A sample illustration of helm based installation of OCI OKE,based on artifact upload.
ℹ️ Summary of Interactions
Use OCI Service Connector Hub to invoke a function when there is a repository artifact upload event.
The Function will deploy the artifiact using helm to the OCI OKE.
The whole interaction is encompassed inside a private Virtual cloud network subnet.
Global flow diagram
📗 Setup Dynamic groups
1- A DG for functions .
resource.type = 'fnfunc'
resource.compartment.id = 'ocid1.compartment.oc1..xx'
2- A DG for Artifact repo.
ALL {resource.type = 'artifactrepository', resource.compartment.id = 'ocid1.compartment.oc1..xx'}
📗 Setup Policies
1 - Policy for function access OKE.
Allow dynamic-group <FUNCTION DG NAME> to manage cluster-family in compartment <COMPARTMENT NAME>
2 - Policy for function to read artifact.
Allow dynamic-group <FUNCTION DG NAME> to read all-artifacts in compartment <COMPARTMENT NAME>
3 - Policy to associate service connector hub and functions.
allow any-user to use fn-function in compartment id <COMPARTMENT OCID> where all {request.principal.type='serviceconnector', request.principal.compartment.id='<COMPARTMENT OCID>'}
allow any-user to use fn-invocation in compartment id <COMPARTMENT OCID> where all {request.principal.type= 'serviceconnector', request.principal.compartment.id='<COMPARTMENT OCID>'}
📗 Setup OCI Artifact Registry repo.
- Create an Artifact registry repo.
- Select or unselect mutable artifact options according your needs.
- Make a note of the repo's OCID.
📗 Setup an OCI OKE.
- Create an OCI OKE Cluster.
- Here we are using Quick create work flow ,you may use Custom one if you would like to create OKE with in your Private subnets.
- Ensure to select Private Endpoint / Private Worker ,you may use Public one as well.
📗 Update VCN.
As we have used the OKE Quick Create work flow ,it will create VCN and associated compartments.Incase if you are using custom flow ,update your VCN with respective configurations - reference.
We will be using the Private subnet used for OKE node to use for functions ,to be with in the same private network.To do so follow the below configurations .
Use VCN > OKE Specific VCN > Click on oke-nodesubnet > Edit the Security rule > Add an ingress rule .This would helm our jump host to access /function to allow helm and kubectl access.
Add an additional Ruting table entry to allow the loadbalancer (we will be using public load balancer).To do so
Go to the VCN of OKE > Select Routing Table > Use Create Route Table
- Click the route table , and add a new Route Rules.Select the target type as Internet Gateway,select the default Internetgateway created byt he OKE Quick create flow ,if not select the custom one which you have created along with OKE VCN setups.
📗 Setup the Functions
- Create a function application,use the Private subnet of OKE nodesubet.Incase of custom OCI OKE flow , select possible private network with which the OKE and functions can communicate.
- Use the Application > Getting Started and setup the function context ,either on cloud shell or your local machine.
- Git clone and build the functions .
$ git clone https://github.com/RahulMR42/oci-helmdeploy-with-artifactrepo-and-functions
$ cd oci-helmdeploy-with-artifactrepo-and-functions
$ fn list apps (Valid the application name and context)
$ Update the func.yaml provide the region and oke cluster id.
$ fn deploy -v --app <FN APPLICATION NAME>
- Verify the functions via application > Functions view .
- Enable logs for the application via console.
📗 Setup OCI Service Connector Hub
- Create a service connector hub connecting artifact update/upload event and the functions that we just created.
- Select the source as Logging and target as Functions
In the configure source part ,select Artifact Registry and select the events are as Generic Artifact update /update by path and upload by path.
Add an additional query and put data.request.path attribute with * *
Add One more additional filter ,select the Attribute as source and enter 'sample-fastapi.zip' .Here we using a wildcard selection with a name ,which will be used as a target path while we will be uploading the helm artifacts to OCI artifacts repo.
Or You may switch to Advance mode and paste the below query
search "<OCID of OCI Compartment>/_Audit_Include_Subcompartment" | (type='com.oraclecloud.artifacts.updategenericartifactbypath' or type='com.oraclecloud.artifacts.putgenericartifactcontentbypath' or type='com.oraclecloud.artifacts.updategenericartifact') and (data.request.path='*<OCI of Artifact Repo>*') and (source='*sample-fastapi*')
- Skip configure Tasks.
