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Gaurav Sablok sciencegenome
Python, RUST, Bash, SQL, SLURM, PyTorch, Tensorflow, XGBoost, Scikit-learn. Welcome, accept every submitted job offer.


Annabelle Kelechi Nwankwo Kanegraffiti
Open Source Enthusiast | Technical Writer

Outreachy Aba, Nigeria

Serah Nderi MundiaNderi
Junior Software Engineer

Mozilla Corporation Nairobi

Vivek Kiran Ballakur vivekkiran

University of South Dakota Vermillion, South Dakota

Darío Rodríguez dalexa10
BSc. Mechanical Engineering MSc. Aerospace Engineering PhD Candidate Aero Computer scientist ML, UQ, data science, surrogates and numerical optimization

National Center for Supercomputing Applications Champaign, IL

Elizabeth Adhiambo Liz-Adhiambo
Software Developer| Backend Development| Python

Tana Nairobi

Ebere Adekogbe Ebere330
A product designer and Frontend Developer, who is willing to learn by collaborating with others on open source and personal projects.


Racheal JO-YE
Software Engineer

Lagos Nigeria

Mahalakshmi maha-sachin
Hello, I'm Maha! My favourite language right now is JavaScript, and I have been developing various industry-standard React projects.


Barigbue Nbira Barry-dE
Software & DevOps Engineer

Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Olamiji Badmos thebadmos
A young tech enthusiast who aim to build applications, solve problems and enjoy learning new things.

+2348098702835 Lagos,Nigeria

raskan {a.ka 'Tu Hombre de Confianza'} jsalmoralp
Me encanta mostrar lo que se hacer!! Mano arriba, a los que nos apasiona escribir código! Lo que es escribir código.. por escribirlo, y matar el tiempo!!

JSalmoralP-ES Spain

Andrew S. Rosen Andrew-S-Rosen
Assistant Professor of Chemical & Biological Engineering at Princeton University. Leading the @Quantum-Accelerators.

Princeton University Princeton, NJ

Milind Malshe milindmalshe

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta

Ben Clifford benclifford
Functional programming. Distributed systems. Programming languages. LEDs.
mnh maruthinh
Scientific computing, CFD, HPC, AL/ML

Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

Sophie Bui sophie-bui

National Center for Supercomputing Applications Urbana, IL

H.-K.Sun SyrakuShaikh
The Observer!

IHEP-CAS Beijing, China