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Soutrik Maiti maitiSoutrik
Embedded Software Designer | Robotics | Motion Control | C++

Clarapath Hawthorne, NY

Ioannis Vardas variemai
Pre-Doctoral student in Computer Science, TU Wien. Interested in performance analysis, optimization parallel computing and HPC.

Technische Universität Wien Austria

JunGu 1JunGu
🦢A student focusing on atmospheric modeling!

USTC Hefei Anhui Province

Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

Ricci ricciii0

Southeast University Nanjing

dxyzx dxyzx0
The only thing I know is I know nothing.

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Duy Huynh joshhn
Computer Science @ WashU. Actively looking for SWE Internship.

United States

Yuning Xia yuninxia
PhD Student at Rice CS

Rice University Houston, TX

Timo Sarkar sartimo
building cool things @galadrielxyz & threat intelligence @andarielsec



ShenZhen China

Hao Xuan xuan13hao
PhD Candidate | Bioinformatic | Deep learning | Software Development | LLM | Data Scientist | Machine Learning

The University of Kansas Kansas


University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin

Zhe Wang kakaiu
Distributed database engineer at Apple. Ph.D. in scheduling theory for parallel and distributed systems.

Apple Cupertino, CA

Gilson Urbano urbanogilson
Systems Engineer


Bizhao Shi shibizhao
Ph.D Student in PKU-CS Architecture/System/Compiler @pku-dasys

Peking University Beijing, China

Lingcao Huang yghlc
map permafrost thaw on remote sensing images

Hong Kong

Georgy Guminov gogagum
ITMO CT masters student, DIHT bachelor

ITMO Saint Petersburg