Any artificial neural network topology can be represented as a sequence of mathematical operations (or Ops
) on some data.
The first thing we need to do in order to evaluate an Op
is to load its input data to the processing unit (typically CPU or GPU, we consider CPU below for definiteness).
Then the unit can perform all the necessary manipulations with the data.
When this stage is finished, the computation results should be stored back to memory to make space for the next portion of input data, and also to make the results available to subsequent Ops
So basically an Op
execution time is defined by two factors: how fast we can move data from the memory to the processor (and back), and how fast the processor can perform the computations.
These factors are called memory and computation bandwidth, respectively.
Due to significant advancements in microprocessor technologies, computational bandwidth has grown faster than the memory bandwidth over the past decades.
As a result, the majority of Ops
are memory-bound, so their execution time is controlled by a memory bandwidth.
The rare exceptions include convolutions and matrix multiplications.
These exceptions could be very important for some workloads, so a lot of work is done to increase their computational bandwidth (Advanced Matrix Registers for example).
However, this topic is covered elsewhere and here we will focus on more common memory-bound Ops
A typical approach to accelerate execution of memory-bound Ops
is to perform vertical fusings (or simply fusings below).
It is important to understand the concept of fusings, so let's cover it in more detail.
Imagine we need to execute two operations as a part of our workflow: Op 1
and Op 2
, as shown on the picture below.
graph LR
op1(Op 1)
Tensor1 --> op1 --> Tensor2
op2(Op 2)
Tensor2 --> op2 --> Tensor3
classDef no-bg-color fill:none,stroke-width:0px
classDef steel1 fill:#B9D6E5, stroke: #86B3CA, color: #262626
classDef daisy1 fill:#FFE17A, stroke: #FEC91B, color: #262626
%%class op1,op2 steel1
class Tensor1,Tensor2,Tensor3 daisy1
Op 1
takes Tensor 1
as a single input and produces Tensor 2
as an output, this tensor is then read by Op 2
that in turn produces Tensor 3
A typical execution pipeline of this minimalistic example is depicted on the next figure. Note that the pipeline is usually deployed on multicore processing units which can run several execution threads in parallel.
graph LR
subgraph ParallelSection1 [Parallel Section]
op1_0(Op 1 Kernel)
op1_3(Op 1 Kernel)
Tensor1 --> op1_0 --> Tensor2
Tensor1 --> op1_1 --> Tensor2
Tensor1 --> op1_2 --> Tensor2
Tensor1 --> op1_3 --> Tensor2
subgraph ParallelSection2 [Parallel Section]
op2_0(Op 2 Kernel)
op2_3(Op 2 Kernel)
Tensor2 --> op2_0 --> Tensor3
Tensor2 --> op2_1 --> Tensor3
Tensor2 --> op2_2 --> Tensor3
Tensor2 --> op2_3 --> Tensor3
classDef no-bg-color fill:none,stroke-width:0px
classDef steel1 fill:#B9D6E5, stroke: #86B3CA, color: #262626
classDef daisy1 fill:#FFE17A, stroke: #FEC91B, color: #262626
class op1_0,op1_1,op1_2,op1_3 steel1
class op2_0,op2_1,op2_2,op2_3 steel1
class Tensor1,Tensor2,Tensor3 daisy1
In order to take advantage of the multithreading, the Op's
input tensor is divided into several blocks that could be processed independently, we will call them subtensors
Then each of the threads executes its own copy of Op's
kernel that reads only a part of the input tensor and writes a corresponding part of the output tensor.
As one can see from the picture, tensors serve as synchronisation points between parallel regions.
It means that a thread that finished earlier has to wait for all other threads to complete the task, which could impact overall performance of the pipeline.
To understand another potential performance bottleneck, let's have a look at Op 1 Kernel
implementation scheme which is shown on the graph below.
graph LR
InputMemory[In Memory\n Pointer]
OutputMemory[Out Memory\n Pointer]
subgraph OpKernel [Op Kernel]
subgraph Loop [Loop]
direction RL
op(Op \n instructions)
Load --> |VR| op
op -->|VR| Store
Store -..->|Increment GPRs\n And repeat while needed| Load
InputMemory -- GPR --> Load
Store -- GPR --> OutputMemory
classDef no-bg-color fill:none,stroke-width:0px
classDef steel1 fill:#B9D6E5, stroke: #86B3CA, color: #262626
classDef daisy1 fill:#FFE17A, stroke: #FEC91B, color: #262626
class OpKernel steel1
class InputMemory,OutputMemory daisy1
In order to make any manipulations with data, the kernel needs to know where the input data is located and where it should place the output data.
So the typical kernel takes input and output memory pointers as runtime arguments.
In our example, input memory pointers are passed to the kernel in general-purpose registers (note the GPR
label on the arrow to Load
At first, a small portion of data is loaded from this location into a vector register (or several registers), which is designated by the Load
box and VR
label on the picture.
Then the kernel performs all the necessary manipulations with the registers (the Op instructions
box) and places the result in another vector register.
This result should then be written to memory using the provided output memory pointer (the Store
Note that each vector register can contain only a tiny amount of data (16 32 bit floats on modern processors, for example), so the described loop should be repeated many times.
Also keep in mind that we need to increment GPRs
after every iteration to account for the processed data entries.
So the kernel has three main blocks: Op instructions
, Load
and Store
Let's now consider what factors impact their performance.
The Op instructions
works with data that is already in vector registers, so its execution time is computation bound.
On the contrary, the Load
and Store
blocks move data between the memory and vector registers, so their performance is controlled by the memory bandwidth.
Note that almost every modern processor has a very high-bandwidth on-chip memory called cache, so we don't have to load data directly from RAM on every iteration of the kernel loop.
Instead, a larger data chunks, are copied from RAM to cache, and then the kernel can load from the cache.
This however doesn't change the overall picture since every data record should be copied all the way from RAM to the vector register.
As was discussed in the beginning of this section, computational bandwidth of modern processors is usually much higher than the memory bandwidth, so the overall kernel performance is controlled by the performance of the Load
and Store
In order to tackle this problem, we need to perform more computations per every loaded data entry. One of the ways to do so is to fuse consecutive operations into one kernel, as shown on the figure below.
graph LR
%% {init: { "flowchart": {"width": 0.1, "useMaxWidth": true} }}
subgraph ParallelSection1 [Parallel Section]
op1_0(Fused Op Kernel)
op1_3(Fused Op Kernel)
Tensor1 --> op1_0
Tensor1 --> op1_1
Tensor1 --> op1_2
Tensor1 --> op1_3
op1_0 --> Tensor3
op1_1 --> Tensor3
op1_2 --> Tensor3
op1_3 --> Tensor3
classDef no-bg-color fill:none,stroke-width:0px
classDef steel1 fill:#B9D6E5, stroke: #86B3CA, color: #262626
classDef daisy1 fill:#FFE17A, stroke: #FEC91B, color: #262626
class op1_0,op1_1,op1_2,op1_3 steel1
class Tensor1,Tensor2,Tensor3 daisy1
Note that there is no Tensor 2
anymore, since the Fused Op Kernel
reads from Tensor 1
, performs both Op 1
and Op 2
calculations, and writes directly to Tensor 3
It's important to keep in mind that not every two operations could be fused, since a thread needs to work on its piece of data independently in order to run in parallel.
So there must be no data dependencies between the parts of Tensor 1
or Tensor 2
assigned to different threads.
A good example of such operations is addition and multiplication (or any other elementwise Ops
), since every data entry is processed independently of the others.
It doesn't mean that other operations can't be fused, but additional care must be taken to account for data dependencies.
Fusings could significantly improve performance.
Firstly, fusing eliminates thread synchronization point, since there is no Tensor 2
Secondly, as shown on the scheme below, fused op kernel executes both Op 1
and Op 2 instructions
without redundant Store
and Load
graph LR
InputMemory[In Memory\n Pointer]
OutputMemory[Out Memory\n Pointer]
subgraph OpKernel [Fused Op Kernel]
subgraph Loop [Loop]
direction LR
op1(Op 1 \n instructions)
op2(Op 2 \n instructions)
Load --> |VR| op1
op1 --> |VR| op2
op2 -->|VR| Store
Store -.->|Increment GPRs\n And repeat while needed| Load
InputMemory -- GPR --> Load
Store -- GPR --> OutputMemory
classDef no-bg-color fill:none,stroke-width:0px
classDef steel1 fill:#B9D6E5, stroke: #86B3CA, color: #262626
classDef daisy1 fill:#FFE17A, stroke: #FEC91B, color: #262626
class OpKernel steel1
class InputMemory,OutputMemory daisy1
In other words, instead of writing the results of Op 1 instructions
to memory (via Store
) and reading them back (via Load
), Op 2 instructions
are executed directly on vector registers available after Op 1 instructions'
This way we increase the amount of computations performed per every Load
cycle and thus relax the memory bandwidth limitation.
The described fusing technique is well-established and widely used across the industry. It is especially profitable, since it allows one to reduce execution time without any associated accuracy penalties. Note however, that fusings are not entirely free, since they are introducing additional complications to existing pipeline:
- First, you have to implement single
jit kernels (Load
,Op instructions
blocks). - Next, you need a mechanism that allows to merge several jit kernels into one (execute several
Op instructions
blocks inside one kernel). - Finally, you need to develop an algorithm that understands what kinds of
can be fused, and accounts for their data dependencies.
A common approach to tackle these issues is to create a set of hand-crafted fusing transformations.
For instance, OneDNN offers a post-ops fusing mechanism, and it is relatively easy to implement fusigns of simple elementwise operations using this mechanism.
