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Salvo Rapisarda salvorapi
"Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine." (The Imitation Game)

Italy, Sicily, Catania

Suvrakamal Das JaynouOliver
21 | ML Engineer | Presenter @scipy-conference | Certified @tensorflow ML Developer | Scholarship @hackthenorth @cncf


Lorenzo Bugli BugliL

Fiscozen Italy, Vinci (FI)

Filip Žitný Yggdrasill501
I use Vim btw

Deepnote Prague

Lina Katherine likarod
GIS user & Front-End Developer. Studing the master of GIS data analysis.

Elliot Cloud Madrid, ES

Diana L. Huerta-Muñoz DianaHuertaM
Researcher & traveler. Interested in topics related to combinatorial optimization, software development, and culture diversity.

Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon