digital Forensics | Msc. ETHZ RW/CSE
Thomas Sutter 7homasSutter
IT-Security Researcher


Pascal Schärli pascscha
Cryptography Engineer at ELCASecurity

ELCASecurity Basel, Switzerland