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Buenos Aires

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Mark Woodard mark-woodard

General Dynamics Mission Systems Barberton, Ohio

Jared Bell jmbell42 Greenbelt, MD

Ashley Smith smithara
PDRA at University of Edinburgh / Swarm DISC. I work on the ESA Swarm Virtual Research Environment (VRE)

Edinburgh, Scotland

Ph.D. in Space Plasma Physics, Research Scientist M.Sc. Astronomy and Astrophysics

Laboratory of plasma physics Franc

Rachel rugettes

Minneapolis, MN

Duncan Bark DuncanBarkLASP
Data Systems Software Engineer @lasp

@lasp Boulder, Colorado

Nick Murphy namurphy
Astrophysicist, research software engineer, and harbinger of metadata standardization
Daniel da Silva ddasilva
If no one comes back from the future to stop you from doing it, how bad can it be?

Space Scientist @nasa @lasp Blood Run, Campgrounds, Longest Yard

Shane Stone shanewstone

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Bryan Harter bryan-harter

Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

Sebastijan Mrak aldebaran1
RF/uW/mmW hardware development. SDR, remote sensing and signal processing. Specialized research in GNSS processing for ionospheric research.
Aaron Ridley aaronjridley

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI