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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Whitney Smith whitneyjsmith
Repos for school and personal projects


Thierry Pouplier gortium
Développeur polyvalent avec 8+ années d’expérience dans la conception de robots mobiles et autonomes ainsi que dans l’apprentissage machine | B.Eng.


Gökhan Özdemir gokhanozdemir
Geologist for interactive media

Workintech / Goji Code Ankara, Turkey

Ali Wadi aliwadi

Georgia Institute of Technology

Gleidson Brito Gleidson2012
I'm a software developer and gladiator against code entropy.


Amos Kang buptkang

Microsoft Seattle

GEDCOM Luiscko
We are a startup dedicated to creating content E-Learning applied solutions required in the construction sector.


Kevin sebastiankaizer
Do not disturb me when I'm talking to my machines. We're solving problems.
Oduor Otieno E. tykoon787
Legal Tech Enthusiast || Full Stack Developer
Geen lgy2000
I am a chemical engineering student from Malaysia. Interested in bringing data into the industry.


Abdellahi_Mstf Abmstpha
My passion lies in using data to solve meaningful problems and create positive change. I enjoy exploring data, machine learning, and deep learning capabilities.

Aivancity School for Technology Paris

Corporate Engineering, IT Systems, IT Security, Python & Go!
Dario Di Palma DarioDiPalma-DDP
Ph.D. Student AI/ML at Polytechnic University of Bari


Saltflow Saltflow
negative optimization guy at

Slow Feet Ltd. Emperior City

Seung-Min Han nashorstyle

Korea Univ Korea Univ. 고려대학교 안암캠퍼스 자연관

Gopal M. gopalm-ai
Quantum Industry Consultant & Entrepreneur