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John J. Dziak dziakj1
Statistician, computer programmer 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 Penn State graduate

University of Illinois at Chicago Old Forge, PA, USA

Caroline Owens caroline-owens
Quantitative Ecologist || CSS under contract to NOAA - NCCOS

NOAA NCCOS Silver Spring, MD

Caroline Owens carolineowens
PhD ecosystem ecologist -- open data science -- statistics and modeling -- harmful algal bloom forecasting for NOAA NCCOS
Ben Farmer benfarmer05
PhD Candidate at LSU, interested in the roles of community and seascape ecology in the transmission of marine infectious diseases

Louisiana State University New Orleans, Louisiana

Kate Rose r0sek

Northern Gulf Institute/Mississippi State University Stennis Space Center

Tyler E. Harman teharman
Environmental Scientist - HAB classification and image analsysis - AI/deep-learning mechanics using R/MATLAB/Python

CSS, Inc. (Contracted to NOAA NCCOS) Hampton Roads Area

Bethany Williams blwilliams02

CSS Inc. under contract to NOAA NCCOS

James J. Herlan jjherlan

City University of New York New York

Jordan Pierce Jordan-Pierce

NOAA / NOS / NCCOS / MSE / SEA Washington, D.C.