This approach has proven to be both convenient and effective in the past, however it does not meet the demands of the present.
Indeed, a rapidly increasing variety of deep-learning models creates an even faster growing demand for new fusing patters.
This makes it increasingly expensive to support and extend the set of hand-crafted fusing transformations, so a new more scalable approach is required.
The Snippets
were specifically designed to address this issue.
The Snippets
is a code generation framework that provides a scalable approach to operations' fusings and enablement.
One of the most distinctive feature of Snippets
is a flexible yet universal design.
They are not bound to a specific backend or concrete kernel implementations, but provide a jit kernel interface instead.
This interface allows Snippets
to perform register assignment as well as a wide range of other backend-independent optimizations.
are also highly configurable and allow a backend to provide a custom optimizations that can be executed at different stages of the pipeline.
This unique combination of flexibility and scalability is driven by Snippets
design, so let's discuss it in more detail.
Before we consider any specific transformations and implementation features, it is very useful to keep in mind a clear coarse-grained picture of the whole pipeline.
So we start our discussion with Snippets
The first thing you need to know about Snippets
architecture is that the Snippets
is a compiler, a highly specialized compiler for computational graphs.
So let's consider a typical compiler architecture on the figure below.
graph LR
Source[Source \n code]
Executable[Executable \n code]
subgraph Compiler [Compiler]
direction LR
Source --> Frontend
Backend --> Executable
classDef no-bg-color fill:none,stroke-width:0px
classDef steel1 fill:#B9D6E5, stroke: #86B3CA, color: #262626
classDef daisy1 fill:#FFE17A, stroke: #FEC91B, color: #262626
class Frontend,Optimizer,Backend steel1
class Source,Executable daisy1
A typical compiler consists of three main units: Frontend
, Optimizer
and Backend
takes source code as an input and produces an intermediate representation (or simply IR
), or several IRs
is an object that describes the essence of the source code, but in a more convenient way than the source files.
This IR
is then used by the Optimizer
to improve the program in a desired way (increase the performance for example) without modification of it's meaning.
Finally, the Backend
uses the optimized IR
to produce executable code.
As shown on the figure below, Snippets
are organized in a very similar way.
graph LR
Source[OpenVINO \n model]
subgraph Snippets
direction LR
subgraph Optimizer[Optimizer]
direction LR
Data[Data flow \n optimizations]
Converter[Convert \n IR]
Control[Control flow \n optimizations]
Data-->|OpenVINO \nIR|Converter
Converter-->|Linear \nIR|Control
Frontend[Tokenizer]-->|OpenVINO \nIR|Data
Control-->|Linear \nIR|Backend[Generator]
Source --> Frontend
Backend --> Executable[Kernel]
classDef no-bg-color fill:none,stroke-width:0px
classDef steel1 fill:#B9D6E5, stroke: #86B3CA, color: #262626
classDef daisy1 fill:#FFE17A, stroke: #FEC91B, color: #262626
class Frontend,Optimizer,Backend steel1
class Source,Executable daisy1
Instead of a source code, Snippets
take OpenVINO
model as an input.
Then the Tokenizer
(which is essentially a Snippets
) parses an input OpenVINO model
, and tries to find a part of the model that could be processed by Snippets
If such a part is found, Tokenizer
converts it to an OpenVINO IR
and stores inside a Subgraph
- is one of the two IR
types used by Snippets
, it is simply a small OpenVINO model
that can contain Snippets
-specific operations.
is then passed to the Optimizer
unit that in turn consists of three subunits.
The purpose of the first subunit is to perform data flow optimizations. The second subunit converts OpenVINO IR
(data-flow-oriented representation) to Linear IR
(control-flow-focused IR). Finally, the third subunit is dedicated to control flow optimizations.
After all optimizations, the Linear IR
is used by the Generator
(which is Snippets
) to produce executable code, which we will refer to as Kernel
As discussed in the Introduction, the purpose of the Kernel
is to process a part of the initial tensor, and several Kernels
are usually executed in parallel to process the whole tensor.
Note that a Kernel
usually applies several operations (Op instructions
blocks from the Introduction), the exact number depends on the source model topology: sometimes it's just a couple, but could more than twenty Ops
The Snippets
workflow discussed above provides a somewhat simplified picture, since all snippets-irrelevant stages were skipped for the sake of clarity.
In reality the workflow stages are not executed successively, but triggered at different stages of the plugin pipeline.
