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Hadi Khir hadi-khir
Software Engineer currently @ Phook

phook Stockholm, SE

alex tong alextongme

The New York Times New York, NY

Samil Vargas xsami
Passionate of IT and Science.

Dominican Republic

J. Turek JTurek708
Big fan of data, dogs and pizza. Not necessarily in that order.
Bianca biamuniz
estudante, sempre

@apublica São Paulo, Brasil

Kevin Fremgen kfremgen
iOS Engineer

The Athletic Staten Island,New York

David Lee sillydave

San Francisco

esco anthonyescobar
B.S. Computer Science, Animation minor Loyola Marymount Univ. '18. Hybrid app-web developer with Angular-Ionic-Capacitor & React Native. Rugby scrum-half

@TheAthletic San Jose, CA

Luana Nova luananova
Content Designer. Data Storyteller. Journalist.


Robin Lee Robinleeaus
Full Stack Software Engineer

The Athletic Melbourne

Kyle Browning kylebrowning

Eternal, @Vapor San Francisco