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Stephanie Crater calderast
PhD-ing @ UCSF/UC Berkeley 🧠 🐀 Previously Java @microsoft ☕️

San Francisco, CA

Heath Robinson heathlarsson
Interested in systems neuro/learning and memory/hippocampus-cortical systems
DHuzard dhuzard

Neuronautix France

Alvin Cheng ajcheng1
UCSD student, UCSF Dept of Neurosurgery



Brandeis University Waltham

Aixia SONG IveySong

Chinese Institute for Brain Research Beijing

Romain Fayat rfayat
ML engineer @ Withings | PhD


JaerongA JaerongA
Data Scientist & Engineer | computational neuroscience

UT Health Houston

Ming Hu ZeitgeberH
| physics > < math | neuroscience>

Baylor College of Medicine Houston

Praveen Paudel PraPaudel
Ph.D. Student @ayalab1 | Systems Neuroscience

Cornell University Ithaca, New York

Jonny Saunders sneakers-the-rat
Bad at programming in sunny southern california <3
Emily A. Aery Jones emilyasterjones
Postdoc studying sequences in entorhinal cortex 🐭🧠 in @GiocomoLab | previously at UCSF in Huang Lab and @LorenFrankLab | she/her

Stanford University

Tulio Almeida tuliofalmeida
i-Bio PhD fellow at Sorbonne Université. Electrophysiological analysis and machine learning.

@GirardeauLab Paris

Ryan Harvey ryanharvey1
Postdoc at Cornell University

Cornell University Ithaca, NY

Eric Denovellis edeno
Research Scientist with the Loren Frank Lab @ UCSF

UCSF, @LorenFrankLab, HHMI San Francisco, CA