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The current directory contains CI configuration for the OSA project, albeit it's not exhaustive. The present document serves as documentation for anything CI-related to OSA.

OSA, from the Red Hat side, is comprised of a couple of different Github repos:

In order to test and merge changes in these repositories, we use a couple of novel tools in our CI. Namely:

  • ci-operator

    This tool is responsible for running jobs by using Openshift resources. There are a bunch of useful docs in the ci-operator repo, it is suggested to go through at least,, and You should ensure you familiarize yourself with ci-operator.

  • Prow

    Prow is the CI system used in both Kubernetes and the Openshift Origin projects. It is responsible for every user interaction in Github, scheduling of tests, and reporting results. As an end user you shouldn't need to familiarize yourself with Prow.

ci-operator jobs

There are three different places where we store ci-operator and Prow configuration:

  1. ci-operator/config/openshift/openshift-azure/

This is where the ci-operator config is stored and what is meant to be used by end users. Here we are specifying what commands we want to run in order to build and test our code, and optionally publish container images.

  1. ci-operator/jobs/openshift/openshift-azure/

In order to deploy the ci-operator config, we need to use prowjobs and this is where we configure those. Prowjobs fall under three categories:

Type Description
presubmits Pull request jobs
postsubmits Branch jobs
periodics Periodically-running jobs

Similarly, you can find the CI configuration for azure-misc in ci-operator/jobs/openshift/azure-misc/ and ci-operator/config/openshift/azure-misc/.

All changes in ci-operator/ are automatically applied in the CI cluster by Prow right after a pull request is merged.

How to work with CI

How to merge a pull request

Every pull request in our repos needs to satisfy the following requirements:

  • all automated jobs are passing

  • your pull request has the following labels:

    • lgtm
    • approved

    lgtm stands for looks good to me and can be added by anyone who reviewed your pull request by commenting /lgtm.

    approved can only be added by owners of the repository by commenting either /lgtm or /approve. Approvers can be found in OWNERS files.

  • your pull request does not have the following labels:

    • do-not-merge/hold
    • do-not-merge/work-in-progress
    • needs-rebase

    Anybody can /hold a pull request, signaling that it warrants more discussion. Removing the hold label can be removed with /hold cancel.

    You can signal that your pull request is a work in progress by adding a WIP prefix in your pull request title. The bot should automatically add or remove the label depending on whether the WIP prefix is found in your pull request title.

Update OWNERS files in openshift/release

All OWNERS files under the ci-operator directory are automatically updated based on the OWNERS files found in the respective repositories. Use the following script to update those files:

$ ./ci-operator/

Automated jobs

The following CI jobs run automatically on every PR in openshift-azure.

Job Description
ci/prow/unit unit tests
ci/prow/verify verification tests
ci/prow/images binary and container image builds
ci/prow/e2e e2e tests

When a test fails in your PR and the test failure is unrelated to your changes, you need to triage the failure, and compare it with the existing set of open issues tracking test failures. If you don't find a match, you should open a new issue to track the new failure and comment /kind test-flake in it in order for the github bot to label the issue appropriately. Otherwise, link the existing issue in your PR. Then, you can /retest your PR.

For any infrastructure-related issues, make sure to contact the Developer Productivity team who is responsible for managing the OpenShift CI Infrastructure at #forum-ocp-testplatform.

Optionally, you can request specific long-running tests to run that are not running in PRs by default.

Command Description
/test scaleupdown scale up followed by a scale down of the cluster
/test etcdbackuprecovery backup a cluster, mutate state, then restore from the backup
/test keyrotation rotate all the certificates in a cluster

Run a job manually

You should be able to run tests locally in openshift-azure by using the make targets directly. In this document, we are going to explain how to simulate running these tests similarly to how they run in CI. The point of using ci-operator is to minimize the differences between using the CI system and running tests manually. To run a ci-operator job manually, it is recommended to use the ci-operator container image.

docker pull

ci-operator needs a kubeconfig in place in order to use a running cluster to run the tests. Obtain the oc login command from the OpenShift CI WebConsole and perform a login in your terminal. You should be able to access the CI cluster simply by being a member of the OpenShift Github organization.

Note: all further instructions assume you are currently in the root directory of this repository

Create a secret file for storing azure-related secrets using cluster/test-deploy/azure/secret_example as a template.

cp cluster/test-deploy/azure/secret_example cluster/test-deploy/azure/secret
# insert/update credentials in cluster/test-deploy/azure/secret

Set the location of the namespace you wish to use for the ci-operator jobs

export CI_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE=your-chosen-namespace

Testing E2E-Upgrade script locally:

To test e2e-upgrade script we can emulate prow and ci-operator env with docker command:

docker run -it --privileged \
-v $GOPATH/src/ \
-v $GOPATH/src/ \ bash
# prow release_tag resource_group
prow v0.0 test-cluster
# this will initiate a cluster from `tags/v0.0` tag and leave you to execute next steps manually. Example:
make e2e

Note: limitations are that tests are done using LATEST container images, and you might need to build destination images manually and set them using export SYNC_IMAGE=registry/namespace/sync:latest before calling upgrade.

to initiate source branch by executing prow v0.0. This will CD you yo local code base you are testing. From there you can execute make update

CI secrets

We use various OpenShift secrets in our CI. You can manage these secrets in the azure namespace in the CI cluster.

Secret name Description
cluster-secrets-azure contains all the necessary credentials for e2e and image build jobs
cluster-secrets-azure-env environment based secret. It can be injected to pod using pod spec (see azure-purge)
openshift-on-azure-scratch-secret quay robot secret used for mirroring images between the CI registry and quay


Today we use cluster-secrets-azure as a grab bag of all the different secrets we need in place in order for the e2e and image build tests to work correctly. The OSA jobs are using Web API App credentials on Azure to create clusters. If for some reason you need to rotate the Azure credentials, follow this process:

  1. Go to Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations -> ci-operator-jobs -> Settings -> Keys
  2. Delete old key, and create new one.
  3. Create a file named secret with the following format:
export AZURE_CLIENT_ID=<web app id>
export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=<new key>
export AZURE_TENANT_ID=<tenant id>
export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<subscription id>
  1. Create or update the cluster-secrets-azure secret in the azure namespace.

You need to make sure you also have the rest of the credentials in place in order to create or update cluster-secrets-azure

Name Description
secret Azure credentials
ssh-privatekey SSH key (used by image builds - can be any SSH key)
certs.yaml Ops mirror certificates (used by image builds)
.dockerconfigjson Geneva images pull secret
system-docker-config.json Red Hat registry image pull secret
logging-int.cert Geneva logging certificate
logging-int.key Geneva logging key
metrics-int.cert Geneva metrics certificate
metrics-int.key Geneva metrics key

TODO: In the future, split this into separate secrets so in case we need to rotate the CI credentials we will not need to have the rest of the secrets in place.

  oc create secret generic cluster-secrets-azure \
  --from-file=cluster/test-deploy/azure/secret \
  --from-file=cluster/test-deploy/azure/ssh-privatekey \
  --from-file=cluster/test-deploy/azure/certs.yaml \
  --from-file=cluster/test-deploy/azure/.dockerconfigjson \
  --from-file=cluster/test-deploy/azure/system-docker-config.json \
  --from-file=cluster/test-deploy/azure/logging-int.cert \
  --from-file=cluster/test-deploy/azure/logging-int.key \
  --from-file=cluster/test-deploy/azure/metrics-int.cert \
  --from-file=cluster/test-deploy/azure/metrics-int.key \
  -o yaml --dry-run | oc apply -n azure -f -
  1. Ensure the secret is placed in the ci-secret-mirroring-controller config. The controller will make sure to keep the secret in sync between the azure and the ci namespace where all CI tests run.


This secret is used by the azure-purge job to authenticate in Azure when garbage-collecting stale resources.

To rotate this secret:

source ./cluster/test-deploy/azure/secret
oc create secret generic cluster-secrets-azure-env --from-literal=azure_client_id=${AZURE_CLIENT_ID} --from-literal=azure_client_secret=${AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET} --from-literal=azure_tenant_id=${AZURE_TENANT_ID} --from-literal=azure_subscription_id=${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID} -o yaml --dry-run | oc apply -n azure -f -

Other cron jobs

Apart from the ci-operator jobs, we run some cron jobs in the CI cluster for various tasks.

$ oc get cj -n azure
NAME                                      SCHEDULE    SUSPEND   ACTIVE    LAST SCHEDULE   AGE
azure-purge                               0 * * * *   False     0         56m             45d
image-mirror-openshift-azure-v3.11-quay   0 * * * *   False     0         56m             21d
  • azure-purge is responsible for cleaning up long-lived resource groups in our subscription (created either by our CI tests or for development purposes)
  • image-mirror-openshift-azure-v3.11-quay mirrors images from the azure CI namespace to, the latter being used by our customers and developers alike
  • secret-refresh refreshes all azure dev secrets each weekend

We need to check whether the above jobs are in a working state. Access to the cluster is granted to every member of the openshift github organization. Access to the azure namespace is controlled by the azure-team group. If you need to update group membership, you need to open a pull request adding your Github username in the group, and once your pull request is merged, ask an existing member of the azure-team group to apply the changes on the cluster.

oc apply -f cluster-wide.yaml

In general, all changes in projects/azure/ are not automatically applied in the CI cluster. CI admins can be contacted at #forum-ocp-testplatform. After your pull request is merged, apart from updating the group, you should be able to oc apply all other changes in the azure namespace.

Building container images

To onboard a new container image into CI and possibly setup mirroring of the image to quay the following steps should be performed:

  • Ensure there is a Dockerfile.<image_name> in openshift-azure specifying how to build the new image.
  • Create 3 new make targets in that repository for the various stages leading up to building the image
    • one target for building the binary (make <image_name>-bin)
    • one target for building the container image (make <image_name>-image)
    • one target for pushing the container image to the public quay registry (make <image_name>-push)
  • Add the target for building the binary to the make all chain
  • Add the binary name to the make clean chain
  • Add the binary to .gitignore
  • Back in the release repo, configure ci-operator to build the image by addding a new entry to the images key as follows:
- dockerfile_path: Dockerfile.<image_name>
  from: base
      - destination_dir: .
        source_path: /go/src/<image_source>
  to: <image_name>
  • If the image needs to be mirrored from the CI registry to our public quay account then you need to update the image mirror config in the release repo:
    • Add a new entry to the items[0].data.openshift-azure_<openshift_version>_quay key of that file which looks as follows:<image_name><image_name>:<openshift_version><image_name>:latest
    where: <image_name> is the name of the image and <openshift_version> is the currently supported openshift version e.g. v3.11
    • The image mirror job cannot create repos in quay, so an initial manual push of the new image using the make target is required (make <image_name>-push).
    • Once the image is pushed manually, you need to give write permissions to the openshift-on-azure+openshiftci robot account in quay.

The new image and others configured as such are built for every commit pushed to master and also on a daily basis.

Test dependencies

If you need to update the base image used by our tests, you should make changes to the test-base image build and once your PR is merged:

  • apply the build config in the cluster:
$ oc apply -f projects/azure/base-images/test-base.yaml
  • trigger a build of your changes:
$ oc start-build bc/test-base -n azure