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Kai Zhao ChristianZhao
molecular dynamics; machine learning: solid physics

Jiangnan University Wuxi

Liang lcheng9



Seoul, South Korea

Rohith Srinivaas M rohithsrinivaas
Graduate Student Researcher @ UC Berkeley, Ex-Data Scientist. B.Tech & M.Tech, IIT Madras.

Berkeley Lab Berkeley, California, United States

Sandeep Kumar aero29
Non-axisymmetric turbomachinery blade 3D design

University of Cincinnati OH,USA

Nick Vazquez nickvazz
BS/MS Physics interested in deep learning and data science/engineering! Currently a Data Engineer/Scientist at Tau Motors.

Tau Motors Redwood City, CA

AbnerWater AbnerWater
suchaoyong suchaoyong
software designer, specializing in computational mechanics, systems modeling and simulation techniques.

DPIT Beijing

Michael Heredia Pérez michaelherediaperez
Master's Student on Engineering - Structures. Occasional lecturer at National University of Colombia in Manizales.

Universidad Nacional de Colombia Manizales, Colombia

simlet getwelsim
WELSIM finite element analysis software helps engineers and researchers conduct simulation studies and prototype virtual products.

WelSimulation LLC Pittsburgh, PA