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Faustino Marañón famaranon
Co-founder & CTO @ Grumbic

Grumbic Sevilla, España

Guillermo Burky gdburky

Galgo Santiago, Chile

Alvaro Gomez AlvaroGP24
Hi all, this is Alvaro's academic profile. I am interested in ML, DL and Data Engineering

University of Antioquia Medellin

Paula Sánchez P psanchezp31
Frontend Developer Software Engineering Student

@MigranteSF Colombia

Lina Beltrán lmbd92
Systems Engineer. FrontEnd developer Angular, ReactJs. Biker enthusiast!

EAFIT University Colombia

Lucas Oliveri oliverilucas
Data Engineer

Santiago, Chile

Javier Reyes JavierReyesO

@MigranteSF Santiago, Chile