diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index bab3c5fc3..4ed4d07e1 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ npm-debug.log transifex.auth +interim diff --git a/interim/icons.json b/interim/icons.json deleted file mode 100644 index 4884164c6..000000000 --- a/interim/icons.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,843 +0,0 @@ -[ - "far-credit-card", - "far-snowflake", - "fas-ambulance", - "fas-apple-alt", - "fas-archive", - "fas-archway", - "fas-baby", - "fas-baby-carriage", - "fas-balance-scale", - "fas-bath", - "fas-beer", - "fas-bell", - "fas-biking", - "fas-blender", - "fas-book", - "fas-border-all", - "fas-bowl-rice", - "fas-box", - "fas-box-open", - "fas-bugs", - "fas-building-flag", - "fas-bullseye", - "fas-burn", - "fas-camera-retro", - "fas-cannabis", - "fas-car-battery", - "fas-car-crash", - "fas-carrot", - "fas-cat", - "fas-charging-station", - "fas-cheese", - "fas-chess-bishop", - "fas-chess-knight", - "fas-chess-pawn", - "fas-chevron-circle-up", - "fas-child-reaching", - "fas-church", - "fas-cocktail", - "fas-code", - "fas-coins", - "fas-comment", - "fas-comments", - "fas-compact-disc", - "fas-compress-arrows-alt", - "fas-concierge-bell", - "fas-couch", - "fas-crosshairs", - "fas-crown", - "fas-crutch", - "fas-cube", - "fas-cut", - "fas-dice", - "fas-directions", - "fas-dolly", - "fas-door-closed", - "fas-door-open", - "fas-dove", - "fas-drafting-compass", - "fas-dragon", - "fas-drumstick-bite", - "fas-dumbbell", - "fas-dumpster", - "fas-dumpster-fire", - "fas-dungeon", - "fas-eye", - "fas-film", - "fas-fire-extinguisher", - "fas-fish", - "fas-flag-checkered", - "fas-flask", - "fas-frog", - "fas-futbol", - "fas-gavel", - "fas-guitar", - "fas-hammer", - "fas-hand-holding", - "fas-handshake", - "fas-hat-cowboy-side", - "fas-helmet-safety", - "fas-hiking", - "fas-horse", - "fas-hospital-alt", - "fas-hot-tub-person", - "fas-hotdog", - "fas-hotel", - "fas-house-damage", - "fas-house-fire", - "fas-ice-cream", - "fas-jar", - "fas-key", - "fas-language", - "fas-laptop", - "fas-leaf", - "fas-life-ring", - "fas-mail-bulk", - "fas-map", - "fas-map-signs", - "fas-medkit", - "fas-microchip", - "fas-microphone", - "fas-mobile-alt", - "fas-mosque", - "fas-motorcycle", - "fas-music", - "fas-newspaper", - "fas-paint-roller", - "fas-paperclip", - "fas-pen-ruler", - "fas-people-carry", - "fas-pepper-hot", - "fas-person-arrow-up-from-line", - "fas-person-booth", - "fas-phone-alt", - "fas-pills", - "fas-plane", - "fas-plane-departure", - "fas-plate-wheat", - "fas-plug", - "fas-plug-circle-bolt", - "fas-print", - "fas-procedures", - "fas-puzzle-piece", - "fas-rocket", - "fas-running", - "fas-satellite-dish", - "fas-school", - "fas-screwdriver", - "fas-seedling", - "fas-server", - "fas-shoe-prints", - "fas-shopping-basket", - "fas-shopping-cart", - "fas-sign-hanging", - "fas-skating", - "fas-skiing", - "fas-skiing-nordic", - "fas-sleigh", - "fas-smoking", - "fas-snowboarding", - "fas-solar-panel", - "fas-spa", - "fas-space-shuttle", - "fas-spoon", - "fas-stamp", - "fas-store", - "fas-store-alt-slash", - 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"iD-crossing_markings-lines_paired", - "iD-crossing_markings-surface", - "iD-crossing_markings-zebra", - "iD-crossing_markings-zebra_bicolour", - "iD-crossing_markings-zebra_double", - "iD-crossing_markings-zebra_paired", - "iD-highway-living-street", - "iD-highway-motorway", - "iD-highway-motorway-link", - "iD-highway-primary", - "iD-highway-primary-link", - "iD-highway-residential", - "iD-highway-secondary", - "iD-highway-secondary-link", - "iD-highway-service", - "iD-highway-steps", - "iD-highway-tertiary", - "iD-highway-tertiary-link", - "iD-highway-trunk", - "iD-highway-trunk-link", - "iD-highway-unclassified", - "iD-multipolygon", - "iD-other-line", - "iD-pipeline-line", - "iD-power-line", - "iD-relation", - "iD-restriction", - "iD-restriction-no-left-turn", - "iD-restriction-no-right-turn", - "iD-restriction-no-straight-on", - "iD-restriction-no-u-turn", - "iD-restriction-only-left-turn", - "iD-restriction-only-right-turn", - "iD-restriction-only-straight-on", - "iD-restriction-only-u-turn", - "iD-route", - "iD-route-detour", - "iD-route-master", - "iD-waterway-canal", - "iD-waterway-ditch", - "iD-waterway-river", - "iD-waterway-stream", - "maki-aerialway", - "maki-airport", - "maki-alcohol-shop", - "maki-american-football", - "maki-amusement-park", - "maki-aquarium", - "maki-art-gallery", - "maki-attraction", - "maki-bakery", - "maki-bank", - "maki-bar", - "maki-barrier", - "maki-baseball", - "maki-basketball", - "maki-bbq", - "maki-beer", - "maki-bicycle", - "maki-blood-bank", - "maki-bridge", - "maki-building", - "maki-cafe", - "maki-campsite", - "maki-car", - "maki-car-rental", - "maki-car-repair", - "maki-casino", - "maki-castle", - "maki-cemetery", - "maki-cinema", - "maki-circle", - "maki-circle-stroked", - "maki-city", - "maki-clothing-store", - "maki-college", - "maki-commercial", - "maki-communications-tower", - "maki-confectionery", - "maki-cricket", - "maki-cross", - "maki-dam", - "maki-danger", - "maki-defibrillator", - "maki-dentist", - "maki-doctor", - "maki-dog-park", - 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"roentgen-power_pole_triangle", - "roentgen-power_pole_triangle_armless", - "roentgen-power_tower_1_level", - "roentgen-power_tower_2_level", - "roentgen-power_tower_3_level", - "roentgen-power_tower_4_level", - "roentgen-power_tower_asymmetric", - "roentgen-power_tower_barrel", - "roentgen-power_tower_delta", - "roentgen-power_tower_delta_2_level", - "roentgen-power_tower_delta_3_level", - "roentgen-power_tower_donau", - "roentgen-power_tower_flag", - "roentgen-power_tower_guyed_h_frame", - "roentgen-power_tower_h_frame", - "roentgen-power_tower_h_frame_2_level", - "roentgen-power_tower_portal", - "roentgen-power_tower_portal_2_level", - "roentgen-power_tower_portal_3_level", - "roentgen-power_tower_triangle", - "roentgen-power_tower_x_frame", - "roentgen-power_tower_y_frame", - "roentgen-rings", - "roentgen-rumble_strip", - "roentgen-shield_volcano___smoke_2", - "roentgen-slide", - "roentgen-slide_and_water", - "roentgen-stratovolcano", - "roentgen-stratovolcano___lava", - "roentgen-stratovolcano___smoke", - "roentgen-stratovolcano___smoke_2", - "roentgen-telescope-radio", - "roentgen-tower", - "roentgen-traffic_cushion", - "roentgen-traffic_table", - "roentgen-tree", - "roentgen-tube", - "roentgen-tube_guyed", - "roentgen-turning_loop", - "roentgen-volcanic_cone___smoke_2", - "temaki-abseiling", - "temaki-accessible_space", - "temaki-accounting", - "temaki-adit_profile", - "temaki-aerialway_pole", - "temaki-airport", - "temaki-amusement_park", - "temaki-anchor_medal", - "temaki-antenna", - "temaki-anvil_and_hammer", - "temaki-app_terminal", - "temaki-archery", - "temaki-army_tent", - "temaki-atm2", - "temaki-balance_beam", - "temaki-balloon", - "temaki-barn", - "temaki-beach", - "temaki-beauty_salon", - "temaki-bench", - "temaki-benchmark_disk", - "temaki-bicycle_locker", - "temaki-bicycle_parked", - "temaki-bicycle_rental", - "temaki-bicycle_repair", - "temaki-bicycle_shed", - "temaki-bicycle_structure", - "temaki-bicycle_wash", - "temaki-bikini", - "temaki-billboard", - "temaki-binoculars", - 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"temaki-campfire", - "temaki-cape_landform", - "temaki-capitol", - "temaki-car_dealer", - "temaki-car_parked", - "temaki-car_pool", - "temaki-car_structure", - "temaki-car_wash", - "temaki-carport", - "temaki-casino", - "temaki-catering", - "temaki-cattle_grid", - "temaki-chairlift", - "temaki-chicane_arrow", - "temaki-chimney", - "temaki-cleaver", - "temaki-cliff_falling_rocks", - "temaki-clock", - "temaki-cloth", - "temaki-clothes_hanger", - "temaki-coffee", - "temaki-compass", - "temaki-conveyor", - "temaki-cooling_tower", - "temaki-coral_reef", - "temaki-crossing_markings-ladder", - "temaki-crossing_tram_solid", - "temaki-crossing_tram_striped", - "temaki-curtains", - "temaki-cycle_barrier", - "temaki-cyclist_crosswalk", - "temaki-dagger", - "temaki-desk_lamp", - "temaki-detergent_bottle", - "temaki-diamond", - "temaki-disc_golf_basket", - "temaki-domed_tower", - "temaki-donut", - "temaki-drag_lift", - "temaki-dress", - "temaki-drink_cup", - "temaki-elevator", - "temaki-embassy", - "temaki-fashion_accessories", - "temaki-ferry", - "temaki-field_hockey", - "temaki-fighter_jet", - "temaki-fire_hydrant", - "temaki-fire_hydrant_underground", - "temaki-fireplace", - "temaki-fish_cleaning", - "temaki-fish_ladder", - "temaki-footwear_decontamination", - "temaki-fountain", - "temaki-freight_car", - "temaki-furniture", - "temaki-garden_bed", - "temaki-gas", - "temaki-gas_manhole", - "temaki-gate", - "temaki-golf_cart", - "temaki-golf_green", - "temaki-gondola_lift", - "temaki-goods_lift", - "temaki-gown", - "temaki-grapes", - "temaki-grass", - "temaki-guard_rail", - "temaki-hair_care", - "temaki-hammer_shoe", - "temaki-handbag", - "temaki-hangar", - "temaki-hanging_rail", - "temaki-hearing_aid", - "temaki-hedge", - "temaki-height_restrictor", - "temaki-hinduism", - "temaki-horizontal_bar", - "temaki-horn_cleat", - "temaki-horse_shelter", - "temaki-horseshoes", - "temaki-hot_drink_cup", - "temaki-houseboat", - "temaki-hunting_blind", - "temaki-hut", - "temaki-ice_fishing", - "temaki-info_board", - "temaki-island_trees_building", - "temaki-islet_tree", - "temaki-j_bar_lift", - "temaki-junction", - "temaki-junk_car", - "temaki-kerb-flush", - "temaki-kerb-lowered", - "temaki-kerb-raised", - "temaki-kerb-rolled", - "temaki-kerb-unspecified", - "temaki-kitchen_sink", - "temaki-latrine", - "temaki-laundry", - "temaki-lawn", - "temaki-letter_box", - "temaki-lift_gate", - "temaki-light_rail", - "temaki-lipstick", - "temaki-lounger", - "temaki-manhole", - "temaki-manufactured_home", - "temaki-mast", - "temaki-mast_communication", - "temaki-mast_lighting", - "temaki-maze", - "temaki-milestone", - "temaki-military", - "temaki-military_checkpoint", - "temaki-milk_jug", - "temaki-mineshaft_cage", - "temaki-money_hand", - "temaki-monorail", - "temaki-motorcycle_rental", - "temaki-motorcycle_repair", - "temaki-mountain_cross", - "temaki-mountain_range", - "temaki-movie_rental", - "temaki-museum", - "temaki-natural_arch", - "temaki-needle_and_spool", - "temaki-obelisk", - "temaki-oil_well", - "temaki-parking_space", - "temaki-passport_checkpoint", - "temaki-ped_cyclist_crosswalk", - "temaki-pedestrian", - "temaki-pedestrian_and_cyclist", - "temaki-pedestrian_crosswalk", - "temaki-pedestrian_walled", - "temaki-perfume", - "temaki-pet_grooming", - "temaki-physiotherapist", - "temaki-pick_hammer", - "temaki-picnic_shelter", - "temaki-pier_fixed", - "temaki-pier_floating", - "temaki-pipe", - "temaki-plane_taxiing", - "temaki-planes", - "temaki-plaque", - "temaki-platter_lift", - "temaki-play_structure", - "temaki-plumber", - "temaki-police_officer", - "temaki-polished_nail", - "temaki-post_box", - "temaki-poster_box", - "temaki-power", - "temaki-power_manhole", - "temaki-power_pole", - "temaki-power_switch", - "temaki-power_tower", - "temaki-power_transformer", - "temaki-powered_pump", - "temaki-propane_tank", - "temaki-psychic", - "temaki-quakerism", - "temaki-quay", - "temaki-racetrack_oval", - "temaki-radiation", - "temaki-rail_flag", - "temaki-rail_profile", - "temaki-railing", - "temaki-railway_cable_track", - "temaki-railway_signals", - "temaki-railway_track", - "temaki-railway_track_askew", - "temaki-railway_track_mini", - "temaki-railway_track_narrow", - "temaki-railway_track_partial", - "temaki-real_estate_agency", - "temaki-rocket_firework", - "temaki-roller_coaster", - "temaki-room", - "temaki-rope_fence", - "temaki-row_houses", - "temaki-ruins", - "temaki-rumble_strip", - "temaki-saddle", - "temaki-sailboat", - "temaki-sandbox", - "temaki-sandwich", - "temaki-scaffold", - "temaki-school", - "temaki-scuba_diving", - "temaki-sculpture", - "temaki-security_camera", - "temaki-seesaw", - "temaki-shinto", - "temaki-shopping_mall", - "temaki-shower", - "temaki-shrub", - "temaki-shrub_low", - "temaki-shuffleboard", - "temaki-sign_and_bench", - "temaki-sign_and_car", - "temaki-sikhism", - "temaki-silo", - "temaki-ski_jumping", - "temaki-sledding", - "temaki-sleep_shelter", - "temaki-slide", - "temaki-snow", - "temaki-snow_shoeing", - "temaki-social_facility", - "temaki-spa", - "temaki-speaker", - "temaki-speed_bump", - "temaki-speed_dip", - "temaki-speed_hump", - "temaki-speed_table", - "temaki-speedway_8", - "temaki-speedway_oval", - "temaki-spice_bottle", - "temaki-spike_strip", - "temaki-spotting_scope", - "temaki-spring_rider", - "temaki-statue", - "temaki-stile_squeezer", - "temaki-stop", - "temaki-storage_fermenter", - "temaki-storage_rental", - "temaki-storage_tank", - "temaki-street_lamp_arm", - "temaki-striped_zone", - "temaki-subway", - "temaki-suitcase_key", - "temaki-swamp", - "temaki-t_bar_lift", - "temaki-tanning", - "temaki-taoism", - "temaki-tattoo_machine", - "temaki-telescope", - "temaki-temaki", - "temaki-tents", - "temaki-tiling", - "temaki-tire", - "temaki-tire_course", - "temaki-toll_gantry", - "temaki-tools", - "temaki-tower", - "temaki-tower_communication", - "temaki-town_hall", - "temaki-traffic_signals", - "temaki-train", - "temaki-train_bullet", - "temaki-train_kids", - "temaki-train_steam", - "temaki-train_wash", - "temaki-tram", - "temaki-transit", - "temaki-transit_shelter", - "temaki-tree_and_bench", - "temaki-tree_row", - "temaki-tree_stump", - "temaki-trench", - "temaki-trolleybus", - "temaki-tunnel", - "temaki-turnstile", - "temaki-utility_pole", - "temaki-vacuum", - "temaki-vacuum_station", - "temaki-valley", - "temaki-vase", - "temaki-vending_bread", - "temaki-vending_cigarettes", - "temaki-vending_cold_drink", - "temaki-vending_eggs", - "temaki-vending_flat_coin", - "temaki-vending_hot_drink", - "temaki-vending_ice", - "temaki-vending_ice_cream", - "temaki-vending_lockers", - "temaki-vending_love", - "temaki-vending_machine", - "temaki-vending_newspaper", - "temaki-vending_pet_waste", - "temaki-vending_stamps", - "temaki-vending_tickets", - "temaki-vending_venus", - "temaki-vertical_rotisserie", - "temaki-veterinary_care", - "temaki-wall", - "temaki-waste", - "temaki-waste_manhole", - "temaki-water", - "temaki-water_bottle", - "temaki-water_tap", - "temaki-water_tower", - "temaki-well_pump_manual", - "temaki-wheel", - "temaki-wind_turbine", - "temaki-window", - "temaki-windpump", - "temaki-windsock", - "temaki-x_oblique", - "temaki-yield", - "temaki-zoo" -] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/interim/source_strings.yaml b/interim/source_strings.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 513fb00a9..000000000 --- a/interim/source_strings.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14103 +0,0 @@ -en: - presets: - categories: - category-barrier: - name: Barrier Features - category-building: - name: Building Features - category-golf: - name: Golf Features - category-landuse: - name: Land Use Features - category-natural: - name: Natural Features - category-path: - name: Paths - category-playground: - name: Playground Equipment - category-rail: - name: Rails - category-restriction: - name: Restriction Features - category-road_major: - name: Major Roads - category-road_minor: - name: Minor Roads - category-road_service: - name: Service Roads - category-route: - name: Route Features - category-utility: - name: Utility Features - category-water: - name: Water Bodies - category-waterway: - name: Waterways - fields: - access: - # access=*, foot=*, motor_vehicle=*, bicycle=*, horse=* - label: Allowed Access - options: - customers: - # description for undefined=customers - description: Restricted to customers at the destination - # title for undefined=customers - title: Customers - designated: - # description for undefined=designated - description: Access allowed according to signs or specific local laws - # title for undefined=designated - title: Designated - destination: - # description for undefined=destination - description: Access allowed only to reach a destination - # title for undefined=destination - title: Destination - dismount: - # description for undefined=dismount - description: Access allowed but rider must dismount - # title for undefined=dismount - title: Dismount - 'no': - # description for undefined=no - description: Access not allowed to the general public - # title for undefined=no - title: Prohibited - permissive: - # description for undefined=permissive - description: Access allowed until such time as the owner revokes the permission - # title for undefined=permissive - title: Permissive - permit: - # description for undefined=permit - description: Access allowed only with a valid permit or license - # title for undefined=permit - title: Permit - private: - # description for undefined=private - description: Access allowed only with permission of the owner on an individual basis - # title for undefined=private - title: Private - unknown: - # description for undefined=unknown - description: Access conditions are unknown or unclear - # title for undefined=unknown - title: Unknown - 'yes': - # description for undefined=yes - description: Access allowed by law; a right of way - # title for undefined=yes - title: Allowed - # access field placeholder - placeholder: Not Specified - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Allowed Access'', separated by commas]' - types: - access: All - bicycle: Bicycles - foot: Foot - horse: Horses - motor_vehicle: Motor Vehicles - access_aisle: - # access_aisle=* - label: Type - access_simple: - # access=* - label: Allowed Access - options: - # access=customers - customers: Customers Only - # access=no - 'no': None - # access=permissive - permissive: Permissive - # access=permit - permit: By Permit Only - # access=private - private: Private - # access=unknown - unknown: Unknown - # access=yes - 'yes': Public - # 'terms: permitted,private,public' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Allowed Access'', separated by commas]' - activity: - # hiking=*, bicycle=*, mtb=*, horse=*, ski=* - label: Activity - options: - # field "activity" with value "bicycle" - bicycle: Cycling - # field "activity" with value "hiking" - hiking: Hiking - # field "activity" with value "horse" - horse: Horseback Riding - # field "activity" with value "mtb" - mtb: Mountain Biking - # field "activity" with value "ski" - ski: Skiing - addr/interpolation: - # addr:interpolation=* - label: Type - options: - # addr:interpolation=all - all: All - # addr:interpolation=alphabetic - alphabetic: Alphabetic - # addr:interpolation=even - even: Even - # addr:interpolation=odd - odd: Odd - address: - # addr:block_number=*, addr:city=*, addr:block_number=*, addr:conscriptionnumber=*, addr:county=*, addr:country=*, addr:county=*, addr:district=*, addr:floor=*, addr:hamlet=*, addr:housename=*, addr:housenumber=*, addr:neighbourhood=*, addr:place=*, addr:postcode=*, addr:province=*, addr:quarter=*, addr:state=*, addr:street=*, addr:subdistrict=*, addr:suburb=*, addr:town=*, addr:unit=* - label: Address - placeholders: - block_number: Block Number - block_number!jp: Block No. - city: City - city!cn: City/Prefecture/League - city!jp: City/Town/Village/Tokyo Special Ward - city!vn: City/Town - conscriptionnumber: '123' - country: Country - county: County - county!jp: District - district: District - district!cn: District/County/Banner - district!vn: Arrondissement/Town/District - floor: Floor - hamlet: Hamlet - housename: Housename - housenumber: '123' - housenumber!jp: Building No./Lot No. - neighbourhood: Neighbourhood - neighbourhood!jp: Machi/Chōme/Aza/Koaza - place: Place - postcode: Postcode - province: Province - province!cn: Province/Municipality/AR/SAR - province!jp: Prefecture - quarter: Quarter - quarter!jp: Ōaza - state: State - street: Street - subdistrict: Subdistrict - subdistrict!vn: Ward/Commune/Townlet - suburb: Suburb - suburb!jp: Ward (政令市) - town: Town - unit: Unit - # 'terms: location' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Address'', separated by commas]' - admin_level: - # admin_level=* - label: Admin Level - advertising: - # advertising=* - label: Type - aerialway: - # aerialway=* - label: Type - aerialway/access: - # aerialway:access=* - label: Access - options: - # aerialway:access=both - both: Both - # aerialway:access=entry - entry: Entry - # aerialway:access=exit - exit: Exit - aerialway/bubble: - # aerialway:bubble=* - label: Bubble - aerialway/capacity: - # aerialway:capacity=* - label: Capacity (per hour) - # aerialway/capacity field placeholder - placeholder: 500, 2500, 5000... - aerialway/duration: - # aerialway:duration=* - label: Duration (minutes) - # aerialway/duration field placeholder - placeholder: 1, 2, 3... - aerialway/heating: - # aerialway:heating=* - label: Heated - aerialway/occupancy: - # aerialway:occupancy=* - label: Occupancy - # aerialway/occupancy field placeholder - placeholder: 2, 4, 8... - aerialway/summer/access: - # aerialway:summer:access=* - label: Access (summer) - options: - # aerialway:summer:access=both - both: Both - # aerialway:summer:access=entry - entry: Entry - # aerialway:summer:access=exit - exit: Exit - aeroway: - # aeroway=* - label: Type - agrarian: - # agrarian=* - label: Products - air_conditioning: - # air_conditioning=* - label: Air Conditioning - # 'terms: cooling system,refrigeration' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Air Conditioning'', separated by commas]' - alt_name: - # alt_name=* - label: Alternative Name - # 'terms: aka,alias,also known as,nonstandard name,secondary name' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Alternative Name'', separated by commas]' - amenity: - # amenity=* - label: Type - animal_boarding: - # animal_boarding=* - label: For Animals - animal_breeding: - # animal_breeding=* - label: For Animals - animal_shelter: - # animal_shelter=* - label: For Animals - archaeological_site: - # archaeological_site=* - label: Type - options: - # archaeological_site=baths - baths: Baths - # archaeological_site=city - city: Historic City - # archaeological_site=crannog - crannog: Crannog - # archaeological_site=enclosure - enclosure: Enclosure - # archaeological_site=fortification - fortification: Fortification - # archaeological_site=hut_circle - hut_circle: Hut Circle - # archaeological_site=megalith - megalith: Megalith - # archaeological_site=necropolis - necropolis: Necropolis - # archaeological_site=petroglyph - petroglyph: Rock Carving - # archaeological_site=roman_circus - roman_circus: Roman Circus - # archaeological_site=roman_villa - roman_villa: Roman Villa - # archaeological_site=settlement - settlement: Historic Settlement - # archaeological_site=tumulus - tumulus: Tumulus - architect: - # architect=* - label: Architect - # 'terms: building designer' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Architect'', separated by commas]' - area/highway: - # area:highway=* - label: Type - armrest: - # armrest=* - label: Armrests - options: - # armrest=no - 'no': No armrests - # armrest=undefined - undefined: Unknown - # armrest=yes - 'yes': One or more armrests - artist: - # artist_name=* - label: Artist - artwork_type: - # artwork_type=* - label: Type - options: - # artwork_type=bust - bust: Bust - # artwork_type=graffiti - graffiti: Graffiti - # artwork_type=installation - installation: Art Installation - # artwork_type=mosaic - mosaic: Mosaic - # artwork_type=mural - mural: Mural - # artwork_type=painting - painting: Painting - # artwork_type=relief - relief: Relief - # artwork_type=sculpture - sculpture: Sculpture - # artwork_type=statue - statue: Statue - ascent: - # ascent=* - label: Total Ascent - # 'terms: ascent,climb,cumulative elevation gain' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Total Ascent'', separated by commas]' - athletics_pitch: - # athletics=* - label: Event - options: - # athletics=discus_throw - discus_throw: Discus - # athletics=hammer_throw - hammer_throw: Hammer Throw - # athletics=high_jump - high_jump: High Jump - # athletics=javelin_throw - javelin_throw: Javelin - # athletics=long_jump - long_jump: Long Jump - # athletics=pole_vault - pole_vault: Pole Vault - # athletics=shot_put - shot_put: Shot Put - # athletics=triple_jump - triple_jump: Triple Jump - athletics_track: - # athletics=* - label: Event - options: - # athletics=javelin_throw - javelin_throw: Javelin - # athletics=long_jump - long_jump: Long Jump - # athletics=pole_vault - pole_vault: Pole Vault - # athletics=running - running: Running - # athletics=sprint - sprint: Sprinting - # athletics=steeplechase - steeplechase: Steeplechase - # athletics=triple_jump - triple_jump: Triple Jump - atm: - # atm=* - label: ATM - attraction: - # attraction=* - label: Type - options: - # attraction=alpine_coaster - alpine_coaster: Alpine Coaster - # attraction=amusement_ride - amusement_ride: Amusement Ride - # attraction=animal - animal: Animal Enclosure - # attraction=big_wheel - big_wheel: Ferris Wheel - # attraction=bumper_car - bumper_car: Bumper Cars - # attraction=bungee_jumping - bungee_jumping: Bungee Jumping - # attraction=carousel - carousel: Carousel - # attraction=dark_ride - dark_ride: Dark Ride - # attraction=drop_tower - drop_tower: Drop Tower Ride - # attraction=kiddie_ride - kiddie_ride: Kiddie Ride - # attraction=log_flume - log_flume: Log Flume - # attraction=maze - maze: Maze - # attraction=pirate_ship - pirate_ship: Pirate Ship Ride - # attraction=river_rafting - river_rafting: River Rapids Ride - # attraction=roller_coaster - roller_coaster: Roller Coaster - # attraction=summer_toboggan - summer_toboggan: Summer Toboggan - # attraction=swing_carousel - swing_carousel: Swing Carousel - # attraction=train - train: Tourist Train - # attraction=water_slide - water_slide: Water Slide - automated: - # automated=* - label: Automated - baby_feeding: - # baby_feeding=* - label: Baby Nursing Area - options: - # baby_feeding=no - 'no': None - # baby_feeding=room - room: Dedicated Room - # baby_feeding=yes - 'yes': Marked Space - # 'terms: baby feeding,breastfeeding,lactation,mothers,nursing' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Baby Nursing Area'', separated by commas]' - baby_seat: - # baby=* - label: Baby Seat - backcountry: - # backcountry=* - label: Backcountry - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Backcountry'', separated by commas]' - backrest: - # backrest=* - label: Backrest - bar: - # bar=* - label: Bar - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Bar'', separated by commas]' - barrier: - # barrier=* - label: Type - options: - # barrier=block - block: Large Block - # barrier=bollard - bollard: Bollard - # barrier=cattle_grid - cattle_grid: Cattle Grid - # barrier=chain - chain: Chain - # barrier=city_wall - city_wall: City Wall - # barrier=cycle_barrier - cycle_barrier: Cycle Barrier - # barrier=ditch - ditch: Ditch - # barrier=entrance - entrance: Entrance - # barrier=fence - fence: Fence - # barrier=gate - gate: Gate - # barrier=guard_rail - guard_rail: Guard Rail - # barrier=hedge - hedge: Hedge - # barrier=height_restrictor - height_restrictor: Height Restrictor - # barrier=jersey_barrier - jersey_barrier: Jersey Barrier - # barrier=kerb - kerb: Curb - # barrier=kissing_gate - kissing_gate: Kissing Gate - # barrier=lift_gate - lift_gate: Boom Gate - # barrier=retaining_wall - retaining_wall: Retaining Wall - # barrier=stile - stile: Stile - # barrier=swing_gate - swing_gate: Swing Gate - # barrier=toll_booth - toll_booth: Toll Booth - # barrier=turnstile - turnstile: Turnstile - # barrier=wall - wall: Wall - barrier_planter: - # barrier=* - label: Barrier - options: - # barrier=planter - planter: 'Yes' - # barrier=undefined - undefined: 'No' - basin: - # basin=* - label: Type - options: - # basin=detention - detention: Detention - # basin=evaporation - evaporation: Evaporation - # basin=infiltration - infiltration: Infiltration - # basin=retention - retention: Retention - bath/open_air: - # bath:open_air=* - label: Open Air - bath/sand_bath: - # bath:sand_bath=* - label: Sand Bath - bath/type: - # bath:type=* - label: Specialty - options: - # bath:type=hammam - hammam: Hammam - # bath:type=hot_spring - hot_spring: Hot Spring - # bath:type=lake - lake: Lake - # bath:type=onsen - onsen: Onsen - # bath:type=thermal - thermal: Thermal Bath - beauty: - # beauty=* - label: Services - options: - # beauty=cosmetics - cosmetics: Cosmetics - # beauty=hair_removal - hair_removal: Hair Removal - # beauty=nails - nails: Manicure / Pedicure - # beauty=skin_care - skin_care: Skin Care - # beauty=spa - spa: Day Spa - # beauty=tanning - tanning: Tanning - # beauty=waxing - waxing: Waxing - bench: - # bench=* - label: Bench - # 'terms: seating' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Bench'', separated by commas]' - bicycle_parking: - # bicycle_parking=* - label: Type - options: - # bicycle_parking=building - building: In a Building - # bicycle_parking=handlebar_holder - handlebar_holder: Handlebar Holder - # bicycle_parking=lockers - lockers: Individual Lockers - # bicycle_parking=shed - shed: Closed Shed - # bicycle_parking=stands - stands: Stand (supports bicycle frame) - # bicycle_parking=wall_loops - wall_loops: Wheelbender (supports wheel only) - bicycle_road: - # bicycle_road=* - label: Cycle Street - options: - # bicycle_road=undefined - undefined: 'No' - # bicycle_road=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - # 'terms: bicycle boulevard,bicycle road,cyclestreet,neighborhood bikeway,neighborhood byway,neighborhood greenway,neighborway' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Cycle Street'', separated by commas]' - bike_ride: - # bike_ride=* - label: Bike and Ride - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Bike and Ride'', separated by commas]' - bin: - # bin=* - label: Waste Bin - # 'terms: garbage can,trash can' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Waste Bin'', separated by commas]' - blind: - # blind=* - label: Blind Person Access - options: - # blind=limited - limited: Limited - # blind=no - 'no': 'No' - # blind=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - # 'terms: sight impairment,vision impairment' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Blind Person Access'', separated by commas]' - blood_components: - # blood:=* - label: Blood Components - options: - # blood:=plasma - plasma: plasma - # blood:=platelets - platelets: platelets - # blood:=stemcells - stemcells: stem cell samples - # blood:=whole - whole: whole blood - board_type: - # board_type=* - label: Type - options: - # board_type=art - art: Art - # board_type=astronomy - astronomy: Astronomy - # board_type=geology - geology: Geology - # board_type=history - history: History - # board_type=nature - nature: Nature - # board_type=notice - notice: Notice Board - # board_type=plants - plants: Plants - # board_type=welcome_sign - welcome_sign: Welcome Sign - # board_type=wildlife - wildlife: Wildlife - bollard: - # bollard=* - label: Type - options: - # bollard=fixed - fixed: Fixed Bollard - # bollard=flexible - flexible: Flexible Bollard - # bollard=foldable - foldable: Foldable Bollard - # bollard=removable - removable: Removable Bollard - # bollard=rising - rising: Rising Bollard - books: - # books=* - label: Type of Books - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Type of Books'', separated by commas]' - booth: - # booth=* - label: Booth - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Booth'', separated by commas]' - bottle: - # bottle=* - label: Bottle Filling - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Bottle Filling'', separated by commas]' - boules: - # boules=* - label: Type - boundary: - # boundary=* - label: Type - branch_brand: - # branch=* - label: Branch - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Branch'', separated by commas]' - brand: - # brand=* - label: Brand - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Brand'', separated by commas]' - brewery: - # brewery=* - label: Sold Beer brands - # 'terms: beer brand,beer dispensing,bottled beer,draft beer,on tap,tap beer' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Sold Beer brands'', separated by commas]' - bridge: - # bridge=* - label: Type - # bridge field placeholder - placeholder: Default - bridge/ref: - # bridge:ref=* - label: Bridge Number - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Bridge Number'', separated by commas]' - bridge/support: - # bridge:support=* - label: Type - bridge_combo: - # bridge=* - label: Type - options: - # bridge=aqueduct - aqueduct: Aqueduct - # bridge=boardwalk - boardwalk: Boardwalk - # bridge=cantilever - cantilever: Cantilever Bridge - # bridge=covered - covered: Covered Bridge - # bridge=low_water_crossing - low_water_crossing: Low Water Crossing - # bridge=movable - movable: Movable Bridge - # bridge=trestle - trestle: Trestle Bridge - # bridge=viaduct - viaduct: Viaduct - building: - # building=* - label: Building - options: - # building=allotment_house - allotment_house: Allotment House - # building=apartments - apartments: Apartment Building - # building=barn - barn: Barn - # building=boathouse - boathouse: Boathouse - # building=bungalow - bungalow: Bungalow - # building=bunker - bunker: Bunker - # building=cabin - cabin: Cabin - # building=carport - carport: Carport - # building=cathedral - cathedral: Cathedral Building - # building=chapel - chapel: Chapel Building - # building=church - church: Church Building - # building=civic - civic: Civic Building - # building=college - college: College Building - # building=commercial - commercial: Commercial Building - # building=construction - construction: Building Under Construction - # building=cowshed - cowshed: Cowshed - # building=detached - detached: Detached House - # building=dormitory - dormitory: Dormitory - # building=farm - farm: Farm House - # building=farm_auxiliary - farm_auxiliary: Farm Building - # building=fire_station - fire_station: Fire Station Building - # building=garage - garage: Garage - # building=garages - garages: Garages - # building=ger - ger: Yurt - # building=grandstand - grandstand: Grandstand - # building=greenhouse - greenhouse: Greenhouse - # building=hangar - hangar: Hangar Building - # building=hospital - hospital: Hospital Building - # building=hotel - hotel: Hotel Building - # building=house - house: House - # building=houseboat - houseboat: Houseboat - # building=hut - hut: Hut - # building=industrial - industrial: Industrial Building - # building=kindergarten - kindergarten: Preschool / Kindergarten Building - # building=manufacture - manufacture: Industrial Production Building - # building=mosque - mosque: Mosque Building - # building=office - office: Office Building - # building=outbuilding - outbuilding: Outbuilding - # building=pavilion - pavilion: Pavilion Building - # building=public - public: Public Building - # building=residential - residential: Residential Building - # building=retail - retail: Retail Building - # building=riding_hall - riding_hall: Horseback Riding Arena - # building=roof - roof: Roof - # building=ruins - ruins: Building Ruins - # building=school - school: School Building - # building=semidetached_house - semidetached_house: Semi-Detached House - # building=service - service: Service Building - # building=shed - shed: Shed - # building=stable - stable: Stable - # building=stadium - stadium: Stadium Building - # building=static_caravan - static_caravan: Mobile Home - # building=sty - sty: Pigsty - # building=synagogue - synagogue: Synagogue Building - # building=temple - temple: Temple Building - # building=terrace - terrace: Row Houses - # building=train_station - train_station: Train Station Building - # building=transportation - transportation: Transportation Building - # building=university - university: University Building - # building=warehouse - warehouse: Warehouse - # 'terms: structure' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Building'', separated by commas]' - building/colour: - # building:colour=* - label: Façade Color - # 'terms: building color,facade color' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Façade Color'', separated by commas]' - building/flats: - # building:flats=* - label: Units - # building/flats field placeholder - placeholder: 2, 4, 6, 8... - building/levels: - # building:levels=* - label: Levels - # building/levels field placeholder - placeholder: 2, 4, 6... - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Levels'', separated by commas]' - building/levels/underground: - # building:levels:underground=* - label: Underground Levels - # building/levels/underground field placeholder - placeholder: 2, 4, 6... - # 'terms: basement levels' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Underground Levels'', separated by commas]' - building/levels_building: - # building:levels=* - building/material: - # building:material=* - label: Material - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Material'', separated by commas]' - building/part: - # building:part=* - label: Building Part - building/prefabricated: - # building:prefabricated=* - label: Prefabricated - # 'terms: manufactured,modular,portable' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Prefabricated'', separated by commas]' - building_area: - # building=* - building_area_yes: - # building=* - bunker_type: - # bunker_type=* - label: Type - button_operated: - # button_operated=* - label: Call Button - cables: - # cables=* - label: Cables - # cables field placeholder - placeholder: 1, 2, 3... - cai_scale-IT: - # cai_scale=* | Local preset for countries "IT" - label: Hiking Route Difficulty (Italian Alpine Club) - options: - # cai_scale=E - E: 'E: For hikers' - # cai_scale=EAI - EAI: 'EAI: Hiking in snowy conditions' - # cai_scale=EE - EE: 'EE: For expert hikers' - # cai_scale=EEA - EEA: 'EEA: For expert hikers with equipment' - # cai_scale=T - T: 'T: Touristic' - # cai_scale-IT field placeholder - placeholder: T, E, EE, … - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Hiking Route Difficulty (Italian Alpine Club)'', separated by commas]' - camera/direction: - # camera:direction=* - label: Direction (Degrees Clockwise) - # camera/direction field placeholder - placeholder: 45, 90, 180, 270 - camera/mount: - # camera:mount=* - label: Camera Mount - camera/type: - # camera:type=* - label: Camera Type - options: - # camera:type=dome - dome: Dome - # camera:type=fixed - fixed: Fixed - # camera:type=panning - panning: Panning - camp_site: - # camp_site=* - label: Type - options: - basic: - # description for camp_site=basic - description: Nothing but a place to pitch a tent or park a vehicle - # title for camp_site=basic - title: Basic (only tent/vehicle spots) - deluxe: - # description for camp_site=deluxe - description: Fully serviced and has additional amenities like a laundry, swimming pool or similar recreation facilities - # title for camp_site=deluxe - title: Deluxe (offers laundry or swimming pool, etc.) - serviced: - # description for camp_site=serviced - description: Toilets, water, showers and electricity are provided - # title for camp_site=serviced - title: Serviced (offers showers and electricity) - standard: - # description for camp_site=standard - description: Toilets and water are provided or available nearby - # title for camp_site=standard - title: Standard (offers toilets and water) - capacity: - # capacity=* - label: Capacity - # capacity field placeholder - placeholder: 50, 100, 200... - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Capacity'', separated by commas]' - capacity/caravans: - # capacity:caravans=* - label: Capacity (Campervan / Camping Trailer) - # capacity/caravans field placeholder - placeholder: 10, 20, 50... - capacity/disabled_parking: - # capacity:disabled=* - label: Accessible Spaces - # capacity/disabled_parking field placeholder - placeholder: 1, 2, 3... - capacity/persons: - # capacity:persons=* - label: Capacity (Persons) - # capacity/persons field placeholder - placeholder: 50, 100, 200... - capacity/tents: - # capacity:tents=* - label: Capacity (Tents) - # capacity/tents field placeholder - placeholder: 10, 20, 50... - capacity_parking: - # capacity=* - label: Total Spaces - # capacity_parking field placeholder - placeholder: 10, 20, 30... - capacity_volume: - # capacity=* - label: Capacity (Cubic Meters) - # capacity_volume field placeholder - placeholder: 50, 100, 200... - caravans: - # caravans=* - label: Campervan / Camping Trailer - # 'terms: camper,camper trailer,caravan,tourer' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Campervan / Camping Trailer'', separated by commas]' - cash_in: - # cash_in=* - label: Deposits - castle_type: - # castle_type=* - label: Type - options: - # castle_type=castrum - castrum: Roman Fort - # castle_type=defensive - defensive: Defensive Castle - # castle_type=fortress - fortress: Fortress - # castle_type=hillfort - hillfort: Hillfort - # castle_type=kremlin - kremlin: Kremlin - # castle_type=manor - manor: Manor House - # castle_type=palace - palace: Palace - # castle_type=shiro - shiro: Shiro - # castle_type=stately - stately: Stately Home - changing_table: - # changing_table=* - label: Diaper Changing Table - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Diaper Changing Table'', separated by commas]' - charge_fee: - # charge=* - label: Fee Amount - # charge_fee field placeholder - placeholder: 1 EUR, 5 USD, 10 JPY… - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Fee Amount'', separated by commas]' - charge_toll: - # charge=* - label: Toll Amount - # charge_toll field placeholder - placeholder: 1 EUR, 5 USD, 10 JPY… - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Toll Amount'', separated by commas]' - check_date: - # check_date=* - label: Last Checked Date - # check_date field placeholder - placeholder: YYYY-MM-DD - # 'terms: survey date,last survey date' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Last Checked Date'', separated by commas]' - circumference: - # circumference=* - label: Circumference (at Breast Height) - # circumference field placeholder - placeholder: 1 m, 20 cm, 30"… - # 'terms: dbh,diameter at breast height' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Circumference (at Breast Height)'', separated by commas]' - clothes: - # clothes=* - label: Clothes - options: - # clothes=babies - babies: Baby Clothing - # clothes=children - children: Children's Clothing - # clothes=denim - denim: Jeans Clothing - # clothes=fur - fur: Fur Clothing - # clothes=hats - hats: Hats - # clothes=maternity - maternity: Maternity Clothing - # clothes=men - men: Men's Clothing - # clothes=motorcycle - motorcycle: Motorcycle Clothing - # clothes=oversize - oversize: Plus Size Clothing - # clothes=socks - socks: Socks - # clothes=sports - sports: Sportswear - # clothes=suits - suits: Suits - # clothes=swimwear - swimwear: Swimwear - # clothes=traditional - traditional: Traditional Garments / Folk Costumes - # clothes=underwear - underwear: Underwear - # clothes=wedding - wedding: Wedding Clothing - # clothes=women - women: Women's Clothing - # clothes=workwear - workwear: Workwear - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Clothes'', separated by commas]' - club: - # club=* - label: Type - collection_times: - # collection_times=* - label: Collection Times - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Collection Times'', separated by commas]' - collector: - # collector=* - label: Items - options: - # collector=coins - coins: Coins - # collector=comics - comics: Comics - # collector=stamps - stamps: Stamps - colour: - # colour=* - label: Color - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Color'', separated by commas]' - comment: - # comment=* - label: Changeset Comment - # comment field placeholder - placeholder: Brief description of your contributions (required) - communication_multi: - # communication:=* - label: Communication Types - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Communication Types'', separated by commas]' - community_centre: - # community_centre=* - label: Type - options: - # community_centre=club_home - club_home: Club Home - # community_centre=community_hall - community_hall: Community Hall - # community_centre=cultural_centre - cultural_centre: Cultural Centre - # community_centre=family_centre - family_centre: Family Centre - # community_centre=parish_hall - parish_hall: Parish Hall - # community_centre=village_hall - village_hall: Village Hall - # community_centre=youth_centre - youth_centre: Youth Center - connectivity: - # connectivity=* - label: Connectivity - construction: - # construction=* - label: Type - consulate: - # consulate=* - label: Type - options: - # consulate=consular_agency - consular_agency: Consular Services Agency - # consulate=consular_office - consular_office: Consular Services Office - # consulate=consulate_general - consulate_general: Consulate General - # consulate=honorary_consul - honorary_consul: Honorary Consul - # consulate=residence - residence: Official Residence of a Consul - # consulate=yes - 'yes': Consulate - consulting: - # consulting=* - label: Expertise - contact/facebook: - # contact:facebook=* - label: Facebook Username or URL - # contact/facebook field placeholder - placeholder: https://www.facebook.com/LocalBusiness - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Facebook Username or URL'', separated by commas]' - contact/webcam: - # contact:webcam=* - label: Webcam URL - # contact/webcam field placeholder - placeholder: http://example.com/ - content: - # content=* - label: Content - conveying: - # conveying=* - label: Movement Direction - options: - # conveying=backward - backward: Backward - # conveying=forward - forward: Forward - # conveying=reversible - reversible: Reversible - conveying_escalator: - # conveying=* - label: Escalator - count: - # count=* - label: Number of Features - country: - # country=* - label: Country - country_flag: - # country=* - label: Flag Country - couplings: - # couplings=* - label: Couplings - # couplings field placeholder - placeholder: 1, 2, 3... - covered: - # covered=* - label: Covered - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Covered'', separated by commas]' - covered_no: - # covered=* - options: - # covered=no - 'no': 'No' - # covered=undefined - undefined: Assumed to be No - # covered=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - craft: - # craft=* - label: Type - options: - # craft=agricultural_engines - agricultural_engines: Agricultural Engines Mechanic - # craft=basket_maker - basket_maker: Basket Maker - # craft=beekeeper - beekeeper: Beekeeper - # craft=blacksmith - blacksmith: Blacksmith - # craft=boatbuilder - boatbuilder: Boat Builder - # craft=bookbinder - bookbinder: Bookbinder - # craft=brewery - brewery: Brewery - # craft=builder - builder: Builder - # craft=carpenter - carpenter: Carpenter - # craft=carpet_layer - carpet_layer: Carpet Layer - # craft=caterer - caterer: Caterer - # craft=chimney_sweeper - chimney_sweeper: Chimney Sweeper - # craft=cleaning - cleaning: Cleaning Service - # craft=clockmaker - clockmaker: Clockmaker - # craft=confectionery - confectionery: Candy Maker - # craft=distillery - distillery: Distillery - # craft=dressmaker - dressmaker: Dressmaker - # craft=electrician - electrician: Electrician - # craft=electronics_repair - electronics_repair: Electronics Repair - # craft=floorer - floorer: Floorer - # craft=gardener - gardener: Gardener - # craft=glaziery - glaziery: Glaziery - # craft=grinding_mill - grinding_mill: Grinding Mill - # craft=handicraft - handicraft: Handicraft - # craft=hvac - hvac: HVAC - # craft=insulation - insulation: Insulator - # craft=jeweller - jeweller: Jeweller - # craft=joiner - joiner: Joiner - # craft=key_cutter - key_cutter: Key Cutter - # craft=locksmith - locksmith: Locksmith - # craft=metal_construction - metal_construction: Metalworker - # craft=oil_mill - oil_mill: Oil Mill - # craft=painter - painter: Painter - # craft=parquet_layer - parquet_layer: Parquet Layer - # craft=photographer - photographer: Photographer - # craft=photographic_laboratory - photographic_laboratory: Photographic Laboratory - # craft=plasterer - plasterer: Plasterer - # craft=plumber - plumber: Plumber - # craft=pottery - pottery: Pottery Maker - # craft=rigger - rigger: Rigger - # craft=roofer - roofer: Roofer - # craft=saddler - saddler: Saddler - # craft=sailmaker - sailmaker: Sailmaker - # craft=sawmill - sawmill: Sawmill - # craft=scaffolder - scaffolder: Scaffolder - # craft=sculptor - sculptor: Sculptor - # craft=shoemaker - shoemaker: Shoemaker - # craft=signmaker - signmaker: Signmaker - # craft=stonemason - stonemason: Stonemason - # craft=tailor - tailor: Tailor - # craft=tiler - tiler: Tiler - # craft=tinsmith - tinsmith: Tinsmith - # craft=upholsterer - upholsterer: Upholsterer - # craft=watchmaker - watchmaker: Watchmaker - # craft=window_construction - window_construction: Window Construction - # craft=winery - winery: Winery - crane/type: - # crane:type=* - label: Crane Type - options: - # crane:type=floor-mounted_crane - floor-mounted_crane: Floor-mounted Crane - # crane:type=gantry_crane - gantry_crane: Gantry Crane - # crane:type=portal_crane - portal_crane: Portal Crane - # crane:type=tower_crane - tower_crane: Tower Crane - # crane:type=travel_lift - travel_lift: Travel Lift - crop: - # crop=* - label: Crops - options: - # crop=asparagus - asparagus: Asparagus - # crop=barley - barley: Barley - # crop=beet - beet: Beets - # crop=cassava - cassava: Cassava - # crop=coffee - coffee: Coffee - # crop=cotton - cotton: Cotton - # crop=cranberries - cranberries: Cranberries - # crop=fast_growing_wood - fast_growing_wood: Short-Rotation Coppice - # crop=flowers - flowers: Flowers - # crop=grape - grape: Grapes - # crop=grass - grass: Grass - # crop=hop - hop: Hops - # crop=lavender - lavender: Lavender - # crop=maize - maize: Corn - # crop=potato - potato: Potatoes - # crop=rape - rape: Rapeseed - # crop=rice - rice: Rice - # crop=soy - soy: Soybeans - # crop=strawberry - strawberry: Strawberries - # crop=sugar_beet - sugar_beet: Sugar Beets - # crop=sugarcane - sugarcane: Sugarcane - # crop=sunflower - sunflower: Sunflowers - # crop=tea - tea: Tea - # crop=tobacco - tobacco: Tobacco - # crop=vegetable - vegetable: Vegetables - # crop=wheat - wheat: Wheat - crossing: - # crossing=* - label: Type - options: - # crossing=traffic_signals - traffic_signals: Crossing With Traffic Signals - # crossing=uncontrolled - uncontrolled: Only Road Markings - # crossing=unmarked - unmarked: No Road Markings or Traffic Signals - crossing/barrier: - # crossing:barrier=* - label: Barrier Arm - options: - # crossing:barrier=double_half - double_half: Double Half - # crossing:barrier=full - full: Full - # crossing:barrier=half - half: Half - # crossing:barrier=no - 'no': 'No' - # crossing:barrier=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - crossing/bell: - # crossing:bell=* - label: Bell - crossing/island: - # crossing:island=* - label: Refuge Island - crossing/light: - # crossing:light=* - label: Lights - crossing/markings: - # crossing:markings=* - label: Crossing Markings - options: - # crossing:markings=dashes - dashes: Dashed Transverse Lines - # crossing:markings=dots - dots: Dotted Transverse Lines - # crossing:markings=ladder - ladder: Ladder With Longitudinal Bars - #paired': crossing:markings=ladder:paired - ladder:paired: Ladder With Paired Longitudinal Bars - #skewed': crossing:markings=ladder:skewed - ladder:skewed: Ladder With Diagonal Bars - # crossing:markings=lines - lines: Transverse Lines - #paired': crossing:markings=lines:paired - lines:paired: Double Transverse Lines - # crossing:markings=no - 'no': Unmarked - # crossing:markings=pictograms - pictograms: Painted Pictograms - # crossing:markings=surface - surface: Surface Treatment Only - # crossing:markings=yes - 'yes': Marked Somehow - # crossing:markings=zebra - zebra: Longitudinal Bars - #bicolour': crossing:markings=zebra:bicolour - zebra:bicolour: Longitudinal Bars With Alternating Colors - #double': crossing:markings=zebra:double - zebra:double: Triple-Four - #paired': crossing:markings=zebra:paired - zebra:paired: Paired Longitudinal Bars - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Crossing Markings'', separated by commas]' - crossing/markings-BG: - # crossing:markings=* | Local preset for countries "BG" - crossing/markings-DE-AT-CH: - # crossing:markings=* | Local preset for countries "DE", "AT", "CH" - crossing/markings-PL: - # crossing:markings=* | Local preset for countries "PL" - crossing/markings_yes: - # crossing:markings=* - crossing/markings_yes-BG: - # crossing:markings=* | Local preset for countries "BG" - crossing/markings_yes-DE-AT-CH: - # crossing:markings=* | Local preset for countries "DE", "AT", "CH" - crossing/markings_yes-PL: - # crossing:markings=* | Local preset for countries "PL" - crossing_raised: - # traffic_calming=* - label: Raised - options: - # traffic_calming=table - table: 'Yes' - # traffic_calming=undefined - undefined: 'No' - cuisine: - # cuisine=* - label: Cuisines - options: - # cuisine=african - african: African - # cuisine=american - american: American - # cuisine=arab - arab: Arab - # cuisine=argentinian - argentinian: Argentinian - # cuisine=asian - asian: Asian - # cuisine=bagel - bagel: Bagel - # cuisine=balkan - balkan: Balkan - # cuisine=barbecue - barbecue: Barbecue - # cuisine=bavarian - bavarian: Bavarian - # cuisine=beef_bowl - beef_bowl: Gyūdon - # cuisine=bistro - bistro: Bistro - # cuisine=brazilian - brazilian: Brazilian - # cuisine=breakfast - breakfast: Breakfast - # cuisine=brunch - brunch: Brunch - # cuisine=bubble_tea - bubble_tea: Bubble Tea - # cuisine=burger - burger: Burger - # cuisine=cake - cake: Cake - # cuisine=caribbean - caribbean: Caribbean - # cuisine=chicken - chicken: Chicken - # cuisine=chinese - chinese: Chinese - # cuisine=coffee_shop - coffee_shop: Coffee Shop - # cuisine=crepe - crepe: Crepe - # cuisine=curry - curry: Curry - # cuisine=dessert - dessert: Dessert - # cuisine=diner - diner: Diner - # cuisine=donut - donut: Donut - # cuisine=european - european: European - # cuisine=filipino - filipino: Filipino - # cuisine=fine_dining - fine_dining: Fine Dining - # cuisine=fish - fish: Fish - # cuisine=fish_and_chips - fish_and_chips: Fish and Chips - # cuisine=french - french: French - # cuisine=fries - fries: Fries - # cuisine=friture - friture: Friterie - # cuisine=frozen_yogurt - frozen_yogurt: Frozen Yogurt - # cuisine=georgian - georgian: Georgian - # cuisine=german - german: German - # cuisine=greek - greek: Greek - # cuisine=grill - grill: Bar and Grill - # cuisine=hawaiian - hawaiian: Hawaiian - # cuisine=hot_dog - hot_dog: Hot Dog - # cuisine=ice_cream - ice_cream: Ice Cream - # cuisine=indian - indian: Indian - # cuisine=indonesian - indonesian: Indonesian - # cuisine=italian - italian: Italian - # cuisine=japanese - japanese: Japanese - # cuisine=juice - juice: Juice - # cuisine=kebab - kebab: Kebab - # cuisine=korean - korean: Korean - # cuisine=lebanese - lebanese: Lebanese - # cuisine=malaysian - malaysian: Malaysian - # cuisine=mediterranean - mediterranean: Mediterranean - # cuisine=mexican - mexican: Mexican - # cuisine=middle_eastern - middle_eastern: Middle Eastern - # cuisine=moroccan - moroccan: Moroccan - # cuisine=noodle - noodle: Noodle - # cuisine=oriental - oriental: Oriental - # cuisine=pancake - pancake: Pancake - # cuisine=pasta - pasta: Pasta - # cuisine=pastry - pastry: Pastry - # cuisine=persian - persian: Persian - # cuisine=peruvian - peruvian: Peruvian - # cuisine=pizza - pizza: Pizza - # cuisine=polish - polish: Polish - # cuisine=portuguese - portuguese: Portuguese - # cuisine=ramen - ramen: Ramen - # cuisine=regional - regional: Regional - # cuisine=russian - russian: Russian - # cuisine=salad - salad: Salad - # cuisine=sandwich - sandwich: Sandwich - # cuisine=sausage - sausage: Sausage - # cuisine=seafood - seafood: Seafood - # cuisine=shawarma - shawarma: Shawarma - # cuisine=soba - soba: Soba - # cuisine=soup - soup: Soup - # cuisine=spanish - spanish: Spanish - # cuisine=steak_house - steak_house: Steak House - # cuisine=sushi - sushi: Sushi - # cuisine=taiwanese - taiwanese: Taiwanese - # cuisine=tapas - tapas: Tapas - # cuisine=tea - tea: Tea - # cuisine=tex-mex - tex-mex: Tex-Mex - # cuisine=thai - thai: Thai - # cuisine=turkish - turkish: Turkish - # cuisine=udon - udon: Udon - # cuisine=ukrainian - ukrainian: Ukrainian - # cuisine=vietnamese - vietnamese: Vietnamese - # cuisine=western - western: Western - # cuisine=wings - wings: Chicken Wings - # 'terms: fare,food types' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Cuisines'', separated by commas]' - currency_multi: - # currency:=* - label: Currency Types - # 'terms: bills,cash,coins,money' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Currency Types'', separated by commas]' - cutting: - # cutting=* - label: Type - # cutting field placeholder - placeholder: Default - cycle_network: - # cycle_network=* - label: Network - cyclestreet-BE-NL: - # cyclestreet=* | Local preset for countries "BE", "NL" - cycleway: - # cycleway:left=*, cycleway:right=* - label: Bike Lanes - options: - lane: - # description for cycleway=lane - description: A bike lane separated from auto traffic by a painted line - # title for cycleway=lane - title: Standard Bike Lane - 'no': - # description for cycleway=no - description: No bike lane - # title for cycleway=no - title: None - opposite: - # description for cycleway=opposite - description: Please update with oneway=yes, oneway:bicycle=no, and cycleway:both=no etc. - # title for cycleway=opposite - title: (Deprecated) Contraflow Bike Lane - opposite_lane: - # description for cycleway=opposite_lane - description: Please update with oneway, oneway:bicycle, and cycleway:left/right=lane etc. - # title for cycleway=opposite_lane - title: (Deprecated) Opposite Bike Lane - separate: - # description for cycleway=separate - description: Indicates that cycleway was mapped as a separate geometry - # title for cycleway=separate - title: Cycleway Mapped Separately - share_busway: - # description for cycleway=share_busway - description: A bike lane shared with a bus lane - # title for cycleway=share_busway - title: Bike Lane Shared With Bus - shared_lane: - # description for cycleway=shared_lane - description: A bike lane with no separation from auto traffic - # title for cycleway=shared_lane - title: Shared Bike Lane - track: - # description for cycleway=track - description: A bike lane separated from traffic by a physical barrier - # title for cycleway=track - title: Bike Track - # cycleway field placeholder - placeholder: Lane, Track, Contraflow, … - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Bike Lanes'', separated by commas]' - types: - cycleway:left: Left Side - cycleway:right: Right Side - dance/style: - # dance:style=* - label: Dance Styles - dance/teaching: - # dance:teaching=* - label: Offers Dance Lessons - date: - # date=* - label: Date - defibrillator/location: - # defibrillator:location=* - label: Location Description - delivery: - # delivery=* - label: Delivery - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Delivery'', separated by commas]' - denomination: - # denomination=* - label: Denomination - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Denomination'', separated by commas]' - denotation: - # denotation=* - label: Denotation - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Denotation'', separated by commas]' - departures_board: - # departures_board=* - label: Departures/Arrivals Board - options: - # departures_board=no - 'no': None - # departures_board=realtime - realtime: Realtime - # departures_board=timetable - timetable: Timetable - # departures_board=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - deposit/trolley: - # trolley:deposit=* - label: Deposit - depot: - # depot=* - label: Type - depth: - # depth=* - label: Depth (Meters) - descent: - # descent=* - label: Total Descent - # 'terms: descent,cumulative elevation' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Total Descent'', separated by