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Dhruvi Patel dhruvipatel14
Experienced Software Engineer | Specializing in Backend Development & AI


Michael Salaverry barakplasma
Senior Fullstack Web Developer.

QurisAI Tel Aviv, Israel

Shangdian (King) Han kingh0730
Prev { @microsoft research, @Huawei }

Berkeley, California

Unchun Yang ucyang
I am a software engineer who loves the free and open-source software (FOSS) ecosystem. My broad interests include AI, cybersecurity, and quantum computing.
Adam Leach addersuk

@simplybusiness UK


London, UK

Saeid Babaei sbdevman
Still Learning


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


David Pearson davpea
UK based, Technical Solution Architect at Red Hat, always looking to learn something new and make contributions where I can. Love @swiftlang and @swift-on-serv

Red Hat UK



David Rodriguez davidsaulrodriguez
Owner/Operator of @enyutech – Full Stack Laravel Developer contracted for @everconvert-official – Formerly at @ingrammicro and @124ScaleLife

@enyutech 29654

Ethan Ethancorri
Hallo! I like to code random fun projects here 😄

Wisconsin, USA

Abhishek abhishekmishragithub
build errors 📖 🧮

Mumbai || Bangalore, India

Jamilli jamilligioielli
Dev mais brega da borda ocidental da galáxia 🦖

IBM Brasil São Paulo, Brasil

Erik Tonon eriktonon
My name is Erik Tonon, I am 29 years old, I'm Site Reliability Engineering, specializing in cloud computing at university PUC

@edgesearchlabs Brasil

Canux crazy-canux
Software Engineer Go/Python/TS/Linux


Chris Wyatt Cook chriswyattcook
software developer, homelab enthusiast, dog dad


Miguel Angel Rodriguez rodriguez-miguel-angel
Full-Stack Software Engineer

South San Francisco, CA

Curious developer still in awe of the pb&j magic. Always open to growth; enjoy diving down rabbit holes if I think it will lead to something interesting.


Alisson Castanha alissoncastanha

Movtech Systems Jaraguá do Sul - SC

Jason Ouellet jasonouellet
Cloud Platform Architect

Services-Conseils TI PME Rimouski, Québec, Canada

David Ireoluwa Akins (aka AwesomDev) gooddavvy
Hi, I would appreciate followers. I am an aspiring innovator who loves to code, and I've been coding for over 4 years now.

At My House Full of Tech Enthusiasts | [Redacted Address]

Vambenology Vamben27
Enjoying coding, and I’m passionate about creating a system one day. A work in progress and love learning consistently.

Career Shifter to Tech! Philippines

Diego Castro diegocastrum
Backend Software Engineer & Linux (Dev|Sys)Ops with wide experience with @python, @django, @golang & web applications/services.

@kubicum @jazzband @speaksee Dordrecht

Gaël G. gaelgoth
Platform Engineer

@ELCAIT Lausanne, Switzerland

nav baudza


Kurt King kurtaking

@procore Colorado

Sednus sednus

Melbourne, FL