diff --git a/src/common/transformations/src/transformations/transpose_sinking/ts_unsqueeze.cpp b/src/common/transformations/src/transformations/transpose_sinking/ts_unsqueeze.cpp
index c46dffec0e5c97..cdeb9226ed236c 100644
--- a/src/common/transformations/src/transformations/transpose_sinking/ts_unsqueeze.cpp
+++ b/src/common/transformations/src/transformations/transpose_sinking/ts_unsqueeze.cpp
@@ -190,9 +190,19 @@ TSUnsqueezeBackward::TSUnsqueezeBackward() {
                 return false;
         } else {
-            auto rank = main_node->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank();
-            non_negative_axes =
-                util::try_get_normalized_axis_vector(unsqueeze_axes->get_tensor_view(), rank, *main_node);
+            const auto& axes = unsqueeze_axes->cast_vector<int64_t>();
+            if (std::all_of(axes.begin(), axes.end(), [](int64_t axis) {
+                    return axis >= 0;
+                })) {
+                non_negative_axes = std::vector<size_t>(axes.begin(), axes.end());
+            } else {
+                auto rank = main_node->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank();
+                if (rank.is_dynamic()) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                non_negative_axes =
+                    util::try_get_normalized_axis_vector(unsqueeze_axes->get_tensor_view(), rank, *main_node);
+            }
         auto transpose_order_values = transpose_order->cast_vector<size_t>();
diff --git a/src/common/transformations/tests/transpose_sinking/ts_common_test.cpp b/src/common/transformations/tests/transpose_sinking/ts_common_test.cpp
index 67433eead4f639..d71c9006edd38a 100644
--- a/src/common/transformations/tests/transpose_sinking/ts_common_test.cpp
+++ b/src/common/transformations/tests/transpose_sinking/ts_common_test.cpp
@@ -1636,6 +1636,47 @@ auto test_backward_reshape_unsqueeze = []() {
+auto test_backward_unsqueeze_dyn_rank = []() {
+    TestCase test_case;
+    // Initialize common attributes
+    test_case.transformation = CREATE_PASS_FACTORY(TSUnsqueezeBackward);
+    test_case.num_main_ops = {1};
+    test_case.inputs_to_main = {
+        parameter(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()),
+        constant<int64_t>(element::i32, {2}, {-1}),
+    };
+    auto dyn_transpose = [](const vector<size_t>& idxs, const OutputVector& out_vec) -> OutputVector {
+        OutputVector result = out_vec;
+        for (const auto& idx : idxs) {
+            const auto& out = out_vec[idx];
+            // fill the order const with the stub values {-1, -2}
+            auto order = make_shared<Constant>(element::i32, Shape{2}, vector<int64_t>{-1, -2});
+            auto transpose = make_shared<Transpose>(out, order);
+            result[idx] = transpose;
+        }
+        return result;
+    };
+    // Test model description:
+    test_case.model.main_op = {CREATE_BINARY_FACTORY(Unsqueeze)};
+    test_case.model.preprocess_outputs_of_main = {{dyn_transpose}, {{0}}};
+    test_case.model.model_template = create_model;
+    // Ref model description, the same as the original model, the transformation is not applied
+    // it's expected.
+    test_case.model_ref.main_op = {CREATE_BINARY_FACTORY(Unsqueeze)};
+    test_case.model_ref.preprocess_outputs_of_main = {{dyn_transpose}, {{0}}};
+    test_case.model_ref.model_template = create_model;
+    return wrapper(test_case);
+                         TSTestFixture,
+                         test_backward_unsqueeze_dyn_rank());
 }  // namespace common
 }  // namespace testing
 }  // namespace transpose_sinking