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Alex Graham grahamsdgr

Schrödinger, Inc. Portland, Oregon

Andrew Taylor andrewbtaylor
Customer Success at @Qumulo Learning more everyday

@Qumulo Greater Seattle Area


Boardriders France

五十岚 ▪ 寄 Igarashi-G


Bill Wall thebillness
A man of God, husband, father, entrepreneur and computer geek... in that order.

Raymore, MO

nonBinaryGeek nonBinaryGeek

nonBinaryGeek Montreal

Daniel Motles dmotles
Product Manager for @Qumulo Core

@Qumulo Seattle, WA

Simardeep Singh SimardeepSingh-zsh
Cybersecurity Professional

Calgary, AB

Rob Bogdan thebogdan
Hi I'm Rob. I'm currently in Operations at @iocurrents in Seattle, helping bring cloud & ML to the Maritimes. My work account is @ioc-rob

ioCurrents Seattle, WA

Simon Coggins scoggins

ZethosOrg Brisbane, QLD, AU

Paul Simpson psimpsonzeta

Zeta Global Taylor, AZ USA

Adam Fox adamrfox
Sr Systems Engineer at @Qumulo. Former Sr Solutions Architect at @rubrikinc. Former Corporate Advisory Engineer @Isilon. This is where I keep my scripts.

@qumulo Raleigh, NC USA

A place for my coding projects, thus far all in Python. Currently working for Qumulo as a Customer Succes Engineer
Yuan Luo yuan-luo
Distributed storage system & LLM KVCache

Ant Group Shanghai

Chaitanya B Bhandari chaitanyabhandari
Distributed (Database) Systems @tigerbeetle | MSCS at UIUC | Ex-Member of Technical Staff at Nutanix

@tigerbeetle Dallas