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Daniel Mizrahi DanielDM325
Bsc Computer Science, University of Amsterdam Founder and Director of Node Development

Node Development Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Marc Sallin msallin
Working with .NET & C#, Software Architect @ Swiss Post, Lecturer for Software Engineering @ FFHS

Swiss Post Bern (CH)

Nat Powning natpowning
Tinkering Technologist


Vincent Legault SJVle

Open minded France

harm netzfisch
Internet-Enthusiast, eCommerce-addictet, Linux-, Docker-, Ruby-Evangelist, and CTO @ePages-de. Find my tweets @netzfisch!

epages Germany

Giorgio Azzinnaro borgoat
Maker of Fine Software

@sealambda Switzerland

Francisco Marques tofran
I build and break software.

@significa Portugal

Peter Rexelius hypeitinc

HYPEIT INC. San Francisco, CA

Ash Nansen ashnansen
I am a Desinger and CAD Expert, using Github as a platform for collaboration on Open source project.

Think Shape Skandinavia

Bozhao yubozhao
Founder @Isoform, previously founder @bentoml

San Francisco

Rahmad Al Habib abewartech
I'm a software engineer based in Cibinong, Bogor specializing in building (and occasionally designing) websites and applications.


Bastler der sein Wissen in der Programmierung etwas erweitern möchte.

THCoding Germany

Guillaume Vincke gvne
C++/Python Developer. Audio programming enthusiast.

France, Nantes

John MacTavish techsolx
I am a Senior DevOps Engineer. I work with Python, Terraform, Packer, Docker, and Kubernetes, deployed with CI/CD mostly to AWS, but others also.

Redmond ORE or Middlebury VT

Frank datadu-de

TimeXtender A/S Karlsruhe, Germany

Anders Liland andersliland
Software engineer


Mr. Anderson TheMrAnderson
Self-taught developer that enjoys having an automated house, tinkering and spending time on my boat.


Dev Bastic devbastic
h4x0r - business analyst - interim architect

@devbastic Haamstede

Deniss Afonin afds

Tallinn, Estonia

Mercury71 Wasarion


Tomas Janovsky tjanovsky

Prague, Czech Republic


Leeway Instrumentation Melbourne Australia

Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

Livin Sunny livinsunny519
Linux Enthusiast, system integrator, programmer, developer.

United States