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Kevin kepae
AI Incident Database (AIID)
Patrick Almeida PatrickEN-dev
Full Stack Web Developer | Programming instructor | Freelancer.

AR Digital Labs Brasil

Suraj Sahani surajsahani
Android Software Engineer & a dog's best friend.

@navgurukul India (भारत)

Stein Beals adamspersonaldeveloping
My name is Stein Beals. I am a highly logical and flexible developer with a passion for determining efficient solutions to complex problems.
Ming Liu abuxliu
I‘m currently working toward the PhD degree with the School of Computer Science and Technology Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hang Zhou, China.

Zhejiang University of Technology China

Chia-Chi Hsu ChessyHsu

University of California, Irvine Irvine, California

Filipi Rafael FilipiRafael
Mobile Software Engineer with over +4 years of experience, passionate about solving real problems and creating amazing products.

@metaltoad São Paulo, Brazil

kgdev kennethoo
My name is Kenneth Gandonou, I am a self-taught software developer who loves to learn and develop new technologies.
Jian Yang ASkyBig
He is very lazy

@yued-fe @Cambly shanghai

Tetsuo Koyama tkoyama010
AI engineer @AKARI-Inc 3D visualization library @pyvista maintainer, @scipy-conference chairperson, Technical Steering Committee of @numfocus photo @pyconjp

@AKARI-Inc @numfocus Japan