- At the target section select the application and functions.
📗 Create a Bastion and a Jump hosts (Optional)
Create an instance , use the private subnet used for functions (OKENODE SUBNET)
Ensure to enable Oracle Cloud agent at the time of creation .
Refer the document here and copy the inline script if the instance is not having an access to public yum repo.
Eg for Centos 8 as below,you can use the 'Show advanced option' and paste the inline script.
#!/bin/sh cd ~ curl -O https://objectstorage.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/p/-VOLFC0_me9TRHlsK9wLQihmRZe4-UjzinOrAvIORZhqZbPoH1P6cSocD1GFwvZW/n/imagegen/b/agents/o/oracle-cloud-agent-1.18.0-6194.el8.x86_64.rpm -v
Ensure the bastion plugin is enabled (If not enable it) and ensure its in 'Running State'. It would take a while/2 - 5 mnts in the first time.
- Create an OCI bastion ,with this and the instance with Private network we will be able to check our OKE deployment using native commands.
Use the same subnet where we have function /instance and OKE node.
Once the bastion is ready create a ssh port forwarding session.
- Select the instance we created .
- Add the correct ssh public key from a file or copy.
Once it became active , use the 3 dots and copy the SSH command .
Go to your local machine from where we would want to establish the connection ,open a terminal and paste the SSH command.
You should provide the correct path to your ssh private key.
- If the session is ok ,it would stay with out any output ,with out closing the terminal ,open another one on your local machine.
ssh -i oci_rsa -p <LOCAL PORT USED IN THE ABOVE COMMAND> opc@localhost
Now you are in to the JUMP hosts.
Go back to the OCI OKE > Access Cluster and setup the machines
You need to install OCI CLI /follow the procedure and use the command given to get the access to OKE cluster.
It would ask information while configuring OCI CLI and please provide those (Tenancy ID /User ID / Region etc)
Install kubectl and helm using the official documentation.
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl-linux/
- Helm installation.
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin; curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/main/scripts/get-helm-3 | bash; mv /usr/local/bin/helm /usr/bin/helm
Try to access the OKE cluster and validate .
Incase of an error ,check your VCN placement / CIDRs / OKE setups etc.
📗 Lets Test ..
To do so use your local machine where you have OCI CLI & Helm installed or use OCI Cloud shell .
Clone the sample application.
$ git clone https://github.com/RahulMR42/sample-python-app-with-helm-chart
- Build docker image.
$ cd sample-python-app-with-helm-chart
$ docker login <dtr url> (Provide credentials when prompted)
$ docker build -t <dockerurl/sample-python-app:<tag> . (EG: docker build -t <OCI Region>.ocir.io/<Namespace>/sample-python-app:1.0 .)
$ docker push <dockerurl/sample-python-app:<tag>
- Update the values for helm chart.
$ vi helmchart/sample-fastapi-app/values.yaml
- Update below values
image > repository:
image > tag
- Create a helm package
$ helm package helmchart/sample-fastapi-app
- Now we will push to the artfact using OCI CLI.
oci artifacts generic artifact upload-by-path --repository-id <OCI Artifact Repo OCID> --artifact-path sample-fastapi.zip --artifact-version <VERSION in numbers > --content-body <PATH TO HELM PACKAGE>
- Ensure to use the same path name as that of referred in the service connector query.
- Ensure the upload is successfull via the artifact repo UI .
📗 Verify the outcome
- Validate this via the jump hosts using kubectl command.
- Validate the resources and fetch the loadbalancer IP to test the application.
- You can validate the URL via browser as well ,as in this case we are using public loadbalancer (use http://).
- You can verify the function invokvation via the function application logs too .
- Use OCI Console >Applicatons >Logs >Loger name
🎵 Tail end
- You may use values from Vault as an input to functions and can use as an input to helm too.
- Dont forget to clean up the resources using helm delete or kubectl delete
- If you want to test again ,change the chart in the sample application ,do a helm packge and upload to artifact repo.
- You update the application via the python code (main.py) ,do a new docker build ,update the chart values.yaml image tag and upload too.
- Author : Rahul M R.
- Colloboroators : NA
- Last release : Dec 2021