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+## RandomUniform {#openvino_docs_ops_generation_RandomUniform_8}
+**Versioned name**: *RandomUniform-8*
+**Category**: Generation
+**Short description**: *RandomUniform* operation generates a sequence of random values from a uniform distribution.
+**Detailed description**:
+*RandomUniform* operation generates random numbers from a uniform distribution in the range `[*minval*, *maxval*)`.
+The generation algorithm is based on underlying random integer generator that uses Philox algorithm. Philox algorithm
+is a counter-based pseudo-random generator, which produces uint32 values. Single invocation of Philox algorithm returns
+four result random values, depending on the given *key* and *counter* values. *Key* and *counter* are initialized
+with *seed* and *seed2* attributes respectively.
+key = seed\\
+counter = seed2
+Link to the original paper [Parallel Random Numbers: As Easy as 1, 2, 3](https://www.thesalmons.org/john/random123/papers/random123sc11.pdf)
+The result of Philox is calculated by applying a fixed number of *key* and *counter* updating so-called "rounds".
+This implementation uses 4x32_10 version of Philox algorithm, where number of rounds = 10.
+Suppose we have *n* which determines *n*-th 4 elements of random sequence.
+In each round *key*, *counter* and *n* are splitted to pairs of uint32 values:
+R = cast\_to\_uint32(value)\\
+L = cast\_to\_uint32(value >> 32),
+where *cast\_to\_uint32* - static cast to uint32, *value* - uint64 input value, *L*, *R* - uint32
+result values, >> - bitwise right shift.
+Then *n* and *counter* are updated with the following formula:
+L'= mullo(R, M)\\
+R' = mulhi(R, M) {\oplus} k {\oplus} L \\
+mulhi(a, b) = floor((a {\times} b) / 2^{32}) \\
+mullo(a, b) = (a {\times} b) \mod 2^{32}
+where `{\oplus}` - bitwise xor, *k* = `R_{key}` for updating counter, *k* = `L_{key}` for updating *n*,
+*M* = `0xD2511F53` for updating *n*, *M* = `0xCD9E8D57` for updating *counter*.
+After each round *key* is raised by summing with another pair of const values:
+L += 0x9E3779B9 \\
+R += 0xBB67AE85
+Values *L'_{n}*, *R'_{n}*, *L'_{counter}*, *R'_{counter}* are resulting four random numbers.
+Float values between [0..1) are obtained from 32-bit integers by the following rules.
+Float16 is formatted as follows: *sign*(1 bit) *exponent*(5 bits) *mantissa*(10 bits). The value is interpreted
+using following formula:
+(-1)^{sign} * 1, mantissa * 2 ^{exponent - 15}
+so to obtain float16 values *sign*, *exponent* and *mantissa* are set as follows:
+sign = 0
+exponent = 15 - representation of a zero exponent.
+mantissa = 10 right bits from generated uint32 random value.
+So the resulting float16 value is:
+x_uint16 = x // Truncate the upper 16 bits.
+val = ((exponent << 10) | x_uint16 & 0x3ffu) - 1.0,
+where x is uint32 generated random value.
+Float32 is formatted as follows: *sign*(1 bit) *exponent*(8 bits) *mantissa*(23 bits). The value is interpreted
+using following formula:
+(-1)^{sign} * 1, mantissa * 2 ^{exponent - 127}
+so to obtain float values *sign*, *exponent* and *mantissa* are set as follows:
+sign = 0
+exponent = 127 - representation of a zero exponent.
+mantissa = 23 right bits from generated uint32 random value.
+So the resulting float value is:
+val = ((exponent << 23) | x & 0x7fffffu) - 1.0,
+where x is uint32 generated random value.
+Double is formatted as follows: *sign*(1 bit) *exponent*(11 bits) *mantissa*(52 bits). The value is interpreted
+using following formula:
+(-1)^{sign} * 1, mantissa * 2 ^{exponent - 1023}
+so to obtain double values *sign*, *exponent* and *mantissa* are set as follows:
+sign = 0
+exponent = 1023 - representation of a zero exponent.
+mantissa = 52 right bits from two concatinated uint32 values from random integer generator.
+So the resulting double is obtained as follows:
+mantissa_h = x0 & 0xfffffu; // upper 20 bits of mantissa
+mantissa_l = x1; // lower 32 bits of mantissa
+mantissa = (mantissa_h << 32) | mantissa_l;
+val = ((exponent << 52) | mantissa) - 1.0,
+where x0, x1 are uint32 generated random values.
+To obtain a value in a specified range each value is processed with the following formulas:
+For float values:
+result = x * (maxval - minval) + minval,
+where *x* is random float or double value between [0..1).
+For integer values:
+result = x \mod (maxval - minval) + minval,
+where *x* is uint32 random value.
+Example 1. *RandomUniform* output with `seed` = 150, `seed2` = 10, `output_type` = f32:
+input_shape = [ 3, 3 ]
+output = [[0.7011236 0.30539632 0.93931055]
+ [0.9456035 0.11694777 0.50770056]
+ [0.5197197 0.22727466 0.991374 ]]
+Example 2. *RandomUniform* output with `seed` = 80, `seed2` = 100, `output_type` = double:
+input_shape = [ 2, 2 ]
+minval = 2
+maxval = 10
+output = [[5.65927959 4.23122376]
+ [2.67008206 2.36423758]]
+Example 3. *RandomUniform* output with `seed` = 80, `seed2` = 100, `output_type` = i32:
+input_shape = [ 2, 3 ]
+minval = 50
+maxval = 100
+output = [[65 70 56]
+ [59 82 92]]
+* *output_type*
+ * **Description**: the type of the output. Determines generation algorithm and affects resulting values.
+ Output numbers generated for different values of *output_type* may not be equal.
+ * **Range of values**: "i32", "i64", "f16", "bf16", "f32", "f64".
+ * **Type**: string
+ * **Required**: *Yes*
+* *seed*
+ * **Description**: global seed value.
+ * **Range of values**: positive integers
+ * **Type**: `int`
+ * **Required**: *Yes*
+* *seed2*
+ * **Description**: operational seed value.
+ * **Range of values**: positive integers
+ * **Type**: `int`
+ * **Required**: *Yes*
+* **1**: `shape` - 1D tensor of type *T_SHAPE* describing output shape. **Required.**
+* **2**: `minval` - scalar or 1D tensor with 1 element with type specified by the attribute *output_type*,
+ defines the lower bound on the range of random values to generate (inclusive). **Required.**
+* **3**: `maxval` - scalar or 1D tensor with 1 element with type specified by the attribute *output_type*,
+ defines the upper bound on the range of random values to generate (exclusive). **Required.**
+* **1**: A tensor with type specified by the attribute *output_type* and shape defined by `shape` input tensor.
+* *T_SHAPE*: `int32` or `int64`.
+*Example 1: IR example.*
+ 3
diff --git a/docs/ops/opset8.md b/docs/ops/opset8.md
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* [PriorBox](detection/PriorBox_1.md)
* [Proposal](detection/Proposal_4.md)
* [PSROIPooling](detection/PSROIPooling_1.md)
+* [RandomUniform](generation/RandomUniform_8.md)
* [Range](generation/Range_4.md)
* [ReLU](activation/ReLU_1.md)
* [ReadValue](infrastructure/ReadValue_3.md)