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base repository: oracle/wookiee
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head repository: oracle/wookiee
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- 7 commits
- 311 files changed
- 2 contributors
Commits on Mar 24, 2023
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Commits on Apr 19, 2023
gRPC Server Registration Resilience (#228)
* Latest cats-effect-std * VERSION * Cats effect 3.4.8 * Exclusions for log4cats * Fixes for error catches * gRPC Server Registration Resilience * Will now retry registration to ZK and start of gRPC server if something goes wrong on init of wookiee-grpc-component slf4j-api (2.0.5), slf4j-impl (2.20.0), dropwizard (4.2.17), akka-http (10.5.0) * Scalafix on error rethrow * scalafix * Scalafix disable * Update VERSION
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Commits on Jun 13, 2023
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Commits on Sep 15, 2023
Wookiee 2.4: Discovery, De-Akkafication, Helidon Webservice (#231)
Support for an Akka-less Future Created a new Mediator trait that's used for static object management Global access to ActorSystem Added a WookieeSupervisor to manage new non-akka executives, and to eventually replace HarnessActor Added a new akka-less WookieeMonitor trait with health checks and other common functions Created WookieeCommandExecutive (with tests) which is the new holder for V2 commands Created new ComponentV2 that loads up without Akka and has the same functionality Support in ComponentManager for message/request to V2 Components Support for propagation of start, shutdown, and health check to a Component V2 and its children Created WookieeService parent and new ServiceV2 extensible Support for Services that aren't akka-powered Full monitoring (health and more) for ServiceV2 Removal of support for multiple Services on one Wookiee (not used) Wookiee Actor Trait Support for all common Actor operations Queued execution and overrideable mailboxes Support for state changes via 'become' Support for stash() and unstashAll() 100% code coverage WookieeActorRouter trait and instantiation methods for making WookieeActor routers RoundRobinRouter for simple routing Support in V2 command structure for routers New V2 command structure with typing and no akka dependency TestHarness upgrades to handle V2 Services and Components New WookieeOperations class which will have tools to emulate actors Removed ActorLoggingAdapter and all references Moved non-akka code out to a safe wookiee-libs module Wookiee Metrics to ComponentV2 Wookiee Zookeeper to ComponentV2 Wookiee gRPC to Component V2 Wookiee Cache to Component V2 Wookiee Memcache to Component V2 Creation of new module wookiee-discovery for akka-less gRPC clustering and messaging New trait for DiscoverableCommand which supports gRPC messaging Exec and Helper classes/traits to register/execute discoverable commands More graceful catching of errors on discoverable gRPC executions Detailed README 100% test coverage Creation of new Component wookiee-web for web client and service hosting via helidon-web.. Created WookieeRouter to handle wildcards and endpoint routing using an efficient tree Web Manager for endpoint registration and management of internal and external services Support for HTTP query parameters, headers, and path segments Error handling at each phase of processing New WookieeHttpHandler which replaces AkkaHttpBase for OOP model of endpoint creation Complete support of CORS specs for allowed Origins (config), Headers (per-endpoint), and Methods (dynamically populated) OPTIONS call able to give details on any endpoint WookieeHttpService trait for easy command adding Full websocket support in wookiee-helidon Compression support OOP registration endpoint Websocket CORS support Websocket query/params support Added functional endpoint for registration WookieeWebsocket trait for OOP support Added a WookieeWebClient powered by Helidon WebClient Support for proxy hosts Default endpoints (metrics/healthcheck) Content type support SSL support Detailed README 100% test coverage Example project 'advanced-communication' that has two interconnected Services showing the use of wookiee-helidon and wookiee-discovery Examples of functional and OOP usages of both HTTP and WS endpoints Example of communication across services using Discoverable Commands Refactor of deeply deprecated patterns in wookiee-grpc-dev Creation of LoggingAdapterIO for IO wrapped logging Scalafmt to 3.7.11, guava to 32.1.1-jre, removal of log4cats, removal of slf4j-impl, akka downgrade to 2.6.20
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Commits on Nov 8, 2023
Wookiee 2.4.1: Kafka, Actor Expansion, Java Interoperability (#232)
* New lightweight, non-Wookiee dependent Kafka library for simplified interactions with Kafka * Additional methods and preStart support for Actors - Fix Router to be able to handle PreStart messages - WookieeActor now starts up through an explicit method WookieeActor.actorOf * Signatures/Constructors all over Wookiee for Java types * Wookiee Web - Adding method to retrieve all registered endpoints in wookiee-web - Add WookieeHttpComponent to allow adding commands to a Component when wookiee-web comes up - Headers now have case-insensitive keys - Lowercase all query parameter keys * Removal of wookiee-akka-http Component and Deps * Cats effect 3.4.8, ZK up to 3.8.3, Helidon to 2.6.4, Netty to 4.1.100.Final
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Commits on Nov 28, 2023
* Process method for consumers * Netty TC to 2.0.62.Final * Scala PB to 0.11.14 * Lowercase for schema in grpc * Close kafka readers when underlying consumer is closed * Finagle to 23.11.0 * SnakeYaml to 2.2 * Match higher versions in wookiee 2.3 * 2.4.2
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Commits on Feb 20, 2024
Wookiee v2.4.3: Kafka Test Helper, Localization Web Support, CORS Ori…
…gins, Kafka Test Support * CaseInsensitiveMap class to give scala support for concurrency-safe, immutable, case-insensitive keyed maps-- with support for scala 2.12 and 2.13 * Switch to a 'Using' structure for try-with-resources patterns * Can now Broadcast a message to every Component at once * Java interop support for Commands (down through HttpCommand) * LoggingAdapter - Can now log error and forget it happened without blocking using LoggingAdapter.asyncLogErrorAndForget(something(), Some("it failed I guess")) - New logging debug function called LoggingAdapter.printLoggingClasses() that prints out the bindings for all slf4j related libraries to the console + Use this when logging becomes an issue * wookiee-web - Query parameters, path segments, and headers are all case-insensitive now - Access Logging can be turned off via configuration (wookiee-web.access-logging.enabled) - Locale support for requests that contain the 'accept-languages' header - Request added to error handler signatures for both HTTP and WS - Health check and other system endpoints are now internal-only - Many additional static methods in HttpObject for Java interop - Extra methods in WookieeRequest for accessing details - Json parse will no longer error out in contentJson() method - Logging bridge added to allow Helidon to append to slf4j logs - Added request timeout configs for both internal and external servers to allow one to return after a set interval (with a 504 code) if request takes longer than that timeout - Can set allowed origins after startup via a convenience method in WebManager - Keep-alive ping support in websockets, can be turned on via configuration - Added per-endpoint ability to specify more strict allowed origins via the EndpointOptions * wookiee-kafka - KafkaTestHelper -- public utility class with tons of helpful methods and automation for kafka-related testing - The popular ZooMode class is now native, helpful for local Zookeeper instances for testing - resetToLatest now defaults to 'false' - process convenience functional method for consuming data - close underlying consumer when kafka readers are closed - most objects now extend AutoCloseable * wookiee-grpc - Added load balancing policy to list of args in channel creation, w/ default of RoundRobinHashedPolicy * grpc to 1.59.1, jul-to-slf4j added as dep, logback-core an explicit dep
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