commas]' - description: - # description=* - label: Description - # 'terms: summary' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Description'', separated by commas]' - design: - # design=* - label: Design - design_power_pole: - # design=* - design_power_tower: - # design=* - destination: - # destination=* - label: Destinations - destination/ref: - # destination:ref=* - label: Destination Road Numbers - destination/ref_oneway: - # destination:ref=* - destination/symbol: - # destination:symbol=* - label: Destination Symbols - destination/symbol_oneway: - # destination:symbol=* - destination_oneway: - # destination=* - destination_waterway: - # destination=* - label: Destination - devices: - # devices=* - label: Devices - # devices field placeholder - placeholder: 1, 2, 3... - diameter: - # diameter=* - label: Diameter - # diameter field placeholder - placeholder: 5 mm, 10 cm, 15 in… - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Diameter'', separated by commas]' - diameter_crown: - # diameter_crown=* - label: Crown Diameter - # diameter_crown field placeholder - placeholder: 4 m, 9', … - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Crown Diameter'', separated by commas]' - diet_multi: - # diet:=* - label: Diet Types - options: - # diet:=gluten_free - gluten_free: Gluten-Free - # diet:=halal - halal: Halal - # diet:=kosher - kosher: Kosher - # diet:=lactose_free - lactose_free: Lactose-Free - # diet:=pescetarian - pescetarian: Pescetarian - # diet:=vegan - vegan: Vegan - # diet:=vegetarian - vegetarian: Vegetarian - # 'terms: gluten free,fruitarian,halal,kosher,lactose free,meat,pescatarian,raw,vegan,vegetarian' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Diet Types'', separated by commas]' - diplomatic: - # diplomatic=* - label: Type - options: - # diplomatic=consulate - consulate: Consulate - # diplomatic=embassy - embassy: Embassy - # diplomatic=liaison - liaison: Liaison Office - diplomatic/services: - # diplomatic:services:=* - label: Services - direction: - # direction=* - label: Direction (Degrees Clockwise) - # direction field placeholder - placeholder: 45, 90, 180, 270 - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Direction (Degrees Clockwise)'', separated by commas]' - direction_cardinal-US-CA-NZ: - # direction=* | Local preset for countries "CA", "NZ", "US" - label: Direction - options: - # direction=east - east: Eastbound - # direction=north - north: Northbound - # direction=south - south: Southbound - # direction=west - west: Westbound - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Direction'', separated by commas]' - direction_clock: - # direction=* - label: Direction - options: - # direction=anticlockwise - anticlockwise: Counterclockwise - # direction=clockwise - clockwise: Clockwise - direction_point: - # direction=* - # direction_point field placeholder - placeholder: 45, 90, 180, 270 - direction_vertex: - # direction=* - label: Direction Affected - options: - # direction=backward - backward: Backward - # direction=both - both: Both / All - # direction=forward - forward: Forward - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Direction Affected'', separated by commas]' - direction_vertex_dual: - # direction=* - dispensing: - # dispensing=* - label: Dispenses Prescriptions - display: - # display=* - label: Display - options: - # display=analog - analog: Analog - # display=digital - digital: Digital - # display=sundial - sundial: Sundial - # display=unorthodox - unorthodox: Unorthodox - distance: - # distance=* - label: Distance - # 'terms: length,mileage' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Distance'', separated by commas]' - disused/amenity: - # disused:amenity=* - label: Type - disused/railway: - # disused:railway=* - label: Type - disused/shop: - # disused:shop=* - label: Type - dock: - # dock=* - label: Type - options: - # dock=drydock - drydock: Dry Dock - # dock=floating - floating: Floating Dry Dock - # dock=tidal - tidal: Impounded Tidal Dock - dock/height: - # dock:height=* - label: Dock Height (Meters) - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Dock Height (Meters)'', separated by commas]' - dock/width: - # dock:width=* - label: Dock Width (Meters) - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Dock Width (Meters)'', separated by commas]' - dog: - # dog=* - label: Dogs - options: - # dog=leashed - leashed: Leashed Only - # dog=no - 'no': Not Allowed - # dog=unleashed - unleashed: Leashes Not Required - # dog=yes - 'yes': Allowed - # 'terms: animals,pets' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Dogs'', separated by commas]' - dog_yes: - # dog=* - door: - # door=* - label: Door - door/height: - # door:height=* - label: Door Height (Meters) - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Door Height (Meters)'', separated by commas]' - door/width: - # door:width=* - label: Door Width (Meters) - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Door Width (Meters)'', separated by commas]' - door_type: - # door=* - label: Type - drink_multi: - # drink:=* - label: Drinks - drinking_water: - # drinking_water=* - label: Drinkable - # 'terms: drinkworthy,potable' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Drinkable'', separated by commas]' - drinking_water_available: - # drinking_water=* - label: Drinking Water Available - # 'terms: drinkworthy,potable' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Drinking Water Available'', separated by commas]' - drive_through: - # drive_through=* - label: Drive-Through - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Drive-Through'', separated by commas]' - duration: - # duration=* - label: Duration - # duration field placeholder - placeholder: '00:00' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Duration'', separated by commas]' - ele: - # ele=* - label: Elevation (Meters) - # 'terms: altitude,height' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Elevation (Meters)'', separated by commas]' - ele_node: - # ele=* - # 'terms: altitude,height' - electrified: - # electrified=* - label: Electrification - options: - # electrified=contact_line - contact_line: Contact Line - # electrified=no - 'no': 'No' - # electrified=rail - rail: Electrified Rail - # electrified=yes - 'yes': Yes (unspecified) - # electrified field placeholder - placeholder: Contact Line, Electrified Rail... - # 'terms: contact line,powered,third rail' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Electrification'', separated by commas]' - email: - # email=*, contact:email=* - label: Email - # email field placeholder - placeholder: example@example.com - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Email'', separated by commas]' - embankment: - # embankment=* - label: Type - # embankment field placeholder - placeholder: Default - embassy: - # embassy=* - label: Type - options: - # embassy=branch_embassy - branch_embassy: Branch of an Embassy - # embassy=delegation - delegation: Delegation - # embassy=high_commission - high_commission: High Commission - # embassy=interests_section - interests_section: Interests Section - # embassy=mission - mission: Diplomatic Mission - # embassy=nunciature - nunciature: Diplomatic Mission of the Holy See - # embassy=residence - residence: Official Residence of an Ambassador - # embassy=yes - 'yes': Embassy - emergency: - # emergency=* - label: Emergency - emergency_combo: - # emergency=* - label: Type - emergency_ward_entrance: - # emergency_ward_entrance=* - label: Type - enforcement: - # enforcement=* - label: Type - entrance: - # entrance=* - label: Type - options: - # entrance=emergency - emergency: Emergency Exit - # entrance=entrance - entrance: Entrance Only - # entrance=exit - exit: Exit Only - # entrance=garage - garage: Garage Door - # entrance=home - home: Private House or Apartment - # entrance=main - main: Main - # entrance=secondary - secondary: Secondary - # entrance=service - service: Service - # entrance=staircase - staircase: Staircase - # entrance=yes - 'yes': Unspecified - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Type'', separated by commas]' - except: - # except=* - label: Exceptions - expected_rcn_route_relations: - # expected_rcn_route_relations=* - label: Adjacent Cycling Nodes - expected_rwn_route_relations: - # expected_rwn_route_relations=* - label: Adjacent Walking Nodes - expressway-US: - # expressway=* | Local preset for countries "US" - label: Expressway - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Expressway'', separated by commas]' - faces: - # faces=* - label: Faces - fax: - # fax=*, contact:fax=* - label: Fax - # fax field placeholder - placeholder: +31 42 123 4567 - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Fax'', separated by commas]' - fee: - # fee=* - label: Fee - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Fee'', separated by commas]' - fence_type: - # fence_type=* - label: Type - fhrs/id-GB: - # fhrs:id=* | Local preset for countries "GB" - label: FHRS ID - # 'terms: food hygiene rating scheme,food hygiene rating system,food standards agency' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''FHRS ID'', separated by commas]' - fire_hydrant/diameter: - # fire_hydrant:diameter=* - label: Diameter (mm, in, or letters) - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Diameter (mm, in, or letters)'', separated by commas]' - fire_hydrant/position: - # fire_hydrant:position=* - label: Position - options: - # fire_hydrant:position=green - green: Green/Grass - # fire_hydrant:position=lane - lane: Road Lane - # fire_hydrant:position=parking_lot - parking_lot: Parking Lot - # fire_hydrant:position=sidewalk - sidewalk: Sidewalk - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Position'', separated by commas]' - fire_hydrant/pressure: - # fire_hydrant:pressure=* - label: Pressure (bar) - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Pressure (bar)'', separated by commas]' - fire_hydrant/type: - # fire_hydrant:type=* - label: Shape - options: - # fire_hydrant:type=pillar - pillar: Pillar/Aboveground - # fire_hydrant:type=pipe - pipe: Capped Pipe - # fire_hydrant:type=underground - underground: Underground - # fire_hydrant:type=wall - wall: Wall - fire_mains: - # fire_mains=* - label: Network-Type - options: - # fire_mains=dry - dry: Dedicated Network (Normally Dry) - # fire_mains=no - 'no': 'No' - # fire_mains=wet - wet: Connected to Mains (Permanently Filled) - # fire_mains=yes - 'yes': Unknown Type - fire_service_inlet: - # fire_service_inlet=* - label: Shape - options: - # fire_service_inlet=pillar - pillar: Pillar/Aboveground - # fire_service_inlet=pipe - pipe: Capped Pipe - # fire_service_inlet=underground - underground: Underground - # fire_service_inlet=wall - wall: Wall - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Shape'', separated by commas]' - fire_sprinkler: - # fire_sprinkler=* - label: Fire Sprinkler Inlet - options: - # fire_sprinkler=dry - dry: Dedicated Network (Normally Dry) - # fire_sprinkler=no - 'no': 'No' - # fire_sprinkler=pre-action - pre-action: Connected to Mains (Pre-Action System) - # fire_sprinkler=wet - wet: Connected to Mains (Permanently Filled) - # fire_sprinkler=yes - 'yes': Unknown Type - fireplace: - # fireplace=* - label: Fireplace - fishing: - # fishing=* - label: Fishing - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Fishing'', separated by commas]' - fitness_station: - # fitness_station=* - label: Equipment Type - fixme: - # fixme=* - label: Fix Me - # 'terms: help request' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Fix Me'', separated by commas]' - flag/name: - # flag:name=* - label: Flag Name - flag/type: - # flag:type=* - label: Flag Type - flag/wikidata: - # flag:wikidata=*, flag:wikipedia=* - label: Flag Wikidata - flashing_lights: - # flashing_lights=* - label: Flashing Lights - options: - always: - # description for flashing_lights=always - description: Lights are always flashing - # title for flashing_lights=always - title: Always flashing - button: - # description for flashing_lights=button - description: Lights activated by pressing a button - # title for flashing_lights=button - title: Button activated - button;sensor: - # description for flashing_lights=button;sensor - description: Lights activated by a sensor or by pressing a button - # title for flashing_lights=button;sensor - title: Button and sensor activated - # flashing_lights=no - 'no': 'No' - sensor: - # description for flashing_lights=sensor - description: Lights activated by a sensor - # title for flashing_lights=sensor - title: Sensor activated - # flashing_lights=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Flashing Lights'', separated by commas]' - floating: - # floating=* - label: Floating - flood_prone: - # flood_prone=* - label: Flood Prone - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Flood Prone'', separated by commas]' - footrest: - # footrest=* - label: Footrest - ford: - # ford=* - label: Type - # ford field placeholder - placeholder: Default - fortification_type: - # fortification_type=* - label: Fortification Type - fountain: - # fountain=* - label: Type - frequency: - # frequency=* - label: Operating Frequency - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Operating Frequency'', separated by commas]' - frequency_electrified: - # frequency=* - from: - # from=* - label: From - fuel: - # fuel=* - label: Fuel - fuel/fuel_multi: - # fuel:=* - label: Fuel Types - options: - # fuel:=GTL_diesel - GTL_diesel: GTL Diesel - # fuel:=HGV_diesel - HGV_diesel: Truck Diesel - # fuel:=LH2 - LH2: Liquid Hydrogen - # fuel:=adblue - adblue: AdBlue / AUS 32 - #canister': fuel:=adblue:canister - adblue:canister: AdBlue / AUS 32 (sold in canisters) - # fuel:=biodiesel - biodiesel: Biodiesel - # fuel:=cng - cng: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) - # fuel:=diesel - diesel: Diesel - # fuel:=e10 - e10: E10 Gasoline - # fuel:=e5 - e5: E5 Gasoline - # fuel:=e85 - e85: E85 Gasoline - # fuel:=h70 - h70: Gaseous Hydrogen (700 bar) - # fuel:=lng - lng: Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) - # fuel:=lpg - lpg: Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) - # fuel:=octane_100 - octane_100: Gasoline (100 Octane) - # fuel:=octane_80 - octane_80: Gasoline (80 Octane) - # fuel:=octane_85 - octane_85: Gasoline (85 Octane) - # fuel:=octane_87 - octane_87: Gasoline (87 Octane) - # fuel:=octane_88 - octane_88: Gasoline (88 Octane) - # fuel:=octane_89 - octane_89: Gasoline (89 Octane) - # fuel:=octane_90 - octane_90: Gasoline (90 Octane) - # fuel:=octane_91 - octane_91: Gasoline (91 Octane) - # fuel:=octane_92 - octane_92: Gasoline (92 Octane) - # fuel:=octane_93 - octane_93: Gasoline (93 Octane) - # fuel:=octane_95 - octane_95: Gasoline (95 Octane) - # fuel:=octane_97 - octane_97: Gasoline (97 Octane) - # fuel:=octane_98 - octane_98: Gasoline (98 Octane) - # fuel:=propane - propane: Propane - fuel/fuel_multi-RU: - # fuel:=* | Local preset for countries "RU" - gambling: - # gambling=* - label: Games - garden/type: - # garden:type=* - label: Garden Type - gauge: - # gauge=* - label: Gauge - gender: - # male=*, female=*, unisex=* - label: Gender - options: - # field "gender" with value "female" - female: Female - # field "gender" with value "male" - male: Male - # field "gender" with value "unisex" - unisex: Unisex - # gender field placeholder - placeholder: Unknown - # 'terms: access,female,male,unisex' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Gender'', separated by commas]' - gender_simple: - # female=*, male=* - generator/method: - # generator:method=* - label: Method - options: - # generator:method=anaerobic_digestion - anaerobic_digestion: Anaerobic Digestion - # generator:method=barrage - barrage: Tidal Barrage - # generator:method=combustion - combustion: Combustion - # generator:method=fission - fission: Fission - # generator:method=fusion - fusion: Fusion - # generator:method=gasification - gasification: Gasification - # generator:method=photovoltaic - photovoltaic: Photovoltaic - # generator:method=run-of-the-river - run-of-the-river: Run-of-the-River - # generator:method=stream - stream: Tidal Stream - # generator:method=thermal - thermal: Solar Thermal - # generator:method=water-pumped-storage - water-pumped-storage: Pumped-Storage - # generator:method=water-storage - water-storage: Reservoir - # generator:method=wind_turbine - wind_turbine: Wind Turbine - generator/method/hydro: - # generator:method=* - generator/output/electricity: - # generator:output:electricity=* - label: Power Output - # generator/output/electricity field placeholder - placeholder: 50 MW, 100 MW, 200 MW... - generator/source: - # generator:source=* - label: Source - options: - # generator:source=battery - battery: Battery - # generator:source=biofuel - biofuel: Plant Based Fuels - # generator:source=biogas - biogas: Biogas - # generator:source=biomass - biomass: Plant Matter - # generator:source=coal - coal: Coal - # generator:source=diesel - diesel: Diesel - # generator:source=gas - gas: Natural Gas - # generator:source=gasoline - gasoline: Gasoline - # generator:source=geothermal - geothermal: Geothermal Energy - # generator:source=hydro - hydro: Hydropower - # generator:source=nuclear - nuclear: Nuclear Power - # generator:source=oil - oil: Oil - # generator:source=solar - solar: Solar Radiation - # generator:source=tidal - tidal: Tidal Power - # generator:source=waste - waste: Waste - # generator:source=wave - wave: Wave Power - # generator:source=wind - wind: Wind - generator/type: - # generator:type=* - label: Type - genus: - # genus=* - label: Genus - # genus field placeholder - placeholder: Acer, Platanus, Quercus … - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Genus'', separated by commas]' - geyser/height: - # geyser:height=* - label: Eruption Height - gnis/feature_id-US: - # gnis:feature_id=* | Local preset for countries "US" - label: GNIS Feature ID - # 'terms: federal geographic names information service,united states board on geographic names,usa' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''GNIS Feature ID'', separated by commas]' - government: - # government=* - label: Type - grades: - # grades=* - label: Grade Levels - grape_variety: - # grape_variety=* - label: Grape Varieties - group_only: - # group_only=* - label: Groups Only - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Groups Only'', separated by commas]' - guest_house: - # guest_house=* - label: Type - handicap: - # handicap=* - label: Handicap - # handicap field placeholder - placeholder: 1-18 - handrail: - # handrail=* - label: Handrail - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Handrail'', separated by commas]' - handrest: - # handrest=* - label: Handrest - hashtags: - # hashtags=* - label: Hashtags - # hashtags field placeholder - placeholder: '#example' - hazard_boundary: - # hazard=* - label: Hazard - options: - # hazard=archery_range - archery_range: Arrows - # hazard=avalanche - avalanche: Avalanche - # hazard=biohazard - biohazard: Biohazard - # hazard=contamination - contamination: Chemical Contamination - # hazard=electricity - electricity: Electric Shock - # hazard=hole - hole: Hole - # hazard=minefield - minefield: Land Mines - # hazard=nuclear - nuclear: Nuclear / Radioactive - # hazard=quicksand - quicksand: Quicksand - # hazard=shooting_range - shooting_range: Gunfire - healthcare: - # healthcare=* - label: Type - options: - # healthcare=alternative - alternative: Alternative Medicine - # healthcare=audiologist - audiologist: Audiologist - # healthcare=birthing_centre - birthing_centre: Birthing Center - # healthcare=blood_bank - blood_bank: Blood Bank - # healthcare=blood_donation - blood_donation: Blood Donation Center - # healthcare=clinic - clinic: Clinic - # healthcare=community_health_worker - community_health_worker: Community Health Worker - # healthcare=counselling - counselling: Counselling Center - # healthcare=dentist - dentist: Dentist - # healthcare=dialysis - dialysis: Dialysis Center - # healthcare=doctor - doctor: Doctor - # healthcare=hospice - hospice: Hospice - # healthcare=hospital - hospital: Hospital - # healthcare=laboratory - laboratory: Medical Laboratory - # healthcare=midwife - midwife: Midwife - # healthcare=nurse - nurse: Nurse - # healthcare=occupational_therapist - occupational_therapist: Occupational Therapist - # healthcare=optometrist - optometrist: Optometrist - # healthcare=pharmacy - pharmacy: Pharmacy - # healthcare=physiotherapist - physiotherapist: Physiotherapist - # healthcare=podiatrist - podiatrist: Podiatrist - # healthcare=psychotherapist - psychotherapist: Psychotherapist - # healthcare=rehabilitation - rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Facility - # healthcare=sample_collection - sample_collection: Sample Collection Facility - # healthcare=speech_therapist - speech_therapist: Speech Therapist - # healthcare=vaccination_centre - vaccination_centre: Vaccination Center - healthcare/speciality: - # healthcare:speciality=* - label: Specialties - options: - # healthcare:speciality=abortion - abortion: Abortion - # healthcare:speciality=acupuncture - acupuncture: Acupuncture - # healthcare:speciality=allergology - allergology: Allergy & Asthma - # healthcare:speciality=anaesthetics - anaesthetics: Anesthesiology - # healthcare:speciality=angiology - angiology: Angiology - # healthcare:speciality=anthroposophical - anthroposophical: Anthroposophic Medicine - # healthcare:speciality=applied_kinesiology - applied_kinesiology: Applied Kinesiology - # healthcare:speciality=aromatherapy - aromatherapy: Aromatherapy - # healthcare:speciality=ayurveda - ayurveda: Ayurveda - # healthcare:speciality=behavior - behavior: Behavior Therapy - # healthcare:speciality=biochemistry - biochemistry: Biochemistry - # healthcare:speciality=biology - biology: Biology - # healthcare:speciality=blood_check - blood_check: Blood Test - # healthcare:speciality=body - body: Body Therapy - # healthcare:speciality=cardiology - cardiology: Cardiology - # healthcare:speciality=cardiothoracic_surgery - cardiothoracic_surgery: Cardiothoracic Surgery - # healthcare:speciality=child_psychiatry - child_psychiatry: Child & Adolescent Psychiatry - # healthcare:speciality=chiropractic - chiropractic: Chiropractic - # healthcare:speciality=clinical_pathology - clinical_pathology: Clinical Pathology - # healthcare:speciality=community - community: Community & Public Health - # healthcare:speciality=dental_oral_maxillo_facial_surgery - dental_oral_maxillo_facial_surgery: Dental, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - # healthcare:speciality=depth - depth: Depth Psychology - # healthcare:speciality=dermatology - dermatology: Dermatology - # healthcare:speciality=dermatovenereology - dermatovenereology: Dermatovenereology - # healthcare:speciality=diabetology - diabetology: Diabetology - # healthcare:speciality=diagnostic_radiology - diagnostic_radiology: Diagnostic Radiology - # healthcare:speciality=emergency - emergency: Emergency Medicine - # healthcare:speciality=endocrinology - endocrinology: Endocrinology - # healthcare:speciality=fertility - fertility: Fertility - # healthcare:speciality=gastroenterology - gastroenterology: Gastroenterology - # healthcare:speciality=general - general: General Practice - # healthcare:speciality=geriatrics - geriatrics: Geriatric Medicine - # healthcare:speciality=gynaecology - gynaecology: Obstetrics & Gynecology - # healthcare:speciality=haematology - haematology: Hematology - # healthcare:speciality=hepatology - hepatology: Hepatology - # healthcare:speciality=herbalism - herbalism: Herbalism - # healthcare:speciality=homeopathy - homeopathy: Homeopathy - # healthcare:speciality=humanistic - humanistic: Humanistic Psychology - # healthcare:speciality=hydrotherapy - hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy - # healthcare:speciality=hypnosis - hypnosis: Hypnosis - # healthcare:speciality=infectious_diseases - infectious_diseases: Infectious Disease - # healthcare:speciality=intensive - intensive: Intensive Care - # healthcare:speciality=internal - internal: Internal Medicine - # healthcare:speciality=naturopathy - naturopathy: Naturopathy - # healthcare:speciality=neonatology - neonatology: Neonatology - # healthcare:speciality=nephrology - nephrology: Nephrology - # healthcare:speciality=neurology - neurology: Neurology - # healthcare:speciality=neuropsychiatry - neuropsychiatry: Neuropsychiatry - # healthcare:speciality=neurosurgery - neurosurgery: Neurosurgery - # healthcare:speciality=nuclear - nuclear: Nuclear Medicine - # healthcare:speciality=occupational - occupational: Occupational Medicine - # healthcare:speciality=oncology - oncology: Oncology - # healthcare:speciality=ophthalmology - ophthalmology: Ophthalmology - # healthcare:speciality=orthodontics - orthodontics: Orthodontics - # healthcare:speciality=orthopaedics - orthopaedics: Orthopedic Surgery - # healthcare:speciality=osteopathy - osteopathy: Osteopathy - # healthcare:speciality=otolaryngology - otolaryngology: Ear, Nose & Throat - # healthcare:speciality=paediatric_surgery - paediatric_surgery: Pediatric Surgery - # healthcare:speciality=paediatrics - paediatrics: Pediatrics - # healthcare:speciality=palliative - palliative: Palliative Care - # healthcare:speciality=pathology - pathology: Pathology - # healthcare:speciality=physiatry - physiatry: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - # healthcare:speciality=plastic_surgery - plastic_surgery: Plastic Surgery - # healthcare:speciality=podiatry - podiatry: Podiatry - # healthcare:speciality=proctology - proctology: Colorectal Surgery - # healthcare:speciality=psychiatry - psychiatry: Psychiatry - # healthcare:speciality=pulmonology - pulmonology: Pulmonology - # healthcare:speciality=radiology - radiology: Radiology - # healthcare:speciality=radiotherapy - radiotherapy: Radiotherapy - # healthcare:speciality=reflexology - reflexology: Reflexology - # healthcare:speciality=reiki - reiki: Reiki - # healthcare:speciality=rheumatology - rheumatology: Rheumatology - # healthcare:speciality=shiatsu - shiatsu: Shiatsu - # healthcare:speciality=stomatology - stomatology: Stomatology - # healthcare:speciality=surgery - surgery: General Surgery - # healthcare:speciality=systemic - systemic: Systemic Therapy - # healthcare:speciality=traditional_chinese_medicine - traditional_chinese_medicine: Traditional Chinese Medicine - # healthcare:speciality=transplant - transplant: Transplant Surgery - # healthcare:speciality=trauma - trauma: Trauma Surgery - # healthcare:speciality=tropical - tropical: Tropical Medicine - # healthcare:speciality=tuina - tuina: Tuī ná - # healthcare:speciality=unani - unani: Unani Medicine - # healthcare:speciality=urology - urology: Urology - # healthcare:speciality=vaccination - vaccination: Vaccination - # healthcare:speciality=vascular_surgery - vascular_surgery: Vascular Surgery - healthcare_therapist: - # healthcare=* - heating: - # heating=* - label: Heating - height: - # height=* - label: Height (Meters) - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Height (Meters)'', separated by commas]' - height/hub: - # height:hub=* - label: Height of Hub (Meters) - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Height of Hub (Meters)'', separated by commas]' - height_building: - # height=* - label: Building Height (Meters) - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Building Height (Meters)'', separated by commas]' - highchair: - # highchair=* - label: High Chair - # 'terms: booster,booster seat,feeding chair,kids chair' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''High Chair'', separated by commas]' - highspeed: - # highspeed=* - label: High-Speed - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''High-Speed'', separated by commas]' - highway: - # highway=* - label: Type - highway_cartpath: - # highway=* - label: Type of Path - options: - # highway=path - path: Cartpath - # highway=service - service: Service Road - historic: - # historic=* - label: Type - options: - # historic=archaeological_site - archaeological_site: Archaeological Site - # historic=bomb_crater - bomb_crater: Bomb Crater - # historic=boundary_stone - boundary_stone: Boundary Stone - # historic=building - building: Historic Building - # historic=castle - castle: Castle - # historic=charcoal_pile - charcoal_pile: Charcoal Pile - # historic=church - church: Church - # historic=city_gate - city_gate: City Gate - # historic=citywalls - citywalls: Citywall - # historic=fort - fort: Historic Fort - # historic=manor - manor: Manor House - # historic=memorial - memorial: Memorial - # historic=milestone - milestone: Milestone - # historic=millstone - millstone: Millstone - # historic=mine - mine: Mine - # historic=mine_shaft - mine_shaft: Mine Shaft - # historic=monument - monument: Monument - # historic=pillory - pillory: Historic Pillory - # historic=railway - railway: Railway - # historic=ruins - ruins: Ruins - # historic=shieling - shieling: Shieling - # historic=tomb - tomb: Tomb - # historic=wayside_cross - wayside_cross: Wayside Cross - # historic=wayside_shrine - wayside_shrine: Wayside Shrine - # historic=wreck - wreck: Shipwreck - historic/civilization: - # historic:civilization=* - label: Historic Civilization - historic/wreck/date_sunk: - # wreck:date_sunk=* - label: Date Sunk - historic/wreck/visible_at_high_tide: - # wreck:visible_at_high_tide=* - label: Visible At High Tide - historic/wreck/visible_at_low_tide: - # wreck:visible_at_low_tide=* - label: Visible At Low Tide - holding_position/type: - # holding_position:type=* - label: Type - options: - # holding_position:type=ILS - ILS: Instrument Landing System - # holding_position:type=intermediate - intermediate: Taxiway-Taxiway Intersection - # holding_position:type=runway - runway: Runway - hoops: - # hoops=* - label: Hoops - # hoops field placeholder - placeholder: 1, 2, 4... - horse_riding: - # leisure=* - label: Horseback Riding Center - options: - # leisure=horse_riding - horse_riding: 'Yes' - # leisure=undefined - undefined: 'No' - horse_scale: - # horse_scale=* - label: Horseback Riding Difficulty - options: - # horse_scale=common - common: 'Easy: No problems or difficulties. (default)' - # horse_scale=critical - critical: 'Borderline: Passable only for experienced riders and horses. Major obstacles. Bridges should be examined carefully.' - # horse_scale=dangerous - dangerous: 'Dangerous: Passable only for very experienced riders and horses and only in good weather. Dismount.' - # horse_scale=demanding - demanding: 'Use with caution: Uneven way, occasional difficult passages.' - # horse_scale=difficult - difficult: 'Difficult: Way narrow and exposed. May contain obstacles to step over and narrow passages.' - # horse_scale=impossible - impossible: 'Impassable: Way or bridge not passable for horses. Too narrow, insufficient support, obstacles like ladders. Danger of life.' - # horse_scale field placeholder - placeholder: Difficult, Dangerous... - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Horseback Riding Difficulty'', separated by commas]' - hot_water: - # hot_water=* - label: Hot Water - house: - # house=* - label: House Type - iata: - # iata=* - label: IATA Airport Code - icao: - # icao=* - label: ICAO Airport Code - image: - # image=* - label: Image - # image field placeholder - placeholder: https://example.com/photo.jpg - # 'terms: icon,image uri,photo,picture' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Image'', separated by commas]' - incline: - # incline=* - label: Incline - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Incline'', separated by commas]' - incline_steps: - # incline=* - options: - # incline=down - down: Down - # incline=up - up: Up - indoor: - # indoor=* - label: Indoor - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Indoor'', separated by commas]' - indoor_type: - # indoor=* - label: Type - industrial: - # industrial=* - label: Type - informal: - # informal=* - label: Informal - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Informal'', separated by commas]' - information: - # information=* - label: Type - inscription: - # inscription=* - label: Inscription - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Inscription'', separated by commas]' - intermittent: - # intermittent=* - label: Intermittent - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Intermittent'', separated by commas]' - intermittent_yes: - # intermittent=* - internet_access: - # internet_access=* - label: Internet Connection - options: - # internet_access=no - 'no': 'No' - # internet_access=terminal - terminal: Terminal - # internet_access=wired - wired: Wired - # internet_access=wlan - wlan: Wifi - # internet_access=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - # 'terms: wifi,wlan' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Internet Connection'', separated by commas]' - internet_access/fee: - # internet_access:fee=* - label: Internet Access Fee - options: - # internet_access:fee=customers - customers: Customers Only - # internet_access:fee=no - 'no': Free - # internet_access:fee=yes - 'yes': Paid - # 'terms: wifi fee' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Internet Access Fee'', separated by commas]' - internet_access/ssid: - # internet_access:ssid=* - label: Wifi Network Name - # 'terms: ssid' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Wifi Network Name'', separated by commas]' - interval: - # interval=* - label: Interval - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Interval'', separated by commas]' - junction/ref_oneway: - # junction:ref=* - label: Junction Number - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Junction Number'', separated by commas]' - junction_line: - # junction=* - label: Junction - options: - # junction=circular - circular: Traffic Circle - # junction=jughandle - jughandle: Jughandle - # junction=roundabout - roundabout: Roundabout - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Junction'', separated by commas]' - kerb: - # kerb=* - label: Curb - options: - flush: - # description for kerb=flush - description: A dropped curb which is level with the surrounding area. - # title for kerb=flush - title: Flush - lowered: - # description for kerb=lowered - description: A dropped curb which can be used by wheelchair users, not higher than a few centimeters. - # title for kerb=lowered - title: Lowered - 'no': - # description for kerb=no - description: There is no curb present at this location. - # title for kerb=no - title: 'No' - raised: - # description for kerb=raised - description: A raised curb which can't easily be used by wheelchair users, higher than a few centimeters. - # title for kerb=raised - title: Raised - rolled: - # description for kerb=rolled - description: A raised curb with a rounded edge which makes it easier to use for cars or bicycles, but not for wheelchairs. - # title for kerb=rolled - title: Rolled - 'yes': - # description for kerb=yes - description: Some sort of curb is present at this location, unknown whether it is raised, lowered, flush etc. - # title for kerb=yes - title: 'Yes' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Curb'', separated by commas]' - kerb/height: - # kerb:height=* - label: Height - kerb/kerb_barrier: - # kerb=* - label: Type - kitchen: - # kitchen=* - label: Kitchen - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Kitchen'', separated by commas]' - kneipp_water_cure_multi: - # kneipp_water_cure:=* - label: Basin Types - options: - # kneipp_water_cure:=arm - arm: Arm Basin - # kneipp_water_cure:=face - face: Face Basin - # kneipp_water_cure:=foot - foot: Foot Basin - label: - # label=* - label: Label - lamp_mount: - # lamp_mount=* - label: Mount - lamp_type: - # lamp_type=* - label: Type - landuse: - # landuse=* - label: Type - lane_markings: - # lane_markings=* - label: Lane Markings - # 'terms: centerline,lane dividers,lane line,striped,unstriped' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Lane Markings'', separated by commas]' - lanes: - # lanes=* - label: Lanes - # lanes field placeholder - placeholder: 1, 2, 3... - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Lanes'', separated by commas]' - language_multi: - # language:=* - label: Languages - layer: - # layer=* - label: Layer - # layer field placeholder - placeholder: '0' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Layer'', separated by commas]' - layer_1: - # layer=* - # layer_1 field placeholder - placeholder: '0' - leaf_cycle: - # leaf_cycle=* - label: Leaf Cycle - options: - # leaf_cycle=deciduous - deciduous: Deciduous - # leaf_cycle=evergreen - evergreen: Evergreen - # leaf_cycle=mixed - mixed: Mixed - # leaf_cycle=semi_deciduous - semi_deciduous: Semi-Deciduous - # leaf_cycle=semi_evergreen - semi_evergreen: Semi-Evergreen - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Leaf Cycle'', separated by commas]' - leaf_cycle_singular: - # leaf_cycle=* - leaf_type: - # leaf_type=* - label: Leaf Type - options: - # leaf_type=broadleaved - broadleaved: Broadleaved - # leaf_type=leafless - leafless: Leafless - # leaf_type=mixed - mixed: Mixed - # leaf_type=needleleaved - needleleaved: Needleleaved - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Leaf Type'', separated by commas]' - leaf_type_singular: - # leaf_type=* - label: Leaf Type - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Leaf Type'', separated by commas]' - leisure: - # leisure=* - label: Type - length: - # length=* - label: Length (Meters) - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Length (Meters)'', separated by commas]' - level: - # level=* - label: Level - # 'terms: building floor,deck,storey,story' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Level'', separated by commas]' - level_semi: - # level=* - label: Levels - # 'terms: building floors,decks,stories,storeys,storys' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Levels'', separated by commas]' - liaison: - # liaison=* - label: Type - license_classes: - # license_classes=* - label: Classes of Driver’s License - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Classes of Driver’s License'', separated by commas]' - lifeguard: - # lifeguard=* - label: Type - options: - # lifeguard=base - base: Lifeguard Base - # lifeguard=tower - tower: Lifeguard Tower - lifeguard_check: - # lifeguard=* - label: Lifeguard - lift_gate/type: - # lift_gate:type=* - label: Type - options: - # lift_gate:type=double - double: Opposing Bars - # lift_gate:type=single - single: Single Bar - line_attachment: - # line_attachment=* - label: Line Attachment - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Line Attachment'', separated by commas]' - line_management: - # line_management=* - label: Line Management - # 'terms: branching,line topology,termination' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Line Management'', separated by commas]' - lit: - # lit=* - label: Lit - # 'terms: lamp,lighting' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Lit'', separated by commas]' - loc_name: - # loc_name=* - label: Local Name - # 'terms: colloquial name,common name,informal name,nickname' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Local Name'', separated by commas]' - location: - # location=* - label: Location - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Location'', separated by commas]' - location_pool: - # location=* - options: - # location=indoor - indoor: Indoor - # location=outdoor - outdoor: Outdoor - # location=roof - roof: Rooftop - lock: - # lock=* - label: Lock - lockable: - # lockable=* - label: Lockable - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Lockable'', separated by commas]' - locked: - # locked=* - label: Locked - man_made: - # man_made=* - label: Type - manhole: - # manhole=* - label: Type - manufacturer: - # manufacturer=* - label: Manufacturer - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Manufacturer'', separated by commas]' - map_size: - # map_size=* - label: Coverage - map_type: - # map_type=* - label: Type - options: - # map_type=scheme - scheme: Schematic Map - # map_type=street - street: Road Map - # map_type=topo - topo: Topographical Map - # map_type=toposcope - toposcope: Toposcope - mapillary: - # mapillary=* - label: Mapillary Image ID - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Mapillary Image ID'', separated by commas]' - marker: - # marker=* - label: Type - options: - aerial: - # description for marker=aerial - description: Designed to be visible from the air. - # title for marker=aerial - title: Aerial - ground: - # description for marker=ground - description: Flat marker laid in the ground. - # title for marker=ground - title: Ground - pedestal: - # description for marker=pedestal - description: Raised marker mounted on a small base. - # title for marker=pedestal - title: Pedestal - plate: - # description for marker=plate - description: Flat marker mounted directly on walls or similar. - # title for marker=plate - title: Plate - post: - # description for marker=post - description: Raised marker mounted on a small pole or mast. - # title for marker=post - title: Post - stone: - # description for marker=stone - description: Markings directly etched or painted on a stone. - # title for marker=stone - title: Stone - material: - # material=* - label: Material - options: - # material=adobe - adobe: Adobe - # material=aluminium - aluminium: Aluminum - # material=brass - brass: Brass - # material=brick - brick: Brick - # material=bronze - bronze: Bronze - # material=concrete - concrete: Concrete - # material=dry_stone - dry_stone: Dry Stone - # material=glass - glass: Glass - # material=granite - granite: Granite - # material=iron - iron: Iron - # material=limestone - limestone: Limestone - # material=marble - marble: Marble - # material=metal - metal: Metal - # material=plastic - plastic: Plastic - # material=reinforced_concrete - reinforced_concrete: Reinforced Concrete - # material=rock - rock: Rock - # material=sand - sand: Sand - # material=sandstone - sandstone: Sandstone - # material=soil - soil: Soil, Earth - # material=steel - steel: Steel - # material=stone - stone: Stone - # material=wood - wood: Wood - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Material'', separated by commas]' - mattress: - # mattress=* - label: Mattresses Available - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Mattresses Available'', separated by commas]' - max_age: - # max_age=* - label: Maximum Age - # 'terms: upper age limit' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Maximum Age'', separated by commas]' - maxaxleload_bridge: - # maxaxleload=* - label: Axle Weight Limit - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Axle Weight Limit'', separated by commas]' - maxheight: - # maxheight=* - label: Height Limit - # 'terms: clearance' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Height Limit'', separated by commas]' - maxlength: - # maxlength=* - label: Length Limit - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Length Limit'', separated by commas]' - maxspeed: - # maxspeed=* - label: Speed Limit - # maxspeed field placeholder - placeholder: 40, 50, 60... - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Speed Limit'', separated by commas]' - maxspeed/advisory: - # maxspeed:advisory=* - label: Advisory Speed Limit - # maxspeed/advisory field placeholder - placeholder: 40, 50, 60... - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Advisory Speed Limit'', separated by commas]' - maxspeed/hgv: - # maxspeed:hgv=* - label: Truck Speed Limit - # maxspeed/hgv field placeholder - placeholder: 40, 50, 60... - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Truck Speed Limit'', separated by commas]' - maxstay: - # maxstay=* - label: Time Limit - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Time Limit'', separated by commas]' - maxweight: - # maxweight=* - label: Weight Limit - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Weight Limit'', separated by commas]' - maxweight_bridge: - # maxweight=* - maxwidth: - # maxwidth=* - label: Width Limit - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Width Limit'', separated by commas]' - memorial: - # memorial=* - label: Type - options: - # memorial=blue_plaque - blue_plaque: Blue Plaque - # memorial=bust - bust: Bust - # memorial=cross - cross: Memorial Cross - # memorial=ghost_bike - ghost_bike: Ghost Bike - # memorial=obelisk - obelisk: Obelisk - # memorial=plaque - plaque: Commemorative Plaque - # memorial=sculpture - sculpture: Sculpture - # memorial=statue - statue: Statue - # memorial=stele - stele: Stele - # memorial=stolperstein - stolperstein: Stolperstein - # memorial=stone - stone: Stone - # memorial=war_memorial - war_memorial: War Memorial - memorial/addr: - # memorial:addr=* - label: Nearest Building Address - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Nearest Building Address'', separated by commas]' - memorial/addr_subtags: - # memorial:addr:city=*, memorial:addr:housename=*, memorial:addr:housenumber=*, memorial:addr:place=*, memorial:addr:postcode=*, memorial:addr:street=* - message: - # message=* - label: Message - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Message'', separated by commas]' - microbrewery: - # microbrewery=* - label: Microbrewery - # 'terms: brewpub,craft beer' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Microbrewery'', separated by commas]' - military_service: - # military_service=* - label: Military Service - options: - # military_service=air_force - air_force: Air Force - # military_service=army - army: Army - # military_service=coast_guard - coast_guard: Coast Guard - # military_service=marines - marines: Marines - # military_service=navy - navy: Navy - mimics: - # mimics=* - label: Mimics - # 'terms: camoflauged,disguised,looks like,tree' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Mimics'', separated by commas]' - min_age: - # min_age=* - label: Minimum Age - # 'terms: lower age limit' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Minimum Age'', separated by commas]' - min_height: - # min_height=* - label: Height of Bottom (Meters) - minspeed: - # minspeed=* - label: Minimum Speed Limit - # minspeed field placeholder - placeholder: 20, 30, 40... - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Minimum Speed Limit'', separated by commas]' - mobile: - # mobile=*, contact:mobile=* - label: Mobile Phone - # mobile field placeholder - placeholder: +31 42 123 4567 - # 'terms: phone number' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Mobile Phone'', separated by commas]' - model: - # model=* - label: Model - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Model'', separated by commas]' - monitoring_multi: - # monitoring:=* - label: Monitoring - mooring: - # mooring=* - label: Mooring - options: - # mooring=commercial - commercial: Commercial - # mooring=guest - guest: Guests - # mooring=no - 'no': 'No' - # mooring=private - private: Private - # mooring=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - mtb/scale: - # mtb:scale=* - label: Mountain Biking Difficulty - options: - # mtb:scale=0 - '0': '0: Solid gravel/packed earth, no obstacles, wide curves' - # mtb:scale=1 - '1': '1: Some loose surface, small obstacles, wide curves' - # mtb:scale=2 - '2': '2: Much loose surface, large obstacles, easy hairpins' - # mtb:scale=3 - '3': '3: Slippery surface, large obstacles, tight hairpins' - # mtb:scale=4 - '4': '4: Loose surface or boulders, dangerous hairpins' - # mtb:scale=5 - '5': '5: Maximum difficulty, boulder fields, landslides' - # mtb:scale=6 - '6': '6: Not rideable except by the very best mountain bikers' - # mtb/scale field placeholder - placeholder: 0, 1, 2, 3... - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Mountain Biking Difficulty'', separated by commas]' - mtb/scale/imba: - # mtb:scale:imba=* - label: IMBA Trail Difficulty - options: - # mtb:scale:imba=0 - '0': ⚪ Easiest (white circle) - # mtb:scale:imba=1 - '1': 🟢 Easy (green circle) - # mtb:scale:imba=2 - '2': 🟦 Medium (blue square) - # mtb:scale:imba=3 - '3': ◆ Difficult (black diamond) - # mtb:scale:imba=4 - '4': ◆◆ Extremely Difficult (double black diamond) - # mtb/scale/imba field placeholder - placeholder: Easy, Medium, Difficult... - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''IMBA Trail Difficulty'', separated by commas]' - mtb/scale/uphill: - # mtb:scale:uphill=* - label: Mountain Biking Uphill Difficulty - options: - # mtb:scale:uphill=0 - '0': '0: Avg. incline <10%, gravel/packed earth, no obstacles' - # mtb:scale:uphill=1 - '1': '1: Avg. incline <15%, gravel/packed earth, few small objects' - # mtb:scale:uphill=2 - '2': '2: Avg. incline <20%, stable surface, fistsize rocks/roots' - # mtb:scale:uphill=3 - '3': '3: Avg. incline <25%, variable surface, fistsize rocks/branches' - # mtb:scale:uphill=4 - '4': '4: Avg. incline <30%, poor condition, big rocks/branches' - # mtb:scale:uphill=5 - '5': '5: Very steep, bike generally needs to be pushed or carried' - # mtb/scale/uphill field placeholder - placeholder: 0, 1, 2, 3... - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Mountain Biking Uphill Difficulty'', separated by commas]' - museum: - # museum=* - label: Type - name: - # name=* - label: Name - # name field placeholder - placeholder: Common name (if any) - # 'terms: label,title' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Name'', separated by commas]' - nat_name: - # nat_name=* - label: National Name - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''National Name'', separated by commas]' - natural: - # natural=* - label: Natural - network: - # network=* - label: Network - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Network'', separated by commas]' - network/type: - # network:type=* - label: Network Type - network_bicycle: - # network=* - label: Network Class - options: - # network=icn - icn: International - # network=lcn - lcn: Local - # network=ncn - ncn: National - # network=rcn - rcn: Regional - # network_bicycle field placeholder - placeholder: Local, Regional, National, International - network_foot: - # network=* - label: Network Class - options: - # network=iwn - iwn: International - # network=lwn - lwn: Local - # network=nwn - nwn: National - # network=rwn - rwn: Regional - # network_foot field placeholder - placeholder: Local, Regional, National, International - network_horse: - # network=* - label: Network Class - options: - # network=ihn - ihn: International - # network=lhn - lhn: Local - # network=nhn - nhn: National - # network=rhn - rhn: Regional - # network_horse field placeholder - placeholder: Local, Regional, National, International - network_road: - # network=* - label: Network - not/name: - # not:name=* - label: Incorrect Names - # 'terms: common mistake names,wrong names' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Incorrect Names'', separated by commas]' - note: - # note=* - label: Note - # 'terms: comment' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Note'', separated by commas]' - nudism: - # nudism=* - label: Nudism - options: - # nudism=customary - customary: Customary - # nudism=designated - designated: Designated - # nudism=no - 'no': Prohibited - # nudism=obligatory - obligatory: Obligatory - # nudism=permissive - permissive: Permissive - # nudism=yes - 'yes': Allowed - # 'terms: naturism,naturist,nude recreation,nudist' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Nudism'', separated by commas]' - office: - # office=* - label: Type - options: - # office=accountant - accountant: Accountant Office - # office=adoption_agency - adoption_agency: Adoption Agency - # office=advertising_agency - advertising_agency: Advertising Agency - # office=architect - architect: Architect Office - # office=association - association: Nonprofit Organization Office - # office=charity - charity: Charity Office - # office=company - company: Corporate Office - # office=construction_company - construction_company: Construction Company Office - # office=consulting - consulting: Consultancy Office - # office=courier - courier: Courier Office - # office=coworking - coworking: Coworking Space - # office=diplomatic - diplomatic: Diplomatic Office - # office=educational_institution - educational_institution: Educational Institution - # office=employment_agency - employment_agency: Employment Agency - # office=energy_supplier - energy_supplier: Energy Supplier Office - # office=engineer - engineer: Engineering Office - # office=estate_agent - estate_agent: Real Estate Office - # office=financial - financial: Financial Office - # office=financial_advisor - financial_advisor: Financial Advisor - # office=forestry - forestry: Forestry Office - # office=foundation - foundation: Foundation Office - # office=government - government: Government Office - # office=graphic_design - graphic_design: Graphic Design Office - # office=guide - guide: Tour Guide Office - # office=insurance - insurance: Insurance Office - # office=it - it: Information Technology Office - # office=lawyer - lawyer: Law Office - # office=logistics - logistics: Forwarding Agency - # office=moving_company - moving_company: Moving Company Office - # office=newspaper - newspaper: Newspaper Office - # office=ngo - ngo: NGO Office - # office=notary - notary: Notary Office - # office=physician - physician: Physician - # office=political_party - political_party: Political Party Office - # office=private_investigator - private_investigator: Private Investigator Office - # office=property_management - property_management: Property Management Office - # office=quango - quango: Quasi-NGO Office - # office=religion - religion: Religious Office - # office=research - research: Research Office - # office=security - security: Security Office - # office=surveyor - surveyor: Surveyor Office - # office=tax_advisor - tax_advisor: Tax Advisor Office - # office=telecommunication - telecommunication: Telecom Office - # office=therapist - therapist: Therapist Office - # office=travel_agent - travel_agent: Travel Agency - # office=union - union: Labor Union Office - # office=water_utility - water_utility: Water Utility Office - official_name: - # official_name=* - label: Official Name - # 'terms: formal name,full name,legal name' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Official Name'', separated by commas]' - oneway: - # oneway=* - label: One Way - options: - # oneway=alternating - alternating: Alternating - # oneway=no - 'no': 'No' - # oneway=reversible - reversible: Reversible - # oneway=undefined - undefined: Assumed to be No - # oneway=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - # 'terms: bidirectional,oneway,unidirectional' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''One Way'', separated by commas]' - oneway/bicycle: - # oneway:bicycle=* - label: One Way (Bicycles) - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''One Way (Bicycles)'', separated by commas]' - oneway_yes: - # oneway=* - options: - # oneway=alternating - alternating: Alternating - # oneway=no - 'no': 'No' - # oneway=reversible - reversible: Reversible - # oneway=undefined - undefined: Assumed to be Yes - # oneway=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - openfire: - # openfire=* - label: Open Fires Allowed - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Open Fires Allowed'', separated by commas]' - opening_date: - # opening_date=* - label: Expected Opening Date - # opening_date field placeholder - placeholder: YYYY-MM-DD - opening_hours: - # opening_hours=* - label: Hours - # opening_hours field placeholder - placeholder: Unknown - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Hours'', separated by commas]' - opening_hours/drive_through: - # opening_hours:drive_through=* - label: Drive Through Hours - # opening_hours/drive_through field placeholder - placeholder: Same as regular business hours - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Drive Through Hours'', separated by commas]' - operator: - # operator=* - label: Operator - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Operator'', separated by commas]' - operator/type: - # operator:type=* - label: Operator Type - organic: - # organic=* - label: Organic Products - options: - # organic=no - 'no': None - # organic=only - only: Only - # organic=yes - 'yes': Some - # 'terms: natural,non-gmo' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Organic Products'', separated by commas]' - orientation/orientation_parking: - # orientation=* - label: Orientation - outdoor_seating: - # outdoor_seating=* - label: Outdoor Seating - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Outdoor Seating'', separated by commas]' - panoramax: - # panoramax=* - label: Panoramax Image ID - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Panoramax Image ID'', separated by commas]' - par: - # par=* - label: Par - # par field placeholder - placeholder: 3, 4, 5... - parcel_dropoff: - # parcel_mail_in=* - label: Parcel Dropoff - parcel_pickup: - # parcel_pickup=* - label: Parcel Pickup - options: - # parcel_pickup=no - 'no': 'No' - # parcel_pickup=undefined - undefined: Assumed to be Yes - # parcel_pickup=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - park_ride: - # park_ride=* - label: Park and Ride - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Park and Ride'', separated by commas]' - parking: - # parking=* - label: Type - options: - carports: - # description for parking=carports - description: Structure used to offer limited protection to vehicles, typically without walls. - # title for parking=carports - title: Carports - garage_boxes: - # description for parking=garage_boxes - description: Private garage with multiple individual boxes for one car each. - # title for parking=garage_boxes - title: Garage Boxes - half_on_kerb: - # description for parking=half_on_kerb - description: Parking partially on the sidewalk. - # title for parking=half_on_kerb - title: Half On Kerb - lane: - # description for parking=lane - description: Parking on the street (which could be easily converted to a travel lane). - # title for parking=lane - title: Roadside Lane - layby: - # description for parking=layby - description: Parking at a rest area, alongside a road. - # title for parking=layby - title: Turnout / Lay-By - multi-storey: - # description for parking=multi-storey - description: Two or more levels of parking decks in a building structure. - # title for parking=multi-storey - title: Multilevel - on_kerb: - # description for parking=on_kerb - description: Parking on the sidewalk. - # title for parking=on_kerb - title: On Kerb - rooftop: - # description for parking=rooftop - description: One level of a parking deck on top of a building. - # title for parking=rooftop - title: Rooftop - sheds: - # description for parking=sheds - description: Private hangars for vehicles. - # title for parking=sheds - title: Sheds - shoulder: - # description for parking=shoulder - description: Parking on the shoulder. - # title for parking=shoulder - title: Shoulder - street_side: - # description for parking=street_side - description: Parking directly adjacent to the street (but not on it). - # title for parking=street_side - title: Street-Side - surface: - # description for parking=surface - description: One level of parking on the ground. - # title for parking=surface - title: Surface - underground: - # description for parking=underground - description: Underground parking. - # title for parking=underground - title: Underground - parking/side/orientation: - # parking:left:orientation=*, parking:right:orientation=* - label: Parking Orientation - options: - # parking:both:orientation=diagonal - diagonal: Diagonal in Relation to the Street (~45°) - # parking:both:orientation=parallel - parallel: Parallel to the Street - # parking:both:orientation=perpendicular - perpendicular: Meets the Street at a Straight Angle (~90°) - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Parking Orientation'', separated by commas]' - types: - parking:left:orientation: Left side - parking:right:orientation: Right side - parking/side/parking: - # parking:left=*, parking:right=* - label: Parking - options: - # parking:both=half_on_kerb - half_on_kerb: Half On Kerb - # parking:both=lane - lane: Roadside Lane - # parking:both=no - 'no': 'No' - # parking:both=on_kerb - on_kerb: On Kerb - # parking:both=separate - separate: Parking mapped separately - # parking:both=shoulder - shoulder: Shoulder - # parking:both=street_side - street_side: Street-Side - # parking:both=yes - 'yes': Yes (unspecified) - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Parking'', separated by commas]' - types: - parking:left: Left side - parking:right: Right side - parking_entrance: - # parking=* - label: Type - parking_space: - # parking_space=* - label: Type - payment_multi: - # payment:=* - label: Payment Types - options: - # payment:=account_cards - account_cards: Account Card - # payment:=alipay - alipay: Alipay - # payment:=american_express - american_express: American Express - # payment:=app - app: Mobile Application - # payment:=apple_pay - apple_pay: Apple Pay - # payment:=bancomat - bancomat: Bancomat - # payment:=blik - blik: Blik - # payment:=cards - cards: Payment Card - # payment:=cash - cash: Cash - # payment:=cheque - cheque: Check - # payment:=clipper - clipper: Clipper - # payment:=coins - coins: Coins - # payment:=contactless - contactless: Contactless Payment - # payment:=credit_cards - credit_cards: Credit Card - # payment:=cryptocurrencies - cryptocurrencies: Cryptocurrency - # payment:=debit_cards - debit_cards: Debit Card - # payment:=diners_club - diners_club: Diners Club - # payment:=discover_card - discover_card: Discover - # payment:=dkv - dkv: DKV - # payment:=electronic_purses - electronic_purses: Electronic Purse - # payment:=ep_easycard - ep_easycard: 悠遊卡EasyCard - # payment:=ep_geldkarte - ep_geldkarte: GeldKarte - # payment:=ep_ipass - ep_ipass: iPASS一卡通 - # payment:=girocard - girocard: Girocard - # payment:=google_pay - google_pay: Google Pay - # payment:=jcb - jcb: JCB - # payment:=maestro - maestro: Maestro - # payment:=mastercard - mastercard: Mastercard - # payment:=mastercard_contactless - mastercard_contactless: Mastercard Contactless - # payment:=notes - notes: Banknotes - # payment:=paypal - paypal: PayPal - # payment:=prepaid_ticket - prepaid_ticket: Prepaid Ticket - # payment:=telephone_cards - telephone_cards: Telephone Card - # payment:=unionpay - unionpay: UnionPay - # payment:=uta - uta: UTA - # payment:=v_pay - v_pay: V Pay - # payment:=visa - visa: Visa - # payment:=visa_debit - visa_debit: Visa Debit - # payment:=visa_electron - visa_electron: Visa Electron - # payment:=wechat - wechat: WeChat Pay - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Payment Types'', separated by commas]' - payment_multi_fee: - # payment:=* - phases: - # phases=* - label: Phases - # phases field placeholder - placeholder: 1, 2, 3... - phone: - # phone=*, contact:phone=* - label: Telephone - # phone field placeholder - placeholder: +31 42 123 4567 - # 'terms: phone number' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Telephone'', separated by commas]' - picnic_table: - # picnic_table=* - label: Picnic Table - # 'terms: outdoor table,bench' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Picnic Table'', separated by commas]' - pipeline: - # pipeline=* - label: Type - piste/difficulty: - # piste:difficulty=* - label: Difficulty - options: - # piste:difficulty=advanced - advanced: Advanced - # piste:difficulty=easy - easy: Easy - # piste:difficulty=expert - expert: Expert - # piste:difficulty=extreme - extreme: Extreme - # piste:difficulty=freeride - freeride: Freeride - # piste:difficulty=intermediate - intermediate: Intermediate - # piste:difficulty=novice - novice: Novice - # piste/difficulty field placeholder - placeholder: Easy, Intermediate, Advanced... - piste/difficulty_downhill: - # piste:difficulty=* - options: - # piste:difficulty=advanced - advanced: Advanced (black diamond) - # piste:difficulty=easy - easy: Easy (green circle) - # piste:difficulty=expert - expert: Expert (double black diamond) - # piste:difficulty=extreme - extreme: Extreme (climbing equipment required) - # piste:difficulty=freeride - freeride: Freeride (off-piste) - # piste:difficulty=intermediate - intermediate: Intermediate (blue square) - # piste:difficulty=novice - novice: Novice (instructional) - # piste/difficulty_downhill field placeholder - placeholder: Easy, Intermediate, Advanced... - piste/difficulty_nordic: - # piste:difficulty=* - options: - # piste:difficulty=advanced - advanced: Advanced - Narrow, steep or icy section, sharp turn - # piste:difficulty=easy - easy: Easy - Soft hills, short steep section - # piste:difficulty=expert - expert: Expert - Dangerous terrain around - # piste:difficulty=intermediate - intermediate: Intermediate - Steep section - # piste:difficulty=novice - novice: Novice - Flat, no effort needed - # piste/difficulty_nordic field placeholder - placeholder: Easy, Intermediate, Advanced... - piste/difficulty_skitour: - # piste:difficulty=* - options: - # piste:difficulty=advanced - advanced: 'Advanced - S: 40-45° incline' - # piste:difficulty=easy - easy: 'Easy - WS: 30-35° incline' - # piste:difficulty=expert - expert: 'Expert - SS: 45–50° incline' - # piste:difficulty=extreme - extreme: 'Extreme - EX: >55° incline' - # piste:difficulty=freeride - freeride: 'Freeride - AS: 50–55° incline' - # piste:difficulty=intermediate - intermediate: 'Intermediate - ZS: 35-40° incline' - # piste:difficulty=novice - novice: 'Novice - L: <30° incline' - # piste/difficulty_skitour field placeholder - placeholder: Easy, Intermediate, Advanced... - piste/grooming: - # piste:grooming=* - label: Grooming - options: - # piste:grooming=backcountry - backcountry: Backcountry - # piste:grooming=classic - classic: Classic - # piste:grooming=classic+skating - classic+skating: Classic and Skating - # piste:grooming=mogul - mogul: Mogul - # piste:grooming=scooter - scooter: Scooter/Snowmobile - # piste:grooming=skating - skating: Skating - piste/grooming_downhill: - # piste:grooming=* - options: - # piste:grooming=backcountry - backcountry: Backcountry - no grooming - # piste:grooming=classic - classic: Classic - # piste:grooming=mogul - mogul: Mogul - piste/grooming_hike: - # piste:grooming=* - options: - # piste:grooming=backcountry - backcountry: Backcountry - Snowshoeing - # piste:grooming=classic - classic: Classic - Winter Hiking - piste/grooming_nordic: - # piste:grooming=* - options: - # piste:grooming=backcountry - backcountry: Backcountry, no grooming - # piste:grooming=classic - classic: Classic - # piste:grooming=classic+skating - classic+skating: Classic and Skating - # piste:grooming=scooter - scooter: Scooter/Snowmobile - # piste:grooming=skating - skating: Skating - piste/type: - # piste:type=* - label: Type - options: - # piste:type=connection - connection: Connection - # piste:type=downhill - downhill: Downhill - # piste:type=hike - hike: Hike - # piste:type=ice_skate - ice_skate: Ice Skate - # piste:type=nordic - nordic: Nordic - # piste:type=playground - playground: Playground - # piste:type=ski_jump - ski_jump: Ski Jump - # piste:type=skitour - skitour: Skitour - # piste:type=sled - sled: Sled - # piste:type=sleigh - sleigh: Sleigh - # piste:type=snow_park - snow_park: Snow Park - place: - # place=* - label: Type - plant: - # plant=* - label: Plant - plant/method: - # plant:method=* - label: Generation Method - plant/method/hydro: - # plant:method=* - plant/method/solar: - # plant:method=* - plant/method/waste: - # plant:method=* - plant/output: - # plant:output=* - label: Form of Power Output - options: - # plant:output=cold_air - cold_air: Cold Air - # plant:output=cold_water - cold_water: Cold Water - # plant:output=compressed_air - compressed_air: Compressed Air - # plant:output=electricity - electricity: Electricity - # plant:output=hot_air - hot_air: Hot Air - # plant:output=hot_water - hot_water: Hot Water - # plant:output=steam - steam: Steam - # plant:output=vacuum - vacuum: Vacuum - plant/output/electricity: - # plant:output:electricity=* - label: Electric Power Output - # plant/output/electricity field placeholder - placeholder: 500 MW, 1000 MW, 2000 MW... - plant/source: - # plant:source=* - label: Energy Source - playground: - # playground=* - label: Type - playground/theme: - # playground:theme=* - label: Theme - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Theme'', separated by commas]' - plots: - # plots=* - label: Plots - # plots field placeholder - placeholder: 10, 20, 30... - polling_station: - # polling_station=* - label: Polling Place - # 'terms: voting place' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Polling Place'', separated by commas]' - population: - # population=* - label: Population - population/date: - # population:date=* - label: Population Date - # population/date field placeholder - placeholder: YYYY-MM-DD - portable: - # portable=* - label: Portable - # 'terms: detached,mobile,moveable' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Portable'', separated by commas]' - post: - # post:block_number=*, post:city=*, post:block_number=*, post:conscriptionnumber=*, post:county=*, post:country=*, post:county=*, post:district=*, post:floor=*, post:hamlet=*, post:housename=*, post:housenumber=*, post:neighbourhood=*, post:place=*, post:postcode=*, post:province=*, post:quarter=*, post:state=*, post:street=*, post:subdistrict=*, post:suburb=*, post:unit=* - label: Delivery Address - post_box/type: - # post_box:type=* - label: Type - options: - # post_box:type=lamp - lamp: Attached to a Pole - # post_box:type=pillar - pillar: Freestanding Box - # post_box:type=wall - wall: Mounted in a Wall - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Type'', separated by commas]' - post_box/type-GB: - # post_box:type=* | Local preset for countries "GB" - power: - # power=* - label: Type - power_supply: - # power_supply=* - label: Power Supply - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Power Supply'', separated by commas]' - preschool: - # preschool=* - label: Preschool - produce: - # produce=* - label: Produce - product: - # product=* - label: Products - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Products'', separated by commas]' - public_bookcase/type: - # public_bookcase:type=* - label: Type - pump: - # pump=* - label: Pump - options: - # pump=manual - manual: Manual Hand Pump - # pump=no - 'no': None - # pump=powered - powered: Machine-Powered Pump - # pump=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - railway: - # railway=* - label: Type - railway/position: - # railway:position=* - label: Milestone Position - # railway/position field placeholder - placeholder: Distance to one decimal (123.4) - railway/signal/direction: - # railway:signal:direction=* - label: Direction Affected - options: - # railway:signal:direction=backward - backward: Backward - # railway:signal:direction=both - both: Both / All - # railway:signal:direction=forward - forward: Forward - railway/switch: - # railway:switch=* - label: Switch Type - options: - # railway:switch=abt - abt: Abt Switch - # railway:switch=default - default: Normal Switch - # railway:switch=double_slip - double_slip: Double-slip Switch - # railway:switch=single_slip - single_slip: Single-slip Switch - # railway:switch=three_way - three_way: Three-way Switch - # railway:switch=wye - wye: Wye Switch - railway/track_ref: - # railway:track_ref=* - label: Track Number - ramp: - # ramp=* - label: Embedded Ramp - options: - # ramp=no - 'no': 'No' - # ramp=separate - separate: Separately Mapped - # ramp=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - # 'terms: bicycle stairway,push ramp,runnel,wheeling ramp' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Embedded Ramp'', separated by commas]' - rating: - # rating=* - label: Power Rating - rcn_ref: - # rcn_ref=* - label: Cycling Code - real_fire-GB-IE: - # real_fire=* | Local preset for countries "GB", "IE" - label: Real Fire - # 'terms: fire place,fire' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Real Fire'', separated by commas]' - recycling_accepts: - # recycling:=* - label: Accepts - options: - # recycling:=batteries - batteries: Batteries - # recycling:=cans - cans: Cans - # recycling:=cardboard - cardboard: Cardboard - # recycling:=clothes - clothes: Clothes - # recycling:=cooking_oil - cooking_oil: Cooking Oil - # recycling:=engine_oil - engine_oil: Engine Oil - # recycling:=glass - glass: Any Glass (tempered glass, windows, mirrors, etc.) - # recycling:=glass_bottles - glass_bottles: Glass Bottles and Jars - # recycling:=green_waste - green_waste: Green Waste - # recycling:=paper - paper: Paper - # recycling:=plastic - plastic: Plastic - # recycling:=plastic_bottles - plastic_bottles: Plastic Bottles - # recycling:=plastic_packaging - plastic_packaging: Plastic Packaging - # recycling:=scrap_metal - scrap_metal: Scrap Metal - # recycling:=shoes - shoes: Shoes - recycling_type: - # recycling_type=* - label: Type - options: - # recycling_type=centre - centre: Center - # recycling_type=container - container: Container - # recycling_type field placeholder - placeholder: Container, Center - ref: - # ref=* - label: Reference Code - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Reference Code'', separated by commas]' - ref/FR/siret-FR: - # ref:FR:SIRET=* | Local preset for countries "FR" - label: SIRET Number - # 'terms: french company identification number,siret' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''SIRET Number'', separated by commas]' - ref/edubase-GB: - # ref:edubase=* | Local preset for countries "GB" - label: Department for Education Reference - # 'terms: edubase reference,dfe urn' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Department for Education Reference'', separated by commas]' - ref/isil: - # ref:isil=* - label: ISIL Code - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''ISIL Code'', separated by commas]' - ref/linz/place_id-NZ: - # ref:linz:place_id=* | Local preset for countries "NZ", "AQ" - label: NZGB Place ID - # 'terms: nz,linz,land information new zealand,toitū te whenua,nzgb,new zealand geographic board,ngā pou taunaha o aotearoa' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''NZGB Place ID'', separated by commas]' - ref/vatin: - # ref:vatin=* - label: VAT ID Number - # 'terms: value added tax identification number,vatin' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''VAT ID Number'', separated by commas]' - ref_aeroway_gate: - # ref=* - label: Gate Number - ref_bridge_number: - # ref=* - ref_disc_golf_hole: - # ref=* - label: Hole Number - # ref_disc_golf_hole field placeholder - placeholder: 1-18 - ref_golf_hole: - # ref=* - label: Hole Number - # ref_golf_hole field placeholder - placeholder: 1-18 - ref_highway_junction: - # ref=* - label: Junction Number - ref_platform: - # ref=* - label: Platform Number - ref_rail: - # ref=* - label: Line Number - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Line Number'', separated by commas]' - ref_road_number: - # ref=* - label: Road Number - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Road Number'', separated by commas]' - ref_room_number: - # ref=* - label: Room Number - ref_route: - # ref=* - label: Route Number - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Route Number'', separated by commas]' - ref_runway: - # ref=* - label: Runway Number - # ref_runway field placeholder - placeholder: e.g. 01L/19R - ref_sector: - # ref=* - label: Section Number - ref_stop_position: - # ref=* - label: Stop Number - ref_taxiway: - # ref=* - label: Taxiway Name - # ref_taxiway field placeholder - placeholder: e.g. A5 - reg_name: - # reg_name=* - label: Regional Name - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Regional Name'', separated by commas]' - relation: - # type=* - label: Type - religion: - # religion=* - label: Religion - options: - # religion=bahai - bahai: Bahá’í - # religion=benzhu - benzhu: Benzhu - # religion=buddhist - buddhist: Buddhist - # religion=caodaism - caodaism: Caodaist - # religion=chinese_folk - chinese_folk: Chinese Folk Religion - # religion=christian - christian: Christian - # religion=confucian - confucian: Confucian - # religion=hindu - hindu: Hindu - # religion=jain - jain: Jain - # religion=jewish - jewish: Jewish - # religion=multifaith - multifaith: Multifaith - # religion=muslim - muslim: Muslim - # religion=none - none: Nonreligious - # religion=pagan - pagan: Pagan - # religion=shinto - shinto: Shinto - # religion=sikh - sikh: Sikh - # religion=spiritualist - spiritualist: Spiritualist - # religion=taoist - taoist: Taoist - # religion=tenrikyo - tenrikyo: Tenrikyo - # religion=unitarian_universalist - unitarian_universalist: Unitarian Universalist - # religion=vietnamese_folk - vietnamese_folk: Vietnamese Folk Religion - # religion=voodoo - voodoo: Voodoo - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Religion'', separated by commas]' - reservation: - # reservation=* - label: Reservations - options: - # reservation=no - 'no': Not Accepted - # reservation=recommended - recommended: Recommended - # reservation=required - required: Required - # reservation=yes - 'yes': Accepted - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Reservations'', separated by commas]' - residential: - # residential=* - label: Type - resort: - # resort=* - label: Type - resource: - # resource=* - label: Resources - options: - # resource=aggregate - aggregate: Aggregate - # resource=clay - clay: Clay - # resource=coal - coal: Coal - # resource=gold - gold: Gold - # resource=gravel - gravel: Gravel - # resource=iron_ore - iron_ore: Iron Ore - # resource=limestone - limestone: Limestone - # resource=peat - peat: Peat - # resource=sand - sand: Sand - restriction: - # restriction=* - label: Type - restrictions: - label: Turn Restrictions - roller_coaster/track: - # roller_coaster:track=* - label: Type - options: - brake_run: - # description for roller_coaster:track=brake_run - description: A section of track meant to slow or stop trains - # title for roller_coaster:track=brake_run - title: Brake Run - launch_straight: - # description for roller_coaster:track=launch_straight - description: A section of track meant to accelerate the trains through external input - # title for roller_coaster:track=launch_straight - title: Launch Track - lift_hill: - # description for roller_coaster:track=lift_hill - description: An inclined track meant to give the trains potential energy - # title for roller_coaster:track=lift_hill - title: Lift Hill - maintenance: - # description for roller_coaster:track=maintenance - description: Tracks meant to hold spare trains or conduct maintenance - # title for roller_coaster:track=maintenance - title: Maintenance - moving: - # description for roller_coaster:track=moving - description: Any type of moving track, like switch tracks - # title for roller_coaster:track=moving - title: Moving - station: - # description for roller_coaster:track=station - description: A section of track where a train stops to board and unboard passengers - # title for roller_coaster:track=station - title: Station - waiting: - # description for roller_coaster:track=waiting - description: Tracks used to hold trains if the next block section is occupied - # title for roller_coaster:track=waiting - title: Waiting - roof/colour: - # roof:colour=* - label: Roof Color - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Roof Color'', separated by commas]' - room: - # room=* - label: Type - rooms: - # rooms=* - label: Rooms - rotor/diameter: - # rotor:diameter=* - label: Rotor Diameter (Meters) - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Rotor Diameter (Meters)'', separated by commas]' - roundtrip: - # roundtrip=* - label: Forms Loop - # 'terms: circular,closed,looping,roundtrip' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Forms Loop'', separated by commas]' - route: - # route=* - label: Type - route_master: - # route_master=* - label: Type - royal_cypher-GB: - # royal_cypher=* | Local preset for countries "GB" - label: Royal Cypher - options: - # royal_cypher=CIIIR - CIIIR: CIIIR (Charles III) - # royal_cypher=EIIR - EIIR: EIIR (Elizabeth II) - # royal_cypher=EVIIIR - EVIIIR: EVIIIR (Edward VIII) - # royal_cypher=EVIIR - EVIIR: EVIIR (Edward VII) - # royal_cypher=GR - GR: GR (George V) - # royal_cypher=GVIR - GVIR: GVIR (George VI) - # royal_cypher=VR - VR: VR (Victoria) - # royal_cypher=no - 'no': 'No' - # royal_cypher=scottish_crown - scottish_crown: Scottish Crown - ruins: - # ruins=* - label: Type - rwn_ref: - # rwn_ref=* - label: Walking Code - sac_scale: - # sac_scale=* - label: Hiking Difficulty - options: - # sac_scale=alpine_hiking - alpine_hiking: 'T4: Alpine Hiking' - # sac_scale=demanding_alpine_hiking - demanding_alpine_hiking: 'T5: Demanding Alpine Hiking' - # sac_scale=demanding_mountain_hiking - demanding_mountain_hiking: 'T3: Demanding Mountain Hiking' - # sac_scale=difficult_alpine_hiking - difficult_alpine_hiking: 'T6: Difficult Alpine Hiking' - # sac_scale=hiking - hiking: 'T1: Hiking' - # sac_scale=mountain_hiking - mountain_hiking: 'T2: Mountain Hiking' - # sac_scale=strolling - strolling: Strolling - # sac_scale field placeholder - placeholder: Mountain Hiking, Alpine Hiking... - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Hiking Difficulty'', separated by commas]' - salt: - # salt=* - label: Salt - # 'terms: saline,salinated' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Salt'', separated by commas]' - sample_collection: - # sample_collection=* - label: Samples - sanitary_dump_station: - # sanitary_dump_station=* - label: Toilet Disposal - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Toilet Disposal'', separated by commas]' - screen: - # screen=* - label: Screens - # screen field placeholder - placeholder: 1, 4, 8… - scuba_diving: - # scuba_diving:=* - label: Services - seamark/beacon_isolated_danger/shape: - # seamark:beacon_isolated_danger:shape=* - label: Shape - seamark/beacon_lateral/category: - # seamark:beacon_lateral:category=* - label: Category - options: - # seamark:beacon_lateral:category=danger_left - danger_left: Danger Left - # seamark:beacon_lateral:category=danger_right - danger_right: Danger Right - # seamark:beacon_lateral:category=port - port: Port - # seamark:beacon_lateral:category=starboard - starboard: Starboard - # seamark:beacon_lateral:category=waterway_left - waterway_left: Waterway Left - # seamark:beacon_lateral:category=waterway_right - waterway_right: Waterway Right - seamark/beacon_lateral/colour: - # seamark:beacon_lateral:colour=* - label: Color - options: - # seamark:beacon_lateral:colour=green - green: Green - # seamark:beacon_lateral:colour=grey - grey: Grey - # seamark:beacon_lateral:colour=red - red: Red - seamark/beacon_lateral/shape: - # seamark:beacon_lateral:shape=* - label: Shape - seamark/beacon_lateral/system: - # seamark:beacon_lateral:system=* - label: System - options: - # seamark:beacon_lateral:system=cevni - cevni: CEVNI - # seamark:beacon_lateral:system=iala-a - iala-a: IALA A - # seamark:beacon_lateral:system=iala-b - iala-b: IALA B - # seamark:beacon_lateral:system=other - other: Other - seamark/buoy_lateral/category: - # seamark:buoy_lateral:category=* - label: Category - options: - # seamark:buoy_lateral:category=channel_left - channel_left: Channel Left - # seamark:buoy_lateral:category=channel_right - channel_right: Channel Right - # seamark:buoy_lateral:category=danger_left - danger_left: Danger Left - # seamark:buoy_lateral:category=danger_right - danger_right: Danger Right - # seamark:buoy_lateral:category=port - port: Port - # seamark:buoy_lateral:category=preferred_channel_port - preferred_channel_port: Preferred Channel Port - # seamark:buoy_lateral:category=preferred_channel_starboard - preferred_channel_starboard: Preferred Channel Starboard - # seamark:buoy_lateral:category=starboard - starboard: Starboard - # seamark:buoy_lateral:category=waterway_left - waterway_left: Waterway Left - # seamark:buoy_lateral:category=waterway_right - waterway_right: Waterway Right - seamark/buoy_lateral/colour: - # seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=* - label: Color - options: - # seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=green - green: Green - # seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=green;red;green - green;red;green: Green-Red-Green - # seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=green;white;green;white - green;white;green;white: Green-White-Green-White - # seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=red - red: Red - # seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=red;green;red - red;green;red: Red-Green-Red - # seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=red;white;red;white - red;white;red;white: Red-White-Red-White - # seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=white - white: White - # seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=yellow - yellow: Yellow - seamark/buoy_lateral/shape: - # seamark:buoy_lateral:shape=* - label: Shape - seamark/buoy_lateral/system: - # seamark:buoy_lateral:system=* - label: System - options: - # seamark:buoy_lateral:system=cevni - cevni: CEVNI - # seamark:buoy_lateral:system=iala-a - iala-a: IALA A - # seamark:buoy_lateral:system=iala-b - iala-b: IALA B - # seamark:buoy_lateral:system=other - other: Other - seamark/harbour/category_marina: - # seamark:harbour:category=* - label: Domestic Facilities - options: - # seamark:harbour:category=marina - marina: 'Yes' - # seamark:harbour:category=marina_no_facilities - marina_no_facilities: 'No' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Domestic Facilities'', separated by commas]' - seamark/mooring/category: - # seamark:mooring:category=* - label: Category - seamark/rescue_station/category: - # seamark:rescue_station:category=* - label: Life Saving Equipment - options: - # seamark:rescue_station:category=aircraft - aircraft: Aircraft - # seamark:rescue_station:category=first_aid - first_aid: First aid - # seamark:rescue_station:category=hovercraft - hovercraft: Hovercraft - # seamark:rescue_station:category=lifeboat - lifeboat: Lifeboat (on Land) - # seamark:rescue_station:category=lifeboat_on_mooring - lifeboat_on_mooring: Lifeboat (at a Mooring) - # seamark:rescue_station:category=radio - radio: Radio Station - # seamark:rescue_station:category=refuge_intertidal - refuge_intertidal: Intertidal Refuge - # seamark:rescue_station:category=refuge_shipwrecked - refuge_shipwrecked: Shipwreck Refuge - # seamark:rescue_station:category=seaplane - seaplane: Seaplane - # seamark:rescue_station:category=tug - tug: Salvage tug - seamark/type: - # seamark:type=* - label: Seamark - # 'terms: marine' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Seamark'', separated by commas]' - seamark/wreck/category: - # seamark:wreck:category=* - label: Category - seasonal: - # seasonal=* - label: Seasonal - seats: - # seats=* - label: Seats - # seats field placeholder - placeholder: 2, 4, 6... - second_hand: - # second_hand=* - label: Sells Used - options: - # second_hand=no - 'no': 'No' - # second_hand=only - only: Only - # second_hand=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - # second_hand field placeholder - placeholder: Yes, No, Only - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Sells Used'', separated by commas]' - segregated: - # segregated=* - label: Bicycle-Pedestrian Separation - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Bicycle-Pedestrian Separation'', separated by commas]' - self_service: - # self_service=* - label: Self-Service - service: - # service=* - label: Type - options: - # service=alley - alley: Alley - # service=drive-through - drive-through: Drive-Through - # service=driveway - driveway: Driveway - # service=emergency_access - emergency_access: Emergency Access - # service=parking_aisle - parking_aisle: Parking Aisle - service/bicycle: - # service:bicycle:=* - label: Bicycle Services - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Bicycle Services'', separated by commas]' - service/vehicle: - # service:vehicle:=* - label: Services - service_rail: - # service=* - label: Service Type - options: - # service=crossover - crossover: Crossover - # service=siding - siding: Siding - # service=spur - spur: Spur - # service=yard - yard: Yard - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Service Type'', separated by commas]' - service_times: - # service_times=* - label: Service Times - shelter: - # shelter=* - label: Shelter - shelter_type: - # shelter_type=* - label: Type - shoes: - # shoes=* - label: Shoes - shop: - # shop=* - label: Type - short_name: - # short_name=* - label: Short Name - # 'terms: abbreviation,acronym,initialism' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Short Name'', separated by commas]' - shower: - # shower=* - label: Showers - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Showers'', separated by commas]' - side: - # side=* - label: Side - options: - # side=left - left: Left of Cyclist - # side=right - right: Right of Cyclist - siren/purpose: - # siren:purpose=* - label: Purpose - siren/type: - # siren:type=* - label: Type - options: - # siren:type=electronic - electronic: Electronic - # siren:type=other - other: Other - # siren:type=pneumatic - pneumatic: Pneumatic - site: - # site=* - label: Type - smoking: - # smoking=* - label: Smoking - options: - # smoking=dedicated - dedicated: Dedicated to smokers (e.g. smokers' club) - # smoking=isolated - isolated: In smoking areas, physically isolated - # smoking=no - 'no': No smoking anywhere - # smoking=outside - outside: Allowed outside - # smoking=separated - separated: In smoking areas, not physically isolated - # smoking=yes - 'yes': Allowed everywhere - # smoking field placeholder - placeholder: No, Separated, Yes... - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Smoking'', separated by commas]' - smoothness: - # smoothness=* - label: Smoothness - options: - # smoothness=bad - bad: 'Robust Wheels: trekking bike, car, rickshaw' - # smoothness=excellent - excellent: 'Thin Rollers: rollerblade, skateboard' - # smoothness=good - good: 'Thin Wheels: racing bike' - # smoothness=horrible - horrible: 'Off-Road: heavy duty off-road vehicle' - # smoothness=impassable - impassable: Impassable / No wheeled vehicle - # smoothness=intermediate - intermediate: 'Wheels: city bike, wheelchair, scooter' - # smoothness=very_bad - very_bad: 'High Clearance: light duty off-road vehicle' - # smoothness=very_horrible - very_horrible: 'Specialized off-road: tractor, ATV' - # smoothness field placeholder - placeholder: Thin Rollers, Wheels, Off-Road... - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Smoothness'', separated by commas]' - sms: - # sms=* - label: SMS - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''SMS'', separated by commas]' - social_facility: - # social_facility=* - label: Type - options: - # social_facility=ambulatory_care - ambulatory_care: Ambulatory Care - # social_facility=assisted_living - assisted_living: Assisted Living - # social_facility=day_care - day_care: Day Care - # social_facility=food_bank - food_bank: Food Bank - # social_facility=group_home - group_home: Group Home - # social_facility=nursing_home - nursing_home: Nursing Home - # social_facility=outreach - outreach: Outreach - # social_facility=shelter - shelter: Shelter - # social_facility=workshop - workshop: Workshop - social_facility_for: - # social_facility:for=* - label: People Served - options: - # social_facility:for=abused - abused: Abuse victims - # social_facility:for=child - child: Children - # social_facility:for=dementia - dementia: People suffering from dementia - # social_facility:for=disabled - disabled: People with disabilities - # social_facility:for=diseased - diseased: People suffering from a disease - # social_facility:for=displaced - displaced: People displaced by disasters or conflicts - # social_facility:for=drug_addicted - drug_addicted: Drug addicted - # social_facility:for=homeless - homeless: Homeless - # social_facility:for=juvenile - juvenile: Juveniles - # social_facility:for=mental_health - mental_health: People with mental health problems - # social_facility:for=migrant - migrant: Migrants - # social_facility:for=orphan - orphan: Orphans - # social_facility:for=refugee - refugee: Refugees - # social_facility:for=senior - senior: Elderly - # social_facility:for=terminally_ill - terminally_ill: People with a terminal illness - # social_facility:for=underprivileged - underprivileged: Underprivileged people - # social_facility:for=unemployed - unemployed: People without a job - # social_facility:for=veteran - veteran: Veterans - # social_facility:for=victim - victim: Victims of crime - # social_facility:for=woman - woman: Women - source: - # source=* - label: Sources - options: - # source=aerial imagery - aerial imagery: Aerial Imagery - # source=gps - gps: GPS - # source=local knowledge - local knowledge: Local Knowledge - # source=osm notes - osm notes: OpenStreetMap Notes - # source=streetlevel imagery - streetlevel imagery: Street-Level Photos - # source=survey - survey: Survey - # 'terms: reference' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Sources'', separated by commas]' - source/population: - # source:population=* - label: Population Source - species: - # species=* - label: Species - # species field placeholder - placeholder: Acer platanoides, Quercus robur, … - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Species'', separated by commas]' - species/wikidata: - # species:wikidata=*, species:wikipedia=* - label: Species Wikidata - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Species Wikidata'', separated by commas]' - sport: - # sport=* - label: Sports - options: - # sport=10pin - 10pin: Ten-Pin Bowling - # sport=9pin - 9pin: Nine-Pin Bowling - # sport=american_football - american_football: American Football - # sport=athletics - athletics: Track & Field - # sport=badminton - badminton: Badminton - # sport=baseball - baseball: Baseball - # sport=basketball - basketball: Basketball - # sport=beachvolleyball - beachvolleyball: Beach Volleyball - # sport=billiards - billiards: Cue Sports - # sport=bmx - bmx: BMX - # sport=boules - boules: Boules - # sport=bowls - bowls: Bowls - # sport=canoe - canoe: Canoeing - # sport=chess - chess: Chess - # sport=climbing - climbing: Climbing - # sport=cricket - cricket: Cricket - # sport=curling - curling: Curling - # sport=cycling - cycling: Cycling - # sport=darts - darts: Darts - # sport=disc_golf - disc_golf: Disc Golf - # sport=dog_racing - dog_racing: Dog Racing - # sport=equestrian - equestrian: Equestrian Sports - # sport=fitness - fitness: Fitness Training - # sport=free_flying - free_flying: Paragliding / Hang Gliding - # sport=futsal - futsal: Futsal - # sport=gaelic_games - gaelic_games: Gaelic Games - # sport=golf - golf: Golf - # sport=gymnastics - gymnastics: Gymnastics - # sport=handball - handball: Team Handball - # sport=horse_racing - horse_racing: Horse Racing - # sport=ice_hockey - ice_hockey: Ice Hockey - # sport=ice_skating - ice_skating: Ice Skating - # sport=ice_stock - ice_stock: Ice Stock - # sport=karting - karting: Kart Racing - # sport=motocross - motocross: Motocross - # sport=motor - motor: Motorsports - # sport=multi - multi: Unspecified Other Sports - # sport=netball - netball: Netball - # sport=orienteering - orienteering: Orienteering - # sport=padel - padel: Padel - # sport=pelota - pelota: Pelota - # sport=rugby_union - rugby_union: Rugby Union - # sport=running - running: Running - # sport=scuba_diving - scuba_diving: Scuba Diving - # sport=shooting - shooting: Shooting - # sport=skateboard - skateboard: Skateboard - # sport=ski_jumping - ski_jumping: Ski Jumping - # sport=skiing - skiing: Skiing - # sport=soccer - soccer: Soccer - # sport=softball - softball: Softball - # sport=speedway - speedway: Motorcycle Speedway - # sport=swimming - swimming: Swimming - # sport=table_tennis - table_tennis: Table Tennis - # sport=tennis - tennis: Tennis - # sport=volleyball - volleyball: Volleyball - # sport=yoga - yoga: Yoga - sport/sport_ice: - # sport=* - label: Sports - sport/sport_pub: - # sport=* - label: Sports - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Sports'', separated by commas]' - sport/sport_racing_motor: - # sport=* - label: Sports - sport/sport_racing_nonmotor: - # sport=* - label: Sports - stars: - # stars=* - label: Stars - # 'terms: rating' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Stars'', separated by commas]' - start_date: - # start_date=* - label: Start Date - # start_date field placeholder - placeholder: YYYY-MM-DD - # 'terms: inception' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Start Date'', separated by commas]' - static_caravans: - # static_caravans=* - label: Mobile Homes - step_count: - # step_count=* - label: Number of Steps - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Number of Steps'', separated by commas]' - stile: - # stile=* - label: Type - stop: - # stop=* - label: Stop Type - options: - # stop=all - all: All Ways - # stop=minor - minor: Minor Road - street_cabinet: - # street_cabinet=* - label: Type - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Type'', separated by commas]' - stroller: - # stroller=* - label: Stroller Access - options: - # stroller=limited - limited: Limited - # stroller=no - 'no': 'No' - # stroller=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - # 'terms: baby carriage,perambulator,pram,pushchair' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Stroller Access'', separated by commas]' - structure: - # bridge=*, tunnel=*, embankment=*, cutting=*, ford=* - label: Structure - options: - # field "structure" with value "bridge" - bridge: Bridge - # field "structure" with value "cutting" - cutting: Cutting - # field "structure" with value "embankment" - embankment: Embankment - # field "structure" with value "ford" - ford: Ford - # field "structure" with value "tunnel" - tunnel: Tunnel - # structure field placeholder - placeholder: Unknown - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Structure'', separated by commas]' - structure_power: - # structure=* - label: Structure - options: - # structure=lattice - lattice: Lattice - # structure=solid - solid: Solid - # structure=tubular - tubular: Tubular - structure_waterway: - # tunnel=* - label: Structure - options: - # field "structure_waterway" with value "tunnel" - tunnel: Tunnel - # structure_waterway field placeholder - placeholder: Unknown - studio: - # studio=* - label: Type - subject: - # subject=* - label: Subject - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Subject'', separated by commas]' - subject/wikidata: - # subject:wikidata=*, subject:wikipedia=* - label: Subject Wikidata - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Subject Wikidata'', separated by commas]' - substance: - # substance=* - label: Substance - options: - # substance=fuel - fuel: Fuel - # substance=gas - gas: Natural Gas - # substance=hot_water - hot_water: Hot Water - # substance=oil - oil: Crude Oil - # substance=rainwater - rainwater: Rainwater - # substance=sewage - sewage: Sewage - # substance=water - water: Drinking Water - substation: - # substation=* - label: Type - options: - # substation=compensation - compensation: Reactive Power Compensation - # substation=converter - converter: High-Voltage AC/DC Converter - # substation=distribution - distribution: Regional Distribution - # substation=generation - generation: Generation - # substation=industrial - industrial: Industrial - # substation=minor_distribution - minor_distribution: Local Distribution - # substation=traction - traction: Traction System Supply - # substation=transition - transition: Overground/Underground Transition - # substation=transmission - transmission: High-Voltage Transmission - substation_pipeline: - # substation=* - label: Type - options: - # substation=compression - compression: Compression - # substation=distribution - distribution: Regional Distribution - # substation=field_gathering - field_gathering: Field Gathering - # substation=industrial - industrial: Industrial - # substation=inspection_gauge - inspection_gauge: Inspection Gauge - # substation=measurement - measurement: Measurement - # substation=minor_distribution - minor_distribution: Local Distribution - # substation=transmission - transmission: Transmission - # substation=valve - valve: Valve - # substation=valve_group - valve_group: Valve Group - summit/cross: - # summit:cross=* - label: Summit Cross - # 'terms: cross' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Summit Cross'', separated by commas]' - supervised: - # supervised=* - label: Supervised - # 'terms: guarded,manned' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Supervised'', separated by commas]' - support: - # support=* - label: Support - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Support'', separated by commas]' - surface: - # surface=* - label: Surface - options: - # surface=artificial_turf - artificial_turf: Artificial Turf - # surface=asphalt - asphalt: Asphalt - # surface=clay - clay: Clay - # surface=compacted - compacted: Compacted - # surface=concrete - concrete: Concrete - #lanes': surface=concrete:lanes - concrete:lanes: Concrete Lanes - #plates': surface=concrete:plates - concrete:plates: Concrete Plates - # surface=dirt - dirt: Dirt - # surface=fine_gravel - fine_gravel: Fine Gravel - # surface=grass - grass: Grass - # surface=grass_paver - grass_paver: Grass Paver - # surface=gravel - gravel: Gravel - # surface=ground - ground: Ground - # surface=metal - metal: Metal - # surface=mud - mud: Persistently Muddy - # surface=paved - paved: Paved - # surface=paving_stones - paving_stones: Paving Stones - # surface=pebblestone - pebblestone: Pebblestone - # surface=salt - salt: Salt - # surface=sand - sand: Sand - # surface=sett - sett: Sett - # surface=tartan - tartan: Tartan - # surface=unhewn_cobblestone - unhewn_cobblestone: Cobblestone (uncut, rounded stones) - # surface=unpaved - unpaved: Unpaved - # surface=wood - wood: Wood - # surface=woodchips - woodchips: Woodchips - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Surface'', separated by commas]' - surveillance: - # surveillance=* - label: Surveillance Kind - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Surveillance Kind'', separated by commas]' - surveillance/type: - # surveillance:type=* - label: Surveillance Type - options: - # surveillance:type=ALPR - ALPR: Automatic License Plate Reader - # surveillance:type=camera - camera: Camera - # surveillance:type=guard - guard: Guard - surveillance/zone: - # surveillance:zone=* - label: Surveillance Zone - survey/date: - # survey:date=* - label: Last Survey Date - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Last Survey Date'', separated by commas]' - survey_point/datum_aligned: - # survey_point:datum_aligned=* - label: Aligned to the Local Geodetic Datum - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Aligned to the Local Geodetic Datum'', separated by commas]' - survey_point/purpose: - # survey_point:purpose=* - label: Purpose - options: - # survey_point:purpose=both - both: Both - # survey_point:purpose=horizontal - horizontal: Horizontal Alignment - # survey_point:purpose=vertical - vertical: Vertical Alignment - survey_point/structure: - # survey_point:structure=* - label: Structure - options: - # survey_point:structure=beacon - beacon: Beacon - # survey_point:structure=block - block: Block - # survey_point:structure=bracket - bracket: Bracket - # survey_point:structure=cairn - cairn: Cairn - # survey_point:structure=cut - cut: Cut - # survey_point:structure=indented_pin - indented_pin: Indented pin - # survey_point:structure=magnet - magnet: Magnet - # survey_point:structure=medallion - medallion: Medallion - # survey_point:structure=pillar - pillar: Pillar - # survey_point:structure=pin - pin: Pin - # survey_point:structure=plaque - plaque: Plaque - # survey_point:structure=pole - pole: Pole - swimming_pool: - # swimming_pool=* - label: Type - options: - # swimming_pool=kids - kids: Kids Pool - # swimming_pool=lazy_river - lazy_river: Lazy River - # swimming_pool=personal - personal: Personal / Backyard - # swimming_pool=plunge - plunge: Diving - # swimming_pool=spa - spa: Spa - # swimming_pool=swimming - swimming: Lap Pool - # swimming_pool=wading - wading: Wading / Leisure - # swimming_pool=wave_pool - wave_pool: Wave Pool - switch: - # switch=* - label: Type - options: - # switch=circuit_breaker - circuit_breaker: Circuit Breaker - # switch=disconnector - disconnector: Disconnector - # switch=earthing - earthing: Earthing - # switch=mechanical - mechanical: Mechanical - tactile_paving: - # tactile_paving=* - label: Tactile Paving - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Tactile Paving'', separated by commas]' - takeaway: - # takeaway=* - label: Takeaway - options: - # takeaway=no - 'no': 'No' - # takeaway=only - only: Takeaway Only - # takeaway=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - # takeaway field placeholder - placeholder: Yes, No, Takeaway Only... - # 'terms: take out,takeout' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Takeaway'', separated by commas]' - target: - # target=* - label: Target - taxi_vehicle: - # taxi_vehicle=* - label: Vehicle Type - options: - auto_rickshaw: - # description for taxi_vehicle=auto_rickshaw - description: Motorized rickshaws (e.g. bajaj, tricycle, tuk-tuk, etc.) - # title for taxi_vehicle=auto_rickshaw - title: Auto Rickshaw - cycle_rickshaw: - # description for taxi_vehicle=cycle_rickshaw - description: Pedal-powered rickshaws (e.g. padyak, velotaxi, etc.) - # title for taxi_vehicle=cycle_rickshaw - title: Cycle Rickshaw - motorcar: - # description for taxi_vehicle=motorcar - description: Regular car (implied default) - # title for taxi_vehicle=motorcar - title: Motorcar - motorcycle: - # description for taxi_vehicle=motorcycle - description: With passengers 'riding pillion' (e.g. mototáxi, etc.) - # title for taxi_vehicle=motorcycle - title: Motorcycle - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Vehicle Type'', separated by commas]' - taxon: - # taxon=* - label: Taxon - # taxon field placeholder - placeholder: Acer platanoides Columnare, Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer … - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Taxon'', separated by commas]' - tee: - # tee=* - label: Tee Color/Type - telecom: - # telecom=* - label: Type - options: - # telecom=connection_point - connection_point: Connection Point - # telecom=data_center - data_center: Data Center - # telecom=distribution_point - distribution_point: Distribution Point - # telecom=exchange - exchange: Exchange - # telecom=service_device - service_device: Service Device - telecom/medium: - # telecom:medium=* - label: Medium - telescope/type: - # telescope:type=* - label: Type - options: - # telescope:type=optical - optical: Optical Telescope - # telescope:type=radio - radio: Radio Telescope - tents: - # tents=* - label: Tents - tidal: - # tidal=* - label: Tidal - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Tidal'', separated by commas]' - to: - # to=* - label: To - toilets: - # toilets=* - label: Toilets - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Toilets'', separated by commas]' - toilets/disposal: - # toilets:disposal=* - label: Disposal - options: - # toilets:disposal=bucket - bucket: Bucket - # toilets:disposal=chemical - chemical: Chemical - # toilets:disposal=flush - flush: Flush - # toilets:disposal=pitlatrine - pitlatrine: Pit Latrine - toilets/handwashing: - # toilets:handwashing=* - label: Handwashing - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Handwashing'', separated by commas]' - toilets/menstrual_products: - # toilets:menstrual_products=* - label: Free Menstrual Products Available - options: - # toilets:menstrual_products=limited - limited: Limited to some stalls - # toilets:menstrual_products=no - 'no': 'No' - # toilets:menstrual_products=yes - 'yes': Yes, in all stalls - # 'terms: feminine hygiene,pads,period,period products,tampons' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Free Menstrual Products Available'', separated by commas]' - toilets/menstrual_products_poi: - # toilets:menstrual_products=* - toilets/position: - # toilets:position=* - label: Positions - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Positions'', separated by commas]' - toilets/wheelchair: - # toilets:wheelchair=* - label: Wheelchair Accessible Toilet - options: - # toilets:wheelchair=limited - limited: Limited - # toilets:wheelchair=no - 'no': 'No' - # toilets:wheelchair=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Wheelchair Accessible Toilet'', separated by commas]' - toll: - # toll=* - label: Toll - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Toll'', separated by commas]' - tomb: - # tomb=* - label: Type - options: - # tomb=columbarium - columbarium: Columbarium - # tomb=crypt - crypt: Crypt - # tomb=dolmen - dolmen: Dolmen - # tomb=hypogeum - hypogeum: Hypogeum - # tomb=mausoleum - mausoleum: Mausoleum - # tomb=pyramid - pyramid: Pyramid - # tomb=rock-cut - rock-cut: Rock-cut Tomb - # tomb=sarcophagus - sarcophagus: Sarcophagus - # tomb=table - table: Table - # tomb=tumulus - tumulus: Tumulus - # tomb=vault - vault: Vault - # tomb=war_grave - war_grave: Single War Grave - tourism: - # tourism=* - label: Type - tower/construction: - # tower:construction=* - label: Construction - # tower/construction field placeholder - placeholder: Guyed, Lattice, Concealed, ... - tower/platforms: - # tower:platforms=* - label: Platforms - # tower/platforms field placeholder - placeholder: 1, 2, 3... - tower/type: - # tower:type=* - label: Type - townhall/type: - # townhall:type=* - label: Type - tracktype: - # tracktype=* - label: Track Type - options: - # tracktype=grade1 - grade1: 'Solid: paved' - # tracktype=grade2 - grade2: 'Mostly Solid: gravel/rock with some soft material mixed in' - # tracktype=grade3 - grade3: Even mixture of hard and soft materials - # tracktype=grade4 - grade4: 'Mostly Soft: soil/sand/grass with some hard material mixed in' - # tracktype=grade5 - grade5: 'Soft: soil/sand/grass' - # tracktype field placeholder - placeholder: Solid, Mostly Solid, Soft... - trade: - # trade=* - label: Type - traffic_calming: - # traffic_calming=* - label: Type - options: - # traffic_calming=bump - bump: Speed Bump - # traffic_calming=chicane - chicane: Traffic Chicane - # traffic_calming=choked_table - choked_table: Choked Speed Table - # traffic_calming=choker - choker: Traffic Choker - # traffic_calming=cushion - cushion: Speed Cushion - # traffic_calming=dip - dip: Dip - # traffic_calming=double_dip - double_dip: Double Dip - # traffic_calming=hump - hump: Speed Hump - # traffic_calming=island - island: Traffic Calming Island - # traffic_calming=mini_bumps - mini_bumps: Mini Speed Bumps - # traffic_calming=rumble_strip - rumble_strip: Rumble Strip - # traffic_calming=table - table: Speed Table - traffic_calming_road: - # traffic_calming=* - label: Traffic Calming - # 'terms: bump,chicane,choker,cushion,flat top,hump,rumble strip,slow,speed,table,traffic island' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Traffic Calming'', separated by commas]' - traffic_sign: - # traffic_sign=* - label: Traffic Sign - traffic_sign/direction: - # traffic_sign:direction=* - label: Direction Affected - options: - # traffic_sign:direction=backward - backward: Backward - # traffic_sign:direction=both - both: Both / All - # traffic_sign:direction=forward - forward: Forward - traffic_signals: - # traffic_signals=* - label: Type - traffic_signals/arrow: - # traffic_signals:arrow=* - label: Tactile Arrow - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Tactile Arrow'', separated by commas]' - traffic_signals/countdown: - # traffic_signals:countdown=* - label: Countdown Timer - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Countdown Timer'', separated by commas]' - traffic_signals/direction: - # traffic_signals:direction=* - label: Direction Affected - options: - # traffic_signals:direction=backward - backward: Backward - # traffic_signals:direction=both - both: Both / All - # traffic_signals:direction=forward - forward: Forward - traffic_signals/minimap: - # traffic_signals:minimap=* - label: Tactile Map - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Tactile Map'', separated by commas]' - traffic_signals/sound: - # traffic_signals:sound=* - label: Sound Signals - options: - locate: - # description for traffic_signals:sound=locate - description: There is a signal only for finding the call button - # title for traffic_signals:sound=locate - title: Call Button Locator - # traffic_signals:sound=no - 'no': 'No' - walk: - # description for traffic_signals:sound=walk - description: There is only a signal when walking is allowed - # title for traffic_signals:sound=walk - title: Walk Indication - # traffic_signals:sound=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - traffic_signals/vibration: - # traffic_signals:vibration=* - label: Vibration - trail_visibility: - # trail_visibility=* - label: Trail Visibility - options: - # trail_visibility=bad - bad: 'Bad: no markers, path sometimes invisible/pathless' - # trail_visibility=excellent - excellent: 'Excellent: unambiguous path or markers everywhere' - # trail_visibility=good - good: 'Good: markers visible, sometimes require searching' - # trail_visibility=horrible - horrible: 'Horrible: often pathless, some orientation skills required' - # trail_visibility=intermediate - intermediate: 'Intermediate: few markers, path mostly visible' - # trail_visibility=no - 'no': 'No: pathless, excellent orientation skills required' - # trail_visibility field placeholder - placeholder: Excellent, Good, Bad... - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Trail Visibility'', separated by commas]' - transformer: - # transformer=* - label: Type - options: - # transformer=auxiliary - auxiliary: 'Auxiliary: Feeds internal systems in substations' - # transformer=converter - converter: 'Converter: Feeds power converters' - # transformer=distribution - distribution: 'Distribution: Feeds final consumers, installed outside substations' - # transformer=generator - generator: 'Generator: Steps-up voltage in power plants' - # transformer=main - main: 'Main: Forwards power' - # transformer=phase_angle_regulator - phase_angle_regulator: Phase Angle Regulator - # transformer=yes - 'yes': Unknown Role - trees: - # trees=* - label: Trees - trench: - # trench=* - label: Type - trolley_wire: - # trolley_wire=* - label: Overhead Trolley Wires - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Overhead Trolley Wires'', separated by commas]' - tunnel: - # tunnel=* - label: Type - # tunnel field placeholder - placeholder: Default - tunnel_combo: - # tunnel=* - label: Type - options: - # tunnel=avalanche_protector - avalanche_protector: Avalanche Protector - # tunnel=building_passage - building_passage: Building Passage - # tunnel=culvert - culvert: Culvert - # tunnel=flooded - flooded: Flooded Tunnel - turning_circle: - # turning_circle=* - label: Shape - two_sided: - # two_sided=* - label: Two-Sided - options: - # two_sided=undefined - undefined: 'No' - # two_sided=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - # 'terms: double-sided' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Two-Sided'', separated by commas]' - usage_rail: - # usage=* - label: Usage Type - options: - # usage=branch - branch: Branch - # usage=industrial - industrial: Industrial - # usage=main - main: Main - # usage=military - military: Military - # usage=test - test: Test - # usage=tourism - tourism: Tourism - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Usage Type'', separated by commas]' - usage_waterway: - # usage=* - label: Usage Type - options: - # usage=headrace - headrace: Headrace - # usage=irrigation - irrigation: Irrigation - # usage=spillway - spillway: Spillway - # usage=tailrace - tailrace: Tailrace - # usage=transmission - transmission: Transmission - # usage=transportation - transportation: Transportation - utility: - # utility=* - label: Utility - options: - # utility=gas - gas: Gas - # utility=oil - oil: Oil - # utility=power - power: Power - # utility=sewerage - sewerage: Waste Water - # utility=street_lighting - street_lighting: Street Lighting - # utility=telecom - telecom: Telecom - # utility=water - water: Water - utility_semi: - # utility=* - label: Utilities - valve: - # valve=* - label: Type - vehicles: - # bus=*, trolleybus=*, tram=*, train=*, subway=*, light_rail=*, monorail=*, ferry=* - label: Vehicles - options: - # field "vehicles" with value "bus" - bus: Bus - # field "vehicles" with value "ferry" - ferry: Ferry - # field "vehicles" with value "light_rail" - light_rail: Light Rail - # field "vehicles" with value "monorail" - monorail: Monorail - # field "vehicles" with value "subway" - subway: Subway - # field "vehicles" with value "train" - train: Train - # field "vehicles" with value "tram" - tram: Tram - # field "vehicles" with value "trolleybus" - trolleybus: Trolleybus - vending: - # vending=* - label: Types of Goods - options: - # vending=bicycle_tube - bicycle_tube: Bicycle Tubes - # vending=bread - bread: Bread - # vending=cigarettes - cigarettes: Cigarettes - # vending=coffee - coffee: Coffee - # vending=condoms - condoms: Condoms - # vending=drinks - drinks: Drinks - # vending=e-cigarettes - e-cigarettes: E-Cigarettes - # vending=eggs - eggs: Eggs - # vending=electronics - electronics: Electronics - # vending=elongated_coin - elongated_coin: Souvenir Coins - # vending=excrement_bags - excrement_bags: Excrement Bags - # vending=feminine_hygiene - feminine_hygiene: Feminine Hygiene Products - # vending=food - food: Food - # vending=fuel - fuel: Fuel - # vending=ice_cream - ice_cream: Ice Cream - # vending=ice_cubes - ice_cubes: Ice Cubes - # vending=milk - milk: Milk - # vending=newspapers - newspapers: Newspapers - # vending=parking_tickets - parking_tickets: Parking Tickets - # vending=pizza - pizza: Pizza - # vending=public_transport_tickets - public_transport_tickets: Public Transport Tickets - # vending=stamps - stamps: Postage Stamps - # vending=sweets - sweets: Sweets - # vending=water - water: Drinking Water - vhf: - # vhf=* - label: VHF Channel - # 'terms: call sign,very high frequency' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''VHF Channel'', separated by commas]' - via: - # via=* - label: Via - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Via'', separated by commas]' - video_calls: - # video=* - label: Video Calls - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Video Calls'', separated by commas]' - visibility: - # visibility=* - label: Visibility - options: - # visibility=area - area: Over 20m (65ft) - # visibility=house - house: Up to 5m (16ft) - # visibility=street - street: 5 to 20m (16 to 65ft) - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Visibility'', separated by commas]' - volcano/status: - # volcano:status=* - label: Volcano Status - options: - # volcano:status=active - active: Active - # volcano:status=dormant - dormant: Dormant - # volcano:status=extinct - extinct: Extinct - volcano/type: - # volcano:type=* - label: Volcano Type - options: - # volcano:type=scoria - scoria: Scoria - # volcano:type=shield - shield: Shield - # volcano:type=stratovolcano - stratovolcano: Stratovolcano - voltage: - # voltage=* - label: Voltage - voltage/primary: - # voltage:primary=* - label: Primary Voltage - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Primary Voltage'', separated by commas]' - voltage/secondary: - # voltage:secondary=* - label: Secondary Voltage - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Secondary Voltage'', separated by commas]' - voltage/tertiary: - # voltage:tertiary=* - label: Tertiary Voltage - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Tertiary Voltage'', separated by commas]' - voltage_electrified: - # voltage=* - wall: - # wall=* - label: Type - waste: - # waste=* - label: Waste - options: - # waste=cigarettes - cigarettes: Cigarettes - # waste=dog_excrement - dog_excrement: Dog Excrement - # waste=organic - organic: Organic Waste - # waste=trash - trash: Trash - water: - # water=* - label: Type - water_point: - # water_point=* - label: Water Point - water_source: - # water_source=* - label: Water Source - options: - # water_source=main - main: Water Distribution Pipe - # water_source=pond - pond: Pond - # water_source=river - river: River - # water_source=stream - stream: Stream - # water_source=water_tank - water_tank: Water Tank - water_tank/volume: - # water_tank:volume=* - label: Volume (Liters) - # water_tank/volume field placeholder - placeholder: 10000, 20000, 30000… - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Volume (Liters)'', separated by commas]' - waterway: - # waterway=* - label: Type - website: - # website=*, contact:website=* - label: Website - # website field placeholder - placeholder: https://example.com - # 'terms: internet presence,uri,url,webpage' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Website'', separated by commas]' - website/menu: - # website:menu=* - label: Menu Link - # website/menu field placeholder - placeholder: https://example.com - # 'terms: online menu,menu uri,menu url,website menu,menu' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Menu Link'', separated by commas]' - wetland: - # wetland=* - label: Type - options: - # wetland=bog - bog: Bog - # wetland=fen - fen: Fen - # wetland=mangrove - mangrove: Mangrove - # wetland=marsh - marsh: Marsh - # wetland=reedbed - reedbed: Reed Bed - # wetland=saltmarsh - saltmarsh: Coastal Salt Marsh - # wetland=string_bog - string_bog: String Bog - # wetland=swamp - swamp: Swamp - # wetland=tidalflat - tidalflat: Tidal Flat - # wetland=wet_meadow - wet_meadow: Wet Meadow - wheelchair: - # wheelchair=* - label: Wheelchair Access - options: - # wheelchair=limited - limited: Limited - # wheelchair=no - 'no': 'No' - # wheelchair=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - # 'terms: handicap access' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Wheelchair Access'', separated by commas]' - wholesale: - # wholesale=* - label: Wholesale - width: - # width=* - label: Width (Meters) - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Width (Meters)'', separated by commas]' - wikidata: - # wikidata=*, wikipedia=* - label: Wikidata - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Wikidata'', separated by commas]' - wikimedia_commons: - # wikimedia_commons=* - label: Wikimedia Commons Page - # wikimedia_commons field placeholder - placeholder: File:Example.jpg - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Wikimedia Commons Page'', separated by commas]' - wikipedia: - # wikipedia=* - label: Wikipedia - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Wikipedia'', separated by commas]' - windings: - # windings=* - label: Windings - # windings field placeholder - placeholder: 1, 2, 3... - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Windings'', separated by commas]' - windings/auto: - # windings:auto=* - label: Autotransformer - options: - # windings:auto=no - 'no': 'No' - # windings:auto=undefined - undefined: Assumed to be No - # windings:auto=yes - 'yes': 'Yes' - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Autotransformer'', separated by commas]' - windings/configuration: - # windings:configuration=* - label: Windings Configuration - options: - # windings:configuration=delta - delta: Delta - # windings:configuration=leblanc - leblanc: Leblanc - # windings:configuration=open - open: Open - # windings:configuration=open-delta - open-delta: Open Delta - # windings:configuration=scott - scott: Scott - # windings:configuration=star - star: Star / Wye - # windings:configuration=zigzag - zigzag: Zig Zag - terms: '[translate with synonyms or related terms for ''Windings Configuration'', separated by commas]' - presets: - '@templates/contact': - # '@template=contact | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "999"' - '@templates/crossing/bicycle_more': - # '@template=crossing/bicycle_more | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "999"' - '@templates/crossing/defaults': - # '@template=crossing/defaults | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "999"' - '@templates/crossing/geometry_way_more': - # '@template=crossing/geometry_way_more | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "999"' - '@templates/crossing/markings': - # '@template=crossing/markings | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "999"' - '@templates/crossing/markings_yes': - # '@template=crossing/markings_yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "999"' - '@templates/crossing/surfacequality': - # '@template=crossing/surfacequality | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "999"' - '@templates/crossing/traffic_signal': - # '@template=crossing/traffic_signal | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "999"' - '@templates/crossing/traffic_signal_more': - # '@template=crossing/traffic_signal_more | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "999"' - '@templates/internet_access': - # '@template=internet_access | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "999"' - '@templates/poi': - # '@template=poi | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "999"' - addr/interpolation: - # addr:interpolation=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Address Interpolation - address: - # addr:*=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Address - terms: - advertising: - # advertising=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Advertising Device - # 'terms: advertising screen,flag,neon sign,sign' - terms: - advertising/billboard: - # advertising=billboard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Billboard - # 'terms: ad,advertising,spam' - terms: - advertising/board: - # advertising=board | Bulletin Board, Pin Board | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Notice Board - # 'terms: ad,advertising,announcements,blackboard,bulletinboard,cork board,corkboard,fliers,flyers,noticeboard,pinboard,sign,spam,whiteboard' - terms: - advertising/column: - # advertising=column | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Advertising Column - # 'terms: ad,advertising,spam' - terms: - advertising/poster_box: - # advertising=poster_box | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Poster Box - # 'terms: ad,advertising,spam' - terms: - advertising/totem: - # advertising=totem | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Advertising Totem - # 'terms: ad,advertising,spam' - terms: - aerialway: - # aerialway=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Aerialway Feature - aerialway/cable_car: - # aerialway=cable_car | Aerial Tramway, Sky Tram | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cable Car - # 'terms: aerial cable,lift,ropeway,skiing,snowboarding,tramway' - terms: - aerialway/chair_lift: - # aerialway=chair_lift | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Chair Lift - # 'terms: aerial cable,skiing,snowboarding' - terms: - aerialway/drag_lift: - # aerialway=drag_lift | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Drag Lift - # 'terms: skiing,snowboarding,surface cable' - terms: - aerialway/gondola: - # aerialway=gondola | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gondola Lift - # 'terms: aerial cable,lift,skiing,snowboarding' - terms: - aerialway/goods: - # aerialway=goods | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Goods Aerialway - # 'terms: aerial cable' - terms: - aerialway/j-bar: - # aerialway=j-bar | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: J-Bar Lift - # 'terms: drag lift,skiing,snowboarding,surface cable,jaybar,jbar' - terms: - aerialway/magic_carpet: - # aerialway=magic_carpet | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Magic Carpet Lift - # 'terms: conveyor belt,skiing,snowboarding,surface lift' - terms: - aerialway/mixed_lift: - # aerialway=mixed_lift | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mixed Lift - # 'terms: aerial cable,skiing,snowboarding' - terms: - aerialway/platter: - # aerialway=platter | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Platter Lift - # 'terms: button lift,disc lift,drag lift,poma lift,skiing,snowboarding,surface cable' - terms: - aerialway/pylon: - # aerialway=pylon | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Aerialway Pylon - # 'terms: chair lift pole,skiing,snowboarding,lift tower' - terms: - aerialway/rope_tow: - # aerialway=rope_tow | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Rope Tow Lift - # 'terms: bugel lift,drag lift,handle tow,skiing,snowboarding,surface cable' - terms: - aerialway/t-bar: - # aerialway=t-bar | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: T-Bar Lift - # 'terms: drag lift,skiing,surface cable,tbar' - terms: - aerialway/zip_line: - # aerialway=zip_line | Zip Wire, Aerial Runway, Flying Fox | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Zip Line - # 'terms: canopy,foefie slide,gravity propelled aerial ropeslide,tyrolean traverse,zip-line,zipline,zipwire' - terms: - aeroway: - # aeroway=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Aeroway Feature - aeroway/aerodrome: - # aeroway=aerodrome | Aerodrome | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Airport - # 'terms: aeroway,airplane,jet,plane' - terms: - aeroway/apron: - # aeroway=apron | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Airport Apron - # 'terms: aircraft parking,flight line,hardstand,ramp,tarmac,taxiway' - terms: - aeroway/gate: - # aeroway=gate | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Airport Gate - terms: - aeroway/hangar: - # aeroway=hangar | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hangar - terms: - aeroway/helipad: - # aeroway=helipad | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Helipad - # 'terms: helicopter,heliport' - terms: - aeroway/holding_position: - # aeroway=holding_position | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Aircraft Holding Position - terms: - aeroway/jet_bridge: - # aeroway=jet_bridge | Jet Bridge, Skybridge, Aerobridge, Airbirdge, Airgate, Airtube, Passenger Boarding Bridge | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Jetway - # 'terms: air jetty,finger,gangway,jetbridge,jet way,pbb,portal,terminal gate connector' - terms: - aeroway/parking_position: - # aeroway=parking_position | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Aircraft Parking Position - terms: - aeroway/runway: - # aeroway=runway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Runway - # 'terms: landing strip' - terms: - aeroway/spaceport: - # aeroway=spaceport | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Spaceport - # 'terms: cosmodrome,rocket launch center,rocket launch complex,rocket launch site,rocket range,space port' - terms: - aeroway/taxiway: - # aeroway=taxiway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Taxiway - terms: - aeroway/terminal: - # aeroway=terminal | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Airport Terminal - # 'terms: airport,aerodrome' - terms: - aeroway/windsock: - # aeroway=windsock | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Windsock - terms: - allotments/plot: - # allotments=plot | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Community Garden Plot - terms: - amenity: - # amenity=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Amenity - amenity/animal_boarding: - # amenity=animal_boarding | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Animal Boarding Facility - # 'terms: boarding,cat,cattery,dog,horse,kennel,kitten,pet,pet boarding,pet care,pet hotel,puppy,reptile' - terms: - amenity/animal_breeding: - # amenity=animal_breeding | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Animal Breeding Facility - # 'terms: breeding,bull,cat,cow,dog,horse,husbandry,kitten,livestock,pet breeding,puppy,reptile' - terms: - amenity/animal_shelter: - # amenity=animal_shelter | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Animal Shelter - # 'terms: adoption,aspca,cat,dog,horse,kitten,pet care,pet rescue,puppy,raptor,reptile,rescue,spca,pound' - terms: - amenity/arts_centre: - # amenity=arts_centre | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Arts Center - # 'terms: arts centre,community arts,theater space,theatre space' - terms: - amenity/atm: - # amenity=atm | Cash Machine, Automated Teller Machine | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: ATM - # 'terms: money,cash,machine' - terms: - amenity/baking_oven: - # amenity=baking_oven | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Baking Oven - # 'terms: bakehouse,beehive oven,bread,clay oven,horno,masonry oven,tabun oven,pizza oven' - terms: - amenity/bank: - # amenity=bank | Credit Union | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bank - # 'terms: check,deposit,fund,investment,repository,reserve,safe,savings,stock,treasury,trust,vault' - terms: - amenity/bar: - # amenity=bar | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bar - # 'terms: dive,beer,bier,booze' - terms: - amenity/bar/lgbtq: - # amenity=bar + lgbtq=primary | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: LGBTQ+ Bar - # 'terms: gay bar,lesbian bar,lgbtq bar,lgbt bar,lgb bar' - terms: - amenity/bbq: - # amenity=bbq | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Barbecue/Grill - # 'terms: bbq,grill' - terms: - amenity/bench: - # amenity=bench | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bench - # 'terms: seat,chair' - terms: - amenity/bicycle_parking: - # amenity=bicycle_parking | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bicycle Parking - # 'terms: bike,bike parking,cycle parking,cycling' - terms: - amenity/bicycle_parking/building: - # amenity=bicycle_parking + bicycle_parking=building | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bicycle Parking Garage - # 'terms: bike parking station,cycle parking,cycling,multi-storey bicycle park,multi-storey bike park' - terms: - amenity/bicycle_parking/lockers: - # amenity=bicycle_parking + bicycle_parking=lockers | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bicycle Lockers - # 'terms: cycle locker,cycling,bike lockers' - terms: - amenity/bicycle_parking/shed: - # amenity=bicycle_parking + bicycle_parking=shed | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bicycle Shed - # 'terms: cycle shed,cycling,bike shed' - terms: - amenity/bicycle_rental: - # amenity=bicycle_rental | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bicycle Rental - # 'terms: bike,bicycle,bikeshare,bike share,bicycle share,cycle dock,cycle hub,cycleshare,cycling' - terms: - amenity/bicycle_repair_station: - # amenity=bicycle_repair_station | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bicycle Repair Tool Stand - # 'terms: bike chain,bike multitool,bike repair,bike tools,cycle pump,cycle repair,cycling,compressed air' - terms: - amenity/bicycle_wash: - # amenity=bicycle_wash | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bicycle Wash - # 'terms: bike,bicycle,bike wash,bicycle cleaning,cycle wash,cycle rinse station,cycling' - terms: - amenity/biergarten: - # amenity=biergarten | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Biergarten - # 'terms: beer,bier,booze' - terms: - amenity/binoculars: - # amenity=binoculars | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mounted Binoculars - # 'terms: observation viewer,optical ranger,spotting scope,sight,spyglass,telescope,tower viewer,viewfinder,viewing stand' - terms: - amenity/boat_rental: - # amenity=boat_rental | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Boat Rental - # 'terms: boat hire' - terms: - amenity/boat_storage: - # amenity=boat_storage | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Boat Storage - # 'terms: boathouse,dry dock,marina' - terms: - amenity/bureau_de_change: - # amenity=bureau_de_change | Bureau de Change | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Currency Exchange - # 'terms: money changer' - terms: - amenity/bus_station: - # amenity=bus_station | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bus Station / Terminal - amenity/cafe: - # amenity=cafe | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cafe - # 'terms: bistro,coffee,tea' - terms: - amenity/cafe/bubble_tea: - # amenity=cafe + cuisine=bubble_tea | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bubble Tea Cafe - # 'terms: boba,bubble milk tea,pearl milk tea,taiwanese tea drink,tapioca,pearl tea,boba drink' - terms: - amenity/cafe/coffee_shop: - # amenity=cafe + cuisine=coffee_shop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Coffeehouse - # 'terms: americano,brew,cafe,café,caffe,caffè,cappuccino,cocoa,coffee shop,drip,espresso,hot drinks,latte,macchiato,tea' - terms: - amenity/car_pooling: - # amenity=car_pooling | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Car Pooling Station - # 'terms: car sharing,carpooling,lift sharing,ride sharing' - terms: - amenity/car_rental: - # amenity=car_rental | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Car Rental - terms: - amenity/car_sharing: - # amenity=car_sharing | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Car Sharing Station - terms: - amenity/car_wash: - # amenity=car_wash | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Car Wash - terms: - amenity/casino: - # amenity=casino | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Casino - # 'terms: gambling,roulette,craps,poker,blackjack' - terms: - amenity/charging_station: - # amenity=charging_station | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Charging Station - # 'terms: ev,electric vehicle,supercharger' - terms: - amenity/childcare: - # amenity=childcare | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Nursery/Childcare - # 'terms: daycare,orphanage,playgroup' - terms: - amenity/cinema: - # amenity=cinema | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cinema - # 'terms: drive-in,film,flick,movie,theater,picture,show,screen' - terms: - amenity/clinic: - # amenity=clinic | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Clinic - # 'terms: medical,urgentcare' - terms: - amenity/clinic/abortion: - # amenity=clinic + healthcare=clinic + healthcare:speciality=abortion | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Abortion Clinic - # 'terms: women''s healthcare' - terms: - amenity/clinic/dialysis: - # healthcare=dialysis | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Dialysis Center - # 'terms: kidney dialysis,dialysis clinic' - terms: - amenity/clinic/fertility: - # amenity=clinic + healthcare=clinic + healthcare:speciality=fertility | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fertility Clinic - # 'terms: egg,fertility,reproductive,sperm,ovulation' - terms: - amenity/clock: - # amenity=clock | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Clock - # 'terms: time' - terms: - amenity/clock/sundial: - # amenity=clock + display=sundial | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sundial - # 'terms: gnomon,shadow' - terms: - amenity/college: - # amenity=college | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: College Grounds - # 'terms: university,undergraduate school' - terms: - amenity/community_centre: - # amenity=community_centre | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Community Center - # 'terms: event,hall' - terms: - amenity/community_centre/club_home: - # amenity=community_centre + community_centre=club_home | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Club Home - terms: - amenity/community_centre/community_hall: - # amenity=community_centre + community_centre=community_hall | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Community Hall - # 'terms: community center' - terms: - amenity/community_centre/cultural_centre: - # amenity=community_centre + community_centre=cultural_centre | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cultural Centre - terms: - amenity/community_centre/family_centre: - # amenity=community_centre + community_centre=family_centre | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Family Centre - terms: - amenity/community_centre/lgbtq: - # amenity=community_centre + lgbtq=primary | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: LGBTQ+ Community Center - # 'terms: lgbtq event,lgbtq hall,lgbt event,lgbt hall,lgb event,lgb hall' - terms: - amenity/community_centre/parish_hall: - # amenity=community_centre + community_centre=parish_hall | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Parish Hall - # 'terms: parish center' - terms: - amenity/community_centre/village_hall: - # amenity=community_centre + community_centre=village_hall | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Village Hall - # 'terms: village community center' - terms: - amenity/community_centre/youth_centre: - # amenity=community_centre + community_centre=youth_centre | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Youth Center - # 'terms: youth centre,youth club' - terms: - amenity/compressed_air: - # amenity=compressed_air | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Compressed Air - # 'terms: air compressor' - terms: - amenity/conference_centre: - # amenity=conference_centre | Conference Center | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Convention Center - # 'terms: auditorium,exhibition,exposition,lecture' - terms: - amenity/courthouse: - # amenity=courthouse | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Courthouse - terms: - amenity/coworking_space: - # amenity=coworking_space | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Coworking Space - amenity/crematorium: - # amenity=crematorium | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Crematorium - # 'terms: cemetery,funeral' - terms: - amenity/dentist: - # amenity=dentist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Dentist - # 'terms: tooth,teeth' - terms: - amenity/dive_centre: - # amenity=dive_centre | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Dive Center - # 'terms: diving,scuba' - terms: - amenity/doctors: - # amenity=doctors | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Doctor - # 'terms: medic,medical doctor,physician' - terms: - amenity/doctors/allergology: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=allergology | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Allergologist - # 'terms: allergy,asthma' - terms: - amenity/doctors/cardiology: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=cardiology | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cardiologist - # 'terms: cardiac surgeon,cardiology,cardiovascular system,coronary artery,heart' - terms: - amenity/doctors/child_psychiatry: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=child_psychiatry | Pediatric Psychiatrist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist - # 'terms: adolescent psychiatry,child psychiatry,pediatric psychiatry' - terms: - amenity/doctors/dermatology: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=dermatology | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Dermatologist - # 'terms: dermatology,hair,nails,skin' - terms: - amenity/doctors/gastroenterology: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=gastroenterology | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gastroenterologist - # 'terms: bowels,digestive system,digestion,esophagus,food pipe,gallstone,gastrointestinal tract,gastroenterology,gullet,intestines,large intestine,liver,oesophagus,small intestine,stomach' - terms: - amenity/doctors/general: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=general | General Practitioner | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Primary Care Physician - # 'terms: gp,family physician,family practitioner,family doctor' - terms: - amenity/doctors/gynaecology: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=gynaecology | Gynecologist, Obstetrician | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Obstetrician/Gynecologist - # 'terms: egg,gynaecologist,gynaecology,gynecology,obgyn,ob/gyn,obstetrics,ovulation,reproductive,woman''s doctor,women''s doctor' - terms: - amenity/doctors/haematology: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=haematology | Haematologist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hematologist - # 'terms: anemia,blood,bone marrow,haematology,leukemia,lymphoma' - terms: - amenity/doctors/internal: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=internal | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Internist - # 'terms: internal general practitioner,internal medicine,physician' - terms: - amenity/doctors/nephrology: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=nephrology | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Nephrologist - # 'terms: kidney,kidneys,kidney medicine,nephrology,renal' - terms: - amenity/doctors/neurology: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=neurology | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Neurologist - # 'terms: brain,nerves,nervous system,neurology,neurosurgery' - terms: - amenity/doctors/neurosurgery: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=neurosurgery | Brain Surgeon | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Neurosurgeon - # 'terms: brain,neurological surgery' - terms: - amenity/doctors/oncology: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=oncology | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Oncologist - # 'terms: cancer,chemotherapy,oncology,tumor' - terms: - amenity/doctors/ophthalmology: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=ophthalmology | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ophthalmologist - # 'terms: eye,eyes,glasses,ocular,ophthalmology' - terms: - amenity/doctors/orthopaedics: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=orthopaedics | Orthopedics, Orthopaedics | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Orthopedic Surgeon - # 'terms: orthopedic surgery' - terms: - amenity/doctors/otolaryngology: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=otolaryngology | Otorhinolaryngologist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Otolaryngologist - # 'terms: ear,ent,head and neck surgery,nose,ohns,orl,orl–h&n,otorhinolaryngology,skull,throat' - terms: - amenity/doctors/paediatrics: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=paediatrics | Paediatrician | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pediatrician - # 'terms: adolescents,children,infants,paediatrics' - terms: - amenity/doctors/pathology: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=pathology | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pathologist - # 'terms: autopsy,anatomical pathology,anatomic pathology,pathology' - terms: - amenity/doctors/plastic_surgery: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=plastic_surgery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Plastic Surgeon - # 'terms: aesthetic surgery,cosmetic surgery,craniofacial surgery,reconstructive surgery,plastic surgery' - terms: - amenity/doctors/podiatry: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=podiatry | Chiropodist, Podiatric Surgeon | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Podiatrist - # 'terms: ankle,feet,foot,leg,legs,podiatry' - terms: - amenity/doctors/proctology: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=proctology | Proctologist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Colorectal Surgeon - # 'terms: assman,colorectal surgery,proctology' - terms: - amenity/doctors/psychiatrist: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=psychiatry | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Psychiatrist - # 'terms: psychiatry,psychology,psychotherapy' - terms: - amenity/doctors/pulmonology: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=pulmonology | Pneumologist, Respiratory Physician, Respirologist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pulmonologist - # 'terms: asthma,chest medicine,lung,lungs,pneumology,pneumonologist,pneumonology,pneumonia,pulmonology,respiratory tract,respirology,respiratory medicine' - terms: - amenity/doctors/radiology: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=radiology | Rontegenologist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Radiologist - # 'terms: radiology,computed tomography,ct,magnetic resonance imaging,medical ultrasound,medical ultrasonography,mri,sonography,ultrasonography' - terms: - amenity/doctors/rheumatology: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=rheumatology | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Rheumatologist - # 'terms: lupus,oteoporosis,rheuma,rheumatology' - terms: - amenity/doctors/surgery: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=surgery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: General Surgeon - # 'terms: surgery' - terms: - amenity/doctors/trauma: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=trauma | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Trauma Surgeon - # 'terms: surgery,trauma surgery' - terms: - amenity/doctors/urology: - # amenity=doctors + healthcare:speciality=urology | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Urologist - # 'terms: adrenal glands,bladder,epididymis,kidney,penis,prostate,reproductive,scrotum,testicles,testis,urethra,ureters,urology,urinary' - terms: - amenity/dog_toilet: - # amenity=dog_toilet | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Dog Toilet - # 'terms: dog poo area,dog excrement,dog excrete,dog urine,dog urinate,dog relief area' - terms: - amenity/dojo: - # amenity=dojo | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Dojo / Martial Arts Academy - # 'terms: martial arts,dojang' - terms: - amenity/dressing_room: - # amenity=dressing_room | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Changing Room - # 'terms: changeroom,dressing room,fitting room,locker room' - terms: - amenity/drinking_water: - # amenity=drinking_water | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Drinking Water - # 'terms: potable water source,water fountain,drinking fountain,bubbler,water tap' - terms: - amenity/driver_training: - # amenity=driver_training | Driving Safety Center | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Driver Training Grounds - # 'terms: driving school' - terms: - amenity/driving_school: - # amenity=driving_school | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Driving School - terms: - amenity/embassy: - # amenity=embassy | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Embassy - amenity/events_venue: - # amenity=events_venue | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Events Venue - # 'terms: banquet hall,baptism,bar mitzvah,bat mitzvah,birthdays,celebrations,conferences,confirmation,meetings,parties,party,quinceañera,reunions,weddings' - terms: - amenity/exhibition_centre: - # amenity=exhibition_centre | Exhibition Center | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Exposition Center - # 'terms: fair,trade fair,trade show,trade exhibition,expo,tradeshow' - terms: - amenity/fast_food: - # amenity=fast_food | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fast Food - # 'terms: restaurant,takeaway' - terms: - amenity/fast_food/bagel: - # amenity=fast_food + cuisine=bagel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bagel Fast Food - # 'terms: breakfast,lox' - terms: - amenity/fast_food/burger: - # amenity=fast_food + cuisine=burger | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Burger Fast Food - # 'terms: breakfast,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/fast_food/cafeteria: - # amenity=fast_food + fast_food=cafeteria | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cafeteria - # 'terms: canteen,dining hall,lunchroom,refectory' - terms: - amenity/fast_food/chicken: - # amenity=fast_food + cuisine=chicken | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Chicken Fast Food - # 'terms: breakfast,canteen,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/fast_food/chinese: - # amenity=fast_food + cuisine=chinese | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Chinese Fast Food - # 'terms: dim sum' - terms: - amenity/fast_food/donut: - # amenity=fast_food + cuisine=donut | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Donut Fast Food - # 'terms: breakfast,brunch,cafe,canteen,coffee,dine,diner,donut,doughnut,dining,eat,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/fast_food/fish_and_chips: - # amenity=fast_food + cuisine=fish_and_chips | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fish & Chips Fast Food - # 'terms: breakfast,cafe,café,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table,french fries' - terms: - amenity/fast_food/hot_dog: - # amenity=fast_food + cuisine=hot_dog | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hot Dog Fast Food - # 'terms: ballpark,frankfurter,frank,hotdog stand,sandwich,sausage,wiener' - terms: - amenity/fast_food/ice_cream: - # amenity=fast_food + cuisine=ice_cream | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ice Cream Fast Food - amenity/fast_food/juice: - # amenity=fast_food + cuisine=juice | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Juice Fast Food - # 'terms: cafe,café,beverages,fruit drinks,juice bar,shakes,smoothies' - terms: - amenity/fast_food/kebab: - # amenity=fast_food + cuisine=kebab | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Kebab Fast Food - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/fast_food/mexican: - # amenity=fast_food + cuisine=mexican | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mexican Fast Food - # 'terms: breakfast,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table,tacos,burritos,enchiladas,fajitas,nachos,tortillas,salsa,tamales,quesadillas' - terms: - amenity/fast_food/pizza: - # amenity=fast_food + cuisine=pizza | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pizza Fast Food - # 'terms: dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,lunch,table,deep dish,thin crust,slice' - terms: - amenity/fast_food/sandwich: - # amenity=fast_food + cuisine=sandwich | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sandwich Fast Food - # 'terms: breakfast,cafe,café,deli,deli sandwich,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,meat,table' - terms: - amenity/fast_food/wings: - # amenity=fast_food + cuisine=wings | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Chicken Wings Fast Food - # 'terms: chicken,dine,dining,dinner,eat,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/ferry_terminal: - # amenity=ferry_terminal | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ferry Terminal - amenity/fire_station: - # amenity=fire_station | Fire House, Fire Hall | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fire Station - # 'terms: fire fighters,firehouse' - terms: - amenity/food_court: - # amenity=food_court | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Food Court - # 'terms: fast food,restaurant,food' - terms: - amenity/fountain: - # amenity=fountain | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fountain - # 'terms: basin,water' - terms: - amenity/fuel: - # amenity=fuel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gas Station - # 'terms: petrol,fuel,gasoline,propane,diesel,lng,cng,biodiesel' - terms: - amenity/funeral_hall: - # amenity=funeral_hall | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Funeral Service Hall - # 'terms: funeral ceremony,funeral hall' - terms: - amenity/gambling: - # amenity=gambling | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gambling Hall - # 'terms: betting,bingo,blackjack,casino,craps,gamble,gambling,keno,lottery,pachinko,poker,roulette,slot machines,slots' - terms: - amenity/give_box: - # amenity=give_box | Give Box | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Free Box - # 'terms: donations,free table,freebox,give shelf,givebox,library,share shelf' - terms: - amenity/grave_yard: - # amenity=grave_yard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Graveyard - # 'terms: burial ground,cemetary,cemetery,churchyard,columbarium,grave yard,mausoleum,tomb' - terms: - amenity/grit_bin: - # amenity=grit_bin | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Grit Bin - # 'terms: salt,sand' - terms: - amenity/hookah_lounge: - # amenity=hookah_lounge | Shisha Bar | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hookah Lounge - # 'terms: waterpipe,nargile,shisha,flavored tobacco' - terms: - amenity/hospital: - # amenity=hospital | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hospital Grounds - # 'terms: clinic,doctor,emergency room,health,infirmary,institution,sanatorium,sanitarium,sick,surgery,ward' - terms: - amenity/hunting_stand: - # amenity=hunting_stand | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hunting Stand - # 'terms: game,gun,hide,lookout,raised blind,raised hide,rifle,shoot,stance,stand,watch,wild' - terms: - amenity/ice_cream: - # amenity=ice_cream | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ice Cream Shop - # 'terms: gelato,sorbet,sherbet,frozen,yogurt' - terms: - amenity/ice_cream/frozen_yogurt: - # amenity=ice_cream + cuisine=frozen_yogurt | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Frozen Yogurt Shop - # 'terms: frogurt,froyo,frozen yoghurt,ice cream,yogurt,yoghurt' - terms: - amenity/internet_cafe: - # amenity=internet_cafe | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Internet Cafe - # 'terms: cybercafe,taxiphone,teleboutique,coffee,cafe,net,lanhouse' - terms: - amenity/karaoke_box: - # amenity=karaoke_box | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Karaoke Box - # 'terms: karaoke club,karaoke room,karaoke television,ktv' - terms: - amenity/kindergarten: - # amenity=kindergarten | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Preschool / Kindergarten Grounds - # 'terms: kindergarten,kindergarden,pre-school' - terms: - amenity/kneipp_water_cure: - # amenity=kneipp_water_cure | Kneipp Water Cure | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Kneipp Facility - # 'terms: foot bath,hydrotherapy,kneipp cure,kneipp hydrotherapy,kneippism' - terms: - amenity/language_school: - # amenity=language_school | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Language School - # 'terms: esl' - terms: - amenity/lavoir: - # amenity=lavoir | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Lavoir - # 'terms: clothing,laundry,washing' - terms: - amenity/letter_box: - # amenity=letter_box | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Letter Box - # 'terms: curbside delivery box,home delivery box,direct-to-door delivery box,letter hole,letter plate,letter slot,letterbox,letterhole,letterplate,letterslot,mail box,mail hole,mail slot,mailbox,mailhole,mailslot,through-door delivery box' - terms: - amenity/library: - # amenity=library | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Library - # 'terms: book' - terms: - amenity/library_dropoff: - # amenity=library_dropoff | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Book Return Drop Box - # 'terms: book drop-off,book return,library drop-off,library book return,library return' - terms: - amenity/loading_dock: - # amenity=loading_dock | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Loading Dock - # 'terms: door,loading bay,shipping,unloading,warehouse' - terms: - amenity/lounger: - # amenity=lounger | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Lounger - # 'terms: seat,chair,bench' - terms: - amenity/love_hotel: - # amenity=love_hotel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Love Hotel - terms: - amenity/luggage_locker: - # amenity=luggage_locker | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Luggage Locker - # 'terms: baggage,bags,locker,lockers,luggage,storage,travel' - terms: - amenity/marketplace: - # amenity=marketplace | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Marketplace - terms: - amenity/monastery: - # amenity=monastery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Monastery Grounds - # 'terms: abbey,basilica,bethel,cathedral,chancel,chantry,chapel,church,fold,house of god,house of prayer,house of worship,minster,mission,monastery,mosque,oratory,parish,sacellum,sanctuary,shrine,synagogue,tabernacle,temple' - terms: - amenity/money_transfer: - # amenity=money_transfer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Money Transfer Station - # 'terms: money order,check,bill,currency,finance,wire transfer,cable,person to person,cash to cash,exchange' - terms: - amenity/mortuary: - # amenity=mortuary | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Morgue - # 'terms: crematorium,funeral home,memorial home,mortuary,undertaker' - terms: - amenity/motorcycle_parking: - # amenity=motorcycle_parking | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Motorcycle Parking - # 'terms: motorbike parking' - terms: - amenity/motorcycle_rental: - # amenity=motorcycle_rental | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Motorcycle Rental - # 'terms: chopper,cruiser,dirt bike,hog,minibike,moped,motorbike,motor scooter,sidecar,sportbike' - terms: - amenity/music_school: - # amenity=music_school | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Music School - # 'terms: school of music' - terms: - amenity/nightclub: - # amenity=nightclub | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Nightclub - # 'terms: club,dance club,dancing,disco,discotheque,night club' - terms: - amenity/nightclub/lgbtq: - # amenity=nightclub + lgbtq=primary | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: LGBTQ+ Nightclub - # 'terms: gay nightclub,lesbian nightclub,lgbtq nightclub,lgbt nightclub,lgb nightclub' - terms: - amenity/nursing_home: - # amenity=nursing_home | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Nursing Home - amenity/parcel_locker: - # amenity=parcel_locker | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Parcel Locker - # 'terms: automated postal box,dropoff,locker,mail,package,package locker,packstation,parcel,pickup' - terms: - amenity/parking: - # amenity=parking | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Parking Lot - # 'terms: automobile parking,car lot,car parking,rv parking,truck parking,vehicle parking' - terms: - amenity/parking/multi-storey: - # amenity=parking + parking=multi-storey | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Multilevel Parking Garage - # 'terms: car,indoor parking,multistorey car park,parkade,parking building,parking deck,parking garage,parking ramp,parking structure' - terms: - amenity/parking/park_ride: - # amenity=parking + park_ride=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Park & Ride Lot - # 'terms: commuter parking lot,incentive parking lot,metro parking lot,park and pool lot,park and ride lot,p+r,public transport parking lot,public transit parking lot,train parking lot' - terms: - amenity/parking/street-side: - # amenity=parking + parking=street_side | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Street-side Parking - # 'terms: automobile parking,car parking,vehicle parking,street parking,streetside parking,road-side parking,roadside parking' - terms: - amenity/parking/underground: - # amenity=parking + parking=underground | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Underground Parking - # 'terms: automobile parking,car lot,car parking,rv parking,subsurface parking,truck parking,vehicle parking' - terms: - amenity/parking_entrance: - # amenity=parking_entrance | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Parking Garage Entrance / Exit - terms: - amenity/parking_space: - # amenity=parking_space | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Parking Space - # 'terms: parking spot,parking stall' - terms: - amenity/parking_space/disabled: - # amenity=parking_space + parking_space=disabled | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Accessible Parking Space - # 'terms: disability,disabled parking stall,handicap parking spot,wheelchair' - terms: - amenity/payment_centre: - # amenity=payment_centre | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Payment Center - # 'terms: check,tax pay,bill pay,currency,finance,cash,money' - terms: - amenity/payment_terminal: - # amenity=payment_terminal | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Payment Terminal - # 'terms: interactive kiosk,ekiosk,atm,bill pay,tax pay,phone pay,finance,cash,money transfer,card' - terms: - amenity/pharmacy: - # amenity=pharmacy | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pharmacy Counter - # 'terms: apothecary,chemist,dispensary,drug store,drugstore,medicine,prescription' - terms: - amenity/photo_booth: - # amenity=photo_booth | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Photo Booth - # 'terms: photobooth,photo,booth,kiosk,camera' - terms: - amenity/place_of_worship: - # amenity=place_of_worship | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Place of Worship - # 'terms: abbey,basilica,bethel,cathedral,chancel,chantry,chapel,church,fold,house of god,house of prayer,house of worship,minster,mission,mosque,oratory,parish,sacellum,sanctuary,shrine,synagogue,tabernacle,temple' - terms: - amenity/place_of_worship/buddhist: - # amenity=place_of_worship + religion=buddhist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Buddhist Temple - # 'terms: stupa,vihara,monastery,temple,pagoda,zendo,dojo' - terms: - amenity/place_of_worship/christian: - # amenity=place_of_worship + religion=christian | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Christian Church - # 'terms: christian,abbey,basilica,bethel,cathedral,chancel,chantry,chapel,fold,house of god,house of prayer,house of worship,minster,mission,oratory,parish,sacellum,sanctuary,shrine,tabernacle,temple,anglican,roman catholic' - terms: - amenity/place_of_worship/christian/jehovahs_witness: - # amenity=place_of_worship + religion=christian + denomination=jehovahs_witness | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses - # 'terms: christian,church,house of god,house of prayer,house of worship' - terms: - amenity/place_of_worship/christian/la_luz_del_mundo: - # amenity=place_of_worship + religion=christian + denomination=la_luz_del_mundo | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: La Luz del Mundo Temple - # 'terms: christian,church,house of god,house of prayer,house of worship,the light of the world church' - terms: - amenity/place_of_worship/christian/quaker: - # amenity=place_of_worship + religion=christian + denomination=quaker | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Quaker Friends Meeting House - # 'terms: christian,church,house of god,house of prayer,house of worship' - terms: - amenity/place_of_worship/hindu: - # amenity=place_of_worship + religion=hindu | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hindu Temple - # 'terms: kovil,devasthana,mandir,kshetram,alayam,shrine,temple' - terms: - amenity/place_of_worship/jewish: - # amenity=place_of_worship + religion=jewish | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Jewish Synagogue - # 'terms: jewish' - terms: - amenity/place_of_worship/muslim: - # amenity=place_of_worship + religion=muslim | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Muslim Mosque - # 'terms: islam,islamic center,muslim' - terms: - amenity/place_of_worship/shinto: - # amenity=place_of_worship + religion=shinto | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Shinto Shrine - # 'terms: kami,torii' - terms: - amenity/place_of_worship/sikh: - # amenity=place_of_worship + religion=sikh | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sikh Temple - # 'terms: gurudwara,temple' - terms: - amenity/place_of_worship/taoist: - # amenity=place_of_worship + religion=taoist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Taoist Temple - # 'terms: daoist,monastery,temple' - terms: - amenity/planetarium: - # amenity=planetarium | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Planetarium - # 'terms: museum,astronomy,observatory' - terms: - amenity/police: - # amenity=police | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Police - # 'terms: badge,constable,constabulary,cop,detective,fed,law,enforcement,officer,patrol' - terms: - amenity/polling_station: - # amenity=polling_station | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Permanent Polling Place - # 'terms: ballot box,ballot drop,democracy,elections,polling place,vote,voting booth,voting machine' - terms: - amenity/post_box: - # amenity=post_box | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mail Drop Box - # 'terms: drop box,dropbox,letter drop,mail box,mail collection box,mail drop,mail dropoff,mailbox,package drop,pillar box,pillarbox,post box,postal box,postbox' - terms: - amenity/post_box/post_box-US: - # amenity=post_box | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "US" - amenity/post_depot: - # amenity=post_depot | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Post Sorting Office - # 'terms: mail processing and distribution center,post depot' - terms: - amenity/post_office: - # amenity=post_office | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Post Office - # 'terms: letter,mail' - terms: - amenity/prep_school: - # amenity=prep_school | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Test Prep / Tutoring School - # 'terms: academic,act,sat,homework,math,reading,test prep,tutoring,writing' - terms: - amenity/prison: - # amenity=prison | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Prison Grounds - # 'terms: cell,jail,correction' - terms: - amenity/pub: - # amenity=pub | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pub - # 'terms: alcohol,drink,dive,beer,bier,booze' - terms: - amenity/pub/irish: - # amenity=pub + theme=irish | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Irish Pub - # 'terms: irish bar' - terms: - amenity/pub/lgbtq: - # amenity=pub + lgbtq=primary | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: LGBTQ+ Pub - # 'terms: gay pub,lesbian pub,lgbtq pub,lgbt pub,lgb pub' - terms: - amenity/pub/microbrewery: - # amenity=pub + microbrewery=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Brewpub - # 'terms: alcohol,drink,dive,beer,bier,booze,craft brewery,microbrewery,small batch brewery' - terms: - amenity/public_bath: - # amenity=public_bath | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Public Bath - # 'terms: onsen,foot bath,hot springs' - terms: - amenity/public_bookcase: - # amenity=public_bookcase | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Public Bookcase - # 'terms: bookcrossing,book exchange shelf,book sharing,book swap,library,little free library,share a book,sharing books' - terms: - amenity/ranger_station: - # amenity=ranger_station | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ranger Station - # 'terms: visitor center,visitor centre,permit center,permit centre,backcountry office,warden office,warden center' - terms: - amenity/recycling: - # amenity=recycling | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Recycling - amenity/recycling/container/electrical_items: - # amenity=recycling + recycling_type=container + recycling:electrical_items=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: E-Waste Container - # 'terms: computers,electronic waste,electronics recycling,ewaste bin,phones,tablets' - terms: - amenity/recycling/container/green_waste: - # amenity=recycling + recycling_type=container + recycling:green_waste=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Green Waste Container - # 'terms: biodegradable,biological,compost,decomposable,garbage bin,garden waste,organic,rubbish,food scrap' - terms: - amenity/recycling_centre: - # amenity=recycling + recycling_type=centre | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Recycling Center - # 'terms: bottle,can,dump,glass,garbage,rubbish,scrap,trash' - terms: - amenity/recycling_container: - # amenity=recycling + recycling_type=container | Recycling Container | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Recycling Bin - # 'terms: bin,can,bottle,glass,garbage,rubbish,scrap,trash' - terms: - amenity/refugee_site: - # amenity=refugee_site | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Refugee Camp - # 'terms: displaced people,evacuees,migrants,ngo,refugee site' - terms: - amenity/research_institute: - # amenity=research_institute | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Research Institute Grounds - # 'terms: applied research,experimentation,r&d,r & d,r and d,research and development,research institution,research laboratory,research labs' - terms: - amenity/restaurant: - # amenity=restaurant | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,coffee,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/american: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=american | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: American Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,coffee,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/asian: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=asian | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Asian Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/barbecue: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=barbecue | Barbeque Restaurant | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Barbecue Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,bbq,canteen,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/chinese: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=chinese | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Chinese Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,dim sum,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/french: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=french | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: French Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/georgian: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=georgian | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Georgian Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/german: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=german | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: German Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/greek: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=greek | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Greek Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table,gyros,pitas,olives' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/indian: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=indian | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Indian Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table,curry' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/italian: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=italian | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Italian Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table,pasta,pizza' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/japanese: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=japanese | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Japanese Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/korean: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=korean | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Korean Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/mexican: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=mexican | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mexican Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table,tacos,burritos,enchiladas,fajitas,nachos,tortillas,salsa,tamales,quesadillas' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/noodle: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=noodle | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Noodle Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table,soup,soba noodles,cellophane noodles,rice noodles' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/pizza: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=pizza | Pizzeria | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pizza Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,lunch,table,deep dish,thin crust,slice' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/ramen: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=ramen | Ramen Shop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ramen Restaurant - # 'terms: japanese,noodles,ramen-ten,ramen-ya,soup' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/seafood: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=seafood | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Seafood Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table,fish,shellfish,molluscs,crustaceans,clams,oysters,lobsters,crab,shrimp,squid,octopus' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/spanish: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=spanish | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Spanish Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/steakhouse: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=steak_house | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Steakhouse - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table,steak house,chop house,beef' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/sushi: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=sushi | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sushi Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/thai: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=thai | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Thai Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/turkish: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=turkish | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Turkish Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/ukrainian: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=ukrainian | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ukrainian Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/restaurant/vietnamese: - # amenity=restaurant + cuisine=vietnamese | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Vietnamese Restaurant - # 'terms: bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table' - terms: - amenity/sanitary_dump_station: - # amenity=sanitary_dump_station | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: RV Toilet Disposal - # 'terms: motor home,camper,sanitary,dump station,elsan,cdp,ctdp,chemical toilet' - terms: - amenity/school: - # amenity=school | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: School Grounds - # 'terms: academy,elementary school,middle school,high school' - terms: - amenity/shelter: - # amenity=shelter | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Shelter - # 'terms: lean-to,gazebo,picnic' - terms: - amenity/shelter/gazebo: - # amenity=shelter + shelter_type=gazebo | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gazebo - terms: - amenity/shelter/lean_to: - # amenity=shelter + shelter_type=lean_to | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Lean-To - # 'terms: alpine hut,cabin,leanto,lodging,overnight accommodations,sleeping shelter,wilderness hut' - terms: - amenity/shelter/picnic_shelter: - # amenity=shelter + shelter_type=picnic_shelter | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Picnic Shelter - # 'terms: pavilion' - terms: - amenity/shelter/public_transport: - # amenity=shelter + shelter_type=public_transport | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Transit Shelter - # 'terms: bus stop,metro stop,public transit shelter,public transport shelter,tram stop shelter,waiting' - terms: - amenity/shower: - # amenity=shower | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Shower - # 'terms: rain closet' - terms: - amenity/smoking_area: - # amenity=smoking_area | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Smoking Area - # 'terms: smokers'' area' - terms: - amenity/social_centre: - # amenity=social_centre | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Social Center - # 'terms: event,fraternal,fraternity,hall,organization,professional,society,sorority,union,vetern' - terms: - amenity/social_facility: - # amenity=social_facility | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Social Facility - # 'terms: community,nonprofit,social services' - terms: - amenity/social_facility/ambulatory_care: - # amenity=social_facility + social_facility=ambulatory_care | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ambulatory Care - terms: - amenity/social_facility/assisted_living: - # amenity=social_facility + social_facility=assisted_living + social_facility:for=senior | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Senior Assisted Living Facility - # 'terms: assisted living,care home,elderly,living,old,senior' - terms: - amenity/social_facility/food_bank: - # amenity=social_facility + social_facility=food_bank | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Food Bank - # 'terms: food pantry,soup kitchen' - terms: - amenity/social_facility/group_home: - # amenity=social_facility + social_facility=group_home + social_facility:for=senior | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Elderly Group Home - # 'terms: assisted living,care home,elderly,living,old,senior' - terms: - amenity/social_facility/homeless_shelter: - # amenity=social_facility + social_facility=shelter + social_facility:for=homeless | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Homeless Shelter - # 'terms: houseless,unhoused,displaced' - terms: - amenity/social_facility/nursing_home: - # amenity=social_facility + social_facility=nursing_home + social_facility:for=senior | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Nursing Home - # 'terms: elderly,living,nursing,old,senior,assisted living' - terms: - amenity/stripclub: - # amenity=stripclub | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Strip club - # 'terms: lap dance,adult*,gentlemen*,cabaret,strip*' - terms: - amenity/studio: - # amenity=studio | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Studio - # 'terms: recording,radio,television' - terms: - amenity/studio/audio: - # amenity=studio + studio=audio | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Recording Studio - # 'terms: audio mixing,audio production,audio recording,audio studio' - terms: - amenity/studio/radio: - # amenity=studio + studio=radio | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Radio Station - # 'terms: am radio,fm radio,radio broadcast,radio studio' - terms: - amenity/studio/television: - # amenity=studio + studio=television | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Television Station - # 'terms: television broadcast,television studio,tv broadcast,tv station,tv studio' - terms: - amenity/studio/video: - # amenity=studio + studio=video | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Film Studio - # 'terms: movie production,movie studio,video production,video recording,video studio' - terms: - amenity/swingerclub: - # amenity=swingerclub | Sex Club | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Swinger Club - # 'terms: adult*,lifestyle club,porn*,sex,strip*,swinger*' - terms: - amenity/taxi: - # amenity=taxi | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Taxi Stand - # 'terms: cab' - terms: - amenity/taxi/auto_rickshaw: - # amenity=taxi + taxi_vehicle=auto_rickshaw | Tricycle Terminal | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Auto Rickshaw Stand - # 'terms: bajaj,toda,tricycle station,tuk-tuk,tuksi' - terms: - amenity/taxi/cycle_rickshaw: - # amenity=taxi + taxi_vehicle=cycle_rickshaw | Pedicab Terminal | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cycle Rickshaw Stand - # 'terms: becak,bikecab,padyak,pedicab,sikad,trisikad,trishaw,velotaxi' - terms: - amenity/taxi/motorcycle_taxi: - # amenity=taxi + taxi_vehicle=motorcycle | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Motorcycle Taxi Stand - # 'terms: habal-habal,moto taxi,pillion' - terms: - amenity/telephone: - # amenity=telephone | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Telephone - # 'terms: payphone,pay phone,phone booth,phone' - terms: - amenity/theatre: - # amenity=theatre | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Theater - # 'terms: theatre,performance,play,musical' - terms: - amenity/theatre/type/amphi: - # amenity=theatre + theatre:type=amphi | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Amphitheater - # 'terms: open air,outdoor,greek,ampi' - terms: - amenity/ticket_validator: - # amenity=ticket_validator | Ticket Puncher, Punching Machine, Ticket Marker | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ticket Validator - # 'terms: ticket,validator,puncher' - terms: - amenity/toilets: - # amenity=toilets | Toilets, Bathroom, Lavatory, Water Closet | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Restroom - # 'terms: outhouse,privy,head,latrine,wc,w.c.' - terms: - amenity/toilets/disposal/flush: - # amenity=toilets + toilets:disposal=flush | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Flush Toilets - # 'terms: bathroom,head,lavatory,privy,restroom,water closet,wc,w.c.' - terms: - amenity/toilets/disposal/pitlatrine: - # amenity=toilets + toilets:disposal=pitlatrine | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pit Latrine - # 'terms: head,lavatory,long drop,outhouse,pit toilet,privy' - terms: - amenity/toilets/portable: - # amenity=toilets + portable=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Portable Toilet - # 'terms: restroom,privy,porta john,porta potty,portapot,chemical toilet' - terms: - amenity/townhall: - # amenity=townhall | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Town Hall - # 'terms: village,city,government,courthouse,municipal' - terms: - amenity/townhall/barangay-PH: - # amenity=townhall + townhall:type=barangay | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "PH" - name: Barangay Hall - # 'terms: barrio hall' - terms: - amenity/townhall/city: - # amenity=townhall + townhall:type=city | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: City Hall - # 'terms: council,courthouse,government,mayor,municipality' - terms: - amenity/toy_library: - # amenity=toy_library | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Toy Library - # 'terms: game,toy' - terms: - amenity/trolley_bay: - # amenity=trolley_bay | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cart Corral - # 'terms: carriage return,cart return,shopping cart,trolley bay' - terms: - amenity/university: - # amenity=university | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: University Grounds - # 'terms: college,graduate school,phd program,master''s degree program' - terms: - amenity/vacuum_cleaner: - # amenity=vacuum_cleaner | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Vacuum Cleaning Station - # 'terms: car vacuum cleaner,car wash,carvac,suction' - terms: - amenity/vehicle_inspection: - # amenity=vehicle_inspection | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Vehicle Inspection - # 'terms: car inspection' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine: - # amenity=vending_machine | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Vending Machine - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/bicycle_tube: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=bicycle_tube | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bicycle Inner Tube Vending Machine - # 'terms: inner tube,bicycle tubes,bike tube' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/bottle_return: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=bottle_return | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bottle Return Machine - # 'terms: bottle return' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/bread: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=bread | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bread Vending Machine - # 'terms: baguette,bread' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/cigarettes: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=cigarettes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cigarette Vending Machine - # 'terms: cigarette' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/coffee: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=coffee | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Coffee Vending Machine - # 'terms: coffee' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/condoms: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=condoms | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Condom Vending Machine - # 'terms: condom' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/drinks: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=drinks | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Drink Vending Machine - # 'terms: drink,soda,beverage,juice,pop' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/eggs: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=eggs | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Egg Vending Machine - # 'terms: egg' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/electronics: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=electronics | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Electronics Vending Machine - # 'terms: cable,charger,earbud,headphone,phone,tablet' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/elongated_coin: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=elongated_coin | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Flat Coin Vending Machine - # 'terms: coin,crush,elongated,flatten,penny,souvenir' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/excrement_bags: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=excrement_bags | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Excrement Bag Dispenser - # 'terms: excrement bags,poop,waste,dog,animal,pet' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/feminine_hygiene: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=feminine_hygiene | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Feminine Hygiene Vending Machine - # 'terms: condom,tampon,pad,woman,women,menstrual hygiene products,personal care' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/food: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=food | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Food Vending Machine - # 'terms: food' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/food/snacks: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=food + food=snacks | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Snack Vending Machine - # 'terms: candy,gum,chip,pretzel,cookie,cracker' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/fuel: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=fuel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gas Vending Machine - # 'terms: petrol,fuel,gasoline,propane,diesel,lng,cng,biodiesel' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/ice_cream: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=ice_cream | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ice Cream Vending Machine - # 'terms: chocolate,ice cream,frozen,popsicle,vanilla' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/ice_cubes: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=ice_cubes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ice Vending Machine - # 'terms: cubes,ice' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/newspapers: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=newspapers | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Newspaper Vending Machine - # 'terms: newspaper' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/parking_tickets: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=parking_tickets | Parking Meter | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Parking Ticket Vending Machine - # 'terms: parking,ticket' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/pizza: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=pizza | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pizza Vending Machine - # 'terms: pizza' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/public_transport_tickets: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=public_transport_tickets | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Transit Ticket Vending Machine - # 'terms: public transport ticket vending machine,public transport tickets' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/stamps: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=stamps | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Postage Vending Machine - # 'terms: mail,postage,stamp' - terms: - amenity/vending_machine/sweets: - # amenity=vending_machine + vending=sweets | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Candy Vending Machine - # 'terms: gumball' - terms: - amenity/veterinary: - # amenity=veterinary | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Veterinary - # 'terms: pet clinic,veterinarian,animal hospital,pet doctor' - terms: - amenity/waste/dog_excrement: - # amenity=waste_basket + waste=dog_excrement | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Dog Excrement Bin - # 'terms: bin,garbage,rubbish,litter,trash,poo,dog' - terms: - amenity/waste_basket: - # amenity=waste_basket | Waste Basket | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Trash Can - # 'terms: bin,garbage,rubbish,litter,trash' - terms: - amenity/waste_disposal: - # amenity=waste_disposal | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Garbage Dumpster - # 'terms: garbage,rubbish,litter,trash,waste disposal' - terms: - amenity/waste_transfer_station: - # amenity=waste_transfer_station | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Waste Transfer Station - # 'terms: dump,garbage,recycling,rubbish,scrap,trash' - terms: - amenity/water_point: - # amenity=water_point | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: RV Drinking Water - # 'terms: water faucet,water point,water tap,water source,water spigot' - terms: - amenity/watering_place: - # amenity=watering_place | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Animal Watering Place - terms: - amenity/weighbridge: - # amenity=weighbridge | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Truck Scale - # 'terms: weigh station,weighbridge' - terms: - area: - # area=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Area - # 'terms: polygon' - terms: - area/footway: - # area:highway=footway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Footway Area - # 'terms: area:highway,edge of pavement,footway shape,pavement,sidewalk shape,sidewalk area' - terms: - area/highway: - # area:highway=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Road Area - # 'terms: area:highway,edge of pavement,highway area,highway shape,pavement,road shape,street area' - terms: - area/highway/traffic_island: - # area:highway=traffic_island | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Traffic Island Area - # 'terms: refuge island,traffic island' - terms: - attraction: - # attraction=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Attraction - attraction/amusement_ride: - # attraction=amusement_ride | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Amusement Ride - # 'terms: theme park,carnival ride' - terms: - attraction/animal: - # attraction=animal | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Animal Enclosure - # 'terms: amphibian,animal park,aquarium,bear,bird,fish,insect,lion,mammal,monkey,penguin,reptile,safari,theme park,tiger,zoo' - terms: - attraction/big_wheel: - # attraction=big_wheel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ferris Wheel - # 'terms: theme park,amusement ride' - terms: - attraction/bumper_car: - # attraction=bumper_car | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bumper Cars - # 'terms: theme park,dodgem cars,autoscooter' - terms: - attraction/bungee_jumping: - # attraction=bungee_jumping | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bungee Jumping - # 'terms: theme park,bungy jumping,jumping platform' - terms: - attraction/carousel: - # attraction=carousel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Carousel - # 'terms: theme park,roundabout,merry-go-round,galloper,jumper,horseabout,flying horses' - terms: - attraction/dark_ride: - # attraction=dark_ride | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Dark Ride - # 'terms: theme park,ghost train' - terms: - attraction/drop_tower: - # attraction=drop_tower | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Drop Tower Ride - # 'terms: theme park,amusement ride,gondola,tower,big drop' - terms: - attraction/kiddie_ride: - # attraction=kiddie_ride | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Kiddie Ride - terms: - attraction/log_flume: - # attraction=log_flume | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Log Flume - # 'terms: theme park,amusement ride,flume' - terms: - attraction/maze: - # attraction=maze | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Maze - # 'terms: theme park,amusement ride,labyrinth' - terms: - attraction/pirate_ship: - # attraction=pirate_ship | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pirate Ship Ride - # 'terms: theme park,carnival ride,amusement ride' - terms: - attraction/river_rafting: - # attraction=river_rafting | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: River Rapids Ride - # 'terms: theme park,aquatic park,water park,rafting simulator,river rafting ride' - terms: - attraction/roller_coaster: - # attraction=roller_coaster | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Roller Coaster - # 'terms: theme park,amusement ride' - terms: - attraction/summer_toboggan: - # attraction=summer_toboggan | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Summer Toboggan - # 'terms: alpine slide,mountain coaster' - terms: - attraction/swing_carousel: - # attraction=swing_carousel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Swing Carousel - # 'terms: theme park,amusement ride,carousel,tower,carousel tower' - terms: - attraction/train: - # attraction=train | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tourist Train - # 'terms: theme park,rackless train,road train,tschu-tschu train,dotto train,park train' - terms: - attraction/water_slide: - # attraction=water_slide | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Water Slide - # 'terms: theme park,aquatic park,water park,flumes,water chutes,hydroslides' - terms: - barrier: - # barrier=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Barrier - terms: - barrier/block: - # barrier=block | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Block - terms: - barrier/bollard: - # barrier=bollard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bollard - terms: - barrier/bollard_line: - # barrier=bollard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bollard Row - terms: - barrier/border_control: - # barrier=border_control | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Border Control - # 'terms: checkpoint,customs,international boundary,passport check,port of entry,visa' - terms: - barrier/bump_gate: - # barrier=bump_gate | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bump Gate - # 'terms: drive-through gate' - terms: - barrier/bus_trap: - # barrier=bus_trap | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bus Trap - # 'terms: car trap' - terms: - barrier/cable_barrier: - # barrier=cable_barrier | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cable Barrier - # 'terms: guard cable,wire rope safety barrier' - terms: - barrier/cattle_grid: - # barrier=cattle_grid | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cattle Grid - # 'terms: cattle guard,cattle stop,livestock grid,stock gate,stock grid,stock stop,texas gate,vehicle pass' - terms: - barrier/chain: - # barrier=chain | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Chain - terms: - barrier/city_wall: - # barrier=city_wall | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: City Wall - terms: - barrier/cycle_barrier: - # barrier=cycle_barrier | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cycle Barrier - # 'terms: bicycle barrier,bicycling barrier,bike gates,cycling barrier' - terms: - barrier/ditch: - # barrier=ditch | Ditch | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Trench - # 'terms: ha-ha' - terms: - barrier/entrance: - # barrier=entrance | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Entrance - barrier/fence: - # barrier=fence | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fence - terms: - barrier/fence/railing: - # barrier=fence + fence_type=railing | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Railing - # 'terms: handrail,guard rail' - terms: - barrier/full-height_turnstile: - # barrier=full-height_turnstile | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Full-Height Turnstile - # 'terms: baffle gate,turnstyle' - terms: - barrier/gate: - # barrier=gate | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gate - terms: - barrier/guard_rail: - # barrier=guard_rail | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Guard Rail - # 'terms: guardrail,traffic barrier,crash barrier,median barrier,roadside barrier,armco barrier' - terms: - barrier/hampshire_gate: - # barrier=hampshire_gate | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wire Gate - # 'terms: hampshire gate,new zealand gate' - terms: - barrier/handrail: - # barrier=handrail | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Handrail - barrier/hedge: - # barrier=hedge | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hedge - terms: - barrier/height_restrictor: - # barrier=height_restrictor | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Height Restrictor - # 'terms: height barrier,height restriction barrier,maxheight,max height,maximum height measurer' - terms: - barrier/jersey_barrier: - # barrier=jersey_barrier | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Jersey Barrier - # 'terms: concrete median,concrete barrier,constant-slope barrier,f-shape barrier,k-rail,median,new jersey wall,ontario tall wall,plastic barrier' - terms: - barrier/kerb: - # barrier=kerb | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Curb - terms: - barrier/kerb/flush: - # barrier=kerb + kerb=flush | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Flush Curb - # 'terms: even curb,level curb,tactile curb' - terms: - barrier/kerb/lowered: - # barrier=kerb + kerb=lowered | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Lowered Curb - # 'terms: curb cut,curb ramp,kerb ramp,dropped kerb,pram ramp' - terms: - barrier/kerb/raised: - # barrier=kerb + kerb=raised | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Raised Curb - # 'terms: step' - terms: - barrier/kerb/rolled: - # barrier=kerb + kerb=rolled | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Rolled Curb - # 'terms: gutter' - terms: - barrier/kissing_gate: - # barrier=kissing_gate | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Kissing Gate - terms: - barrier/lift_gate: - # barrier=lift_gate | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Boom Barrier - # 'terms: boom gate,boom lift,hinged bar,lift gate,pivoted pole' - terms: - barrier/log: - # barrier=log | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fallen Tree Obstruction - # 'terms: downed tree' - terms: - barrier/motorcycle_barrier: - # barrier=motorcycle_barrier | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Motorcycle Barrier - # 'terms: motorbike barrier' - terms: - barrier/planter: - # barrier=planter + man_made=planter | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Planter (Barrier) - barrier/retaining_wall: - # barrier=retaining_wall | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Retaining Wall - terms: - barrier/rope: - # barrier=rope | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Rope Fence - terms: - barrier/sally_port: - # barrier=sally_port | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sally Port - # 'terms: postern,castle side gate' - terms: - barrier/spikes: - # barrier=spikes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Spike Strip - # 'terms: one-way traffic treadles,stingers,stop sticks,tire deflation device,tire shredders,traffic spikes' - terms: - barrier/stile: - # barrier=stile | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Stile - terms: - barrier/swing_gate: - # barrier=swing_gate | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Swing Gate - terms: - barrier/toll_booth: - # barrier=toll_booth | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Toll Booth - terms: - barrier/turnstile: - # barrier=turnstile | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Turnstile - # 'terms: baffle gate,turnstyle' - terms: - barrier/wall: - # barrier=wall | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wall - terms: - barrier/wall/noise_barrier: - # barrier=wall + wall=noise_barrier | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Noise Barrier - # 'terms: acoustical barrier,noise wall,noisewall,sound barrier,sound berm,sound wall,soundberm,soundwall' - terms: - barrier/wicket_gate: - # barrier=wicket_gate | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wicket Gate - terms: - barrier/yes: - # barrier=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Barrier (Unspecified Type) - boundary: - # boundary=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Boundary - boundary/administrative: - # boundary=administrative | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Administrative Boundary - terms: - boundary/hazard: - # boundary=hazard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hazardous Area - # 'terms: danger,prohibited' - terms: - bridge/support: - # bridge:support=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bridge Support - terms: - bridge/support/pier: - # bridge:support=pier | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bridge Pier - terms: - building: - # building=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Building - # 'terms: structure' - terms: - building/allotment_house: - # building=allotment_house | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Allotment House - terms: - building/apartments: - # building=apartments | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Apartment Building - terms: - building/bakehouse: - # building=bakehouse | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bakehouse - terms: - building/barn: - # building=barn | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Barn - terms: - building/boathouse: - # building=boathouse | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Boathouse - # 'terms: boat house,boat storage,rowing' - terms: - building/bungalow: - # building=bungalow | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bungalow - # 'terms: home,detached' - terms: - building/bunker: - # building=bunker | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bunker - building/cabin: - # building=cabin | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cabin - terms: - building/carport: - # building=carport | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Carport - # 'terms: covered parking space,garage,car,porch' - terms: - building/cathedral: - # building=cathedral | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cathedral Building - terms: - building/chapel: - # building=chapel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Chapel Building - terms: - building/church: - # building=church | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Church Building - terms: - building/civic: - # building=civic | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Civic Building - terms: - building/college: - # building=college | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: College Building - # 'terms: university' - terms: - building/commercial: - # building=commercial | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Commercial Building - terms: - building/construction: - # building=construction | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Building Under Construction - terms: - building/cowshed: - # building=cowshed | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cowshed - # 'terms: byre,cow barn,cow house,cow shed,cowbarn,cowhouse,dairy barn,milking barn' - terms: - building/detached: - # building=detached | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Detached House - # 'terms: home,single,family,residence,dwelling' - terms: - building/dormitory: - # building=dormitory | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Dormitory - terms: - building/entrance: - # building=entrance | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Entrance/Exit - building/farm: - # building=farm | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Farm House - terms: - building/farm_auxiliary: - # building=farm_auxiliary | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Farm Building - # 'terms: agriculture,auxiliary,auxilary,chicken coop,farm auxiliary,pigsty,sty' - terms: - building/fire_station: - # building=fire_station | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fire Station Building - terms: - building/garage: - # building=garage | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Garage - terms: - building/garages: - # building=garages | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Garages - terms: - building/ger: - # building=ger | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Yurt - # 'terms: ger' - terms: - building/grandstand: - # building=grandstand | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Grandstand - # 'terms: tribune,stand,stands,bleachers' - terms: - building/greenhouse: - # building=greenhouse | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Greenhouse - terms: - building/hangar: - # building=hangar | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hangar Building - terms: - building/hospital: - # building=hospital | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hospital Building - terms: - building/hotel: - # building=hotel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hotel Building - terms: - building/house: - # building=house | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: House - # 'terms: home,family,residence,dwelling' - terms: - building/house/detached: - # building=house + house=detached | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - building/house/semi-detached: - # building=house + house=semi-detached | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - building/house/terrace: - # building=house + house=terrace | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - building/house/terraced: - # building=house + house=terraced | Row House | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Townhouse - # 'terms: brownstone,dwelling,family,home,residence,row home,terrace,townhome' - terms: - building/houseboat: - # building=houseboat | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Houseboat - # 'terms: home,family,residence,dwelling' - terms: - building/hut: - # building=hut | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hut - terms: - building/industrial: - # building=industrial | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Industrial Building - terms: - building/kindergarten: - # building=kindergarten | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Preschool / Kindergarten Building - # 'terms: kindergarten,kindergarden,pre-school' - terms: - building/manufacture: - # building=manufacture | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Industrial Production Building - building/mosque: - # building=mosque | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mosque Building - terms: - building/office: - # building=office | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Office Building - # 'terms: business center,office block' - terms: - building/outbuilding: - # building=outbuilding | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Outbuilding - building/pavilion: - # building=pavilion | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pavilion Building - # 'terms: sports' - terms: - building/public: - # building=public | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Public Building - terms: - building/residential: - # building=residential | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Residential Building - terms: - building/retail: - # building=retail | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Retail Building - # 'terms: shop building,store building' - terms: - building/riding_hall: - # building=riding_hall | Horse Riding Hall, Horseback Riding Hall, Indoor Horse Arena, Indoor Horse Riding Arena, Indoor Horse Riding Ring, Indoor Horseback Riding Ring, Indoor Riding Arena, Indoor Riding Ring | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Indoor Horseback Riding Arena - # 'terms: equestrian arena,equestrian indoor arena,horse riding,indoor arena,indoor ring,indoor riding,longeing hall' - terms: - building/roof: - # building=roof | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Roof - terms: - building/ruins: - # building=ruins | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Building Ruins - terms: - building/school: - # building=school | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: School Building - # 'terms: academy,elementary school,middle school,high school' - terms: - building/semidetached_house: - # building=semidetached_house | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Semi-Detached House - # 'terms: home,double,duplex,twin,family,residence,dwelling' - terms: - building/service: - # building=service | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Service Building - terms: - building/shed: - # building=shed | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Shed - # 'terms: hobbies,storage,workshop' - terms: - building/stable: - # building=stable | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Stable - # 'terms: horse barn,horse shed,horse shelter,horse stable' - terms: - building/stadium: - # building=stadium | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Stadium Building - terms: - building/static_caravan: - # building=static_caravan | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mobile Home - # 'terms: house trailer,manufactured home,prefabricated home,residential caravan,static caravan,static mobile home,trailer home' - terms: - building/sty: - # building=sty | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pigsty - # 'terms: hog parlor,hog pen,pig ark,pig barn,pig parlor,pig pen,pig shed,pig shelter,pig-cote,piggery,pigpen,pigshed,sty' - terms: - building/synagogue: - # building=synagogue | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Synagogue Building - terms: - building/temple: - # building=temple | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Temple Building - terms: - building/terrace: - # building=terrace | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Row of Townhouses - # 'terms: brownstone,dwelling,family,home,residence,row home,row house,terrace,townhome' - terms: - building/train_station: - # building=train_station | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Train Station Building - building/transportation: - # building=transportation | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Transportation Building - terms: - building/university: - # building=university | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: University Building - # 'terms: college' - terms: - building/warehouse: - # building=warehouse | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Warehouse - terms: - building_part: - # building:part=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Building Part - # 'terms: roof,simple 3d buildings' - terms: - building_point: - # building=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Building - cemetery/grave: - # cemetery=grave | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Grave - # 'terms: mausoleum,tomb' - terms: - cemetery/sector: - # cemetery=sector | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cemetery Section - # 'terms: burial ground,cemetary,cemetery,churchyard,columbarium,grave yard,graveyard,mausoleum,tomb' - terms: - club: - # club=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Club - # 'terms: social' - terms: - club/scout: - # club=scout | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Scout Group - # 'terms: guide,pathfinder,scouting' - terms: - club/sport: - # club=sport | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sports Club - # 'terms: athletics club,sporting club,sports association,sports society' - terms: - craft: - # craft=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Craft - # 'terms: artisan,craftsman,craftsperson,trade,tradesman,tradesperson,workshop' - terms: - craft/agricultural_engines: - # craft=agricultural_engines | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Agricultural Engines Mechanic - # 'terms: combines,farm equipment,harvesters,tractors' - terms: - craft/basket_maker: - # craft=basket_maker | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Basket Maker - terms: - craft/beekeeper: - # craft=beekeeper | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Beekeeper - terms: - craft/blacksmith: - # craft=blacksmith | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Blacksmith - terms: - craft/boatbuilder: - # craft=boatbuilder | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Boat Builder - terms: - craft/bookbinder: - # craft=bookbinder | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bookbinder - # 'terms: book repair' - terms: - craft/brewery: - # craft=brewery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Craft Brewery - # 'terms: alcohol,beer,beverage,bier,booze,cider' - terms: - craft/carpenter: - # craft=carpenter | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Carpenter - # 'terms: woodworker' - terms: - craft/carpet_layer: - # craft=carpet_layer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Carpet Layer - terms: - craft/caterer: - # craft=caterer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Caterer - terms: - craft/chimney_sweeper: - # craft=chimney_sweeper | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Chimney Sweeper - terms: - craft/cleaning: - # craft=cleaning | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cleaning Service - terms: - craft/clockmaker: - # craft=clockmaker | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Clockmaker - terms: - craft/confectionery: - # craft=confectionery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Candy Maker - # 'terms: sweet,candy' - terms: - craft/distillery: - # craft=distillery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Distillery - # 'terms: alcohol,beverage,bourbon,booze,brandy,gin,hooch,liquor,mezcal,moonshine,rum,scotch,spirits,still,tequila,vodka,whiskey,whisky' - terms: - craft/dressmaker: - # craft=dressmaker | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Dressmaker - # 'terms: seamstress' - terms: - craft/electrician: - # craft=electrician | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Electrician - # 'terms: power,wire' - terms: - craft/electronics_repair: - # craft=electronics_repair | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Electronics Repair Shop - terms: - craft/floorer: - # craft=floorer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Floorer - terms: - craft/gardener: - # craft=gardener | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gardener - # 'terms: landscaper,grounds keeper' - terms: - craft/glaziery: - # craft=glaziery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Glaziery - # 'terms: glass,stained-glass,window' - terms: - craft/handicraft: - # craft=handicraft | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Handicraft Workspace - terms: - craft/hvac: - # craft=hvac | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: HVAC Workplace - # 'terms: air conditioning,heating,ventilation' - terms: - craft/insulator: - # craft=insulation | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Insulator - terms: - craft/joiner: - # craft=joiner | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Joiner - # 'terms: furniture' - terms: - craft/key_cutter: - # craft=key_cutter | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Key Cutter - # 'terms: key duplication' - terms: - craft/locksmith: - # craft=locksmith | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Locksmith - craft/metal_construction: - # craft=metal_construction | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Metalworker - terms: - craft/painter: - # craft=painter | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Painter - terms: - craft/parquet_layer: - # craft=parquet_layer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Parquet Layer - terms: - craft/photographer: - # craft=photographer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Photographer - terms: - craft/photographic_laboratory: - # craft=photographic_laboratory | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Photographic Laboratory - # 'terms: film' - terms: - craft/plasterer: - # craft=plasterer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Plasterer - terms: - craft/plumber: - # craft=plumber | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Plumber - # 'terms: pipe' - terms: - craft/pottery: - # craft=pottery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pottery Maker - # 'terms: ceramic,kiln,pot,vase' - terms: - craft/rigger: - # craft=rigger | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Rigger - terms: - craft/roofer: - # craft=roofer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Roofer - terms: - craft/saddler: - # craft=saddler | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Saddler - terms: - craft/sailmaker: - # craft=sailmaker | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sailmaker - terms: - craft/sawmill: - # craft=sawmill | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sawmill - # 'terms: lumber' - terms: - craft/scaffolder: - # craft=scaffolder | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Scaffolder - terms: - craft/sculptor: - # craft=sculptor | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sculptor - # 'terms: sculpter' - terms: - craft/shoemaker: - # craft=shoemaker | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Shoemaker - # 'terms: cobbler' - terms: - craft/signmaker: - # craft=signmaker | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Signmaker - terms: - craft/stonemason: - # craft=stonemason | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Stonemason - # 'terms: masonry' - terms: - craft/tailor: - # craft=tailor | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tailor - craft/tiler: - # craft=tiler | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tiler - terms: - craft/tinsmith: - # craft=tinsmith | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tinsmith - terms: - craft/upholsterer: - # craft=upholsterer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Upholsterer - terms: - craft/watchmaker: - # craft=watchmaker | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Watchmaker - terms: - craft/window_construction: - # craft=window_construction | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Window Construction - # 'terms: glass' - terms: - craft/winery: - # craft=winery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Winery - terms: - cycleway/asl: - # cycleway=asl | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Advanced Stop Line - # 'terms: advanced stop box,asl,bicycle box,bike box,bikebox,cycle box,cycle stop marking' - terms: - demolished/building: - # demolished:building=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Recently Demolished Building - disc_golf/basket: - # disc_golf=basket | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Disc Golf Basket - # 'terms: disc golf target,disc pole hole' - terms: - disc_golf/hole: - # disc_golf=hole | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Disc Golf Hole - terms: - disc_golf/tee: - # disc_golf=tee | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Disc Golf Tee - # 'terms: tee box,teeing ground' - terms: - disused/amenity: - # disused:amenity=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Disused Amenity - disused/railway: - # disused:railway=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Disused Railway Feature - disused/shop: - # disused:shop=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Disused Shop - embankment: - # embankment=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Embankment - emergency: - # emergency=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Emergency Feature - emergency/ambulance_station: - # emergency=ambulance_station | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ambulance Station - # 'terms: ems,emt,rescue' - terms: - emergency/assembly_point: - # emergency=assembly_point | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Emergency Assembly Point - # 'terms: eap,muster point,meeting point,staging area' - terms: - emergency/defibrillator: - # emergency=defibrillator | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Defibrillator - # 'terms: aed' - terms: - emergency/designated: - # emergency=designated | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Emergency Access Designated - emergency/destination: - # emergency=destination | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Emergency Access Destination - emergency/disaster_response: - # emergency=disaster_response | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Disaster Response Station - # 'terms: civil defense,civil protection,disaster management,emergency management,ses' - terms: - emergency/fire_alarm: - # emergency=fire_alarm_box | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fire Alarm Call Box - terms: - emergency/fire_extinguisher: - # emergency=fire_extinguisher | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fire Extinguisher - terms: - emergency/fire_hose: - # emergency=fire_hose | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fire Hose - terms: - emergency/fire_hydrant: - # emergency=fire_hydrant | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fire Hydrant - # 'terms: fire plug,fire water well,hydrant' - terms: - emergency/fire_hydrant/pillar: - # emergency=fire_hydrant + fire_hydrant:type=pillar | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pillar Fire Hydrant - # 'terms: fire plug,pillar hydrant' - terms: - emergency/fire_hydrant/underground: - # emergency=fire_hydrant + fire_hydrant:type=underground | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Underground Fire Hydrant - # 'terms: fire plug,fire water well,underground hydrant' - terms: - emergency/fire_service_inlet: - # emergency=fire_service_inlet | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fire Department Connection - # 'terms: building hydrant inlet,charged riser,dry riser inlet,dry standpipe,fdc,fire service inlet,fire sprinkler inlet,riser inlet,standpipe,wet riser inlet,wet standpipe' - terms: - emergency/first_aid_kit: - # emergency=first_aid_kit | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: First Aid Kit - # 'terms: bandage,first aid,med kit,medkit' - terms: - emergency/landing_site: - # emergency=landing_site | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Emergency Landing Site - # 'terms: helicopter,helipad,heliport' - terms: - emergency/life_ring: - # emergency=life_ring | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Life Ring - # 'terms: lifering,life buoy,kisby ring,kisbie ring,perry buoy' - terms: - emergency/lifeboat_station: - # emergency=water_rescue | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Lifeboat Station - # 'terms: lifeboat,rescue,search and rescue,life saving,boat rescue' - terms: - emergency/lifeguard: - # emergency=lifeguard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Lifeguard - # 'terms: cpr,rescue' - terms: - emergency/mountain_rescue: - # emergency=mountain_rescue | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mountain Rescue - # 'terms: ems,emt,rescue' - terms: - emergency/no: - # emergency=no | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Emergency Access No - emergency/official: - # emergency=official | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Emergency Access Official - emergency/phone: - # emergency=phone | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Emergency Phone - # 'terms: sos,help,call point' - terms: - emergency/private: - # emergency=private | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Emergency Access Private - emergency/siren: - # emergency=siren | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Siren - # 'terms: air raid,loud,noise,storm,tornado,warning' - terms: - emergency/water_reservoir: - # emergency=water_tank + natural=water + water=reservoir | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Emergency Water Reservoir - # 'terms: basin,reservoir,extinguishing,firefighting' - terms: - emergency/water_reservoir_covered: - # emergency=water_tank + man_made=reservoir_covered | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Emergency Water Reservoir (Underground) - # 'terms: cistern,reservoir,extinguishing,firefighting' - terms: - emergency/water_tank: - # emergency=water_tank + man_made=storage_tank | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Emergency Water Tank - # 'terms: water tank,cistern,extinguishing,firefighting' - terms: - emergency/yes: - # emergency=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Emergency Access Yes - entrance: - # entrance=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Entrance / Exit - # 'terms: entrance,exit,door' - terms: - entrance/emergency: - # entrance=emergency | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Emergency Exit - # 'terms: fire exit,door' - terms: - entrance/emergency_ward_entrance: - # emergency=emergency_ward_entrance | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Emergency Room Entrance - # 'terms: accident & emergency department,casualty department,ed,emergency department,emergency room,emergency ward,er,ew' - terms: - entrance/main: - # entrance=main | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Main Entrance - # 'terms: door' - terms: - entrance/shop: - # entrance=shop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Shop Entrance - # 'terms: door' - terms: - entrance/staircase: - # entrance=staircase | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Staircase Entrance - # 'terms: door,stairs,stairway,stairwell' - terms: - ford: - # ford=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ford - terms: - ford_line: - # ford=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ford - golf/bunker: - # golf=bunker | Bunker | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sand Trap - # 'terms: hazard' - terms: - golf/cartpath: - # golf=cartpath | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Golf Cartpath - # 'terms: cartpath' - terms: - golf/clubhouse: - # golf=clubhouse | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Golf Clubhouse - # 'terms: club house,golf house,pro shop' - terms: - golf/driving_range: - # golf=driving_range | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Driving Range - terms: - golf/fairway: - # golf=fairway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fairway - terms: - golf/green: - # golf=green | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Putting Green - # 'terms: green' - terms: - golf/hole: - # golf=hole | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Golf Hole - terms: - golf/lateral_water_hazard: - # golf=lateral_water_hazard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Lateral Water Hazard - terms: - golf/path: - # golf=path | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Golf Walking Path - # 'terms: golf path' - terms: - golf/rough: - # golf=rough | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Rough - terms: - golf/tee: - # golf=tee | Tee, Teeing Ground | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tee Box - terms: - golf/water_hazard: - # golf=water_hazard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Water Hazard - terms: - healthcare: - # healthcare=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Healthcare Facility - # 'terms: clinic,doctor,disease,health,institution,sick,surgery,wellness' - terms: - healthcare/alternative: - # healthcare=alternative | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Alternative Medicine - # 'terms: anthroposophical,applied kinesiology,aromatherapy,herbalism,hydrotherapy,hypnosis,reflexology,traditional,unani' - terms: - healthcare/alternative/acupuncture: - # healthcare=alternative + healthcare:speciality=acupuncture | Acupuncturist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Acupuncture Practitioner - terms: - healthcare/alternative/ayurveda: - # healthcare=alternative + healthcare:speciality=ayurveda | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ayurveda Practitioner - # 'terms: traditional indian medicine' - terms: - healthcare/alternative/chiropractic: - # healthcare=alternative + healthcare:speciality=chiropractic | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Chiropractor - # 'terms: back,pain,spine' - terms: - healthcare/alternative/homeopathy: - # healthcare=alternative + healthcare:speciality=homeopathy | Homeopathy Practitioner | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Homeopath - terms: - healthcare/alternative/naturopathy: - # healthcare=alternative + healthcare:speciality=naturopathy | Naturopathy Practitioner | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Naturopath - terms: - healthcare/alternative/osteopathy: - # healthcare=alternative + healthcare:speciality=osteopathy | Osteopathy Practitioner | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Osteopath - terms: - healthcare/alternative/traditional_chinese_medicine: - # healthcare=alternative + healthcare:speciality=traditional_chinese_medicine | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner - # 'terms: die da,dit da,reiki,tcm,tui na,shiatsu' - terms: - healthcare/audiologist: - # healthcare=audiologist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Audiologist - # 'terms: ear,hearing,sound' - terms: - healthcare/birthing_center: - # healthcare=birthing_centre | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Birthing Center - # 'terms: baby,childbirth,delivery,labour,labor,midwive,pregnancy,pregnant' - terms: - healthcare/blood_donation: - # healthcare=blood_donation | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Blood Donor Center - # 'terms: blood bank,blood donation,blood transfusion,apheresis,plasmapheresis,plateletpheresis,stem cell donation' - terms: - healthcare/counselling: - # healthcare=counselling | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Counselling Center - terms: - healthcare/dentist/orthodontics: - # healthcare=dentist + healthcare:speciality=orthodontics | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Orthodontist - # 'terms: braces,dentistry,dentofacial orthopedics,headgear,jaw alignment,teeth,tooth' - terms: - healthcare/hospice: - # healthcare=hospice | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hospice - # 'terms: terminal,illness' - terms: - healthcare/laboratory: - # healthcare=laboratory | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Medical Laboratory - # 'terms: medical_laboratory,medical_lab,blood_check' - terms: - healthcare/midwife: - # healthcare=midwife | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Midwife - # 'terms: baby,childbirth,delivery,labour,labor,pregnancy' - terms: - healthcare/occupational_therapist: - # healthcare=occupational_therapist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Occupational Therapist - # 'terms: therapist,therapy' - terms: - healthcare/optometrist: - # healthcare=optometrist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Optometrist - # 'terms: eye,glasses,lasik,lenses,vision' - terms: - healthcare/physiotherapist: - # healthcare=physiotherapist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Physiotherapist - # 'terms: physical,therapist,therapy' - terms: - healthcare/podiatrist: - # healthcare=podiatrist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Podiatrist - # 'terms: foot,feet,nails' - terms: - healthcare/psychotherapist: - # healthcare=psychotherapist | Clinical Psychologist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Psychotherapist - # 'terms: anxiety,counselor,depression,mental health,mind,psychology,psychotherapy,suicide,therapist,therapy' - terms: - healthcare/rehabilitation: - # healthcare=rehabilitation | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Rehabilitation Facility - # 'terms: rehab,therapist,therapy' - terms: - healthcare/sample_collection: - # healthcare=sample_collection | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sample Collection Facility - # 'terms: blood sample collection,laboratory,medical,urine sample collection' - terms: - healthcare/speech_therapist: - # healthcare=speech_therapist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Speech Therapist - # 'terms: speech,therapist,therapy,voice' - terms: - healthcare/yes: - # healthcare=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Healthcare Facility (Unspecified Type) - highway: - # highway=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Highway Feature - highway/bridleway: - # highway=bridleway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bridle Path - # 'terms: bridleway,equestrian,horse,trail' - terms: - highway/bus_guideway: - # highway=bus_guideway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bus Guideway - # 'terms: busway,bus track' - terms: - highway/bus_stop: - # highway=bus_stop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bus Stop - highway/busway: - # highway=busway | Transitway, Bus Rapid Transit | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Busway - # 'terms: brt' - terms: - highway/construction: - # highway=construction | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Road Under Construction - # 'terms: closed road,closure,construction,road closed,road work,roadwork' - terms: - highway/corridor: - # highway=corridor | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Indoor Corridor - # 'terms: gallery,hall,hallway,indoor,passage,passageway' - terms: - highway/crossing: - # highway=crossing | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Crossing - # 'terms: crosswalk,foot path crossing,pedestrian crossing' - terms: - highway/crossing/marked: - # highway=crossing + crossing=marked | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - highway/crossing/traffic_signals: - # highway=crossing + crossing=traffic_signals | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Crossing With Pedestrian Signals - # 'terms: bicycle crossing (lights),crosswalk (lights),pedestrian crossing (lights),pedestrian traffic lights,pedestrian traffic signals' - terms: - highway/crossing/uncontrolled: - # highway=crossing + crossing=uncontrolled | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Marked Crossing - # 'terms: marked foot path crossing,marked crosswalk,marked pedestrian crosswalk,zebra crossing,crosswalk' - terms: - highway/crossing/unmarked: - # highway=crossing + crossing=unmarked | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Unmarked Crossing - # 'terms: unmarked crosswalk,unmarked foot path crossing,unmarked pedestrian crossing' - terms: - highway/crossing/zebra: - # highway=crossing + crossing=zebra | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - highway/cycleway: - # highway=cycleway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cycle Path - # 'terms: bicycle path,bike path,cycling path' - terms: - highway/cycleway/bicycle_foot: - # highway=cycleway + foot=designated | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cycle & Foot Path - # 'terms: bicycle and foot path,bike and pedestrian path,green way,greenway,mixed-use trail,multi-use trail,segregated trail,shared path,shared use path,rail trail' - terms: - highway/cycleway/crossing: - # cycleway=crossing | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cycle Crossing - highway/cycleway/crossing/bicycle_foot: - # highway=cycleway + cycleway=crossing + foot=designated | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cycle & Foot Crossing - # 'terms: bicycle and foot crosswalk,bike and pedestrian crossing,cycleway,cycling,cyclist' - terms: - highway/cycleway/crossing/marked: - # highway=cycleway + cycleway=crossing + crossing=marked | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - highway/cycleway/crossing/traffic_signals: - # highway=cycleway + cycleway=crossing + crossing=traffic_signals | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cycle Crossing With Traffic Signals - # 'terms: bicycle crossing,bike crossing,cycle path crossing,cycleway crossing' - terms: - highway/cycleway/crossing/uncontrolled: - # highway=cycleway + cycleway=crossing + crossing=uncontrolled | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Marked Cycle Crossing - # 'terms: cycle crosswalk,cycle path crossing,cycleway crossing,bicycle crossing,bike crossing' - terms: - highway/cycleway/crossing/unmarked: - # highway=cycleway + cycleway=crossing + crossing=unmarked | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Unmarked Cycle Crossing - # 'terms: bike crossing,bicycle crossing,cycle path crossing,cycleway crossing' - terms: - highway/cycleway/moped_link-NL: - # highway=cycleway + bicycle=no + moped=designated | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "NL" - name: Moped Link - terms: - highway/cycleway/traffic_island: - # highway=cycleway + cycleway=traffic_island | Crosswalk Island, Traffic Island, Pedestrian Island | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cycle Refuge Island - # 'terms: crossing island' - terms: - highway/cycleway/traffic_island_shared: - # highway=cycleway + cycleway=traffic_island + foot=designated + bicycle=designated | Crosswalk Island, Traffic Island, Pedestrian Island | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cycle & Foot Refuge Island - # 'terms: crossing island' - terms: - highway/cyclist_waiting_aid: - # highway=cyclist_waiting_aid | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cyclist Waiting Aid - # 'terms: foot rail,footrail,footrest,grip,hand rail,handle,handrail,handrest,holding rail' - terms: - highway/elevator: - # highway=elevator | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Elevator - # 'terms: lift' - terms: - highway/elevator_line: - # highway=elevator | Inclined Lift | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Inclined Elevator - # 'terms: cable railway' - terms: - highway/emergency_access_point: - # highway=emergency_access_point | Emergency Location Marker, Rescue Point | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Emergency Access Point - # 'terms: rescue,emergency,emergency marker,elm' - terms: - highway/emergency_bay: - # highway=emergency_bay | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Emergency Stopping Place - # 'terms: highway emergency bay' - terms: - highway/escape: - # highway=escape | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Runaway Truck Ramp - # 'terms: escape lane,emergency escape ramp,runaway truck lane,truck arrester bed' - terms: - highway/footway: - # highway=footway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Foot Path - # 'terms: hike,hiking,promenade,trackway,trail,walk' - terms: - highway/footway/access_aisle: - # highway=footway + footway=access_aisle | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Access Aisle - # 'terms: accessible van loading zone,disabled parking access zone,handicap parking access zone,parking lot aisle,striped zone,tow zone,tow-away zone,towaway zone,wheelchair aisle' - terms: - highway/footway/conveying: - # highway=footway + conveying=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Moving Walkway - # 'terms: moving sidewalk,autwalk,skywalk,travolator,travelator,travellator,conveyor' - terms: - highway/footway/crossing: - # highway=footway + footway=crossing | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pedestrian Crossing - # 'terms: crosswalk,foot path crossing' - terms: - highway/footway/crossing/marked: - # highway=footway + footway=crossing + crossing=marked | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - highway/footway/crossing/traffic_signals: - # highway=footway + footway=crossing + crossing=traffic_signals | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Crossing With Pedestrian Signals - # 'terms: crosswalk (lights),pedestrian traffic lights,pedestrian traffic signals,pedestrian crossing (lights)' - terms: - highway/footway/crossing/uncontrolled: - # highway=footway + footway=crossing + crossing=uncontrolled | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Marked Crossing - # 'terms: marked foot path crossing,marked crosswalk,marked pedestrian crosswalk,zebra crossing,crosswalk' - terms: - highway/footway/crossing/unmarked: - # highway=footway + footway=crossing + crossing=unmarked | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Unmarked Crossing - # 'terms: unmarked crosswalk,unmarked foot path crossing,unmarked pedestrian crossing' - terms: - highway/footway/crossing/zebra: - # highway=footway + footway=crossing + crossing=zebra | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - highway/footway/informal: - # highway=footway + informal=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Informal Foot Path - highway/footway/sidewalk: - # footway=sidewalk | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sidewalk - # 'terms: pavement,sidepath' - terms: - highway/footway/traffic_island: - # highway=footway + footway=traffic_island | Crosswalk Island, Traffic Island, Pedestrian Island | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Refuge Island - # 'terms: crossing island' - terms: - highway/give_way: - # highway=give_way | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Yield Sign - # 'terms: give way,yield,sign' - terms: - highway/ladder: - # highway=ladder | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ladder - terms: - highway/living_street: - # highway=living_street | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Living Street - terms: - highway/milestone: - # highway=milestone | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Highway Milestone - # 'terms: mile marker,mile post,mile stone,mileage marker,milemarker,milepost' - terms: - highway/mini_roundabout: - # highway=mini_roundabout | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mini-Roundabout - # 'terms: traffic circle' - terms: - highway/motorway: - # highway=motorway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Motorway - # 'terms: autobahn,expressway,freeway,highway,interstate,parkway,road,street,thruway,turnpike' - terms: - highway/motorway_junction: - # highway=motorway_junction | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Motorway Junction / Exit - # 'terms: exit' - terms: - highway/motorway_link: - # highway=motorway_link | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Motorway Link - # 'terms: exit,ramp,road,street,on ramp,off ramp' - terms: - highway/motorway_link-US-CA: - # highway=motorway_link | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "CA", "US" - highway/passing_place: - # highway=passing_place | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Passing Place - # 'terms: turnout, pullout' - terms: - highway/path: - # highway=path | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Path - # 'terms: hike,hiking,trackway,trail,walk' - terms: - highway/path/bicycle_foot: - # highway=path + foot=designated + bicycle=designated | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "FR", "LT", "PL", "DE", "IL", "PS" - highway/path/boardwalk: - # highway=path + bridge=boardwalk | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Boardwalk - # 'terms: pier,plank walkway,wooden raised foot path' - terms: - highway/path/crossing: - # path=crossing | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cycle & Foot Crossing - highway/path/crossing/bicycle_foot: - # highway=path + path=crossing + foot=designated + bicycle=designated | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "FR", "LT", "PL", "DE", "IL", "PS" - highway/path/crossing/marked: - # highway=path + path=crossing + crossing=marked | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - highway/path/crossing/traffic_signals: - # highway=path + path=crossing + crossing=traffic_signals | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cycle & Foot Crossing With Pedestrian Signals - highway/path/crossing/uncontrolled: - # highway=path + path=crossing + crossing=uncontrolled | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Marked Cycle & Foot Crossing - highway/path/crossing/unmarked: - # highway=path + path=crossing + crossing=unmarked | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Unmarked Cycle & Foot Crossing - highway/path/informal: - # highway=path + informal=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Informal Path - # 'terms: bootleg trail,cow path,desire line,desire path,desireline,desirepath,elephant path,game trail,goat track,herd path,pig trail,shortcut,social trail,use trail' - terms: - highway/path/traffic_island_shared: - # highway=path + path=traffic_island + foot=designated + bicycle=designated | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "FR", "LT", "PL", "DE", "IL", "PS" - highway/pedestrian_area: - # highway=pedestrian | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pedestrian Area - # 'terms: center,centre,plaza,quad,square,walkway' - terms: - highway/pedestrian_line: - # highway=pedestrian | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pedestrian Street - # 'terms: center,centre,plaza,quad,square,walkway' - terms: - highway/primary: - # highway=primary | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Primary Road - # 'terms: road,street' - terms: - highway/primary_link: - # highway=primary_link | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Primary Link - # 'terms: on ramp,off ramp,ramp,road,street' - terms: - highway/primary_link-US-CA: - # highway=primary_link | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "CA", "US" - highway/raceway: - # highway=raceway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Motorsport Racetrack - # 'terms: formula one,kart,motocross,nascar,raceway,track' - terms: - highway/raceway/karting: - # highway=raceway + sport=karting | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Karting Racetrack - # 'terms: carting,go carts,go karts,go-karts,gokarts,kart racing,karting track,motorsports,shifter karts,superkarts' - terms: - highway/raceway/motocross: - # highway=raceway + sport=motocross | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Motocross Racetrack - # 'terms: off-road racing,offroad moto racing,motocross circuit,motorcycle track,motorsports' - terms: - highway/residential: - # highway=residential | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Residential Road - # 'terms: road,street' - terms: - highway/rest_area: - # highway=rest_area | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Rest Area - # 'terms: rest stop' - terms: - highway/road: - # highway=road | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Unknown Road - # 'terms: road,street' - terms: - highway/road/bridge: - # highway=road + bridge=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Unknown Road Bridge - terms: - highway/secondary: - # highway=secondary | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Secondary Road - # 'terms: road,street' - terms: - highway/secondary_link: - # highway=secondary_link | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Secondary Link - # 'terms: on ramp,off ramp,ramp,road,street' - terms: - highway/service: - # highway=service | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Service Road - # 'terms: road,street' - terms: - highway/service/alley: - # highway=service + service=alley | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Alley - terms: - highway/service/drive-through: - # highway=service + service=drive-through | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Drive-Through - terms: - highway/service/driveway: - # highway=service + service=driveway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Driveway - terms: - highway/service/emergency_access: - # highway=service + service=emergency_access | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Emergency Access - terms: - highway/service/parking_aisle: - # highway=service + service=parking_aisle | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Parking Aisle - terms: - highway/service_area: - # highway=service | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Paved Service Area - highway/services: - # highway=services | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Service Area - # 'terms: roadhouse,service station,services,travel plaza,truck stop' - terms: - highway/speed_camera: - # highway=speed_camera | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Speed Camera - # 'terms: maxspeed camera,photo radar,speed limit camera,speed trap,traffic enforcement camera' - terms: - highway/speed_display: - # highway=speed_display | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Radar Speed Sign - # 'terms: driver feedback sign,dynamic speed display,speed awareness message,speed display board,speed radar sign,traffic calming sign,your speed sign' - terms: - highway/steps: - # highway=steps | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Steps - # 'terms: stairs,staircase,stairway' - terms: - highway/steps/conveying: - # highway=steps + conveying=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Escalator - # 'terms: moving staircase,moving stairway,people mover' - terms: - highway/stop: - # highway=stop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Stop Sign - # 'terms: stop,halt,sign' - terms: - highway/street_lamp: - # highway=street_lamp | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Street Lamp - # 'terms: streetlight,street light,lamp,light,gaslight' - terms: - highway/tertiary: - # highway=tertiary | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tertiary Road - # 'terms: road,street' - terms: - highway/tertiary_link: - # highway=tertiary_link | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tertiary Link - # 'terms: on ramp,off ramp,ramp,road,street' - terms: - highway/toll_gantry: - # highway=toll_gantry | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Open Road Toll - # 'terms: license plate camera toll,cashless toll,electronic toll,free-flow toll,toll gantry,transponder toll' - terms: - highway/track: - # highway=track | Land-Access Road, Track Road | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Track / Land-Access Road - # 'terms: 4wd,4x4,agricultural road,atv,carriage road,dirt road,double track,farm road,fire road,forest road,forestry road,four wheel drive,haul road,haulage road,high-clearance,jeep,logging road,mining road,offroad,off-road,overgrown,primitive,quad,ranch road,rut,two-track,two track,unmaintained,vehicular trail,woods road' - terms: - highway/traffic_mirror: - # highway=traffic_mirror | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Traffic Mirror - # 'terms: blind spot,convex,corner,curved,roadside,round,safety,sphere,visibility' - terms: - highway/traffic_sign: - # highway=traffic_sign | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - highway/traffic_signals: - # highway=traffic_signals | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Traffic Signals - # 'terms: light,stoplight,traffic light' - terms: - highway/trailhead: - # highway=trailhead | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Trailhead - # 'terms: hiking,mile zero,mountain biking,mountaineering,trail endpoint,trail start,staging area,trekking' - terms: - highway/trunk: - # highway=trunk | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Trunk Road - # 'terms: expressway,highway,road,street' - terms: - highway/trunk_link: - # highway=trunk_link | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Trunk Link - # 'terms: on ramp,off ramp,ramp,road,street' - terms: - highway/trunk_link-US-CA: - # highway=trunk_link | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "CA", "US" - highway/turning_circle: - # highway=turning_circle | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Turning Circle - # 'terms: cul-de-sac' - terms: - highway/turning_loop: - # highway=turning_loop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Turning Loop (Island) - # 'terms: cul-de-sac' - terms: - highway/unclassified: - # highway=unclassified | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Minor/Unclassified Road - # 'terms: road,street' - terms: - historic: - # historic=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Historic Site - terms: - historic/archaeological_site: - # historic=archaeological_site | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Archaeological Site - terms: - historic/boundary_stone: - # historic=boundary_stone | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Boundary Stone - terms: - historic/building: - # historic=building | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Historic Building - terms: - historic/cannon: - # historic=cannon | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cannon - terms: - historic/castle: - # historic=castle | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Castle - terms: - historic/castle/fortress: - # historic=castle + castle_type=fortress | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Historic Fortress - # 'terms: citadel,military' - terms: - historic/castle/palace: - # historic=castle + castle_type=palace | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Palace - # 'terms: royal residence,royal,king,queen' - terms: - historic/castle/stately: - # historic=castle + castle_type=stately | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Château - # 'terms: historic country house,stately home,nobility,gentry,representative' - terms: - historic/city_gate: - # historic=city_gate | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: City Gate - # 'terms: town gate' - terms: - historic/fort: - # historic=fort | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Historic Fort - # 'terms: military' - terms: - historic/manor: - # historic=manor | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Manor House - # 'terms: mansion,gentry,nobility,estate' - terms: - historic/memorial: - # historic=memorial | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Memorial - # 'terms: dedicatory,epitaph,remember,remembrance,memory,monument,stolperstein' - terms: - historic/memorial/plaque: - # historic=memorial + memorial=plaque | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Commemorative Plaque - # 'terms: dedicatory,epitaph,historical marker,remember,remembrance,memory' - terms: - historic/memorial/stolperstein-EU: - # historic=memorial + memorial=stolperstein | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "Q46" - name: Memorial Plaque Stolperstein - terms: - historic/monument: - # historic=monument | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Monument - terms: - historic/pillory: - # historic=pillory | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Historic Pillory - # 'terms: attraction' - terms: - historic/ruins: - # historic=ruins | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ruins - terms: - historic/tomb: - # historic=tomb | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tomb - terms: - historic/wayside_cross: - # historic=wayside_cross | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wayside Cross - # 'terms: christ,christian,cross,jesus' - terms: - historic/wayside_shrine: - # historic=wayside_shrine | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wayside Shrine - terms: - historic/wreck: - # historic=wreck | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Shipwreck - # 'terms: hull,mast,maritime,remains,ship,boat' - terms: - indoor: - # indoor=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Indoor Feature - indoor/area: - # indoor=area | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Indoor Area - # 'terms: indoor space' - terms: - indoor/corridor: - # indoor=corridor | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Indoor Corridor - # 'terms: concourse,foyer,hallway,passageway' - terms: - indoor/corridor_line: - # indoor=corridor | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Indoor Corridor - indoor/door: - # indoor=door | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Indoor Door - # 'terms: doorframe,doorway,portal,room access,threshold' - terms: - indoor/elevator: - # indoor=room + elevator=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Indoor Elevator Shaft - # 'terms: elevator,lift' - terms: - indoor/room: - # indoor=room | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Room - # 'terms: antechamber,anteroom,atrium,cell,chamber,concourse,foyer,indoor room,lobby,vestibule' - terms: - indoor/stairs: - # indoor=room + stairs=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Indoor Stairwell - # 'terms: stair,stairs,staircase,stairway,stairwell,steps' - terms: - indoor/wall: - # indoor=wall | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Indoor Wall - # 'terms: indoor barrier,room divider,room partition' - terms: - internet_access/wlan: - # internet_access=wlan | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wi-Fi Hotspot - # 'terms: wi-fi,wifi,hotspot' - terms: - junction: - # junction=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Junction - terms: - landuse: - # landuse=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Land Use Feature - landuse/allotments: - # landuse=allotments | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Garden Allotments - # 'terms: allotment,community garden,garden' - terms: - landuse/aquaculture: - # landuse=aquaculture | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Aquaculture - # 'terms: fish farm,marine farm,crustacean,algae,aquafarming,shrimp farm,oyster farm,mussel farm,mariculture,algaculture' - terms: - landuse/basin: - # landuse=basin | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Basin - landuse/brownfield: - # landuse=brownfield | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Brownfield - # 'terms: development,industrial,lot' - terms: - landuse/cemetery: - # landuse=cemetery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cemetery - # 'terms: burial ground,cemetary,churchyard,columbarium,grave yard,graveyard,mausoleum,tomb' - terms: - landuse/churchyard: - # landuse=churchyard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Churchyard - landuse/commercial: - # landuse=commercial | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Commercial Area - # 'terms: depot,offices' - terms: - landuse/construction: - # landuse=construction | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Construction Area - # 'terms: building,bulldozer,construction site,construction zone,crane,demolition,development,infrastructure' - terms: - landuse/education: - # landuse=education | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Educational Campus - # 'terms: educational facilities,campus,school grounds,school center' - terms: - landuse/farm: - # landuse=farm | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Farmland - landuse/farmland: - # landuse=farmland | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Farmland - # 'terms: crop,grow,plant' - terms: - landuse/farmyard: - # landuse=farmyard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Farmyard - # 'terms: barnyard,cattleyard,feeding,feedlot,feedyard,livestock' - terms: - landuse/flowerbed: - # landuse=flowerbed | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Flowerbed - # 'terms: floral garden,flower garden' - terms: - landuse/forest: - # landuse=forest | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Managed Forest - # 'terms: boreal,cut,forest,forestry,forrest,lumber,silviculture,taiga,tree,trees,woodlands,woods' - terms: - landuse/garages: - # landuse=garages | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Garage Landuse - # 'terms: parking' - terms: - landuse/grass: - # landuse=grass | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Grass - # 'terms: field,green,lawn,managed grass,mown grass,turf' - terms: - landuse/greenfield: - # landuse=greenfield | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Greenfield - # 'terms: development,lot' - terms: - landuse/greenhouse_horticulture: - # landuse=greenhouse_horticulture | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Greenhouse Horticulture - # 'terms: flower,greenhouse,horticulture,grow,vivero' - terms: - landuse/harbour: - # landuse=harbour | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Harbor - # 'terms: boat' - terms: - landuse/industrial: - # landuse=industrial | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Industrial Area - # 'terms: depot,factory,manufacturing' - terms: - landuse/industrial/brewery: - # industrial=brewery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - landuse/industrial/depot: - # industrial=depot | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Depot - # 'terms: bus,truck,vehicle,yard,storage,parking' - terms: - landuse/industrial/industrial_point: - # landuse=industrial | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - landuse/industrial/scrap_yard: - # industrial=scrap_yard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Scrap Yard - # 'terms: car,junk,metal,salvage,scrap,u-pull-it,vehicle,wreck,yard' - terms: - landuse/industrial/slaughterhouse: - # industrial=slaughterhouse | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Slaughterhouse - # 'terms: abattoir,beef,butchery,calf,chicken,cow,killing house,meat,pig,pork,poultry,shambles,stockyard' - terms: - landuse/landfill: - # landuse=landfill | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Landfill - # 'terms: dump' - terms: - landuse/meadow: - # landuse=meadow | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Meadow - # 'terms: grazing,hay field,pasture' - terms: - landuse/meadow_orchard/meadow: - # landuse=meadow + meadow=meadow_orchard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "Q46" - name: Meadow With Fruit Trees - # 'terms: fruit,maedow' - terms: - landuse/meadow_orchard/orchard: - # landuse=orchard + orchard=meadow_orchard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "Q46" - name: Orchard Planted in a Meadow - # 'terms: fruit,maedow' - terms: - landuse/military: - # landuse=military | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Military Area - # 'terms: air force,army,base,coast guard,depot,marines,navy,security' - terms: - landuse/military/airfield: - # military=airfield | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Military Airfield - # 'terms: aerodrome,aeroway,air force,airplane,airport,army,base,bomb,fight,force,guard,helicopter,helipad,jet,marine,navy,plane,troop,war' - terms: - landuse/military/barracks: - # military=barracks | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Barracks - # 'terms: air force,army,base,fight,force,guard,marine,navy,troop,war' - terms: - landuse/military/base: - # military=base | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Military Base - # 'terms: air force,army,base,border guard,coast guard,fight,force,guard,troop,war' - terms: - landuse/military/base/navy: - # military=base + military_service=navy | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Naval Base - # 'terms: base,fight,force,guard,marine,navy,ship,sub,troop,war' - terms: - landuse/military/danger_area: - # military=danger_area | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Military Danger Area - # 'terms: air force,army,base,blast,bomb,explosion,explosive,force,guard,marine,mine,navy,troop,war' - terms: - landuse/military/danger_area_point: - # military=danger_area | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - landuse/military/obstacle_course: - # military=obstacle_course | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Military Obstacle Course - # 'terms: army,base,force,guard,marine,navy,troop,war' - terms: - landuse/military/range: - # military=range | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Military Range - # 'terms: air force,army,base,fight,fire,force,guard,gun,marine,navy,rifle,shooting,sniper,train,troop,war' - terms: - landuse/military/training_area: - # military=training_area | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Military Training Area - # 'terms: air force,army,base,fight,fire,force,guard,gun,marine,navy,rifle,shooting,sniper,train,troop,war' - terms: - landuse/orchard: - # landuse=orchard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Orchard - # 'terms: fruit' - terms: - landuse/plant_nursery: - # landuse=plant_nursery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Plant Nursery - # 'terms: flower,garden,grow,vivero' - terms: - landuse/pond: - # landuse=pond | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pond - landuse/quarry: - # landuse=quarry | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Quarry - # 'terms: aggregate quarry,open pit mine,sand mine,sand pit,sand quarry,sandpit' - terms: - landuse/railway: - # landuse=railway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Railway Corridor - # 'terms: depot,rail,railway,train,train depot,track' - terms: - landuse/recreation_ground: - # landuse=recreation_ground | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Recreation Ground - # 'terms: playing fields' - terms: - landuse/religious: - # landuse=religious | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Religious Area - # 'terms: christian,churchyard,hindu,jewish,mosque,muslim,place of worship,shinto,sikh,taoist,temple,shrine,synagogue' - terms: - landuse/reservoir: - # landuse=reservoir | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Reservoir - landuse/residential: - # landuse=residential | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Residential Area - # 'terms: housing' - terms: - landuse/residential/apartments: - # residential=apartments | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Apartment Complex - # 'terms: flat,residence,tenement' - terms: - landuse/residential/trailer_park: - # residential=trailer_park | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mobile Home Park - # 'terms: caravan park,manufactured home community,trailer park' - terms: - landuse/retail: - # landuse=retail | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Retail Area - terms: - landuse/salt_pond: - # landuse=salt_pond | Salt Pond, Saltern | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Salt Evaporation Pond - # 'terms: evapoation,saline,salt,salt works,salt pan' - terms: - landuse/vineyard: - # landuse=vineyard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Vineyard - # 'terms: grape,wine' - terms: - landuse/winter_sports: - # landuse=winter_sports | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Winter Sports Area - # 'terms: piste area,ski area,ski hill,ski mountain,ski resort,snow board area,snowboard area' - terms: - leisure: - # leisure=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Leisure Feature - leisure/adult_gaming_centre: - # leisure=adult_gaming_centre | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Adult Gaming Center - # 'terms: gambling,slot machine' - terms: - leisure/amusement_arcade: - # leisure=amusement_arcade | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Amusement Arcade - # 'terms: pay-to-play games,video games,driving simulators,pinball machines' - terms: - leisure/bandstand: - # leisure=bandstand | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bandstand - terms: - leisure/bathing_place: - # leisure=bathing_place | Bathing Spot, Dip Spot, Dipping Spot, Swim Spot, Swimming Spot, Wild Swimming Spot | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bathing Place - # 'terms: bathing,dipping,swimming,swimming hole,ladder,pier,water' - terms: - leisure/beach_resort: - # leisure=beach_resort | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Beach Resort - terms: - leisure/bird_hide: - # leisure=bird_hide | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bird Hide - # 'terms: machan,ornithology' - terms: - leisure/bleachers: - # leisure=bleachers | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bleachers - # 'terms: crowd,bench,sports,stand,stands,seat,seating' - terms: - leisure/bowling_alley: - # leisure=bowling_alley | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bowling Alley - # 'terms: bowling center' - terms: - leisure/common: - # leisure=common | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Common - # 'terms: open space' - terms: - leisure/dance: - # leisure=dance | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Dance Hall - # 'terms: ballet,ballet studio,ballroom,dance studio,jive,swing,tango,waltz' - terms: - leisure/dancing_school: - # amenity=dancing_school | Dance Studio | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Dance School - # 'terms: ballet,ballet studio,dance teaching,jive,swing,tango,waltz' - terms: - leisure/disc_golf_course: - # leisure=disc_golf_course | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Disc Golf Course - # 'terms: disk golf,frisbee golf,flying disc golf,frolf,ultimate' - terms: - leisure/dog_park: - # leisure=dog_park | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Dog Park - # 'terms: dog exercise area,dog play area,dog playground,off-leash,offleash,puppy park' - terms: - leisure/escape_game: - # leisure=escape_game | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Escape Room - # 'terms: escape game,escape the room,puzzle room,quest room' - terms: - leisure/firepit: - # leisure=firepit | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fire Pit - # 'terms: bonfire,campfire,fire circle,fire hole,fire place,fire ring,firepit,fireplace,firering' - terms: - leisure/fishing: - # leisure=fishing | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fishing Spot - # 'terms: angler' - terms: - leisure/fitness_centre: - # leisure=fitness_centre | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gym / Fitness Center - # 'terms: health,gym,leisure,pilates,studio' - terms: - leisure/fitness_centre/yoga: - # leisure=fitness_centre + sport=yoga | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Yoga Studio - # 'terms: asanas,meditation,modern yoga,studio' - terms: - leisure/fitness_station: - # leisure=fitness_station | Calisthenics Park, Fitness Station, Outdoor Gym, Street Workout, Trim Trail | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Outdoor Fitness Station - # 'terms: exercise,fitness,gym' - terms: - leisure/fitness_station/balance_beam: - # leisure=fitness_station + fitness_station=balance_beam | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Exercise Balance Beam - # 'terms: balance,exercise,fitness,gym,trim trail' - terms: - leisure/fitness_station/box: - # leisure=fitness_station + fitness_station=box | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Exercise Box - # 'terms: box,exercise,fitness,gym,jump,trim trail' - terms: - leisure/fitness_station/horizontal_bar: - # leisure=fitness_station + fitness_station=horizontal_bar | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Exercise Horizontal Bar - # 'terms: bar,chinup,chin up,exercise,fitness,gym,pullup,pull up,trim trail' - terms: - leisure/fitness_station/horizontal_ladder: - # leisure=fitness_station + fitness_station=horizontal_ladder | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Exercise Monkey Bars - # 'terms: bar,chinup,chin up,exercise,fitness,gym,ladder,monkey bars,pullup,pull up,trim trail' - terms: - leisure/fitness_station/hyperextension: - # leisure=fitness_station + fitness_station=hyperextension | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hyperextension Station - # 'terms: back,exercise,extension,fitness,gym,roman chair,trim trail' - terms: - leisure/fitness_station/parallel_bars: - # leisure=fitness_station + fitness_station=parallel_bars | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Parallel Bars - # 'terms: bar,dip,exercise,fitness,gym,trim trail' - terms: - leisure/fitness_station/push-up: - # leisure=fitness_station + fitness_station=push-up | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Push-Up Station - # 'terms: bar,exercise,fitness,gym,pushup,push up,trim trail' - terms: - leisure/fitness_station/rings: - # leisure=fitness_station + fitness_station=rings | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Exercise Rings - # 'terms: exercise,fitness,gym,muscle up,pullup,pull up,trim trail' - terms: - leisure/fitness_station/sign: - # leisure=fitness_station + fitness_station=sign | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Exercise Instruction Sign - # 'terms: exercise,fitness,gym,trim trail' - terms: - leisure/fitness_station/sit-up: - # leisure=fitness_station + fitness_station=sit-up | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sit-Up Station - # 'terms: crunch,exercise,fitness,gym,situp,sit up,trim trail' - terms: - leisure/fitness_station/stairs: - # leisure=fitness_station + fitness_station=stairs | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Exercise Stairs - # 'terms: exercise,fitness,gym,steps,trim trail' - terms: - leisure/garden: - # leisure=garden | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Garden - # 'terms: flowers,fruits,herbs,plants,vegetables' - terms: - leisure/garden/botanical: - # leisure=garden + garden:type=botanical | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Botanical Garden - # 'terms: botanic garden,plant collection,rare plants' - terms: - leisure/garden/community: - # leisure=garden + garden:type=community | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Community Garden - # 'terms: co-op garden,collective garden,communal garden' - terms: - leisure/garden/kitchen: - # leisure=garden + garden:style=kitchen | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Kitchen Garden - # 'terms: vegetable garden,potager garden,culinary garden,edible garden,cook''s garden' - terms: - leisure/garden/residential: - # leisure=garden + garden:type=residential | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Residential Garden - # 'terms: back garden,backyard,domestic garden,front garden,front yard' - terms: - leisure/golf_course: - # leisure=golf_course | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Golf Course - # 'terms: links' - terms: - leisure/hackerspace: - # leisure=hackerspace | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hackerspace - # 'terms: makerspace,hackspace,hacklab' - terms: - leisure/horse_riding: - # leisure=horse_riding | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Horseback Riding Center - # 'terms: equestrian center,equestrian facility,horse farm,horse park,horse ranch,horse riding center,horse riding facility,horse riding,riding facility,riding stables,stables' - terms: - leisure/hot_tub: - # leisure=hot_tub | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hot Tub - # 'terms: jacuzzi,spa' - terms: - leisure/ice_rink: - # leisure=ice_rink | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ice Rink - # 'terms: hockey,skating,curling' - terms: - leisure/indoor_play: - # leisure=indoor_play | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Indoor Play Center - # 'terms: ball pit,children''s play center,indoor playground' - terms: - leisure/marina: - # leisure=marina | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Marina - # 'terms: boats,docks,harbor,harbour,moorings,yachts' - terms: - leisure/marina_no_facilities: - # seamark:harbour:category=marina_no_facilities | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Yacht Berths - # 'terms: boats,docks,harbor,harbour,marina,moorings,yachts' - terms: - leisure/miniature_golf: - # leisure=miniature_golf | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Miniature Golf - # 'terms: crazy golf,mini golf,putt-putt' - terms: - leisure/nature_reserve: - # leisure=nature_reserve | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Nature Reserve - # 'terms: protected,wildlife' - terms: - leisure/outdoor_seating: - # leisure=outdoor_seating | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Outdoor Seating Area - # 'terms: al fresco,beer garden,dining,cafe,restaurant,pub,bar,patio' - terms: - leisure/park: - # leisure=park | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Park - # 'terms: esplanade,estate,forest,garden,grass,green,grounds,lawn,lot,meadow,parkland,place,playground,plaza,pleasure garden,recreation area,square,tract,village green,woodland' - terms: - leisure/picnic_table: - # leisure=picnic_table | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Picnic Table - # 'terms: bench' - terms: - leisure/picnic_table/chess: - # leisure=picnic_table + sport=chess | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Chess Table - # 'terms: bench,chess board,checkerboard,checkers,chequerboard,game table' - terms: - leisure/pitch: - # leisure=pitch | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sport Pitch - # 'terms: field,sport field' - terms: - leisure/pitch/american_football: - # leisure=pitch + sport=american_football | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: American Football Field - # 'terms: football,gridiron' - terms: - leisure/pitch/american_handball: - # leisure=pitch + sport=american_handball | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: American Handball Court - # 'terms: handball,wallball' - terms: - leisure/pitch/archery: - # leisure=pitch + sport=archery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Archery Range - # 'terms: bow and arrow,crossbow' - terms: - leisure/pitch/athletics: - # leisure=pitch + sport=athletics | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Track & Field Pitch - leisure/pitch/athletics/discus_throw: - # leisure=pitch + sport=athletics + athletics=discus_throw | Discus Ring, Discus Sector | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Discus Ring / Sector - terms: - leisure/pitch/athletics/hammer_throw: - # leisure=pitch + sport=athletics + athletics=hammer_throw | Hammer Throw Ring, Hammer Throw Sector | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hammer Throw Ring / Sector - terms: - leisure/pitch/athletics/high_jump: - # leisure=pitch + sport=athletics + athletics=high_jump | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: High Jump Pit - terms: - leisure/pitch/athletics/javelin_throw: - # leisure=pitch + sport=athletics + athletics=javelin_throw | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Javelin Sector - terms: - leisure/pitch/athletics/long_jump: - # leisure=pitch + sport=athletics + athletics=long_jump | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Long Jump Pit - terms: - leisure/pitch/athletics/pole_vault: - # leisure=pitch + sport=athletics + athletics=pole_vault | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pole Vault Pit - terms: - leisure/pitch/athletics/shot_put: - # leisure=pitch + sport=athletics + athletics=shot_put | Shot Put Ring, Shot Put Pit | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Shot Put Ring / Pit - terms: - leisure/pitch/athletics/triple_jump: - # leisure=pitch + sport=athletics + athletics=triple_jump | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Triple Jump Pit - terms: - leisure/pitch/australian_football: - # leisure=pitch + sport=australian_football | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Australian Football Field - # 'terms: aussie,afl,football' - terms: - leisure/pitch/badminton: - # leisure=pitch + sport=badminton | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Badminton Court - # 'terms: badminton net' - terms: - leisure/pitch/baseball: - # leisure=pitch + sport=baseball | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Baseball Field - # 'terms: diamond,softball' - terms: - leisure/pitch/basketball: - # leisure=pitch + sport=basketball | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Basketball Court - # 'terms: basketball hoops' - terms: - leisure/pitch/beachvolleyball: - # leisure=pitch + sport=beachvolleyball | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Beach Volleyball Court - # 'terms: volleyball' - terms: - leisure/pitch/boules: - # leisure=pitch + sport=boules | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Boules/Bocce Court - # 'terms: bocce,lyonnaise,pétanque' - terms: - leisure/pitch/bowls: - # leisure=pitch + sport=bowls | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bowling Green - terms: - leisure/pitch/chess: - # leisure=pitch + sport=chess | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Giant Chess Board - # 'terms: chessboard,checkerboard,checkers,chequerboard,garden chess,large chess,oversize chess' - terms: - leisure/pitch/cricket: - # leisure=pitch + sport=cricket | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cricket Field - # 'terms: cricket pitch' - terms: - leisure/pitch/equestrian: - # leisure=pitch + sport=equestrian | Horseback Riding Ring | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Horseback Riding / Rodeo Arena - # 'terms: arena,dressage arena,dressage ring,dressage,equestrian arena,horse riding ring,horse riding,horse,horseback riding arena,horseback riding,horseback,jumping arena,jumping ring,longeing,pen,polo,riding ring,riding,ring,rodeo,round pen' - terms: - leisure/pitch/field_hockey: - # leisure=pitch + sport=field_hockey | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Field Hockey Pitch - # 'terms: landhockey' - terms: - leisure/pitch/four_square: - # leisure=pitch + sport=four_square | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Four Square Court - # 'terms: 4 square' - terms: - leisure/pitch/funnel_ball: - # leisure=pitch + sport=funnel_ball | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Funnel Ball Court - terms: - leisure/pitch/futsal: - # leisure=pitch + sport=futsal | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Futsal Court - # 'terms: minifootball,five-a-side soccer' - terms: - leisure/pitch/gaga: - # leisure=pitch + sport=gaga | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gaga Pit - # 'terms: gaga ball' - terms: - leisure/pitch/handball: - # leisure=pitch + sport=handball | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Team Handball Court - # 'terms: handball' - terms: - leisure/pitch/horseshoes: - # leisure=pitch + sport=horseshoes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Horseshoes Pit - # 'terms: horse shoes' - terms: - leisure/pitch/netball: - # leisure=pitch + sport=netball | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Netball Court - # 'terms: basketball' - terms: - leisure/pitch/padel: - # leisure=pitch + sport=padel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Padel Court - # 'terms: tennis,paddle' - terms: - leisure/pitch/paintball: - # leisure=pitch + sport=paintball | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Paintball Field - terms: - leisure/pitch/pickleball: - # leisure=pitch + sport=pickleball | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pickleball Court - # 'terms: tennis,paddleball' - terms: - leisure/pitch/rugby_league: - # leisure=pitch + sport=rugby_league | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Rugby League Field - terms: - leisure/pitch/rugby_union: - # leisure=pitch + sport=rugby_union | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Rugby Union Field - terms: - leisure/pitch/shooting: - # leisure=pitch + sport=shooting | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Shooting Range - # 'terms: firing range,gun range,shooting gallery,gun practice,shooting practice,target practice' - terms: - leisure/pitch/shuffleboard: - # leisure=pitch + sport=shuffleboard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Shuffleboard Court - # 'terms: deck shuffleboard,floor shuffleboard' - terms: - leisure/pitch/skateboard: - # leisure=pitch + sport=skateboard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Skate Park - # 'terms: bmx,scooter,skateboarding,skatepark,vert' - terms: - leisure/pitch/soccer: - # leisure=pitch + sport=soccer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Soccer Field - # 'terms: football' - terms: - leisure/pitch/softball: - # leisure=pitch + sport=softball | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Softball Field - # 'terms: baseball,diamond,softball' - terms: - leisure/pitch/table_soccer: - # leisure=pitch + sport=table_soccer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Foosball Table - # 'terms: kicker,table football,table soccer,tecball' - terms: - leisure/pitch/table_tennis: - # leisure=pitch + sport=table_tennis | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ping Pong Table - # 'terms: table tennis,ping pong' - terms: - leisure/pitch/tennis: - # leisure=pitch + sport=tennis | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tennis Court - # 'terms: tennis net' - terms: - leisure/pitch/tetherball: - # leisure=pitch + sport=tetherball | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tetherball Court - # 'terms: tether tennis,swingball' - terms: - leisure/pitch/volleyball: - # leisure=pitch + sport=volleyball | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Volleyball Court - # 'terms: volleyball net' - terms: - leisure/playground: - # leisure=playground | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Playground - # 'terms: jungle gym,play area' - terms: - leisure/playground/indoor: - # leisure=playground + indoor=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Indoor Playground - # 'terms: ball pit,play pen,play pit,indoor play area,inside playground' - terms: - leisure/resort: - # leisure=resort | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Resort - # 'terms: recreation center,sanatorium,ski and snowboard resort,vacation resort,winter sports resort' - terms: - leisure/sauna: - # leisure=sauna | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sauna - terms: - leisure/slipway: - # leisure=slipway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Slipway - # 'terms: boat launch,boat ramp,boat landing' - terms: - leisure/slipway_drivable: - # leisure=slipway + highway=service | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Slipway (Drivable) - # 'terms: boat launch,boat ramp,boat landing' - terms: - leisure/sports_centre: - # leisure=sports_centre | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sports Center / Complex - # 'terms: athletic center,recreation center,sports centre,sports complex' - terms: - leisure/sports_centre/climbing: - # leisure=sports_centre + sport=climbing | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Climbing Gym - # 'terms: abseiling,artificial climbing wall,belaying,bouldering,rock climbing facility,indoor rock wall,rappeling,rock gym,ropes' - terms: - leisure/sports_centre/climbing_adventure: - # leisure=sports_centre + sport=climbing_adventure | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Adventure Park - # 'terms: obstacle course,rope climbing,ropes course,zip line' - terms: - leisure/sports_centre/horse_racing: - # leisure=sports_centre + sport=horse_racing | Horse Racecourse, Hippodrome | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Horse Race Course - # 'terms: equestrian race course,gallop,horse race betting,horse race,horse racing,horseracing,race course,racecourse' - terms: - leisure/sports_centre/karting: - # leisure=sports_centre + sport=karting | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Go Kart Facility - # 'terms: go cart,karting,kart racing' - terms: - leisure/sports_centre/shooting: - # leisure=sports_centre + sport=shooting | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Shooting Range Facility - # 'terms: shooting club,firing range,gun range,shooting gallery,gun practice,shooting practice,target practice' - terms: - leisure/sports_centre/swimming: - # leisure=sports_centre + sport=swimming | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Swimming Pool Facility - # 'terms: dive,water' - terms: - leisure/sports_hall: - # leisure=sports_hall | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gymnasium - # 'terms: athletic courts,gym,sports hall,sports venue' - terms: - leisure/stadium: - # leisure=stadium | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Stadium - terms: - leisure/swimming_area: - # leisure=swimming_area | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Natural Swimming Area - # 'terms: dive,water,aquatics' - terms: - leisure/swimming_pool: - # leisure=swimming_pool | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Swimming Pool - # 'terms: dive,water,aquatics' - terms: - leisure/track: - # leisure=track | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Racetrack (Non-Motorsport) - # 'terms: cycle,dog,greyhound,horse,raceway,track' - terms: - leisure/track/athletics: - # leisure=track + sport=athletics | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Track & Field Runway - leisure/track/athletics/javelin_throw: - # leisure=track + sport=athletics + athletics=javelin_throw | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Javelin Runway - # 'terms: javelin track' - terms: - leisure/track/athletics/long_jump: - # leisure=track + sport=athletics + athletics=long_jump | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Long Jump Runway - # 'terms: long jump track' - terms: - leisure/track/athletics/pole_vault: - # leisure=track + sport=athletics + athletics=pole_vault | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pole Vault Runway - # 'terms: pole vault track' - terms: - leisure/track/athletics/running: - # leisure=track + sport=athletics + athletics=running | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Running Track - leisure/track/athletics/sprint: - # leisure=track + sport=athletics + athletics=sprint | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sprint Runway - # 'terms: sprint track,sprinting' - terms: - leisure/track/athletics/steeplechase: - # leisure=track + sport=athletics + athletics=steeplechase | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Steeplechase Runway - # 'terms: steeplechase track' - terms: - leisure/track/athletics/triple_jump: - # leisure=track + sport=athletics + athletics=triple_jump | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Triple Jump Runway - # 'terms: triple jump track' - terms: - leisure/track/cycling: - # leisure=track + sport=cycling | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cycling Track - # 'terms: bicycle track,bicycling track,cycle racetrack,velodrome' - terms: - leisure/track/horse_racing: - # leisure=track + sport=horse_racing | Horse Racing Track | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Horse Racetrack - # 'terms: equestrian race track,horse race betting,horse race course,horse racecourse,horse raceway,horse racing,horseracing,horsetrack,race course,racecourse,raceway' - terms: - leisure/track/running: - # leisure=track + sport=running | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Running Track - # 'terms: athletics track,decathlon,foot race,long distance running,marathon,middle distance running,racetrack,running,sprint,track,walking' - terms: - leisure/trampoline_park: - # leisure=trampoline_park | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Trampoline Park - # 'terms: bounce,jump,spring' - terms: - leisure/water_park: - # leisure=water_park | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Water Park - # 'terms: swim,pool,dive' - terms: - line: - name: Line - # 'terms: polyline' - terms: - man_made: - # man_made=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Man-Made Feature - man_made/adit: - # man_made=adit | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Adit - # 'terms: cave,horizontal mine entrance,tunnel,underground' - terms: - man_made/antenna: - # man_made=antenna | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Antenna - # 'terms: broadcast,cell phone,cell,communication,mobile phone,radio,television,transmission,tv' - terms: - man_made/beacon: - # man_made=beacon | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Beacon - terms: - man_made/beehive: - # man_made=beehive | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Beehive - # 'terms: apiary,beekeeper,farm,honey,pollination' - terms: - man_made/breakwater: - # man_made=breakwater | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Breakwater - terms: - man_made/bridge: - # man_made=bridge | Bridge | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bridge Area - # 'terms: bridge outline,viaduct' - terms: - man_made/bunker_silo: - # man_made=bunker_silo | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bunker Silo - # 'terms: silage,storage' - terms: - man_made/cairn: - # man_made=cairn | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cairn - # 'terms: rock pile,stone stack,stone pile,càrn' - terms: - man_made/carpet_hanger: - # man_made=carpet_hanger | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Carpet Hanger - # 'terms: rack,beater,stand' - terms: - man_made/charge_point: - # man_made=charge_point | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: EV Charging Point - # 'terms: ev,electric vehicle,charging stall,charging station,charge point' - terms: - man_made/chimney: - # man_made=chimney | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Chimney - terms: - man_made/clarifier: - # man_made=clarifier | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wastewater Clarifier - terms: - man_made/clearcut: - # man_made=clearcut | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Clearcut Forest - # 'terms: cut,forest,lumber,tree,wood' - terms: - man_made/compass_rose: - # man_made=compass_rose | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Compass Rose - # 'terms: compass,east,north,rose of the winds,south,west,wind rose' - terms: - man_made/courtyard: - # man_made=courtyard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Courtyard - man_made/crane: - # man_made=crane | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Crane - terms: - man_made/crane/gantry_crane: - # man_made=crane + crane:type=gantry_crane | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gantry Crane - # 'terms: overhead crane,bridge crane' - terms: - man_made/crane/portal_crane: - # man_made=crane + crane:type=portal_crane | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Portal Crane - # 'terms: level-luffing crane' - terms: - man_made/cross: - # man_made=cross | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cross - terms: - man_made/cutline: - # man_made=cutline | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cut line - terms: - man_made/dovecote: - # man_made=dovecote | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Dovecote - # 'terms: birds,doocot,dovecot,doves,pigeonholes,pigeons' - terms: - man_made/dyke: - # man_made=dyke | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Levee - # 'terms: dike,dyke,floodbank,stopbank' - terms: - man_made/embankment: - # man_made=embankment | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Embankment - terms: - man_made/flagpole: - # man_made=flagpole | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Flagpole - terms: - man_made/flare: - # man_made=flare | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gas Flare - # 'terms: flare stack,gas,oil,fire,burn' - terms: - man_made/footwear_decontamination-AU-NZ: - # man_made=footwear_decontamination | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "AU", "NZ" - name: Footwear Decontamination Station - # 'terms: footwear cleaning,shoe cleaning,boot cleaning,contamination station,decontamination station' - terms: - man_made/fuel_pump: - # man_made=fuel_pump | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gas Pump - # 'terms: petrol,fuel,gasoline,propane,diesel,lng,cng,biodiesel' - terms: - man_made/gantry: - # man_made=gantry | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gantry - # 'terms: highway gantry,mast arm,road sign holder,road sign structure,sign assembly,sign holder,sign structure' - terms: - man_made/gasometer: - # man_made=gasometer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gasometer - # 'terms: gas holder' - terms: - man_made/goods_conveyor: - # man_made=goods_conveyor | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Goods Conveyor - # 'terms: belt conveyor,chain conveyor,conveyor belt,roller conveyor' - terms: - man_made/groyne: - # man_made=groyne | Wing Dam, Wing Dyke, Spur Dyke | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Groin - terms: - man_made/insect_hotel: - # man_made=insect_hotel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Insect Hotel - # 'terms: bee hotel,bug hotel,insect house' - terms: - man_made/lighthouse: - # man_made=lighthouse | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Lighthouse - terms: - man_made/manhole: - # man_made=manhole | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Manhole - # 'terms: cover,hole,sewer,sewage,telecom' - terms: - man_made/manhole/drain: - # manhole=drain | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Storm Drain - # 'terms: cover,drain,hole,rain,sewer,sewage,storm' - terms: - man_made/manhole/gas: - # manhole=gas | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gas Utility Manhole - # 'terms: cover,gas,heat,hole,utility' - terms: - man_made/manhole/power: - # manhole=power | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Power Utility Manhole - # 'terms: cover,hole,electric,power,utility' - terms: - man_made/manhole/sewer: - # manhole=sewer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sewer Utility Manhole - # 'terms: cover,drain,hole,sewer,sewage,utility' - terms: - man_made/manhole/telecom: - # manhole=telecom | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Telecom Utility Manhole - # 'terms: bt,cable,cover,phone,hole,telecom,telephone,utility' - terms: - man_made/manhole/water: - # manhole=water | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Water Utility Manhole - # 'terms: cover,drinking,hole,utility,water' - terms: - man_made/mast: - # man_made=mast | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mast - # 'terms: antenna,broadcast tower,cell phone tower,cell tower,communication mast,communication tower,guyed tower,mobile phone tower,radio mast,radio tower,television tower,transmission mast,transmission tower,tv tower' - terms: - man_made/mast/communication: - # man_made=mast + tower:type=communication | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Communication Mast - # 'terms: antenna,broadcast tower,cell phone tower,cell tower,communication tower,guyed tower,mobile phone tower,radio mast,radio tower,television tower,transmission mast,transmission tower,tv tower' - terms: - man_made/mast/communication/mobile_phone: - # man_made=mast + tower:type=communication + communication:mobile_phone=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mobile Phone Mast - # 'terms: antenna,cell mast,cell phone mast,cell phone tower,cell tower,communication mast,communication tower,guyed tower,mobile phone tower,transmission mast,transmission tower' - terms: - man_made/mast/communication/radio: - # man_made=mast + tower:type=communication + communication:radio=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Radio Broadcast Mast - # 'terms: antenna,broadcast tower,communication mast,communication tower,guyed tower,radio mast,radio tower,transmission mast,transmission tower' - terms: - man_made/mast/communication/television: - # man_made=mast + tower:type=communication + communication:television=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Television Broadcast Mast - # 'terms: antenna,broadcast tower,communication mast,communication tower,guyed tower,television mast,television tower,transmission mast,transmission tower,tv mast,tv tower' - terms: - man_made/mast/lighting: - # man_made=mast + tower:type=lighting | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Lighting Mast - # 'terms: flood light,lighting,stadium lights,stadium lighting,headlight' - terms: - man_made/milk_churn_stand: - # man_made=milk_churn_stand | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Milk Churn Stand - # 'terms: creamery stand,milk can stand,milk stand' - terms: - man_made/mineshaft: - # man_made=mineshaft | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mineshaft - # 'terms: cave,mine shaft,tunnel,underground,vertical mine entrance' - terms: - man_made/monitoring_station: - # man_made=monitoring_station | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Monitoring Station - # 'terms: weather,earthquake,seismology,air,gps,traffic counter,bicycle counter,bike counter,water level,measurement station' - terms: - man_made/obelisk: - # man_made=obelisk | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Obelisk - terms: - man_made/observatory: - # man_made=observatory | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Observatory - # 'terms: astronomical,meteorological' - terms: - man_made/petroleum_well: - # man_made=petroleum_well | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Oil Well - # 'terms: drilling rig,oil derrick,oil drill,oil horse,oil rig,oil pump,petroleum well,pumpjack' - terms: - man_made/pier: - # man_made=pier | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pier - # 'terms: berth,dock,jetty,landing,promenade,wharf' - terms: - man_made/pier/floating: - # man_made=pier + floating=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Floating Pier - # 'terms: berth,dock,jetty,landing,promenade,wharf' - terms: - man_made/pipeline: - # man_made=pipeline | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pipeline - # 'terms: oil,natural gas,water,sewer,sewage' - terms: - man_made/pipeline/underground: - # man_made=pipeline + location=underground | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Underground Pipeline - # 'terms: oil,natural gas,water,sewer,sewage' - terms: - man_made/planter: - # man_made=planter | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Planter - terms: - man_made/pumping_station: - # man_made=pumping_station | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pumping Station - terms: - man_made/quay: - # man_made=quay | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Quay - # 'terms: dock,wharf' - terms: - man_made/reservoir_covered: - # man_made=reservoir_covered | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Covered Reservoir - # 'terms: underground reservoir,water tank' - terms: - man_made/satellite_dish: - # man_made=satellite_dish | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Satellite Dish - # 'terms: fixed satellite dish,motorized satellite dish,parabolic dish,satellite communication,tracking satellite dish' - terms: - man_made/silo: - # man_made=silo | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Silo - # 'terms: grain,corn,wheat' - terms: - man_made/ski_jump: - # man_made=ski_jump | Ski Jumping Hill Structure, Ski Jumping Hill In-Run Tower | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ski Jumping Tower - # 'terms: jump,ski jump,in-run,inrun,ski jump structure,ski jump in-run tower,ski jumping hill tower' - terms: - man_made/storage_tank: - # man_made=storage_tank | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Storage Tank - # 'terms: water,oil,gas,fuel,petrol' - terms: - man_made/storage_tank/water: - # man_made=storage_tank + content=water | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Water Tank - # 'terms: cistern,water tower' - terms: - man_made/street_cabinet: - # man_made=street_cabinet | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Street Cabinet - # 'terms: cable tv,monitoring box,technical box,telecommunications,traffic signal controls' - terms: - man_made/street_cabinet/postal_service: - # man_made=street_cabinet + street_cabinet=postal_service | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Postal Relay Box - # 'terms: letter storage,post delivery,postal services' - terms: - man_made/street_cabinet/traffic_control: - # man_made=street_cabinet + street_cabinet=traffic_control | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Traffic Control System Cabinet - # 'terms: traffic control automation,traffic light' - terms: - man_made/street_cabinet/traffic_monitoring: - # man_made=street_cabinet + street_cabinet=traffic_monitoring | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Traffic Monitoring Cabinet - # 'terms: traffic monitoring,vehicle counting' - terms: - man_made/street_cabinet/transport_management: - # man_made=street_cabinet + street_cabinet=transport_management | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Transport Management Cabinet - # 'terms: public transport automation' - terms: - man_made/street_cabinet/waste: - # man_made=street_cabinet + street_cabinet=waste | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Private Waste Collection Cabinet - terms: - man_made/surveillance: - # man_made=surveillance | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Surveillance - # 'terms: anpr,alpr,camera,car plate recognition,cctv,guard,license plate recognition,monitoring,number plate recognition,security,video,webcam' - terms: - man_made/surveillance/camera: - # man_made=surveillance + surveillance:type=camera | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Surveillance Camera - # 'terms: anpr,alpr,camera,car plate recognition,cctv,guard,license plate recognition,monitoring,number plate recognition,security,video,webcam' - terms: - man_made/survey_point: - # man_made=survey_point | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Survey Point - # 'terms: trig point,trig station,survey marker,geodetic mark,geodetic point,triangulation pillar,trigonometrical station' - terms: - man_made/tailings_pond: - # man_made=tailings_pond | Tailing Pond, Settling Pond, Settling Pit | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tailings Pond - # 'terms: mining,separation,slurry' - terms: - man_made/telescope: - # man_made=telescope | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Telescope - terms: - man_made/telescope/optical: - # man_made=telescope + telescope:type=optical | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Optical Telescope - # 'terms: refracting telescope,reflecting telescope' - terms: - man_made/telescope/radio: - # man_made=telescope + telescope:type=radio | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Radio Telescope - # 'terms: ground station,radio dish,radio antenna' - terms: - man_made/torii: - # man_made=torii | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Torii - # 'terms: japanese gate,shinto shrine' - terms: - man_made/tower: - # man_made=tower | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tower - terms: - man_made/tower/bell_tower: - # man_made=tower + tower:type=bell_tower | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bell Tower - # 'terms: belfry,bell gable,campanile,church tower,klockstapel' - terms: - man_made/tower/communication: - # man_made=tower + tower:type=communication | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Communication Tower - # 'terms: antenna,broadcast tower,cell phone tower,cell tower,communication mast,guyed tower,mobile phone tower,radio mast,radio tower,television tower,transmission mast,transmission tower,tv tower' - terms: - man_made/tower/cooling: - # man_made=tower + tower:type=cooling | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cooling Tower - # 'terms: power plant' - terms: - man_made/tower/defensive: - # man_made=tower + tower:type=defensive | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fortified Tower - # 'terms: defensive tower,castle tower' - terms: - man_made/tower/diving: - # man_made=tower + tower:type=diving | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Diving Platform - # 'terms: diving tower' - terms: - man_made/tower/minaret: - # man_made=tower + tower:type=minaret | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Minaret - # 'terms: islam,mosque,muezzin,muslim' - terms: - man_made/tower/observation: - # man_made=tower + tower:type=observation | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Observation Tower - # 'terms: lookout tower,fire tower' - terms: - man_made/tower/pagoda: - # man_made=tower + tower:type=pagoda | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pagoda - # 'terms: buddhist tower,tiered tower,chinese pagodas' - terms: - man_made/tunnel: - # man_made=tunnel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tunnel Area - # 'terms: bore,dig,shaft,underground passage,underpass' - terms: - man_made/utility_pole: - # man_made=utility_pole | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Utility Pole - terms: - man_made/video_wall: - # man_made=video_wall | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Digital Screen - # 'terms: screen,tv,television,display,video wall,led wall' - terms: - man_made/wastewater_plant: - # man_made=wastewater_plant | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wastewater Plant - # 'terms: reclamation plant,sewage,wastewater treatment plant,wastewater treatment works,water treatment plant,wwtp' - terms: - man_made/water_tap: - # man_made=water_tap | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Water Tap - # 'terms: drinking water,water faucet,water point,water source,water spigot' - terms: - man_made/water_tower: - # man_made=water_tower | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Water Tower - terms: - man_made/water_well: - # man_made=water_well | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Water Well - # 'terms: aquifer,drinking water,water pump,water point,water source' - terms: - man_made/water_works: - # man_made=water_works | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Water Works - terms: - man_made/watermill: - # man_made=watermill | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Watermill - # 'terms: waterwheel,water wheel,water,wheel,mill' - terms: - man_made/windmill: - # man_made=windmill | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Windmill - # 'terms: wind,wheel,mill' - terms: - man_made/windpump: - # man_made=windpump | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Windpump - # 'terms: aerorotor,water pump,windmill,wind pump' - terms: - man_made/works: - # man_made=works | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Factory - # 'terms: assembly,build,brewery,car,plant,plastic,processing,manufacture,refinery' - terms: - man_made/works/brewery: - # man_made=works + product=beer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Industrial Brewery - # 'terms: alcohol,beer,bier,booze,cider' - terms: - man_made/yes: - # man_made=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Man-Made Feature (Unspecified Type) - marker: - # marker=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Marker - # 'terms: identifier,marking,plate,pole,post,sign' - terms: - marker/utility: - # marker=* + utility=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Utility Marker - # 'terms: gas line marker,identifier,marking,oil marker,pipeline marker,plate,pole,post,sign' - terms: - marker/utility/power: - # marker=* + utility=power | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Power Marker - # 'terms: electric line,identifier,marking,plate,pole,post,power cable,power line,sign' - terms: - military/bunker: - # military=bunker | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Military Bunker - # 'terms: air force,army,base,fight,force,guard,marine,navy,troop,war' - terms: - military/checkpoint: - # military=checkpoint | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Military Checkpoint - # 'terms: air force,army,base,force,guard,marine,navy,troop,war' - terms: - military/nuclear_explosion_site: - # military=nuclear_explosion_site | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Nuclear Explosion Site - # 'terms: atom,blast,bomb,detonation,nuke,site,test' - terms: - military/office: - # military=office | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Military Office - # 'terms: air force,army,base,enlist,fight,force,guard,marine,navy,recruit,troop,war' - terms: - military/trench: - # military=trench | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Military Trench - # 'terms: dugout,firestep,fox hole,infantry trench,war trench' - terms: - natural: - # natural=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Natural Feature - natural/arch: - # natural=arch | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Natural Arch - # 'terms: natural bridge,rock arch' - terms: - natural/bare_rock: - # natural=bare_rock | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bare Rock - # 'terms: rock' - terms: - natural/bay: - # natural=bay | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bay - # 'terms: bight,cove,estuary,fjord,gulf,inlet,sea,sound' - terms: - natural/beach: - # natural=beach | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Beach - # 'terms: shore' - terms: - natural/cape: - # natural=cape | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cape - # 'terms: bay,coastline,erosion,headland,peninsula,promontory' - terms: - natural/cave_entrance: - # natural=cave_entrance | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cave Entrance - # 'terms: cavern,hollow,grotto,shelter,cavity' - terms: - natural/cliff: - # natural=cliff | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cliff - # 'terms: crag,escarpment,rock face,scarp' - terms: - natural/coastline: - # natural=coastline | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Coastline - # 'terms: shore' - terms: - natural/fell: - # natural=fell | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fell - # 'terms: moor,moorland' - terms: - natural/geyser: - # natural=geyser | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Geyser - # 'terms: erupting spring,geiser,gieser,guyser,hot water,hydrogeology,hydrothermal explosion,steam' - terms: - natural/glacier: - # natural=glacier | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Glacier - # 'terms: ice,snow' - terms: - natural/grassland: - # natural=grassland | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Grassland - # 'terms: field,prairie,savanna' - terms: - natural/heath: - # natural=heath | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Heath - # 'terms: moor,moorland,shrubland' - terms: - natural/hot_spring: - # natural=hot_spring | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hot Spring - # 'terms: geothermal spring,thermal pool' - terms: - natural/mud: - # natural=mud | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mud - # 'terms: wetland' - terms: - natural/peak: - # natural=peak | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Peak - # 'terms: acme,aiguille,alp,climax,crest,crown,hill,mount,mountain,pinnacle,summit,tip,top' - terms: - natural/peninsula: - # natural=peninsula | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Peninsula - # 'terms: bay,cape,coastline,erosion,headland,island,islet,promontory' - terms: - natural/reef: - # natural=reef | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Reef - # 'terms: barrier,coral,ocean,sand,shoal' - terms: - natural/ridge: - # natural=ridge | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ridge - # 'terms: crest' - terms: - natural/rock: - # natural=rock | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Attached Rock / Boulder - # 'terms: boulder,stone,rock' - terms: - natural/saddle: - # natural=saddle | Mountain Pass | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Saddle - # 'terms: top,gap,col,notch,pass' - terms: - natural/sand: - # natural=sand | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sand - # 'terms: desert' - terms: - natural/scree: - # natural=scree | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Scree - # 'terms: loose rocks' - terms: - natural/scrub: - # natural=scrub | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Scrub - # 'terms: bush,shrubs' - terms: - natural/shingle: - # natural=shingle | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Shingle - # 'terms: beach,gravel,pebbles,riverbed,rounded rock fragments' - terms: - natural/shrub: - # natural=shrub | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Shrub - # 'terms: bush,scrub' - terms: - natural/sinkhole: - # natural=sinkhole | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sinkhole - # 'terms: cenote,collapse sink,doline,shakehole,sink,snake hole,swallet,swallow hole' - terms: - natural/spring: - # natural=spring | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Spring - # 'terms: aquifer,hydro,seep,water source' - terms: - natural/stone: - # natural=stone | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Unattached Stone / Boulder - # 'terms: boulder,stone,rock' - terms: - natural/strait: - # natural=strait | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Strait - # 'terms: channel,pass,passage' - terms: - natural/tree: - # natural=tree | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tree - # 'terms: bole,trunk' - terms: - natural/tree/broadleaved: - # natural=tree + leaf_type=broadleaved | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Broadleaved Tree - natural/tree/broadleaved/deciduous: - # natural=tree + leaf_type=broadleaved + leaf_cycle=deciduous | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Broadleaved Tree (deciduous) - # 'terms: broadleaf,broadleaved,deciduous,hardwood,tree' - terms: - natural/tree/broadleaved/evergreen: - # natural=tree + leaf_type=broadleaved + leaf_cycle=evergreen | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Broadleaved Tree (evergreen) - # 'terms: broadleaf,broadleaved,evergreen,hardwood,tree' - terms: - natural/tree/needleleaved: - # natural=tree + leaf_type=needleleaved | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Needleleaved Tree - natural/tree/needleleaved/deciduous: - # natural=tree + leaf_type=needleleaved + leaf_cycle=deciduous | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Needleleaved Tree (deciduous) - # 'terms: conifer,deciduous,needleleaved,softwood,tree' - terms: - natural/tree/needleleaved/evergreen: - # natural=tree + leaf_type=needleleaved + leaf_cycle=evergreen | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Needleleaved Tree (evergreen) - # 'terms: conifer,evergreen,needleleaved,softwood,tree' - terms: - natural/tree_row: - # natural=tree_row | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tree Row - # 'terms: tree line' - terms: - natural/tree_stump: - # natural=tree_stump | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tree Stump - # 'terms: cut tree,removed tree' - terms: - natural/valley: - # natural=valley | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Valley - # 'terms: canyon,dale,dell,dene,depression,glen,gorge,gully,gulley,gultch,hollow,ravine,rift,vale' - terms: - natural/volcano: - # natural=volcano | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Volcano - # 'terms: mountain,crater' - terms: - natural/water: - # natural=water | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Water - terms: - natural/water/basin: - # natural=water + water=basin | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Basin - # 'terms: detention,drain,overflow,rain,retention' - terms: - natural/water/canal: - # natural=water + water=canal | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Canal Area - terms: - natural/water/lake: - # natural=water + water=lake | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Lake - # 'terms: lakelet,loch,mere' - terms: - natural/water/moat: - # natural=water + water=moat | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Moat - terms: - natural/water/oxbow: - # natural=water + water=oxbow | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Oxbow Lake - # 'terms: anabranch,billabong,cut off,meander,oxbow,resaca' - terms: - natural/water/pond: - # natural=water + water=pond | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pond - # 'terms: lakelet,millpond,tarn,pool,mere' - terms: - natural/water/reservoir: - # natural=water + water=reservoir | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Reservoir - terms: - natural/water/river: - # natural=water + water=river | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: River Area - # 'terms: beck,branch,brook,course,creek,estuary,rill,riverbank,rivulet,run,runnel,stream,tributary,watercourse' - terms: - natural/water/stream: - # natural=water + water=stream | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Stream Area - # 'terms: beck,branch,brook,burn,course,creek,current,drift,flood,flow,freshet,race,rill,rindle,rivulet,run,runnel,rush,spate,spritz,surge,tide,torrent,tributary,watercourse' - terms: - natural/water/wastewater: - # natural=water + water=wastewater | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wastewater Basin - # 'terms: excrement,shit,sewage,wastewater,settling basin,clarifier basin' - terms: - natural/wetland: - # natural=wetland | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wetland - # 'terms: bog,fen,marsh,mire,moor,muskeg,peatland,quagmire,reedbed,saltmarsh,swamp,tidalflat,wet meadow' - terms: - natural/wetland/bog: - # natural=wetland + wetland=bog | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bog - terms: - natural/wetland/fen: - # natural=wetland + wetland=fen | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fen - # 'terms: groundwater' - terms: - natural/wetland/mangrove: - # natural=wetland + wetland=mangrove | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mangrove - terms: - natural/wetland/marsh: - # natural=wetland + wetland=marsh | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Marsh - terms: - natural/wetland/reedbed: - # natural=wetland + wetland=reedbed | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Reed bed - # 'terms: reeds,bulrushes,cattail' - terms: - natural/wetland/saltmarsh: - # natural=wetland + wetland=saltmarsh | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Coastal Salt Marsh - # 'terms: saltmarsh,tidal' - terms: - natural/wetland/string_bog: - # natural=wetland + wetland=string_bog | Strong Mire | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: String Bog - # 'terms: aapa moore,strangemoore' - terms: - natural/wetland/swamp: - # natural=wetland + wetland=swamp | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Swamp - # 'terms: waterlogged' - terms: - natural/wetland/tidalflat: - # natural=wetland + wetland=tidalflat | Mudflat | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tidal Flat - # 'terms: tidal' - terms: - natural/wetland/wet_meadow: - # natural=wetland + wetland=wet_meadow | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wet Meadow - terms: - natural/wood: - # natural=wood | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Natural Wood - # 'terms: boreal,forest,forrest,taiga,tree,trees,woodlands,woods' - terms: - natural/wood_point: - # natural=wood | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - network/type/node_network-DE-NL-BE-LU: - # network:type=node_network | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "BE", "DE", "LU", "NL" - name: Recreational Network Node - # 'terms: node network,rcn,rwn' - terms: - noexit/yes: - # noexit=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: No Exit - # 'terms: dead end,not connected,road end,unconnected' - terms: - office: - # office=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Office - # 'terms: administration' - terms: - office/accountant: - # office=accountant | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Accountant Office - # 'terms: accountancy,accounting firm,bookkeeper' - terms: - office/administrative: - # office=administrative | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Administrative Office - office/adoption_agency: - # office=adoption_agency | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Adoption Agency - # 'terms: children' - terms: - office/advertising_agency: - # office=advertising_agency | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Advertising Agency - # 'terms: ad,ad agency,advert agency,advertising,marketing' - terms: - office/architect: - # office=architect | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Architect Office - # 'terms: architecture,landscape design' - terms: - office/association: - # office=association | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Nonprofit Organization Office - # 'terms: association,non-profit,nonprofit,organization,society' - terms: - office/bail_bond_agent-US-PH: - # office=bail_bond_agent | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "US", "PH" - name: Bail Bond Agent - # 'terms: bail bond dealer,bail bond man,bail bondsman,bail bondsperson' - terms: - office/charity: - # office=charity | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Charity Office - # 'terms: charitable organization' - terms: - office/company: - # office=company | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Corporate Office - # 'terms: corporation,office park' - terms: - office/consulting: - # office=consulting | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Consultancy Office - # 'terms: consulting firm office' - terms: - office/coworking: - # office=coworking | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Coworking Space - # 'terms: coworking,office' - terms: - office/diplomatic: - # office=diplomatic | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Diplomatic Office - # 'terms: consulate,diplomatic mission,embassy,foreign mission,high commission,legation,liaison,permanent mission' - terms: - office/diplomatic/consulate: - # office=diplomatic + diplomatic=consulate | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Consulate - # 'terms: consular post,passports,visas' - terms: - office/diplomatic/embassy: - # office=diplomatic + diplomatic=embassy | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Embassy - # 'terms: consulate,diplomatic mission,foreign mission,high commission,permanent mission' - terms: - office/diplomatic/liaison: - # office=diplomatic + diplomatic=liaison | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Liaison Office - # 'terms: diplomatic mission' - terms: - office/educational_institution: - # office=educational_institution | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Educational Institution - # 'terms: school' - terms: - office/employment_agency: - # office=employment_agency | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Employment Agency - # 'terms: job' - terms: - office/energy_supplier: - # office=energy_supplier | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Energy Supplier Office - # 'terms: electricity,energy company,energy utility,gas utility' - terms: - office/engineer: - # office=engineer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Engineering Office - # 'terms: civil engineer,electrical engineer,engineer,engineering firm,mechanical engineer,structural engineer,technical engineer' - terms: - office/estate_agent: - # office=estate_agent | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Real Estate Office - # 'terms: real estate' - terms: - office/financial: - # office=financial | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Financial Office - # 'terms: bank' - terms: - office/financial_advisor: - # office=financial_advisor | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Financial Advisor - # 'terms: 401k,inheritance,savings,stocks,retirement,wealth management' - terms: - office/forestry: - # office=forestry | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Forestry Office - # 'terms: forest,ranger' - terms: - office/foundation: - # office=foundation | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Foundation Office - # 'terms: nonprofit' - terms: - office/government: - # office=government | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Government Office - # 'terms: official,public office' - terms: - office/government/prosecutor: - # office=government + government=prosecutor | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Public Prosecutor's Office - # 'terms: attorney general,district attorney,prosecution' - terms: - office/government/register_office: - # office=government + government=register_office | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Register Office - # 'terms: clerk,marriage,death,birth,certificate' - terms: - office/government/tax: - # office=government + government=tax | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tax and Revenue Office - # 'terms: fiscal authorities,revenue office,tax office' - terms: - office/graphic_design: - # office=graphic_design | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Graphic Design Office - # 'terms: design,art,illustrate,technology,visual' - terms: - office/guide: - # office=guide | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tour Guide Office - # 'terms: dive guide,mountain guide,tour guide' - terms: - office/insurance: - # office=insurance | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Insurance Office - # 'terms: actuary,insurer,risk management' - terms: - office/it: - # office=it | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Information Technology Office - # 'terms: computer,information,it office,software,technology' - terms: - office/lawyer: - # office=lawyer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Law Office - # 'terms: advocate,attorney,barrister,counsellor,counselor,defender,lawyer,legal,prosecutor' - terms: - office/lawyer/notary: - # office=lawyer + lawyer=notary | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Notary Office - office/moving_company: - # office=moving_company | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Moving Company Office - # 'terms: relocation,movers' - terms: - office/newspaper: - # office=newspaper | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Newspaper Office - # 'terms: newsroom' - terms: - office/ngo: - # office=ngo | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: NGO Office - # 'terms: ngo,non government,non-government,organization,organisation' - terms: - office/notary: - # office=notary | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Notary Office - # 'terms: clerk,deeds,estate,signature,wills' - terms: - office/physician: - # office=physician | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Physician - office/political_party: - # office=political_party | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Political Party Office - # 'terms: activist,candidate,election' - terms: - office/private_investigator: - # office=private_investigator | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Private Investigator Office - # 'terms: pi,private eye,private detective' - terms: - office/property_management: - # office=property_management | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Property Management / Leasing Office - # 'terms: property rental' - terms: - office/quango: - # office=quango | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Quasi-NGO Office - # 'terms: ngo,non government,non-government,organization,organisation,quasi autonomous,quasi-autonomous' - terms: - office/religion: - # office=religion | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Religious Office - # 'terms: rector,vicar' - terms: - office/research: - # office=research | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Research Office - # 'terms: r and d,research and development,research lab,r&d,rnd' - terms: - office/security: - # office=security | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Security Office - # 'terms: mall cop,protective agent,safety office,security agent,security guard,security inspector,security officer,watchman,watchmen' - terms: - office/surveyor: - # office=surveyor | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Surveyor Office - # 'terms: surveying' - terms: - office/tax_advisor: - # office=tax_advisor | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tax Advisor Office - # 'terms: tax,tax consultant' - terms: - office/telecommunication: - # office=telecommunication | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Telecom Office - # 'terms: communication,internet service provider,isp,network,telephone,voice' - terms: - office/therapist: - # office=therapist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Therapist Office - # 'terms: therapy' - terms: - office/translator: - # office=translator | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Translation Office - # 'terms: translator,translation,translation agency' - terms: - office/travel_agent: - # office=travel_agent | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Travel Agency - office/union: - # office=union | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Labor Union Office - # 'terms: trade union,union office' - terms: - office/water_utility: - # office=water_utility | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Water Utility Office - # 'terms: water board,utility' - terms: - office/yes: - # office=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Office (Unspecified Type) - pipeline: - # pipeline=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pipeline Feature - pipeline/substation: - # pipeline=substation | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pipeline Substation - terms: - pipeline/valve: - # pipeline=valve | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pipeline Valve - # 'terms: oil,natural gas,water,sewer,sewage' - terms: - piste/downhill: - # piste:type=downhill | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Downhill Ski Run - # 'terms: alpine skiing,piste,ski hill,skiing,snowboarding' - terms: - piste/downhill/halfpipe: - # piste:type=downhill + man_made=piste:halfpipe | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Snowsports Half-Pipe - # 'terms: ski,alpine,halfpipe,half pipe,snowboard,downhill,piste' - terms: - piste/hike: - # piste:type=hike | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Snowshoeing / Winter Hiking Trail - # 'terms: hike,nordic walking,piste,show shoeing,snowshoe,snowshoeing' - terms: - piste/ice_skate: - # piste:type=ice_skate | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ice Skating Trail - # 'terms: ice rink,ice track,iceskating,piste,skates' - terms: - piste/nordic: - # piste:type=nordic | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cross-Country Ski Trail - # 'terms: crosscountry,nordic skiing,piste,skate skiing,skiing,xc' - terms: - piste/piste: - # piste:type=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Snowsports Trail / Piste (Unspecified Type) - piste/ski_jump: - # piste:type=ski_jump | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ski Jumping Piste - # 'terms: jump,ski jump,ski jumping hill' - terms: - piste/skitour: - # piste:type=skitour | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ski Touring Trail - # 'terms: ski,skitour,crosscountry,ski touring,piste' - terms: - piste/sled: - # piste:type=sled | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sled Run - # 'terms: bobsled,luge,piste,skeleton,sledge,sleigh,toboggan' - terms: - piste/sleigh: - # piste:type=sleigh | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sleigh Trail - # 'terms: dogsledding,husky,horse,piste,sled,sledge,ski-joring,skijoring' - terms: - piste/take_off: - # piste:takeoff=yes | Ski Jumping Hill Take-Off, Ski Jumping Hill Table | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ski Jumping Take-Off - # 'terms: jump,ski jump,take-off,takeoff,ski jump take-off,ski jump table,ski jumping hill in-run table' - terms: - place: - # place=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Place - place/city: - # place=city | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: City - terms: - place/city_block: - # place=city_block | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: City Block - terms: - place/farm: - # place=farm | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Farm - place/hamlet: - # place=hamlet | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hamlet - terms: - place/island: - # place=island | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Island - # 'terms: archipelago,atoll,bar,cay,isle,islet,key,reef' - terms: - place/islet: - # place=islet | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Islet - # 'terms: archipelago,atoll,bar,cay,isle,key,reef' - terms: - place/isolated_dwelling: - # place=isolated_dwelling | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Isolated Dwelling - terms: - place/locality: - # place=locality | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Locality - terms: - place/neighbourhood: - # place=neighbourhood | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Neighborhood - # 'terms: neighbourhood' - terms: - place/plot: - # place=plot | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Plot - # 'terms: tract,land,lot,parcel' - terms: - place/quarter: - # place=quarter | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sub-Borough / Quarter - # 'terms: boro,borough,quarter' - terms: - place/square: - # place=square | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Square - terms: - place/suburb: - # place=suburb | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Borough / Suburb - # 'terms: boro,borough,quarter' - terms: - place/town: - # place=town | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Town - terms: - place/village: - # place=village | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Village - terms: - playground: - # playground=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Playground Equipment - playground/activitypanel: - # playground=activitypanel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Play Activity Panel - terms: - playground/aerialrotator: - # playground=aerialrotator | Aerial Rotator, Aerial Spinner, Hanging Roundabout | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hanging Spinner - terms: - playground/balancebeam: - # playground=balancebeam | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Play Balance Beam - terms: - playground/basketrotator: - # playground=basketrotator | Basket Rotator | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Basket Spinner - terms: - playground/basketswing: - # playground=basketswing | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Basket Swing - terms: - playground/bridge: - # playground=bridge | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Play Bridge - terms: - playground/climbingframe: - # playground=climbingframe | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Play Climbing Frame - # 'terms: jungle gym,monkey bars' - terms: - playground/climbingwall: - # playground=climbingwall | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Play Climbing Wall - terms: - playground/cushion: - # playground=cushion | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bouncy Cushion - terms: - playground/funnel_ball: - # playground=funnel_ball | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Funnel Ball Funnel - terms: - playground/hopscotch: - # playground=hopscotch | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hopscotch - terms: - playground/horizontal_bar: - # playground=horizontal_bar | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Play Horizontal Bar - # 'terms: chin-up bar,high bar,pull-up bar' - terms: - playground/map: - # playground=map | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Painted Playground Map - terms: - playground/playhouse: - # playground=playhouse | Wendy House | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Play House - # 'terms: children''s house,playground house,playhouse' - terms: - playground/roundabout: - # playground=roundabout | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Play Roundabout - # 'terms: merry-go-round,carousel' - terms: - playground/sandpit: - # playground=sandpit | Play Sandpit | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Play Sandbox - # 'terms: sandbox,sandpit' - terms: - playground/seesaw: - # playground=seesaw | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Seesaw - terms: - playground/sledding: - # playground=sledding | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Play Sledding Hill - terms: - playground/slide: - # playground=slide | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Slide - terms: - playground/splash_pad: - # playground=splash_pad | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Play Splash Pad - # 'terms: pad,spray,water' - terms: - playground/springy: - # playground=springy | Spring Rocker | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Spring Rider - # 'terms: rocking horse,spring horse,spring toy,springy' - terms: - playground/structure: - # playground=structure | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Play Structure - # 'terms: jungle gym' - terms: - playground/swing: - # playground=swing | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Swing - terms: - playground/teenshelter: - # playground=teenshelter | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Teen Shelter - terms: - playground/tetherball: - # playground=tetherball | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tetherball Pole - terms: - playground/trampoline: - # playground=trampoline | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Trampoline - terms: - playground/tunnel_tube: - # playground=tunnel_tube | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Play Tunnel - terms: - playground/water: - # playground=water | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Play Water Pump/Screw - terms: - playground/zipwire: - # playground=zipwire | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Play Zip Line - # 'terms: zipline,zip wire,zipwire' - terms: - point: - name: Point - # 'terms: node,other,vertex,vertices' - terms: - police/checkpoint: - # police=checkpoint | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Police Checkpoint - # 'terms: checkpoint,patrol,roadblock,spot check,stop' - terms: - polling_station: - # polling_station=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Temporary Polling Place - # 'terms: ballot box,ballot drop,democracy,elections,polling place,vote,voting booth,voting machine' - terms: - power: - # power=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Power Feature - power/cable: - # power=cable | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Power Cable - power/cable/underground: - # power=cable + location=underground | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Underground Power Cable - terms: - power/catenary_mast: - # power=catenary_mast | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Catenary Pole - # 'terms: catenary pylon,catenary mast,overhead line,overhead wire' - terms: - power/generator: - # power=generator | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Power Generator - # 'terms: hydro,solar,turbine,wind' - terms: - power/generator/method/photovoltaic: - # power=generator + generator:method=photovoltaic | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Solar Panel - # 'terms: photovoltaic module,pv module,sunlight' - terms: - power/generator/method/photovoltaic/building/roof: - # power=generator + generator:method=photovoltaic + building=roof | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Solar Panel Canopy - # 'terms: photovoltaic canopy,solar awning,solar carport,solar canopy' - terms: - power/generator/method/photovoltaic/location/roof: - # power=generator + generator:method=photovoltaic + location=roof | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Rooftop Solar Panel - # 'terms: home solar,rooftop photovoltaic module,pv module' - terms: - power/generator/source/hydro: - # power=generator + generator:source=hydro | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Water Turbine - # 'terms: dam,generator,francis turbine,hydroelectricity,kaplan turbine,pelton turbine' - terms: - power/generator/source/nuclear: - # power=generator + generator:source=nuclear + generator:method=fission | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Nuclear Reactor - # 'terms: fission,generator,nuclear,nuke,reactor' - terms: - power/generator/source/wind: - # power=generator + generator:source=wind | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wind Turbine - # 'terms: generator,turbine,windmill,wind' - terms: - power/line: - # power=line | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Power Line - # 'terms: electric power transmission line,high voltage line,high tension line' - terms: - power/minor_line: - # power=minor_line | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Minor Power Line - terms: - power/plant: - # power=plant | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Power Station Grounds - # 'terms: coal,gas,generator,hydro,nuclear,power,station' - terms: - power/plant/source/coal: - # power=plant + plant:source=coal | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Coal-Fired Power Plant - # 'terms: carbon,combustion,fossil fuel,coalfired,power station' - terms: - power/plant/source/gas: - # power=plant + plant:source=gas | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gas-Fired Power Plant - # 'terms: carbon,combustion,fossil fuel,gasfired,power station,natural gas' - terms: - power/plant/source/hydro: - # power=plant + plant:source=hydro | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hydroelectric Power Station - # 'terms: dam,power plant,run-of-the-river,tidal,water turbine' - terms: - power/plant/source/method/photovoltaic: - # power=plant + plant:source=solar + plant:method=photovoltaic | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Solar Farm - # 'terms: photovoltaic power station,solar panels,solar park,utility-scale solar' - terms: - power/plant/source/nuclear: - # power=plant + plant:source=nuclear | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Nuclear Power Plant - # 'terms: atomic,fission,power station,nuclear reactor' - terms: - power/plant/source/oil: - # power=plant + plant:source=oil | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Oil-Fired Power Plant - # 'terms: carbon,combustion,fossil fuel,oilfired,power station' - terms: - power/plant/source/solar: - # power=plant + plant:source=solar | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Solar Power Plant - terms: - power/plant/source/waste: - # power=plant + plant:source=waste | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Waste Incineration Power Plant - # 'terms: refuse incineration plant,incinerator,garbage incinerator,garbage incineration plant,waste,combustion,gasification' - terms: - power/plant/source/wind: - # power=plant + plant:source=wind | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wind Farm - # 'terms: offshore wind,wind park,wind power plant,wind power station,wind turbines,windmills' - terms: - power/pole: - # power=pole | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Power Pole - terms: - power/portal: - # power=portal | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Anchor Portal - # 'terms: anchor gantry,gantry tower,h-frame tower' - terms: - power/substation: - # power=substation | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Substation - terms: - power/switch: - # power=switch | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Power Switch - terms: - power/switchgear: - # power=switchgear | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Switchgear - terms: - power/tower: - # power=tower | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: High-Voltage Tower - # 'terms: power,power tower' - terms: - power/transformer: - # power=transformer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Transformer - terms: - public_transport/platform: - # public_transport=platform | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Transit Platform - # 'terms: platform,public transit,public transportation,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/platform/aerialway: - # public_transport=platform + aerialway=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Aerialway Platform - # 'terms: aerialway,cable car,platform,public transit,public transportation,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/platform/aerialway_point: - # public_transport=platform + aerialway=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Aerialway Stop / Platform - public_transport/platform/bus: - # public_transport=platform + bus=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bus Platform - # 'terms: bus,platform,public transit,public transportation,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/platform/bus_point: - # public_transport=platform + bus=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bus Stop - # 'terms: bus,platform,public transit,public transportation,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/platform/bus_tram_point: - # public_transport=platform + bus=yes + tram=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tram & Bus Stop - # 'terms: bus,light rail,platform,public transit,public transportation,rail,streetcar,track,tram,transit,transportation,trolley' - terms: - public_transport/platform/ferry: - # public_transport=platform + ferry=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ferry Platform - # 'terms: boat,dock,ferry,pier,platform,public transit,public transportation,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/platform/ferry_point: - # public_transport=platform + ferry=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ferry Stop / Platform - public_transport/platform/light_rail: - # public_transport=platform + light_rail=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Light Rail Platform - # 'terms: electric,light rail,platform,public transit,public transportation,rail,track,tram,trolley,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/platform/light_rail_point: - # public_transport=platform + light_rail=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Light Rail Stop / Platform - public_transport/platform/monorail: - # public_transport=platform + monorail=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Monorail Platform - # 'terms: monorail,platform,public transit,public transportation,rail,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/platform/monorail_point: - # public_transport=platform + monorail=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Monorail Stop / Platform - public_transport/platform/subway: - # public_transport=platform + subway=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Subway Platform - # 'terms: metro,platform,public transit,public transportation,rail,subway,track,transit,transportation,underground' - terms: - public_transport/platform/subway_point: - # public_transport=platform + subway=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Subway Stop / Platform - public_transport/platform/train: - # public_transport=platform + train=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Train Platform - # 'terms: platform,public transit,public transportation,rail,railway platform,track,train,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/platform/train_point: - # public_transport=platform + train=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Train Stop / Platform - public_transport/platform/tram: - # public_transport=platform + tram=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tram Platform - # 'terms: electric,light rail,platform,public transit,public transportation,rail,streetcar,track,tram,trolley,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/platform/tram_point: - # public_transport=platform + tram=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tram Stop / Platform - # 'terms: electric,light rail,platform,public transit,public transportation,rail,streetcar,track,tram,trolley,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/platform/trolleybus: - # public_transport=platform + trolleybus=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Trolleybus Platform - # 'terms: bus,electric,platform,public transit,public transportation,streetcar,trackless,tram,trolley,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/platform/trolleybus_point: - # public_transport=platform + trolleybus=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Trolleybus Stop - # 'terms: bus,electric,platform,public transit,public transportation,streetcar,trackless,tram,trolley,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/platform_point: - # public_transport=platform | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Transit Stop / Platform - # 'terms: platform,public transit,public transportation,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/station: - # public_transport=station | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Transit Station - # 'terms: public transit,public transportation,station,terminal,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/station_aerialway: - # aerialway=station | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Aerialway Station - # 'terms: aerialway,cable car,public transit,public transportation,station,terminal,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/station_bus: - # public_transport=station + bus=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bus Station / Terminal - # 'terms: bus,bus terminal,public transit,public transportation,station,terminal,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/station_ferry: - # public_transport=station + ferry=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ferry Terminal - # 'terms: boat,dock,ferry,pier,public transit,public transportation,station,terminal,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/station_light_rail: - # public_transport=station + light_rail=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Light Rail Station - # 'terms: electric,light rail,public transit,public transportation,rail,station,terminal,track,tram,trolley,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/station_monorail: - # public_transport=station + monorail=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Monorail Station - # 'terms: monorail,public transit,public transportation,rail,station,terminal,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/station_subway: - # public_transport=station + subway=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Subway Station - # 'terms: metro,public transit,public transportation,rail,station,subway,terminal,track,transit,transportation,underground' - terms: - public_transport/station_train: - # public_transport=station + train=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Train Station - # 'terms: public transit,public transportation,rail,railway station,station,terminal,track,train,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/station_train_halt: - # public_transport=station + train=yes + railway=halt | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Train Station (Halt / Request) - # 'terms: halt,public transit,public transportation,rail,station,track,train,transit,transportation,whistle stop' - terms: - public_transport/station_tram: - # public_transport=station + tram=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tram Station - # 'terms: electric,light rail,public transit,public transportation,rail,station,streetcar,terminal,track,tram,trolley,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/station_trolleybus: - # public_transport=station + trolleybus=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Trolleybus Station / Terminal - # 'terms: bus,electric,public transit,public transportation,station,streetcar,terminal,trackless,tram,trolley,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/stop_area: - # type=public_transport + public_transport=stop_area | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Transit Stop Area - terms: - public_transport/stop_position: - # public_transport=stop_position | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Transit Stopping Location - # 'terms: public transit,public transportation,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/stop_position_aerialway: - # public_transport=stop_position + aerialway=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Aerialway Stopping Location - # 'terms: aerialway,cable car,public transit,public transportation,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/stop_position_bus: - # public_transport=stop_position + bus=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bus Stopping Location - # 'terms: bus,public transit,public transportation,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/stop_position_ferry: - # public_transport=stop_position + ferry=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ferry Stopping Location - # 'terms: boat,dock,ferry,pier,public transit,public transportation,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/stop_position_light_rail: - # public_transport=stop_position + light_rail=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Light Rail Stopping Location - # 'terms: electric,light rail,public transit,public transportation,rail,track,tram,trolley,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/stop_position_monorail: - # public_transport=stop_position + monorail=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Monorail Stopping Location - # 'terms: monorail,public transit,public transportation,rail,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/stop_position_subway: - # public_transport=stop_position + subway=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Subway Stopping Location - # 'terms: metro,public transit,public transportation,rail,subway,track,transit,transportation,underground' - terms: - public_transport/stop_position_train: - # public_transport=stop_position + train=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Train Stopping Location - # 'terms: public transit,public transportation,rail,track,train,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/stop_position_tram: - # public_transport=stop_position + tram=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tram Stopping Location - # 'terms: electric,light rail,public transit,public transportation,rail,streetcar,track,tram,trolley,transit,transportation' - terms: - public_transport/stop_position_trolleybus: - # public_transport=stop_position + trolleybus=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Trolleybus Stopping Location - # 'terms: bus,electric,public transit,public transportation,streetcar,trackless,tram,trolley,transit,transportation' - terms: - railway: - # railway=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Railway Feature - railway/abandoned: - # railway=abandoned | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Abandoned Railway - # 'terms: abandoned railroad,former train tracks,train right-of-way' - terms: - railway/buffer_stop: - # railway=buffer_stop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Buffer Stop - # 'terms: stop,halt,buffer' - terms: - railway/construction: - # railway=construction | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Railway Under Construction - terms: - railway/crossing: - # railway=crossing | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Railway-Path Crossing - # 'terms: crossing,path railway crossing,pedestrian crossing,level crossing,grade crossing,railroad crossing,railway path crossing,path through railroad,train crossing' - terms: - railway/derail: - # railway=derail | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Railway Derailer - # 'terms: derailer' - terms: - railway/disused: - # railway=disused | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Disused Railway - terms: - railway/funicular: - # railway=funicular | Cliff Railway Track, Inclined Railway Track | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Funicular Track - # 'terms: venicular,cable car,cable railway,funicular railway' - terms: - railway/halt: - # railway=halt | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Train Station (Halt / Request) - railway/level_crossing: - # railway=level_crossing | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Railway-Road Crossing - # 'terms: crossing,level crossing,grade crossing,railroad crossing,railway road crossing,road railway crossing,road through railroad,train crossing' - terms: - railway/light_rail: - # railway=light_rail | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Light Rail Track - # 'terms: light rail,streetcar,trolley' - terms: - railway/milestone: - # railway=milestone | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Railway Milestone - # 'terms: milestone,marker' - terms: - railway/miniature: - # railway=miniature | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Miniature Train Track - # 'terms: rideable miniature railway,narrow gauge railway,minimum gauge railway' - terms: - railway/monorail: - # railway=monorail | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Monorail Track - terms: - railway/monorail/hanging: - # railway=monorail + monorail=hanging | Suspension Railway Track | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hanging Monorail Track - terms: - railway/narrow_gauge: - # railway=narrow_gauge | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Narrow Gauge Track - # 'terms: narrow gauge railway,narrow gauge railroad' - terms: - railway/platform: - # railway=platform | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Train Platform - railway/preserved: - # railway=* + railway:preserved=yes | Preserved Railway Track | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Heritage Railway Track - # 'terms: historic train,preserved rail,steam train,tourist train' - terms: - railway/rail: - # railway=rail | Railway Track, Railroad Track | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Train Track - # 'terms: rail,permanent way,rail line,track' - terms: - railway/rail/highspeed: - # railway=rail + highspeed=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: High-Speed Train Track - # 'terms: bullet train,fast rail,high speed rail,highspeed rail,hsr' - terms: - railway/railway_crossing: - # railway=railway_crossing | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Railway-Railway Crossing - # 'terms: diamond crossing,flat crossing,level junction,railway railway crossing' - terms: - railway/signal: - # railway=signal | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Railway Signal - # 'terms: signal,lights' - terms: - railway/station: - # railway=station | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Train Station - railway/subway: - # railway=subway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Subway Track - # 'terms: metro,transit,underground railway' - terms: - railway/subway_entrance: - # railway=subway_entrance | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Subway Entrance - # 'terms: metro,transit' - terms: - railway/switch: - # railway=switch | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Railway Switch - # 'terms: switch,points' - terms: - railway/train_wash: - # railway=wash | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Train Wash - # 'terms: wash,clean' - terms: - railway/tram: - # railway=tram | Streetcar Track, Trolley Track, Tramway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tram Track - # 'terms: electric street railway,light rail' - terms: - railway/tram_crossing: - # railway=tram_crossing | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tram-Path Crossing - # 'terms: crossing,grade crossing,level crossing,path tram crossing,pedestrian crossing,streetcar crossing,tram path crossing,tramway crossing,trolley crossing' - terms: - railway/tram_level_crossing: - # railway=tram_level_crossing | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tram-Road Crossing - # 'terms: crossing,grade crossing,level crossing,pedestrian crossing,road tram crossing,streetcar crossing,tram road crossing,tramway crossing,trolley crossing' - terms: - railway/tram_stop: - # railway=tram_stop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tram Stopping Position - railway/turntable: - # railway=turntable | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Railway Turntable - # 'terms: turn table' - terms: - railway/yard: - # railway=yard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Rail Yard - # 'terms: freight car stop,freight train station,rail freight station,railroad yard,railway yard' - terms: - relation: - name: Relation - terms: - roller_coaster/station: - # roller_coaster=station | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Roller Coaster Station - # 'terms: theme park,amusement ride' - terms: - roller_coaster/support: - # roller_coaster=support | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Roller Coaster Support - terms: - roller_coaster/track: - # roller_coaster=track | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Roller Coaster Track - # 'terms: theme park,amusement ride' - terms: - route/ferry: - # route=ferry | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ferry Route - # 'terms: boat,merchant vessel,ship,water bus,water shuttle,water taxi' - terms: - seamark: - # seamark:type=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Seamark - seamark/beacon_isolated_danger: - # seamark:type=beacon_isolated_danger | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Danger Beacon - # 'terms: beacon isolated danger,isolated danger beacon,iala' - terms: - seamark/beacon_lateral: - # seamark:type=beacon_lateral | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Channel Beacon - # 'terms: lateral beacon,beacon lateral,cevni,channel marker,iala,lateral mark' - terms: - seamark/buoy_lateral: - # seamark:type=buoy_lateral | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Channel Buoy - # 'terms: lateral buoy,buoy lateral,cevni,channel marker,iala,lateral mark' - terms: - seamark/buoy_lateral/green: - # seamark:type=buoy_lateral + seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=green | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Green Buoy - # 'terms: lateral buoy,buoy lateral,cevni,channel marker,iala,lateral mark' - terms: - seamark/buoy_lateral/red: - # seamark:type=buoy_lateral + seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=red | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Red Buoy - # 'terms: lateral buoy,buoy lateral,cevni,channel marker,iala,lateral mark' - terms: - seamark/mooring: - # seamark:type=mooring | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mooring - # 'terms: dolphin,pile,bollard,buoy,post' - terms: - shop: - # shop=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Shop - # 'terms: retailer,store' - terms: - shop/agrarian: - # shop=agrarian | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Farm Supply Shop - # 'terms: agricultural inputs,agricultural machines,seeds,pesticides,fertilizer,agricultural tools' - terms: - shop/alcohol: - # shop=alcohol | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Liquor Store - # 'terms: alcohol,beer,booze,wine' - terms: - shop/anime: - # shop=anime | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Anime / Manga Shop - # 'terms: cosplay,dakimakura,figurine,hobby,japan,manga' - terms: - shop/antiques: - # shop=antiques | Antique Store, Antiques Shop, Antiques Store | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Antique Shop - terms: - shop/appliance: - # shop=appliance | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Appliance Store - # 'terms: air conditioner,appliance,dishwasher,dryer,freezer,fridge,grill,kitchen,oven,refrigerator,stove,washer,washing machine,white goods' - terms: - shop/art: - # shop=art | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Art Store - # 'terms: art,exhibition,gallery' - terms: - shop/baby_goods: - # shop=baby_goods | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Baby Goods Store - terms: - shop/bag: - # shop=bag | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bag/Luggage Store - # 'terms: handbag,purse' - terms: - shop/bakery: - # shop=bakery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bakery - # 'terms: bread,cakes,rolls' - terms: - shop/bathroom_furnishing: - # shop=bathroom_furnishing | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bathroom Furnishing Store - terms: - shop/beauty: - # shop=beauty | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Beauty Shop - # 'terms: spa,salon,tanning' - terms: - shop/beauty/nails: - # shop=beauty + beauty=nails | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Nail Salon - # 'terms: manicure,pedicure' - terms: - shop/beauty/tanning: - # shop=beauty + beauty=tanning | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tanning Salon - # 'terms: solarium,sunbed' - terms: - shop/bed: - # shop=bed | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bedding/Mattress Store - # 'terms: bed,duvet,mattress,pillow' - terms: - shop/beverages: - # shop=beverages | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Beverage Store - # 'terms: drinks' - terms: - shop/bicycle: - # shop=bicycle | Bike Shop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bicycle Shop - # 'terms: bicycle store,bike,bike store,hobby,repair,tricycle,unicycle' - terms: - shop/boat: - # shop=boat | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Boat Store - # 'terms: fishing boat,hobby,jetski,motorboat,rowboat,sailboat,vessel,watercraft' - terms: - shop/bookmaker: - # shop=bookmaker | Bookie, Turf Accountant | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bookmaker - # 'terms: betting,gamble,gambling' - terms: - shop/books: - # shop=books | Bookshop, Bookseller, Book Store, Book Shop, Book Seller | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bookstore - # 'terms: hobby' - terms: - shop/boutique: - # shop=boutique | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Boutique - shop/brewing_supplies: - # shop=brewing_supplies | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Brewing Supply Store - # 'terms: brew shop,hobby,homebrew supply store' - terms: - shop/butcher: - # shop=butcher | Butcher Shop, Pork Store, Butchery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Butcher - # 'terms: chicken,beef,lamb,meat,pork' - terms: - shop/camera: - # shop=camera | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Camera Equipment Store - # 'terms: camera,film,lens,photo' - terms: - shop/candles: - # shop=candles | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Candle Shop - # 'terms: wax' - terms: - shop/cannabis: - # shop=cannabis | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cannabis Shop - # 'terms: 420,cannabis dispensary,marijuana,pot,reefer,weed' - terms: - shop/car: - # shop=car | Car Dealer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Car Dealership - # 'terms: automobile,automotive' - terms: - shop/car/second_hand: - # shop=car + second_hand=only | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Used Car Dealership - # 'terms: automobile,automotive' - terms: - shop/car_parts: - # shop=car_parts | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Car Parts Store - # 'terms: automobile,automotive' - terms: - shop/car_repair: - # shop=car_repair | Automobile Repair Shop, Car Mechanic, Auto Mechanic | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Car Repair Shop - # 'terms: automechanic,automotive,garage,inspection,mechanic,oil change,panelbeater,panel beater,service' - terms: - shop/caravan: - # shop=caravan | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: RV Dealership - # 'terms: auto,camper,recreational vehicle' - terms: - shop/carpet: - # shop=carpet | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Carpet Store - # 'terms: rug' - terms: - shop/catalogue: - # shop=catalogue | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Catalog Shop - terms: - shop/charity: - # shop=charity | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Charity Store - # 'terms: thrift,op shop,nonprofit' - terms: - shop/cheese: - # shop=cheese | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cheese Store - terms: - shop/chemist: - # shop=chemist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Drugstore - # 'terms: apothecary,beauty,chemist,dispensary,drug store,gift,hair,medicine,pharmacy,prescription,tooth' - terms: - shop/chocolate: - # shop=chocolate | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Chocolate Store - # 'terms: cocoa' - terms: - shop/clothes: - # shop=clothes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Clothing Store - # 'terms: blouses,boutique,bras,clothes,dresses,fashion,outfits,pants,shirts,shorts,skirts,slacks,socks,suits,underwear' - terms: - shop/clothes/second_hand: - # shop=clothes + second_hand=only | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Secondhand Clothing Store - # 'terms: blouses,clothes,consignment,dresses,pants,second hand,shirts,shorts,skirts,slacks,suits,used' - terms: - shop/clothes/suits: - # shop=clothes + clothes=suits | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Suits Store - # 'terms: businessman,necktie,tie' - terms: - shop/clothes/underwear: - # shop=clothes + clothes=underwear | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Underwear Store - # 'terms: boutique,bras,brassieres,briefs,boxers,dessous,fashion,lingerie,panties,slips,socks,stockings,underclothes,undergarments,underpants,undies' - terms: - shop/clothes/wedding: - # shop=clothes + clothes=wedding | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wedding Clothes Store - # 'terms: boutique,bridal,bride,bridegroom,bridesmaid,groom,groomsman,marriage outfits,tuxedo,wedding dress,wedding gown' - terms: - shop/clothes/workwear: - # shop=clothes + clothes=workwear | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Workwear Store - # 'terms: craftsman,safety footwear' - terms: - shop/coffee: - # shop=coffee | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Coffee Store - terms: - shop/collector: - # shop=collector | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Collectibles Shop - # 'terms: antiques,coins,collection,collectors,comics,dolls,figurines,hobby,numismatics,philately,stamps,thrift' - terms: - shop/computer: - # shop=computer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Computer Store - # 'terms: desktop,laptop,hardware,operating system,software' - terms: - shop/confectionery: - # shop=confectionery | Candy Shop, Confectionery Store | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Candy Store - # 'terms: fudge,lollipop,sugar,sweet' - terms: - shop/convenience: - # shop=convenience | Convenience Shop, Corner Store, Corner Shop, Superette, Bodega | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Convenience Store - # 'terms: mini-mart,mini-market' - terms: - shop/copyshop: - # shop=copyshop | Copy Shop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Copy Store - # 'terms: print,scan' - terms: - shop/cosmetics: - # shop=cosmetics | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Cosmetics Store - # 'terms: make-up,makeup' - terms: - shop/country_store: - # shop=country_store | Country Store | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Rural Supplies Store - terms: - shop/craft: - # shop=craft | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Arts & Crafts Store - # 'terms: art,canvas,crafting,crafts,draw,frame,handicraft,hobby,paint,paper,pencil,wood' - terms: - shop/curtain: - # shop=curtain | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Curtain Store - # 'terms: drape,drapery,window' - terms: - shop/dairy: - # shop=dairy | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Dairy Store - # 'terms: milk,egg,cheese' - terms: - shop/deli: - # shop=deli | Specialty Food Store, Gourmet Food Store, Fine Food Store, Gourmet Food Shop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Delicatessen - # 'terms: deli' - terms: - shop/department_store: - # shop=department_store | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Department Store - terms: - shop/doityourself: - # shop=doityourself | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: DIY Store - # 'terms: craft,diy,do it yourself,hardware,hobby,home improvement,tools' - terms: - shop/doors: - # shop=doors | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Door Shop - terms: - shop/dry_cleaning: - # shop=dry_cleaning | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Dry Cleaner - terms: - shop/e-cigarette: - # shop=e-cigarette | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: E-Cigarette Shop - # 'terms: electronic,vape,vaping,vapor' - terms: - shop/electrical: - # shop=electrical | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Electrical Equipment Store - # 'terms: cable,electric,fan,led,lighting,power,wire' - terms: - shop/electronics: - # shop=electronics | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Electronics Store - # 'terms: appliance,audio,blueray,camera,computer,dvd,home theater,radio,speaker,tv,video' - terms: - shop/erotic: - # shop=erotic | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Erotic Store - # 'terms: sex,porn' - terms: - shop/erotic/lgbtq: - # shop=erotic + lgbtq=primary | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: LGBTQ+ Erotic Store - # 'terms: sex,porn' - terms: - shop/fabric: - # shop=fabric | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fabric Store - # 'terms: sew' - terms: - shop/farm: - # shop=farm | Farm Shop, Farm Stand | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Produce Stand - # 'terms: baked goods,fresh food,fruits,greengrocer,orchard,organics,vegetables' - terms: - shop/fashion: - # shop=fashion | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fashion Store - shop/fashion_accessories: - # shop=fashion_accessories | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fashion Accessories Store - # 'terms: bag,cologne,fragrance,hat,jewellery,purfume,purse,scarf,sunglasses,umbrella,wallet,watch' - terms: - shop/fireplace: - # shop=fireplace | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fireplace Store - # 'terms: fireplace,stove,masonry heater' - terms: - shop/fishing: - # shop=fishing | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fishing Shop - # 'terms: bait,fishing line,flies,fly,hobby,lure,reel,rod,tackle' - terms: - shop/flooring: - # shop=flooring | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Flooring Supply Shop - # 'terms: tile' - terms: - shop/florist: - # shop=florist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Florist - # 'terms: flower' - terms: - shop/frame: - # shop=frame | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Framing Shop - # 'terms: art,frame,painting,photograph' - terms: - shop/frozen_food: - # shop=frozen_food | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Frozen Food Store - terms: - shop/fuel: - # shop=fuel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fuel Shop - terms: - shop/funeral_directors: - # shop=funeral_directors | Funeral Parlor | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Funeral Home - # 'terms: undertaker,memorial home,mortuary' - terms: - shop/furniture: - # shop=furniture | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Furniture Store - # 'terms: chair,sofa,table' - terms: - shop/games: - # shop=games | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tabletop Game Store - # 'terms: board game,card game,dice game,game shop,hobby,larp,live action role-playing game,miniature wargame,role-playing,strategy game,wargame' - terms: - shop/garden_centre: - # shop=garden_centre | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Garden Center - # 'terms: landscape,mulch,nursery,plant nursery,retail plant nursery,shrub,tree' - terms: - shop/gas: - # shop=gas | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bottled Gas Shop - # 'terms: cng,lpg,natural gas,propane,refill,tank' - terms: - shop/general: - # shop=general | General Merchant Store, General Merchandise Store, General Dealer | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: General Store - # 'terms: small-town store,village shop' - terms: - shop/gift: - # shop=gift | Souvenir Shop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gift Shop - # 'terms: tourist trap' - terms: - shop/gold_buyer: - # shop=gold_buyer | Gold trader | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Gold buyer - terms: - shop/greengrocer: - # shop=greengrocer | Produce Store, Produce Shop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Greengrocer - # 'terms: fruit,produce,vegetable' - terms: - shop/hairdresser: - # shop=hairdresser | Hair Salon, Hair Stylist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hairdresser - # 'terms: haircut' - terms: - shop/hairdresser/barber: - # shop=hairdresser + hairdresser=barber | Barber's, Barber Shop, Barbershop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Barber - # 'terms: beard,moustache,shave,shaving,groom,grooming,razor,hairdresser,hair cut' - terms: - shop/hairdresser_supply: - # shop=hairdresser_supply | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hairdresser Supply Store - # 'terms: barber,razor,shampoo,shaver,conditioner' - terms: - shop/hardware: - # shop=hardware | Hardware Shop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hardware Store - # 'terms: craft,diy,do it yourself,hardware,home improvement,tools' - terms: - shop/health_food: - # shop=health_food | Health Food Shop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Health Food Store - # 'terms: groceries,nutritional,organic,raw food,unprocessed,vegetarian,vegan,vitamins,wholefood' - terms: - shop/hearing_aids: - # shop=hearing_aids | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hearing Aids Store - terms: - shop/herbalist: - # shop=herbalist | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Herbalist - # 'terms: ayurveda,ayurvedic,medicinal plants,paraherbal,phytomedicine,plant medicine,traditional medicine' - terms: - shop/hifi: - # shop=hifi | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hifi Store - # 'terms: audio,hi-fi,high fidelity,stereo,video' - terms: - shop/hobby: - # shop=hobby | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hobby Shop - shop/honey: - # shop=honey | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Honey Store - terms: - shop/household_linen: - # shop=household_linen | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Household Linen Shop - # 'terms: bedspreads,blankets,domestic cloths,curtains,handkerchieves,napkins,pillow cases,robes,sheets,towels' - terms: - shop/houseware: - # shop=houseware | Household Goods Store | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Houseware Store - # 'terms: home,kitchenware' - terms: - shop/hunting: - # shop=hunting | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hunting Shop - # 'terms: arrows,bows,bullets,crossbows,hobby,rifles,traps' - terms: - shop/interior_decoration: - # shop=interior_decoration | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Interior Decoration Store - terms: - shop/jewelry: - # shop=jewelry | Jewelry Shop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Jewelry Store - # 'terms: bracelet,diamond,earrings,gem,gold,jeweler,jewellery,jeweller,necklace,pins,ring,silver' - terms: - shop/kiosk: - # shop=kiosk | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Kiosk - # 'terms: beverages,cigarettes,mall kiosk,newsagent,newspaper,newsstand,snacks,sweets' - terms: - shop/kitchen: - # shop=kitchen | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Kitchen Design Store - # 'terms: cabinets,countertops,sinks' - terms: - shop/laundry: - # shop=laundry | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Laundry - terms: - shop/laundry/self_service: - # shop=laundry + self_service=yes | Coin Laundry, Laundromat, Coin Wash, Launderette, Washateria | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Self-Service Laundry - terms: - shop/leather: - # shop=leather | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Leather Store - terms: - shop/lighting: - # shop=lighting | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Lighting Store - # 'terms: fluorescent lighting,lamps,leds,light fixtures,lightbulbs' - terms: - shop/locksmith: - # shop=locksmith | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Locksmith - # 'terms: key,lockpick' - terms: - shop/lottery: - # shop=lottery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Lottery Shop - # 'terms: lotto tickets,gamble,gambling,scratch-offs' - terms: - shop/mall: - # shop=mall | Shopping Mall, Shopping Center | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mall - # 'terms: shopping' - terms: - shop/massage: - # shop=massage | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Massage Shop - terms: - shop/medical_supply: - # shop=medical_supply | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Medical Supply Store - terms: - shop/military_surplus: - # shop=military_surplus | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Military Surplus Store - # 'terms: armor,army-navy store,army surplus,navy surplus,tactical gear,war surplus shop,weapons' - terms: - shop/mobile_phone: - # shop=mobile_phone | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mobile Phone Store - terms: - shop/model: - # shop=model | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Model Shop - # 'terms: hobby,model building,model figures,model kits,model railroading,model store,rail transport modelling,scale models' - terms: - shop/money_lender: - # shop=money_lender | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Money Lender - # 'terms: payday loan' - terms: - shop/motorcycle: - # shop=motorcycle | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Motorcycle Dealership - # 'terms: bike,motorbike' - terms: - shop/motorcycle_repair: - # shop=motorcycle_repair | Motorcycle Repair Workshop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Motorcycle Repair Shop - # 'terms: auto,bike,garage,motorcycle,motorbike,repair,service' - terms: - shop/music: - # shop=music | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Music Store - # 'terms: tape cassettes,cds,compact discs,hobby,vinyl records,cd store,casette,casette store' - terms: - shop/musical_instrument: - # shop=musical_instrument | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Musical Instrument Store - # 'terms: accordion,brass instruments,cello,clarinet,drum,flute,guitar,hobby,keyboard,piano,saxophone,trumpet,violin' - terms: - shop/newsagent: - # shop=newsagent | Newspaper/Magazine Shop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Newsstand - terms: - shop/nutrition_supplements: - # shop=nutrition_supplements | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Nutrition Supplements Store - # 'terms: health,protein,supplement,vitamin' - terms: - shop/nuts: - # shop=nuts | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Nuts Shop - # 'terms: almonds,cashews,brazil nuts,chestnuts,coconuts,dried fruits,hazelnuts,macadamia,nuts,peanuts,pecans,pistachios,seeds,walnuts' - terms: - shop/optician: - # shop=optician | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Optician - # 'terms: eye,glasses' - terms: - shop/outdoor: - # shop=outdoor | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Outdoors Store - # 'terms: camping,climbing,hiking,hobby,outfitter,outdoor equipment,outdoor supplies' - terms: - shop/outpost: - # shop=outpost | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Online Retailer Outpost - # 'terms: online,pick up,pickup' - terms: - shop/paint: - # shop=paint | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Paint Store - terms: - shop/party: - # shop=party | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Party Supply Store - # 'terms: balloons,costumes,decorations,invitations' - terms: - shop/pasta: - # shop=pasta | Pasta Shop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pasta Store - # 'terms: fresh pasta,ravioli,spaghetti' - terms: - shop/pastry: - # shop=pastry | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pastry Shop - # 'terms: patisserie,cake shop,cakery,cookies' - terms: - shop/pawnbroker: - # shop=pawnbroker | Pawnbroker, Pawn Shop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pawnshop - terms: - shop/perfumery: - # shop=perfumery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Perfume Store - # 'terms: cologne,fragrance,purfume' - terms: - shop/pet: - # shop=pet | Pet Shop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pet Store - # 'terms: animal,cat,dog,fish,kitten,puppy,reptile' - terms: - shop/pet_grooming: - # shop=pet_grooming | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pet Groomer - # 'terms: cat,cat grooming,dog,dog grooming' - terms: - shop/photo: - # shop=photo | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Photography Store - # 'terms: camera,film,lens,photo' - terms: - shop/pottery: - # shop=pottery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pottery Store - # 'terms: ceramic,pot,vase' - terms: - shop/printer_ink: - # shop=printer_ink | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Printer Ink Store - # 'terms: copier ink,fax ink,ink cartridges,toner' - terms: - shop/psychic: - # shop=psychic | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Psychic - # 'terms: astrology,crystal ball,divination,fortune teller,seer,spirit' - terms: - shop/pyrotechnics: - # shop=pyrotechnics | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fireworks Store - # 'terms: fireworks' - terms: - shop/radiotechnics: - # shop=radiotechnics | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Radio/Electronic Component Store - # 'terms: antenna,transistor' - terms: - shop/religion: - # shop=religion | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Religious Store - terms: - shop/rental: - # shop=rental | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Rental Shop - terms: - shop/repair: - # shop=repair | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Repair Shop - # 'terms: broken,fixit shop,mend,patch,refurbish,rehabilitate,tinker' - terms: - shop/rice: - # shop=rice | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Rice Store - terms: - shop/scuba_diving: - # shop=scuba_diving | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Scuba Diving Shop - # 'terms: diving,scuba,snorkel' - terms: - shop/seafood: - # shop=seafood | Fishmonger | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Seafood Shop - terms: - shop/second_hand: - # shop=second_hand | Thrift Shop, Consignment Store, Resale Shop, Secondhand Shop | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Thrift Store - # 'terms: second-hand,resale,used' - terms: - shop/sewing: - # shop=sewing | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sewing Supply Shop - # 'terms: haberdashery' - terms: - shop/shoe_repair: - # shop=shoe_repair | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Shoe Repair Shop - # 'terms: cobbler' - terms: - shop/shoes: - # shop=shoes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Shoe Store - # 'terms: boots,cleats,clogs,heels,loafers,oxfords,sneakers,footwear,sandals,slippers' - terms: - shop/spices: - # shop=spices | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Spice Shop - # 'terms: chili,cinnamon,curry,ginger,herbs,pepper,saffron,salt,spice store,spices,turmeric,wasabi' - terms: - shop/sports: - # shop=sports | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sporting Goods Store - # 'terms: athletics,hobby' - terms: - shop/stationery: - # shop=stationery | Office Supply Store | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Stationery Store - # 'terms: card,paper' - terms: - shop/storage_rental: - # shop=storage_rental | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Storage Rental - # 'terms: device storage,garages,self storage,self-service storage,storage lockers,storage units' - terms: - shop/supermarket: - # shop=supermarket | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Supermarket - # 'terms: grocery,store,shop,grocery store,market,food market' - terms: - shop/supermarket/organic: - # shop=supermarket + organic=only | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Organic Supermarket - # 'terms: natural foods' - terms: - shop/swimming_pool: - # shop=swimming_pool | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pool Supply Store - # 'terms: hot tub equipment store,hot tub maintenance store,hot tub supply store,pool shop,pool store,swimming pool equipment store,swimming pool installation store,swimming pool maintenance store,swimming pool supply shop' - terms: - shop/tailor: - # shop=tailor | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tailor - # 'terms: clothes,suit' - terms: - shop/tattoo: - # shop=tattoo | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tattoo Parlor - # 'terms: ink' - terms: - shop/tea: - # shop=tea | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tea Store - terms: - shop/telecommunication: - # shop=telecommunication | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Telecom Retail Store - # 'terms: communication,internet service provider,isp,network,telephone,voice' - terms: - shop/ticket: - # shop=ticket | Ticket Vendor, Ticket Booth | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ticket Seller - # 'terms: box office' - terms: - shop/tiles: - # shop=tiles | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tile Shop - terms: - shop/tobacco: - # shop=tobacco | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tobacco Shop - # 'terms: cigarettes,cigars' - terms: - shop/tool_hire: - # shop=tool_hire | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tool Rental - terms: - shop/toys: - # shop=toys | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Toy Store - # 'terms: games,hobby,teddy' - terms: - shop/trade: - # shop=trade | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Trade Shop - terms: - shop/travel_agency: - # shop=travel_agency | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Travel Agency - # 'terms: cruises,flights,hotels,tickets,travel packages' - terms: - shop/trophy: - # shop=trophy | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Trophy Shop - # 'terms: awards,engravings,medals,plaques,trophy store' - terms: - shop/tyres: - # shop=tyres | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tire Store - terms: - shop/vacant: - # shop=vacant | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Vacant Shop - terms: - shop/vacuum_cleaner: - # shop=vacuum_cleaner | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Vacuum Cleaner Store - terms: - shop/variety_store: - # shop=variety_store | Dollar Store, Variety Store | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Discount Store - # 'terms: five and dime,five and ten' - terms: - shop/video: - # shop=video | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Video Store - # 'terms: dvd,hobby,vhs,video cassette,video casette' - terms: - shop/video_games: - # shop=video_games | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Video Game Store - # 'terms: hobby' - terms: - shop/watches: - # shop=watches | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Watches Shop - terms: - shop/water: - # shop=water | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Drinking Water Shop - terms: - shop/water_sports: - # shop=water_sports | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Watersport/Swim Shop - terms: - shop/weapons: - # shop=weapons | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Weapon Shop - # 'terms: ammo,gun,knife,knives' - terms: - shop/wholesale: - # shop=wholesale | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wholesale Store - # 'terms: warehouse club,cash and carry' - terms: - shop/wigs: - # shop=wigs | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wig Shop - # 'terms: hair extensions,hair extentions' - terms: - shop/window_blind: - # shop=window_blind | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Window Blind Store - terms: - shop/wine: - # shop=wine | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wine Shop - terms: - shop/yes: - # shop=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Shop (Unspecified Type) - telecom: - # telecom=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Telecom Feature - telecom/data_center: - # telecom=data_center | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Data Center - # 'terms: computer systems storage,information technology,server farm,the cloud,telecommunications' - terms: - telecom/exchange: - # telecom=exchange | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Telecom Exchange - # 'terms: telecommunications,telephone exchange,telephone switch' - terms: - tourism: - # tourism=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tourism Feature - tourism/alpine_hut: - # tourism=alpine_hut | Alpine Hut, Mountain Hut, Mountain Shelter, Mountain Refuge, Mountain Hostel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mountain Lodge - # 'terms: cabin,climbing hut,lodge,lodging,overnight accommodations,refuge,refuge hut,wilderness hut' - terms: - tourism/apartment: - # tourism=apartment | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Guest Apartment / Condo - # 'terms: bnb,holiday rental,lodging,overnight accommodations,vacation rental' - terms: - tourism/aquarium: - # tourism=aquarium | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Aquarium - # 'terms: fish,sea,water' - terms: - tourism/artwork: - # tourism=artwork | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Artwork - # 'terms: mural,sculpture,statue' - terms: - tourism/artwork/bust: - # tourism=artwork + artwork_type=bust | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bust - # 'terms: figure' - terms: - tourism/artwork/graffiti: - # tourism=artwork + artwork_type=graffiti | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Graffiti - # 'terms: street artwork,guerrilla artwork,guerilla artwork,graffiti artwork' - terms: - tourism/artwork/installation: - # tourism=artwork + artwork_type=installation | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Art Installation - # 'terms: interactive art,intervention art,modern art' - terms: - tourism/artwork/mural: - # tourism=artwork + artwork_type=mural | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mural - # 'terms: fresco,wall painting' - terms: - tourism/artwork/sculpture: - # tourism=artwork + artwork_type=sculpture | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Sculpture - # 'terms: statue,figure,carving' - terms: - tourism/artwork/statue: - # tourism=artwork + artwork_type=statue | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Statue - # 'terms: sculpture,figure,carving' - terms: - tourism/attraction: - # tourism=attraction | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tourist Attraction - terms: - tourism/camp_pitch: - # tourism=camp_pitch | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Camp Pitch - # 'terms: tent,rv' - terms: - tourism/camp_site: - # tourism=camp_site | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Campground - # 'terms: caravans,camp ground,camp pitch,camp site,campers,campsite,mobile homes,recreational vehicles,rv,tenting' - terms: - tourism/camp_site/backcountry: - # tourism=camp_site + backcountry=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Backcountry Camping Area - # 'terms: alpine camping,backpacking site,backwoods camping,camp ground,camp pitch,camp site,campground,campsite,informal camping,primitive camping' - terms: - tourism/camp_site/group_only: - # tourism=camp_site + group_only=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Group Camping Area - # 'terms: camp ground,camp pitch,camp site,campground,campsite,scout camping,youth camping' - terms: - tourism/caravan_site: - # tourism=caravan_site | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: RV Park - # 'terms: motor home,camper' - terms: - tourism/chalet: - # tourism=chalet | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Holiday Cottage - # 'terms: chalet,holiday cabin,holiday home,lodge,lodging,overnight accommodations,vacation cabin,vacation home' - terms: - tourism/gallery: - # tourism=gallery | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Art Gallery - # 'terms: art,exhibition,painting,photogaph,sculpture' - terms: - tourism/guest_house: - # tourism=guest_house | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Guest House - # 'terms: b & b,b and b,b&b,bed and breakfast,bnb,lodging,overnight accommodations' - terms: - tourism/hostel: - # tourism=hostel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hostel - # 'terms: bunk beds,dormitories,dorms,lodging,overnight accommodations' - terms: - tourism/hotel: - # tourism=hotel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hotel - # 'terms: concierge,lodge,lodging,overnight accommodations' - terms: - tourism/information: - # tourism=information | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Information - terms: - tourism/information/board: - # tourism=information + information=board | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Information Board - terms: - tourism/information/board/welcome_sign: - # tourism=information + information=board + board_type=welcome_sign | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Welcome Sign - # 'terms: new location' - terms: - tourism/information/guidepost: - # tourism=information + information=guidepost | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Guidepost - # 'terms: signpost' - terms: - tourism/information/map: - # tourism=information + information=map | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Map - terms: - tourism/information/office: - # tourism=information + information=office | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Visitor Center - # 'terms: information office,tour guide,tourism office,tourist information center,visitors center,visitors information center,welcome center' - terms: - tourism/information/route_marker: - # tourism=information + information=route_marker | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Trail Marker - # 'terms: cairn,painted blaze,route flag,route marker,stone pile,trail blaze,trail post,way marker' - terms: - tourism/information/terminal: - # tourism=information + information=terminal | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Information Terminal - terms: - tourism/motel: - # tourism=motel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Motel - # 'terms: lodging,motor hotel,overnight accommodations' - terms: - tourism/museum: - # tourism=museum | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Museum - # 'terms: archaeological,archeological,art,cultural,excavation,exhibition,foundation,gallery,hall,history,institution,nature,painting,photograph,science,sculpture,technology' - terms: - tourism/museum/history: - # tourism=museum + museum=history | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: History Museum - # 'terms: artifacts,dioramas,exhibits,exhibitions,foundation,hall,institution' - terms: - tourism/picnic_site: - # tourism=picnic_site | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Picnic Site - # 'terms: camp' - terms: - tourism/theme_park: - # tourism=theme_park | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Theme Park - # 'terms: amusement park,fun park' - terms: - tourism/trail_riding_station: - # tourism=trail_riding_station | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Trail Riding Station - terms: - tourism/viewpoint: - # tourism=viewpoint | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Viewpoint - # 'terms: lookout' - terms: - tourism/wilderness_hut: - # tourism=wilderness_hut | Backcountry Hut, Backcountry Shelter, Bothy | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wilderness Hut - # 'terms: alpine hut,bivouac,bivouac box,biwakschachtel,cabin,lodge,lodging,overnight accommodations,refuge,sleeping shelter' - terms: - tourism/zoo: - # tourism=zoo | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Zoo - # 'terms: animal' - terms: - tourism/zoo/petting: - # tourism=zoo + zoo=petting_zoo | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Petting Zoo - # 'terms: children''s zoo,children''s farm,petting farm,farm animals' - terms: - tourism/zoo/safari: - # tourism=zoo + zoo=safari_park | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Safari Park - # 'terms: drive-through zoo,drive-in zoo' - terms: - tourism/zoo/wildlife: - # tourism=zoo + zoo=wildlife_park | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wildlife Park - # 'terms: indigenous animals' - terms: - traffic_calming: - # traffic_calming=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Traffic Calming - # 'terms: bump,hump,slow,speed' - terms: - traffic_calming/bump: - # traffic_calming=bump | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Speed Bump - # 'terms: hump,speed,slow' - terms: - traffic_calming/chicane: - # traffic_calming=chicane | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Traffic Chicane - # 'terms: driveway link,speed,slow' - terms: - traffic_calming/choker: - # traffic_calming=choker | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Traffic Choker - # 'terms: speed,slow' - terms: - traffic_calming/cushion: - # traffic_calming=cushion | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Speed Cushion - # 'terms: bump,hump,speed,slow' - terms: - traffic_calming/dip: - # traffic_calming=dip | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Dip - # 'terms: speed,slow' - terms: - traffic_calming/hump: - # traffic_calming=hump | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Speed Hump - # 'terms: bump,speed,slow' - terms: - traffic_calming/island: - # traffic_calming=island | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Traffic Calming Island - # 'terms: circle,roundabout,slow' - terms: - traffic_calming/mini_bumps: - # traffic_calming=mini_bumps | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mini Speed Bumps - # 'terms: bumps,circular bumps,circular speed bumps,small bumps,small speed bumps,slow,speed' - terms: - traffic_calming/rumble_strip: - # traffic_calming=rumble_strip | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Rumble Strip - # 'terms: audible lines,sleeper lines,growlers' - terms: - traffic_calming/table: - # traffic_calming=table | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Speed Table - # 'terms: flat top,hump,speed,slow' - terms: - traffic_calming/yes: - # traffic_calming=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Traffic Calming (Unspecified Type) - traffic_sign: - # traffic_sign=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Traffic Sign - # 'terms: road,highway' - terms: - traffic_sign/city_limit: - # traffic_sign=city_limit | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: City Limit Sign - # 'terms: town,village,hamlet,boundary,edge,border,road,highway' - terms: - traffic_sign/maxspeed: - # traffic_sign=maxspeed | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Speed Limit Sign - # 'terms: max speed,maximum speed,road,highway' - terms: - traffic_sign/maxspeed-US-CA-LR: - # traffic_sign=maxspeed | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). | Local preset for countries "US", "CA", "LR" - traffic_sign/variable_message: - # traffic_sign=variable_message | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Variable Message Sign - # 'terms: vms,dynamic message sign' - terms: - type/boundary: - # type=boundary | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Boundary - terms: - type/boundary/administrative: - # type=boundary + boundary=administrative | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Administrative Boundary - terms: - type/connectivity: - # type=connectivity | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Lane Connectivity - terms: - type/destination_sign: - # type=destination_sign | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Destination Sign - # 'terms: exit sign' - terms: - type/enforcement: - # type=enforcement | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Enforcement - terms: - type/enforcement/maxspeed: - # type=enforcement + enforcement=maxspeed | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Speed Limit Enforcement - # 'terms: maxspeed,radar,speed camera' - terms: - type/multipolygon: - # type=multipolygon | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Multipolygon - terms: - type/public_transport/stop_area_group: - # type=public_transport + public_transport=stop_area_group | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Transit Stop Area Group - terms: - type/restriction: - # type=restriction | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Restriction - terms: - type/restriction/no_left_turn: - # type=restriction + restriction=no_left_turn | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: No Left Turn - terms: - type/restriction/no_right_turn: - # type=restriction + restriction=no_right_turn | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: No Right Turn - terms: - type/restriction/no_straight_on: - # type=restriction + restriction=no_straight_on | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: No Straight Ahead - terms: - type/restriction/no_u_turn: - # type=restriction + restriction=no_u_turn | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: No U-Turn - terms: - type/restriction/only_left_turn: - # type=restriction + restriction=only_left_turn | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Left Turn Only - terms: - type/restriction/only_right_turn: - # type=restriction + restriction=only_right_turn | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Right Turn Only - terms: - type/restriction/only_straight_on: - # type=restriction + restriction=only_straight_on | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Straight Ahead Only - terms: - type/restriction/only_u_turn: - # type=restriction + restriction=only_u_turn | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: U-Turn Only - terms: - type/route: - # type=route | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Route - terms: - type/route/aerialway: - # type=route + route=aerialway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Aerial Route - terms: - type/route/bicycle: - # type=route + route=bicycle | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bicycle Route - terms: - type/route/bus: - # type=route + route=bus | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Bus Route - terms: - type/route/detour: - # type=route + route=detour | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Detour Route - terms: - type/route/ferry: - # type=route + route=ferry | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ferry Route - terms: - type/route/foot: - # type=route + route=foot | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Walking Route - terms: - type/route/hiking: - # type=route + route=hiking | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Hiking Route - terms: - type/route/horse: - # type=route + route=horse | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Horseback Riding Route - # 'terms: horse riding route,horse trail,riding route,trail riding' - terms: - type/route/light_rail: - # type=route + route=light_rail | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Light Rail Route - terms: - type/route/monorail: - # type=route + route=monorail | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Monorail Route - terms: - type/route/mtb: - # type=route + route=mtb | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Mountain Biking Route - # 'terms: all mountain,cross-country cycling,downhill cycling,enduro,freeride,mountain bicycling,mountain bike route,mountain cycling,mtb,trail riding' - terms: - type/route/pipeline: - # type=route + route=pipeline | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Pipeline Route - terms: - type/route/piste: - # type=route + route=piste | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Piste/Ski Route - terms: - type/route/power: - # type=route + route=power | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Power Route - terms: - type/route/railway: - # type=route + route=railway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Railway Route - terms: - type/route/road: - # type=route + route=road | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Road Route - terms: - type/route/subway: - # type=route + route=subway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Subway Route - terms: - type/route/train: - # type=route + route=train | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Train Route - terms: - type/route/tram: - # type=route + route=tram | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tram Route - terms: - type/route/trolleybus: - # type=route + route=trolleybus | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Trolleybus Route - terms: - type/route_master: - # type=route_master | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Route Master - terms: - type/site: - # type=site | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Site - terms: - type/waterway: - # type=waterway | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Waterway - terms: - waterway: - # waterway=* | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Waterway Feature - waterway/boatyard: - # waterway=boatyard | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Boatyard - terms: - waterway/canal: - # waterway=canal | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Canal - # 'terms: headrace,irrigation,spillway,tailrace,waterpower' - terms: - waterway/canal/lock: - # waterway=canal + lock=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Canal Lock - terms: - waterway/dam: - # waterway=dam | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Dam - terms: - waterway/ditch: - # waterway=ditch | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Ditch - terms: - waterway/dock: - # waterway=dock | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Wet Dock / Dry Dock - # 'terms: boat,ship,vessel,marine' - terms: - waterway/drain: - # waterway=drain | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Drain - terms: - waterway/fish_pass: - # waterway=fish_pass | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Fish Pass - # 'terms: eel ladder,eel pass,fish ladder,fish migration,fish passage,fish siphon,fish steps,fish way,fishladder,fishpass,fishsteps,fishway' - terms: - waterway/fuel: - # waterway=fuel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Marine Fuel Station - # 'terms: petrol,gas,diesel,boat' - terms: - waterway/lock_gate: - # waterway=lock_gate | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Lock Gate - # 'terms: canal' - terms: - waterway/milestone: - # waterway=milestone | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Waterway Milestone - # 'terms: milestone,marker' - terms: - waterway/river: - # waterway=river | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: River - # 'terms: beck,branch,brook,course,creek,estuary,rill,rivulet,run,runnel,stream,tributary,watercourse' - terms: - waterway/sanitary_dump_station: - # waterway=sanitary_dump_station | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Marine Toilet Disposal - # 'terms: boat,watercraft,sanitary,dump station,pumpout,pump out,elsan,cdp,ctdp,chemical toilet' - terms: - waterway/stream: - # waterway=stream | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Stream - # 'terms: beck,branch,brook,burn,course,creek,current,drift,flood,flow,freshet,race,rill,rindle,rivulet,run,runnel,rush,spate,spritz,surge,tide,torrent,tributary,watercourse' - terms: - waterway/stream_intermittent: - # waterway=stream + intermittent=yes | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Intermittent Stream - # 'terms: arroyo,beck,branch,brook,burn,course,creek,drift,flood,flow,gully,run,runnel,rush,spate,spritz,tributary,wadi,wash,watercourse' - terms: - waterway/tidal_channel: - # waterway=tidal_channel | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Tidal Channel - # 'terms: coastal,pill,intertidal,mangroves,marine,salt marsh,tidal creek,tidal flat,tidal inlet,waterway' - terms: - waterway/water_point: - # waterway=water_point | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Marine Drinking Water - # 'terms: water faucet,water point,water tap,water source,water spigot' - terms: - waterway/waterfall: - # waterway=waterfall | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Waterfall - # 'terms: fall' - terms: - waterway/weir: - # waterway=weir | Translate the primary name. Optionally, add equivalent synonyms on newlines in order of preference (press the Return key). - name: Weir - # 'terms: low-head dam,low-rise dam,wier' - terms: