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JiNanDongzheng Information&Technology Co.,Ltd Ji Nan

Ande Caleb Andaeiii
Senior FrontEnd Developer

PHIS3 F.C.T Abuja, Nigeria

Nikita Taverz
Soon everyone will be tied to numbers and forced to work for numbers. Slaves of numbers. © 21st century, the century of IT technologies


Sebbagh Djameleddine Djameleddine21
Software Engineer, Graduated from The Higher National School of Computer Science (ESI)

Paris, France

Pascal Wildermann pascalwildermann
Senior UX/UI Designer from Hamburg, Germany

Hamburg, Germany

Mohi mohijalili
Talk is cheap, show me the code.

@appinioGmbH Berlin

Varun varunpant
Software Engineer by day, also by night :|


Eric Fiorim EFiorim

Appinio Berlin - Germany