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sunguangdong SunGuangdong

Game Development Laboratory Bei jing

Zajfan Zajfan
Project DevTrack is ongoing and soon to be released here

The Occult Circle Sweden

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Sblorg Sblorgotech
I might hate myself but at least I try


Porygon Porygon31

Toulouse, France&

Praxar Praxaris
I'm a creative developer
-X-Scorn Games XScornGames
If I may introduce myself, my name is X, game artist & founder of -X-ScornGames, an independent game development company, based in austria.

-X-ScornGames Linz

Damien FREMONT DamienFremont
Senior Software Engineer by day. Indie Game Developer by night.

Nantes, Frances

VerzatileDev VerzatileDev
Software Developer with a Bcs in Games Technolgy

Briian consult oü Estonia, Tallinn

Senior Audio Programmer. Occasionally writes words that make noises.

nDreams Oxford

Mike Kennedy MikeyK65
Software Development Manager and IT Professional, mostly around the .NET stack
Wexlei Wexlei
Computer engineer and Back-end developer.

Joinville, SC, Brasil

Gh0sTed ProfessorMB21
I'm a computer science undergraduate student and I love tech!! 👌😁🗿
Michael Eaton Sariohara
Hello I am a Student At San Jose City College. Who Studies Computer programming and Game dev at school. I am also self taught in programming and game dev


Parker Bidigare sovr610
Welcome! I have been a programmer all my life along side electronic design. Started with C++ and Java back when I was 12 years old. I do C#,python, js and more.

Detroit Michigan

Alban Marku AlbanMarku

TheGameCreators London

Randy Macdonald jrandym
Computer Science Teacher at Corvallis High School (CSD59J)

Corvallis, OR

The Wired Nexus TheWiredNexus
This GitHub Profile mostly functions for sharing code, backup of repos and handling code forks | Do not expect reply

The Wired

Ladder nerd.
Borisavetije Znicalo LudvigVanMetoten
Testing OS; beta; "is all about hat" ; games & .develop (just wanna learn to be user & don't wanna know what OS is)


Luis Santos AKA Djoker lrosa-do
Hi, I'm Luis Santos I’m working as a Data Analyst at Accenture and a graduate student from 42 Lisboa.

accenture Portugal

Chaoddity MrEnigmaSr
Wannabe gamedev. Just using this account to follow various projects, presently.

Bad Company Everywhere

Zishan Rahman Zishan-Rahman
I ̶i̶s̶ was Graffarts. I like games. I have my own website. I'm one of @kevinlano's PhD students. And I contribute to @flathub sometimes.

King's College London (again) Whateverland, London, United Kingdom

JustClaws JustClaws
Underground but not dead.

JustClaws Underground but not dead.

Karris karriszou
My journey is long and winding, i will keep on exploring my way far and wide.
VR 0-14 virtuaroid014
Systems Engineer, working towards learning SysOps, Python Automation and SRE technologies.
Tuncay Yavuz Büyükadalı Yavuz1234567890
A high school student interested in programming; Java, C++, Lua, C and OpenGL programmer

Ankara, Turkey

S Fisher s--fisher

Something Media LLC International