PHP client for Yandex ClickHouse, powered by PHP-CPP and clickhouse-cpp.
- Array(T)
- Date
- DateTime
- Decimal(P,S), Decimal32, Decimal64, Decimal128
- Enum8, Enum16
- FixedString(N)
- Float32, Float64
- IPv4, IPv6
- Nullable(T)
- String
- Tuple
- UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64
- Tuple can not nested in Array, eg, Array(Tuple(Int8, Int8)) is not supported
- UInt64 are returen as Int64, since PHP doesn’t support 64-bits unsigned integer
- clang >= 10, with lld as default linker
- php >= 7.4
- cmake
Then you have
in build directory.
$options = (new OrzClick\ClientOptions())
$client = new OrzClick\Client($options);
// Execute statement
$client->execute('create table if not exists default.insert_demo (
id UInt32,
arr Array(Int32)
) Engine = Memory' );
// Column definition
$columns = [
'id' => new OrzClick\ColumnUInt32(),
'arr' => new OrzClick\ColumnArray(new OrzClick\ColumnInt32),
// KV data
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$data[] = [
'id' => $i,
'arr' => [$i , $i + 1]
$client->insert('default.insert_demo', $columns, $data);
// Columnar Data
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$columnarData['id'][] = $i;
$columnarData['arr'][] = [$i, $i * 2];
$client->insertColumnar('default.insert_demo', $columns, $columnarData);
As of 2020-10-06, OrzClick slightly faster than SeasClick
Select benchmark result (lower is better):
Insert benchmark result (lower is better):