- Invoke a deployment pipeline when a user uploads a new container image.
- We will be using the OCI Service Connector hub to connect between the image upload and deployment pipeline invoke.
$ git init oci-devops-deploy-on-imageupload
$ cd oci-devops-deploy-on-imageupload
$ git remote add origin https://github.com/oracle-devrel/oci-devops-examples
$ git config core.sparsecheckout true
$ echo "oci-deployment-examples/oci-devops-deploy-on-imageupload/*">>.git/info/sparse-checkout
$ git pull --depth=1 origin main
The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) DevOps service is an end-to-end, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform for developers.
Use this service to easily build, test, and deploy software and applications on Oracle Cloud. The DevOps build and deployment pipelines reduce change-driven errors and decrease the time customers spend on building and deploying releases. The service also provides private Git repositories to store your code and supports connections to external code repositories.
Read more here
- Service Connector Hub is a cloud message bus platform that offers a single pane of glass for describing, executing, and monitoring the movement of data between services in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
- Data is moved using service connectors. A service connector specifies the source service that contains the data to be moved, optional tasks, and the target service for delivery of data when tasks are complete. An optional task might be a function task to process data from the source or a log filter task to filter log data from the source.
- Read more here
Oracle Functions is a fully managed, multi-tenant, highly scalable, on-demand, Functions-as-a-Service platform. It is built on enterprise-grade Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and powered by the Fn Project open-source engine. Use Oracle Functions (sometimes abbreviated to just Functions) when you want to focus on writing code to meet business needs.
Read more here
Create an OCI notification topic - https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/Notification/Tasks/managingtopicsandsubscriptions.htm#createTopic
Create an OCI Dynamic group and add the below rules. Replace <YOUR_COMPARMENT_OCID> with your compartment OCID. - https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/Identity/Tasks/managingdynamicgroups.htm
ALL {resource.type = 'devopsdeploypipeline', resource.compartment.id = '<YOUR_COMPARMENT_OCID>'}
ALL {resource.type = 'fnfunc', resource.compartment.id = '<YOUR_COMPARMENT_OCID>'}
- Create an OCI policy and add the following policy statements. Replace <YOUR_DynamicGroup_NAME> with the name of your dynamic group, and <YOUR_COMPARTMENT_NAME> with the name of your compartment. - https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/Identity/Concepts/policies.htm
Allow dynamic-group <YOUR_DynamicGroup_NAME> to manage devops-family in compartment <YOUR_COMPARTMENT_NAME>
Allow dynamic-group <YOUR_DynamicGroup_NAME> to manage generic-artifacts in compartment <YOUR_COMPARTMENT_NAME> Allow dynamic-group <YOUR_DynamicGroup_NAME> to manage generic-artifacts in compartment <YOUR_COMPARTMENT_NAME>
Allow dynamic-group <YOUR_DynamicGroup_NAME> to use ons-topics in compartment <YOUR_COMPARTMENT_NAME>
Allow group <YOUR_DynamicGroup_NAME> to manage cluster-family in compartment <YOUR_COMPARTMENT_NAME>
- Create an OKE with public nodes and a public API server - https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/ContEng/home.htm
- Create a public OCI Container registry repo - https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/Registry/Tasks/registrycreatingarepository.htm#Creating_a_Repository
- Create a DevOps project - https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/devops/using/create_project.htm#create_a_project. Associate with the notification topic.
- Enable logging for the DevOps project.
Create a DevOps artifact - https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/devops/using/artifacts.htm
Use type as
Kubernetes manifest
and source asInline
. -
Use the content of the file [deploy. yaml](deploy. YAML), with correct reference to the container image path.
Enable parameterization.
image: <OCI Region>.ocir.io/<Namespace>/<Name of the Repo>:${BUILDRUN_HASH}
- Create a DevOps
Kubernetes Cluster Environment
- https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/devops/using/create_oke_environment.htm
- Create a new DevOps
deployment pipeline
- https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/devops/using/deployment_pipelines.htm - Add below as `Deployment parameters
Name : BUILDRUN_HASH / Default value : 0.0
Name : namespace / Default value : ns-deploy
- Under the pipeline add a stage, type as
Apply manifest to your Kubernetes cluster
- Select the
created and save the stage.
- Use
OCI Cloud shell
and clone the repo.
- Create an OCI Function application - https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/Functions/Tasks/functionscreatingapps.htm#Creating_Applications
- You may use the same VCN that was created as part of OKE.
- Follow
Getting started
under the Application and set up the Cloud shell (Follow until step 7).
- Validate the
via cloud shell.
fn list apps
- Update the function configuration.
$ cd oci-devops-deploy-on-imageupload/functions
$ Edit func.yaml
- Provide the values for
with OCI Region andoci_deployment_pipeline_id
and the OCI of the deployment pipeline.
- Deploy the application
$ fn deploy --app <Name of Your FN Application> -v
-Enable the logs
for application.
Create an oci service connector under the root of the tenancy - https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/service-connector-hub/managingconnectors.htm#create
Select source as
and target asFunctions
- At this stage, you may switch to
Advanced mode to configure
service connector, or follow the below steps underbasic mode
- Under configured source, select
Root of the tenancy
as compartment name. - Select log group as
,alsoInclude _Audit in subcompartments
- Select Filter type as
event type
service name asRegistry
and Event type asContainer Image - Upload
- Click on
+ Another filter
- Select Filter type as
, Attribute name assource
and Attribute values as the name of the container registry repo. - Name of the container registry repo must be without the namespace name.
- Copy below to the
Query code editor
and replace it with the correct values
search "<OCID of your Tenancy ROOT >/_Audit_Include_Subcompartment" | (type='com.oraclecloud.artifacts.uploaddockerimage') and (source='<NAME of the Container registry repo >')
### With Basic or Advanced mode of the configuration of service connector.
Skip the
Configure task
option and underConfigure target
select the function application and name of the function. -
Accept the
for policy creation.
- Create the service connector.
- Switch back to
OCI Cloud shell
- Create a docker image.
$ docker build -t <OCI Region>.ocir.io/<Namespace>/<Name of the Repo>:0.0 .
- Upload the docker image.
$ docker push <OCI Region>.ocir.io/<Namespace>/<Name of the Repo>:0.0
- After a while (about 10 seconds ), switch to the OCI Deployment pipeline - check for
- Click on the same and wait until the completion.
- Switch to
click onAccess Cluster
followCloud Shell Access
- Once it's done, use kubectl commands and get the application details.
kubectl get all -n ns-deploy
- Fetch the
and access the application via browser (http://) or curl.
curl http://<EXTERNAL-IP>
- Switch to
, Logs and click onLog name
and you can refer to the logs about the execution.
- In case of failure of the service connector, you may refer to the documentation and also you can verify the logs view under the service connector, using the edit option, it should show at least one log (after the first docker push), if not adjust the filter and validate
- Author: Rahul M R.
- Last release: July 2022