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Milind Malshe milindmalshe

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta

Antonio Giganti antonelse
Ciao, I'm æ. I'm a PhD student at Politecnico di Milano - @polimi-ispl, mostly working with AI-related stuff ツ ツ ツ

ISPL - Image and Sound Processing Lab - PoliMi Milan

Roberto Neglia RobertoNeglia
PhD student @ UiT - the Arctic University of Norway

UiT - the Arctic University of Norway Milan

Pouya Sattari pouyasattari
Machine Learning Enthusiast | Data Scientist | Data Analyst

University of Naples Federico II Italy

Filippo Maria Bianchi FilippoMB

UiT the Arctic University of Norway Tromsø

Benjamin Ricaud bricaud
Graphs and networks, data science, machine learning, signal processing, mathematics.

University of Tromsø, Norway Tromsø Norway