The Snippets
integration into the plugin pipeline is schematically depicted below.
graph LR
subgraph Plugin[<font size=+2> Plugin pipeline </font>]
direction LR
subgraph openvino[<b> Transformations on OpenVINO model </b>]
direction LR
common[Common \n Transformations]
lpt[Low \n Precision]
convert[Conversion to \n Plugin opset]
subgraph internal[<b> Transformations on internal plugin graph </b>]
direction LR
subgraph create["CreateComputePrimitive"]
direction LR
subgraph execute["Execute"]
direction LR
Source[OpenVINO \n model]-->|Main \n flow|common
classDef no-bg-color fill:none,stroke-width:0px
classDef steel1 fill:#B9D6E5, stroke: #86B3CA, color: #262626
classDef daisy1 fill:#FFE17A, stroke: #FEC91B, color: #262626
classDef dafault_node1 fill:#ECECFF
class tokenize,optimize,generate steel1
class Source,Executable daisy1
class create,execute dafault_node1
As one can see from the picture, overall plugin pipeline consists of two major blocks: the first block applies transformations to OpenVINO model
while the second one works with the internal plugin graph representation. Since Snippets
is a backend-independent framework, it can't work with the plugin graph or plugin-specific Ops
directly, so the tokenization is performed immediately before plugin-specific operations are introduced into the graph (Conversion to Plugin opset
replaces parts of the OpenVINO model
that can be executed by Snippets
with ov::op::Subgraph
OpenVINO nodes.
Each of the nodes stores a piece of the initial OpenVINO model
that was replaced by the node.
This piece is stored as an OpenVINO model itself, which we refer to as OpenVINO IR
to distinguish from the original OpenVINO model
Note that sometimes the exact type of IR
is not important in our discussion.
In such cases, we will refer to the IR
or Linear
) as body function
, or simply body
When the plugin finalizes all OpenVINO model
transformations, the model is converted to an internal plugin graph representation.
At this point ov::op::Subgraph
is converted to ov::intel_cpu::node::Snippet
which still retains the OpenVINO IR
This IR is then optimized and an executable Kernel
is produced during the CreateComputePrimitive
stage (CreatePrimitive()
stage in CPU plugin).
Finally, multiple copies of the produced kernel executed in parallel during the Execute
This brief description finalizes our discussion of Snippets architecture.
To summarize, Snippets
workflow consists of three major blocks: Tokenizer
, Optimizer
and Generator
. Let's discuss each of them in detail below.
is run on an OpenVINO model
and its main purpose is to identify subgraphs that are suitable for code generation.
These subgraphs are then replaced with the ov::op::Subgraph
This stage is called tokenization because the Tokenizer
employs a greedy algorithm similar to the ones used for parsing input stream of characters into tokens.
One of the distinctive features of this algorithm is its flexibility, so it can seamlessly handle arbitrary operations' patterns.
This differentiates the tokenization from the pattern matching approach used in traditional and MLIR-based compilers.
Pattern matching can indeed process only a limited set of predefined operations' configurations, so the relations between the operations are fixed in this case.
Thus, the tokenization's flexibility becomes a significant advantage when the number of new ML topologies increases rapidly, so it becomes more and more expensive to support and extend a large set of patterns.
The tokenization algorithm is depicted on the flowchart below.
flowchart LR
suitable{Can be processed\n by Snippets?}
parent{Has \n Subgraph \n parent?}
multiparent{More than \n one?}
merge["Merge \n Subgraphs"]
start["Start \n Subgraph"]
attach["Attach to \n Subgraph"]
next("Consider next Node")
classDef no-bg-color fill:none,stroke-width:0px
classDef steel1 fill:#B9D6E5, stroke: #86B3CA, color: #262626
classDef daisy1 fill:#FFE17A, stroke: #FEC91B, color: #262626
classDef dafault_node1 fill:#ECECFF
class tokenize,optimize,generate steel1
class Source,Executable daisy1
class create,execute dafault_node1
Let us briefly describe the process:
- If a Node is not supported by
, then ignore it and proceed to the next one. - If a Node has no
parents, then replace it withSubgraph
node and copy the initial Node to theSubgraph's
body (which is in theOpenVINO IR
form). - If a Node has a single
parent, then attach it to theSubgraph
. It means copy the Node to theSubgraph's
body, and remove it from the originalOpenVINO model
. Note that if the Node has more than one parent, corresponding parents' outputs will be connected with the updatedSubgraph
as shown on the diagram below. - If a Node has multiple
parents, then they will be merged into a singleSubgraph
and the Node will be attached to it.
graph LR
subgraph left[" "]
direction TB
P10[Parameter 1]-->S0["Relu"]
P20[Parameter 2]--->Add0-->R0["Result"]
subgraph middle[" "]
direction TB
P11[Parameter 1]-->S1["Subgraph"]
P21[Parameter 2]--->Add1-->R1["Result"]
subgraph right[" "]
direction TB
P12[Parameter 1]--->S2["Subgraph"]
P22[Parameter 2]--->S2-->R2["Result"]
left-->|<font size=+1>Start Subgraph\n with Relu </font>|middle
middle-->|<font size=+1>Attach Add\n to Subgraph</font>|right
classDef no-bg-color fill:none,stroke-width:0px
class left,middle,right no-bg-color
The algorithm described above reflects a general idea behind the tokenization process, but there are of course other details that should be considered in a real-life implementation.
For instance, the Tokenizer
should take additional care to avoid creation of cyclic dependencies when attaching a Node to Subgraph
Similarly, Subgraph
is not allowed to connect with more than one Result
In both of the cases, a new Subgraph
is started instead of attaching to the existing one to avoid an illegal configuration.
Another interesting case is the tokenization of constant nodes.
If a Constant
represents a single value (scalar) and its child was attached to a Subgraph
, then the Constant
also attached to the same Subgraph
If a Constant
is not scalar, then it can't be tokenized since storing Constant's
values requires memory management, and memory management is a plugin responsibility.
Please refer to the collapse_subgraph.cpp to gain more insights on the tokenization process.
There is however one more aspect of the tokenization process that is worth covering here.
As discussed in the Plugin integration section above, the Tokenizer
is executed before the plugin converts the OpenVINO model
to an internal graph representation.
It means that the tokenized nodes will not be visible to the plugin (since they are hidden inside Subrgaphs'
body functions), so they will be ignored by plugin optimization passes.
In particular, the plugin won't be able to fuse the nodes using the OneDNN post-ops mechanism.
This type of fusings is backend-specific, therefore can't be supported by Snippets
directly, but it's still important from the performance perspective.
To avoid this kind of fusing conflicts, Snippets
allow a plugin to mark a node as SkippedByPlugin
so it will be ignored by the Tokenizer
It is a plugin responsibility to mark all nodes that (can be tokenized, but) should be ignored by Snippets
with a SkippedByPlugin
tag (defined in tokenization.hpp).
This is usually implemented as a separate markup transformation that is applied immediately before the tokenization.
Please, refer to the snippets_mark_skipped.cpp pass for a detailed example.
As briefly discussed in the Architecture section, Optimizer
consists of two major units: the first one performs data flow optimization, and the second one is focused on control flow.
Note however that some data-flow-related passes can be performed only after the control flow optimizations, so the second unit modifies the dataflow as well.
Nevertheless, we will refer to the units as Data flow optimizer
and Control flow optimizer
to reflect their main purpose.
Keep in mind that, as discussed above, the Data flow optimizer
operates exclusively on the OpenVINO IR
, while the Control flow optimizer
works with the Linear IR
We will discuss these units in more detail below.
Before Data flow optimizer
can modify data flow, it needs to perform a preliminary stage called Canonicalization
To understand the stage's purpose we need to make a step back to the tokenization.
The Tokenizer
saves a part of the initial OpenVINO function
in Subgraph's
The problem is that the OpenVINO function
has no information about data layouts that will be used by the Subgraph's
parents during the Execution
This happens because the plugin assigns layouts on internal graph representation well after the tokenization is finished.
The purpose of Canonicalization
is to incorporate the plugin-defined input layouts into the body function.
If an input's layout was changed to a blocked one, then the corresponding body input Parameter
will be reshaped, and new shapes will be propagated through the body function.
support different layouts on different inputs.
Trailing 1
will be appended to the shapes of the inputs with planar layouts in this case to match the blocked inputs.
These cases will be properly handled by the Snippets
pipeline using automatic broadcasting.
This way Canonicalization
incorporated plugin-provided layouts into the Subgraph
and thus produces layout-aware output shapes that will be used for scheduling.
The next stage is the actual data flow optimizations, the stage has two main objectives.
First, it inserts utility operations to make the data flow explicit and suitable for further optimizations and code generation.
Second, it replaces some Ops
(or Ops'
patterns) with operations from the custom Snippets::op
opset to allow for generation of a more efficient code.
The data flow optimizations are shape-agnostic transformations which allow to perform the stage Data flow optimization
on subgraphs with dynamic shapes.
Let's consider an example below to clarify this stage's mechanics.
graph LR
subgraph left[" "]
direction TB
P10[Parameter 1]-->|"[3,2,?,?]"|S0["Multiply"]
C10[Constant 1]-->|"[1,1,1,1]"|S0
C20[Constant 2]-->|"[1,1,1,1]"|Power0
P20[Parameter 2]--->|"[3,2,?,?]"|Add0
subgraph middle[" "]
direction TB
P11[Parameter 1]-->|"[3,2,?,?]"|S1["Multiply"]
C11[Scalar 1]-->|"[1,1,1,1]"|S1
P21[Parameter 2]--->|"[3,2,?,?]"|Add1
left-->|Data flow \n optimization|middle
%% middle-->|<font size=+1>Attach Add\n to Subgraph</font>|right
classDef no-bg-color fill:none,stroke-width:0px
class left,middle,right no-bg-color
The picture above demonstrates body functions' state before (left) and after (right) the Data flow optimization
, labels on the arrows designate output shapes of corresponding operations.
Here what happend with the graph during the optimizations:
nodes were replaced withScalars
opset. This is needed to allow for generation of a more efficient code, since a corresponding ScalarEmitter allows to store values directly inside theKernel
.- The
sequence was replaced with thePowerStatic
operation (Snipppets
opset). Again, this allows to generate more specialized and performant code.
This should give you a general idea on how the Data flow optimizer
works, please refer to data_flow_transformations(...)
in subgraph.cpp for more details.
The last thing worth mentioning here is that the Snippets
also allow a plugin to perform target-specific optimizations by providing set of positioned passes to
(which in turn calls both data_flow_transformations(...)
and control_flow_transformations(...)
Positioned passes (defined in positioned_pass.hpp) represent the transformation itself and the place where it should be registered in the transformation manager,
which allows the plugin to flexibly register its own passes.
As follows from its name, the main objective of Control flow optimizer
is to manage and optimize control flow of the kernel.
Since the OpenVINO IR
doesn't have an explicit control flow representation, a special control-flow-oriented IR
was developed.
It is called Linear IR
(or simply LIR
), let's discuss it first, before we consider the transformation pipeline.
Linear IR
is specially designed to facilitate manipulations with control flow.
It is called linear, because it is essentially a sequence of Expressions
(an analog of OpenVINO Op
) that represents control flow.
So if Expression 1
is followed by Expression 2
in LIR
then the code for Expression 1
will be emitted before the code for Expression 2
Note that this doesn't necessarily mean that the Expression 2
uses the result of Expression 1
, they can be completely unrelated from the data flow standpoint.
The only restriction here is that all the Expression's
inputs must be ready by the time it is executed.
This restriction is the same as in OpenVINO IR
, but an important distinction here is that LIR
allows to permute Expressions
while this data-dependency condition is fulfilled.
So the LIR
preserves data dependencies, but also allows for a more control on expressions' order that represents control flow.
This is a brief rationale behind the linear IR
, now let's move to the implementation.
A coarse grained LIR
implementation scheme is shown on the figure below (to the left).
Let's discuss all the presented elements one-by-one.
flowchart LR
subgraph Implementation
direction TB
Expression-->|Can \n create|ExpressionPort
ExpressionPort-->|Contains \n Pointer|Expression
subgraph Usage[Moving between Expressions]
direction TB
Expression1[Expression 1]-->|"get_output_port_connector( i )"|Connector1[PortConnector i]
subgraph consumers[" "]
direction LR
ExpressionPort1[ExpressionPort 1]
ExpressionPort2[ExpressionPort 2]
ExpressionPort1-->|"get_expr()"|Expression3[Child Expression 1]
classDef no-bg-color fill:none,stroke-width:0px
classDef no-bg fill:none,stroke:#9370DB
class Implementation,Usage no-bg-color
class consumers no-bg
is our graph representation, it's an analog to an OpenVINO model.
It is simply a container for Expressions
, the order of Expressions
represents control flow.
also incorporates a range of useful methods to manage the Expressions
, for example create_expression(...)
to build Expressions
from OpenVINO nodes.
Please refer to the implementation in linear_ir.cpp for more details.
is the main building block of a Linear IR
It contains a pointer to the OpenVINO node it was created from and a pointer to the emitter it will be mapped to (which is null until Expression::init_emitter(...)
is called).
An Expression
can have an arbitrary number of inputs and outputs, we will refer to them simply as ports.
Every port can be uniquely identified by the ExpressionPort
The ExpressionPort
contains a pointer to the Expression
which port it represents, the port type (input
or output
) and its index (input/output number).
Note that the ExpressionPort
is not stored in the Expression
because you don't typically need it if you already have the Expression
It can however be constructed on demand by the get_input_port(i)
or get_output_port(i)
While the ExpressionPort
uniquely identifies an expression and its port, PortDescriptor
specifies how the Expression
interprets the data on the port.
For instance, PortDescriptor
stores a tensor shape and layout it expects (or utilizes) on the port.
It also describes the port's subtensor, which is a part of the tensor that will be processed by a dedicated emitter on a single iteration.
This information will be used by the control flow optimization pipeline to determine whether two Expressions
are compatible (can be executed inside one loop for example), or to calculate proper pointer increments between consecutive loop iterations.
An Expression
internally stores two separate vectors of input and output PortDescriptors
which could be accessed by calling get_input_port_descriptors()
or get_input_port_descriptor(i)
(and similar for outputs).
Finally, PortConnectors
specify how the Expression's
ports are connected.
Note that an Expression
output can be connected to several inputs (like with OpenVINO nodes), So every PortConnector
stores one source ExpressionPort
and a set of consumer ExpressionPorts
that can be accessed by the get_source()
or get_consumers()
methods, respectively.
Like with PortDescriptors
, an Expression
stores input and output PortConnectors
in two separate vectors accessed via get_input_port_connector(i)
(or its output twin).
An example on how PortConnectors
can be used to move between Expressions
is given on the right side of the above picture.
So if we need to get a child expression connected to the i-th expression's output, we need to call expression->get_output_port_connector(i)
first to obtain a corresponding connector, then to call connector->get_consumers()
to obtain a set of connected ExpressionPorts
, and finally ExpressionPort->get_expr()
to access a child expression.
Note that if a PortDescriptor
is required, you can obtain it directly (without getting Expression
first) by calling ExpressionPort->get_descriptor_ptr()
, so the ExpressionPort
will snag the right PortDescriptor
from the Expression
for you.
Concluding this section, it's worth mentioning that the LinearIR
currently provides several debug features: debug_print()
, serialization, performance counters and segfault detector.
The first one prints input and output PortConnectors
and PortDescriptors
for every Expression
to stderr.
The second one allows users to serialize the LIR
in two representations: as a control flow graph of LinearIR
using the pass SerializeControlFlow
as a data flow graph of LinearIR
using the pass SerializeDataFlow
(control flow operations (e.g. LoopBegin
) are not serialized).
The both serializations are saved in xml
OpenVINO graph format, where a lot of useful parameters are displayed for every Expression
Please see and for more info regarding the performance counters and segfault detector.
The LinearIR
also provides a a convenient interface for working with new Expressions
This interface includes the insert_node(...)
method that creates a new Expression
based on the passed ov::Node
and inserts it in the specified place in the LinearIR
The insert_node(...)
method automatically performs all the necessary actions for full integration into the LinearIR
(connection with parents and consumers and updates of the corresponding LoopInfo
This helper is used in several control flow transformations, that are usually named InsertSomething
. Consider the InsertLoadStore
pass as an example insert_load_store.cpp.
The method replace_with_node(...)
replaces the existing Expressions
in the LinearIR
with the new Expression
. This Expression
is created from the passed ov::Node
The example of using the helper might be found in the LoadMoveBroadcastToBroadcastLoad
pass inside load_movebroadcast_to_broadcastload.cpp.
The method replace_with_expr(...)
replaces the existing Expressions
in the LinearIR
with the passed Expression
For more details regarding these helpers please refer to the relevant descriptions in LinearIR
interface inside linear_ir.cpp.
The pipeline is mainly focused on an automatic loop injection and loop optimizations, but some transformations affecting data flow are also included.
The exact set of transformations executed in the pipeline will likely change as the Snippets
evolve and develop, but it is worthwhile to cover some of them briefly to give you an idea on how the pipeline looks like:
- performs an analysis ofExpressions'
connectivity and theirPortDescriptors
. Based on this information, the pass divides theExpression
into groups, so that each of the groups can be executed inside one loop. Every group is described by aloop_id
, and additional information is saved inLoopInfo
- analyzes the assignedloop_ids
, fuses some loops if possible. This pass can move someExpressions
up or down the graph, so theExpressions
with the sameloop_ids
are grouped together.InsertBuffers
- analyzesLoopInfo
semantics, insertssnippets::op::Buffer
is an operation that represents a memory buffer needed to save some intermediate results.InsertLoadStore
- inserts explicit memory access operations likeLoad
(both fromsnippets::op
). These are needed, so appropriate instructions will be emitted during the code generation stage to move data between memory and vector registers.InitLoops
- initialize data pointer shift parameters (pointer increments and finalization offsets for each loop port) inLoopInfo
- inserts explicitLoopBegin
) operations based on the acquiredLoopInfo
. Again, the explicit operations are needed to emit appropriate instructions later.InsertBroadcastMove
with several inputs since a special broadcasting instruction needs to be generated to broadcast a single value to fill the whole vector register.LoadMoveBroadcastToBroadcastLoad
sequences into a singleBroadcastLoad
is responsible for a safeBuffer
data pointer increments and common memory size calculation. For more details refer please to the end of this section.CleanRepeatedDataPointerShifts
- eliminates redundant pointer increments from the loops.PropagateLayout
- propagates data layouts toParameters
(actually to correspondingExpressions
), soKernel
will be able to calculate appropriate data offsets for every iteration of an external parallel loop.
As mentioned above the op::Buffer
operations are managed by the pass AllocateBuffers
Before describing the algorithm, it is necessary to briefly consider the structure of Buffer
- All
representBuffer scratchpad
together (a common memory that is needed for intermediate results storing). - Each
has anoffset
relative to the common data pointer (pointer ofBuffer scratchpad
with the sameRegGroup
have the same assigned register) andClusterID
(the buffers from the same cluster refer to the same memory area - they have the sameoffset
relative to theBuffer scratchpad
data pointer).
The algorithm supports two modes: optimized and non-optimized.
The optimized one calculates minimal memory size and minimal unique RegGroup
count required to handle all the buffers.
The non-optimized version assigns each buffer an unique RegGroup
, ClusterID
and offset
The first mode is the default one, while the second one might be used for debugging the optimized version.
The optimized algorithm AllocateBuffers
has the main following steps:
- analyzesBuffers
access patterns to avoid redundant pointer increments. A graph coloring algorithm is utilized for this purpose.DefineBufferClusters
- creates sets ofBuffer
ops (buffer clusters) and setClusterID
value toBuffer
ops. As noticed above,Buffers
from one cluster refer to the same memory area. For example, there is a loop withBuffer
ops on input and output. If the body of this loop can write data to the memory from which it was read, theseBuffers
are in one cluster.SolveBufferMemory
- calculate the most optimal memory size ofBuffer scratchpad
based onBufferClusters
and life time ofBuffers
More details on control flow optimization passes could be found in the control_flow_transformations(...)
method inside subgraph.cpp.
When all the passes are applied, the LinearIR
is handled further to the Generator
to emit executable code.
The main purpose of the Generator
is to emit executable code.
The code emission process could be divided into two stages: Preparation
that could be shared between several targets, and target-specific Emission
The ov::snippets::Generator
class provides a target-independent interface to the generation process and performs the Preparation
It also stores the TargetMachine
instance, which is responsible for the Emission
Let's discuss the target-independent stage first.
The Preparation
consists of low-level target-independent transformations needed to prepare the IR
for code generation.
There are currently two such transformations:
assigns registers toExpressions
based on their data dependencies. This register assignment is organized in three steps implemented as separate passes:InitLiveRanges
assigns an abstract register to everyPortConnector
and determines their live intervals based on data dependencies. Note that the assigned registers are stored inPortDescriptors
and could be obtained viaget_reg()
. Similarly, theget_live_regs()
method returns live registers for the given expression.AssignRegisters
uses the information collected byInitLiveRanges
to map abstract register to the physical ones. Physical registers that have non-overlapping live intervals will be reused.- Finally,
operations to spill (and restore) some registers to the stack and update live registers for affected expressions. For example, this is needed to reduce ABI call overheads if we need to call a binary inside a loop. Different types of registers are managed and assigned independently, and a particular register type required by anExpression
is provided by theov::snippets::Generator
(or a derived generator for target-specificOps
injects initialization section before a loop body and tail-processing section after a loop body if needed. Note that every loop has two parameters that specify how its body is evaluated:work_amount
indicates how much of the data needs to be processed, it often equals to the dimension's size the loop is working on. Theincrement
defines how many data entries are processed on every loop iteration (it usually equals to vector size for the innermost loops of elementwise subgraph). So if a loop'swork_amount
is not evenly divisible by itsincrement
, it means that a tail processing is required.InsertSpecificIterations
duplicates the body of such a loop, rescales pointer increments and load/store masks appropriately, and injects theseOps
immediately after the processed loop.CleanupLoopOffsets
"fuses" the finalization offsets of loop with an outer loop's pointer increments and zeroes the offsets beforeResult
moves all pointer arithmetic to finalization offsets inLoopEnd
, and marks the loops that will be executed only once. This information will be used during code emission to eliminate redundant instructions.
Please see init_registers.cpp and insert_specific_iterations.cpp for more info regarding the main passes in the Preparation
When the Preparation
is finished, the Generator
constructs target-specific emitters by calling init_emitter(target)
method for every Expression
in the LinearIR
, where the target
is a TargetMachine
The TargetMachine
is a class that provides generator with target-specific information, such as supported instruction sets, vector register size etc.
also maps the OpenVINO's DiscreteTypeInfo
(stored in the Expression
) to the emitter that actually implements the operation.
The mapping is done using the jitters
map defined in target_machine.hpp.
In order for this mechanism to work, every Snippets'
code generation backend should create emitter implementations derived from the Emitter
base class defined in emitter.hpp.
The backend then should create its own target machine class (derived from the common TargetMachine
) and populate the jitters
map, see the cpu_generator.cpp for an implementation example.
Note that init_emitters(...)
only initializes the appropriate emitters, but do not actually emit any code.
To perform code emission, a snippets::op::Kernel
operation is constructed (see generator.cpp), its constructor takes the IR
with all the initialized emitters as an only input argument.
Then a KernelEmitter
is created from the Op
using the standard mapping approach.
Finally, the kernel->emit_code({}, {})
command initiates the code emission.
Note that the emit_code(...)
is called only for the KernelEmitter
, and the emitter is responsible for calling the same method for the rest of the expressions in the IR
This encapsulation is needed because the KernelEmitter
performs mapping of the assigned abstract registers to physical registers available on a particular platform.
Another important function of the KernelEmitter
is to calculate input/output data offsets based on dimension indices provided in runtime, and to shift corresponding data-handling registers accordingly.
Keep in mind however, that the required functionality of the KernelEmitter
depends on how the rest of the emitters are implemented (particularly for Load
We've discussed above how the emitters for the intel_cpu
plugin are implemented (see jit_snippets_emitters.cpp for more details), but a different backend might require a different approach depending on hardware specifics.