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Walter May Waltmay
Data Engineer @bluelabsio | Political Science and Statistics @ Stanford University


Andrew Jones aljones15
Full Stack Web Developer with a love of test driven development, statistics & functional programming.

Arlington, VA

Adam Zuckerman Zuckeram1

BlueLabs Washington, DC

Leigh Alexander exuberantleigh
Bioinformatician in the field of proteomics; AKA using proteins to build predictive models around disease

SomaLogic Boulder, CO

John Mitchell mitchellj

BlueLabs Santa Cruz, CA

i'm august | an analyst | in atlanta


Ian Norstad pizzawarrior
Full Stack Developer with a background in Project Management and Data Analysis

San Francisco Bay Area

Steven C. Gonzalez stevenconnorg
Analytics Engineer @bluelabsio

@bluelabsio Chicago, IL, USA

Gustavo Chavez GusC-Git
Data Scientist w/ passion for the outdoors & interest in how data analytics can impact our social, built & natural environments.


Trevor Wong twong-sea
Maps. Politics. Data. Ramen. (updated account)

Seattle, WA

Jack Ross archetypalsxe

@shutterfly / @Spoonflower Central Florida