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Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

Mert Köse weznn
I make considerable efforts to gain experiences in self-improvement by utilizing the conditions at my disposal. I am striving to enhance myself in my field, alw
Trương Tiến Anh trgtanhh04
Data Scientist | Full Stack Web Developer

University of Science - VNUHCM Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

Taylor Fuller Ideal-Softer
1000 times more precious than gold is endeavor and passion.

Lead Engineer at IWDL Spanish Fork, Utah, USA

Clarence Scott clarencescott

Astro Clare Technology Michigan

Marcos Sandoval marcos1394
soy un ingeniero quimico apasionado por la tecnología y contribuir en proyectos que aporten valor para las organizaciones y la sociedad

Los Mochis, Sinaloa

Ashley Koh ashley-koh
Studying in Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)


Goh Jet Wei WindJammer6
Undergraduate student starting out into the programming world.

Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) Singapore

adrienne 82-47
average python enjoyer


Just a Student🤪


Mason MasonGYC
Computer Science Student at SUTD

SUTD Singapore

Pewrie Bontal pewriebontal
Techno Inside | Undergrad @ University of Newcastle, AU | Cadet @ 42Singapore SUTD

University of Newcastle Singapore

MAYUKH BORANA Mayukhborana
#Fuzzing #PEN TEST #SoC
Joaquim medeirosjoaquim
Coding in javascript, typescript. Building and breaking stuff!
Siddhant Shrivastava sidcode
hack, play, grok, solve


Joshua Tay jaytaykay
CS Student graduating in 2025. Front End Developer. Languages: React, Java, Python Skills: Firebase, ThreeJS
Yash Mehta yash2mehta
Extremely interested in technology, finance and everything in between.

SUTD Singapore

CasKei CasKei
Just a human living a life.


Tong Hui Kang tonghuikang
Redrawing Electoral Boundaries
