From 9f6c113917314e2933579c58fbd1eb286b3e8bed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rishabh Singh Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 12:01:49 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Add support to enable instance based storage for data nodes (#134) Signed-off-by: Rishabh Singh --- | 87 +-- lib/infra/infra-stack.ts | 303 +++++--- lib/opensearch-config/node-config.ts | 106 ++- package-lock.json | 1070 ++++++++++++++------------ package.json | 2 +- test/opensearch-cluster-cdk.test.ts | 249 ++++-- 6 files changed, 1019 insertions(+), 798 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index c199cb0ba47..f71ba106cee 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -37,49 +37,50 @@ There are two stacks that get deployed: In order to deploy both the stacks the user needs to provide a set of required and optional parameters listed below: -| Name | Requirement | Type | Description | -|-------------------------------|:------------|:----------|:------------| -| contextKey | Optional | string | A top-level key that the rest of the parameters can be nested within for organized configuration. This is used to parse config from a specific key in the `cdk.context.json` or in the `context` block in the `cdk.json` file. | -| distVersion | Required | string | The OpenSearch distribution version (released/un-released) the user wants to deploy | -| securityDisabled | Required | boolean | Enable or disable security plugin | -| adminPassword | Optionally required | string | This value is required when security plugin is enabled and the cluster version is greater or equal to `2.12.0`| -| minDistribution | Required | boolean | Is it the minimal OpenSearch distribution with no security and plugins | -| distributionUrl | Required | string | OpenSearch tar distribution url | -| cpuArch | Required | string | CPU platform for EC2, could be either `x64` or `arm64` | -| singleNodeCluster | Required | boolean | Set `true` for single-node cluster else `false` for multi-node | -| serverAccessType | Required | string | Restrict server access based on ip address (ipv4/ipv6), prefix list and/or security group. See [Restricting Server Access](#restricting-server-access) for more details. | -| restrictServerAccessTo | Required | string | The value for `serverAccessType`, e.g.,, pl-12345, sg-12345. See [Restricting Server Access](#restricting-server-access) for more details. | -| dashboardsUrl | Optional | string | OpenSearch Dashboards tar distribution url | -| vpcId | Optional | string | Re-use existing vpc, provide vpc id | -| securityGroupId | Optional | boolean | Re-use existing security group, provide security group id | -| cidr | Optional | string | User provided CIDR block for new Vpc. Defaults to `` | -| managerNodeCount | Optional | integer | Number of cluster manager nodes. Defaults to 3 | -| dataNodeCount | Optional | integer | Number of data nodes. Defaults to 2 | -| clientNodeCount | Optional | integer | Number of dedicated client nodes. Defaults to 0 | -| ingestNodeCount | Optional | integer | Number of dedicated ingest nodes. Defaults to 0 | -| mlNodeCount | Optional | integer | Number of dedicated machine learning nodes. Defaults to 0 | -| dataInstanceType | Optional | string | EC2 instance type for data node. Defaults to r5.xlarge. See options in `lib/opensearch-config/node-config.ts` for available options. E.g., `-c dataInstanceType=m5.xlarge` | -| mlInstanceType | Optional | string | EC2 instance type for ml node. Defaults to r5.xlarge. See options in `lib/opensearch-config/node-config.ts` for available options. E.g., `-c mlInstanceType=m5.xlarge` | -| jvmSysProps | Optional | string | A comma-separated list of key=value pairs that will be added to `jvm.options` as JVM system properties. | -| additionalConfig | Optional | string | Additional opensearch.yml config parameters passed as JSON. Please be aware that this JSON merges with original opensearch.yml overwriting duplicate keys e.g., `--context additionalConfig='{"": ["CN=*, OU=SSL, O=Test, L=Test, C=DE", ", OU=SSL, O=Test, L=Test, C=DE"], "": false}'` | -| additionalOsdConfig | Optional | string | Additional opensearch_dashboards.yml config parameters passed as JSON. Please be aware that this JSON merges with original opensearch-dashboards.yml overwriting duplicate keys. e.g., `additionalOsdConfig='{"": "true"}'` | -| suffix | Optional | string | An optional string identifier to be concatenated with infra stack name. | -| networkStackSuffix | Optional | string | An optional string identifier to be concatenated with network stack name. | | -| region | Optional | string | User provided aws region | -| account | Optional | string | User provided aws account| -| dataNodeStorage | Optional | string | User provided ebs block storage size. Defaults to 100Gb | -| mlNodeStorage | Optional | string | User provided ebs block storage size. Defaults to 100Gb | -| use50PercentHeap | Optional | boolean | Boolean flag to use 50% of physical memory as heap. Defaults to 1GB. e.g., `--context use50PercentHeap=true` | -| isInternal | Optional | boolean | Boolean flag to make network load balancer internal. Defaults to internet-facing e.g., `--context isInternal=true` | -| enableRemoteStore | Optional | boolean | Boolean flag to enable Remote Store feature e.g., `--context enableRemoteStore=true`. See [Enable Remote Store Feature](#enable-remote-store-feature) for more details. Defaults to false | -| storageVolumeType | Optional | string | EBS volume type for all the nodes (data, ml, cluster manager). Defaults to gp2. See `lib/opensearch-config/node-config.ts` for available options. E.g., `-c storageVolumeType=gp3`. For SSD based instance (i.e. i3 family), it is used for root volume configuration. | -| customRoleArn | Optional | string | User provided IAM role arn to be used as ec2 instance profile. `-c customRoleArn=arn:aws:iam:::role/`| -| customConfigFiles | Optional | string | You can provide an entire config file to be overwritten or added to OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards. Pass string in the form of JSON with key as local path to the config file to read from and value as file on the server to overwrite/add. Note that the values in the JSON needs to have prefix of `opensearch` or `opensearch-dashboards`. Example: `-c customConfigFiles='{"opensearch-config/config.yml": "opensearch/config/opensearch-security/config.yml", "opensearch-config/role_mapping.yml":"opensearch/config/opensearch-security/roles_mapping.yml", "/roles.yml": "opensearch/config/opensearch-security/roles.yml"}'` | -| enableMonitoring | Optional | boolean | Boolean flag to enable monitoring and alarms for Infra Stack. See [InfraStackMonitoring class](./lib/monitoring/alarms.ts) for more details. Defaults to false e.g., `--context enableMonitoring=true` | -| certificateArn | Optional | string | Add ACM certificate to the any listener (OpenSearch or OpenSearch-Dashboards) whose port is mapped to 443. e.g., `--context certificateArn=arn:1234`| -| mapOpensearchPortTo | Optional | integer | Load balancer port number to map to OpenSearch. e.g., `--context mapOpensearchPortTo=8440` Defaults to 80 when security is disabled and 443 when security is enabled | -| mapOpensearchDashboardsPortTo | Optional | integer | Load balancer port number to map to OpenSearch-Dashboards. e.g., `--context mapOpensearchDashboardsPortTo=443` Always defaults to 8443 | -| loadBalancerType | Optional | string | The type of load balancer to deploy. Valid values are nlb for Network Load Balancer or alb for Application Load Balancer. Defaults to nlb. e.g., `--context loadBalancerType=alb` | +| Name | Requirement | Type | Description | +|-------------------------------|:------------|:--------|:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| contextKey | Optional | string | A top-level key that the rest of the parameters can be nested within for organized configuration. This is used to parse config from a specific key in the `cdk.context.json` or in the `context` block in the `cdk.json` file. | +| distVersion | Required | string | The OpenSearch distribution version (released/un-released) the user wants to deploy | +| securityDisabled | Required | boolean | Enable or disable security plugin | +| adminPassword | Optionally required | string | This value is required when security plugin is enabled and the cluster version is greater or equal to `2.12.0` | +| minDistribution | Required | boolean | Is it the minimal OpenSearch distribution with no security and plugins | +| distributionUrl | Required | string | OpenSearch tar distribution url | +| cpuArch | Required | string | CPU platform for EC2, could be either `x64` or `arm64` | +| singleNodeCluster | Required | boolean | Set `true` for single-node cluster else `false` for multi-node | +| serverAccessType | Required | string | Restrict server access based on ip address (ipv4/ipv6), prefix list and/or security group. See [Restricting Server Access](#restricting-server-access) for more details. | +| restrictServerAccessTo | Required | string | The value for `serverAccessType`, e.g.,, pl-12345, sg-12345. See [Restricting Server Access](#restricting-server-access) for more details. | +| dashboardsUrl | Optional | string | OpenSearch Dashboards tar distribution url | +| vpcId | Optional | string | Re-use existing vpc, provide vpc id | +| securityGroupId | Optional | boolean | Re-use existing security group, provide security group id | +| cidr | Optional | string | User provided CIDR block for new Vpc. Defaults to `` | +| managerNodeCount | Optional | integer | Number of cluster manager nodes. Defaults to 3 | +| dataNodeCount | Optional | integer | Number of data nodes. Defaults to 2 | +| clientNodeCount | Optional | integer | Number of dedicated client nodes. Defaults to 0 | +| ingestNodeCount | Optional | integer | Number of dedicated ingest nodes. Defaults to 0 | +| mlNodeCount | Optional | integer | Number of dedicated machine learning nodes. Defaults to 0 | +| dataInstanceType | Optional | string | EC2 instance type for data node. Defaults to r5.xlarge. See options in `lib/opensearch-config/node-config.ts` for available options. E.g., `-c dataInstanceType=m5.xlarge` | +| mlInstanceType | Optional | string | EC2 instance type for ml node. Defaults to r5.xlarge. See options in `lib/opensearch-config/node-config.ts` for available options. E.g., `-c mlInstanceType=m5.xlarge` | +| jvmSysProps | Optional | string | A comma-separated list of key=value pairs that will be added to `jvm.options` as JVM system properties. | +| additionalConfig | Optional | string | Additional opensearch.yml config parameters passed as JSON. Please be aware that this JSON merges with original opensearch.yml overwriting duplicate keys e.g., `--context additionalConfig='{"": ["CN=*, OU=SSL, O=Test, L=Test, C=DE", ", OU=SSL, O=Test, L=Test, C=DE"], "": false}'` | +| additionalOsdConfig | Optional | string | Additional opensearch_dashboards.yml config parameters passed as JSON. Please be aware that this JSON merges with original opensearch-dashboards.yml overwriting duplicate keys. e.g., `additionalOsdConfig='{"": "true"}'` | +| suffix | Optional | string | An optional string identifier to be concatenated with infra stack name. | +| networkStackSuffix | Optional | string | An optional string identifier to be concatenated with network stack name. | +| region | Optional | string | User provided aws region | +| account | Optional | string | User provided aws account | +| dataNodeStorage | Optional | string | User provided ebs block storage size. Defaults to 100Gb | +| mlNodeStorage | Optional | string | User provided ebs block storage size. Defaults to 100Gb | +| useInstanceBasedStorage | Optional | boolean | Pass `true` to mount instance based ssd nvme volume and use the same for running OpenSearch, defaults to using current EBS implementation.Make sure to select appropriate ec2 instance type for data node as these are not available on all ec2 instance types. | +| use50PercentHeap | Optional | boolean | Boolean flag to use 50% of physical memory as heap. Defaults to 1GB. e.g., `--context use50PercentHeap=true` | +| isInternal | Optional | boolean | Boolean flag to make network load balancer internal. Defaults to internet-facing e.g., `--context isInternal=true` | +| enableRemoteStore | Optional | boolean | Boolean flag to enable Remote Store feature e.g., `--context enableRemoteStore=true`. See [Enable Remote Store Feature](#enable-remote-store-feature) for more details. Defaults to false | +| storageVolumeType | Optional | string | EBS volume type for all the nodes (data, ml, cluster manager). Defaults to gp2. See `lib/opensearch-config/node-config.ts` for available options. E.g., `-c storageVolumeType=gp3`. For SSD based instance (i.e. i3 family), it is used for root volume configuration. | +| customRoleArn | Optional | string | User provided IAM role arn to be used as ec2 instance profile. `-c customRoleArn=arn:aws:iam:::role/` | +| customConfigFiles | Optional | string | You can provide an entire config file to be overwritten or added to OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards. Pass string in the form of JSON with key as local path to the config file to read from and value as file on the server to overwrite/add. Note that the values in the JSON needs to have prefix of `opensearch` or `opensearch-dashboards`. Example: `-c customConfigFiles='{"opensearch-config/config.yml": "opensearch/config/opensearch-security/config.yml", "opensearch-config/role_mapping.yml":"opensearch/config/opensearch-security/roles_mapping.yml", "/roles.yml": "opensearch/config/opensearch-security/roles.yml"}'` | +| enableMonitoring | Optional | boolean | Boolean flag to enable monitoring and alarms for Infra Stack. See [InfraStackMonitoring class](./lib/monitoring/alarms.ts) for more details. Defaults to false e.g., `--context enableMonitoring=true` | +| certificateArn | Optional | string | Add ACM certificate to the any listener (OpenSearch or OpenSearch-Dashboards) whose port is mapped to 443. e.g., `--context certificateArn=arn:1234` | +| mapOpensearchPortTo | Optional | integer | Load balancer port number to map to OpenSearch. e.g., `--context mapOpensearchPortTo=8440` Defaults to 80 when security is disabled and 443 when security is enabled | +| mapOpensearchDashboardsPortTo | Optional | integer | Load balancer port number to map to OpenSearch-Dashboards. e.g., `--context mapOpensearchDashboardsPortTo=443` Always defaults to 8443 | +| loadBalancerType | Optional | string | The type of load balancer to deploy. Valid values are nlb for Network Load Balancer or alb for Application Load Balancer. Defaults to nlb. e.g., `--context loadBalancerType=alb` | * Before starting this step, ensure that your AWS CLI is correctly configured with access credentials. * Also ensure that you're running these commands in the current directory diff --git a/lib/infra/infra-stack.ts b/lib/infra/infra-stack.ts index 8ff005c81c7..529f121df47 100644 --- a/lib/infra/infra-stack.ts +++ b/lib/infra/infra-stack.ts @@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ import { InstanceClass, InstanceSize, InstanceType, + LaunchTemplate, MachineImage, SubnetType, + UserData, } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2'; import { ApplicationListener, @@ -139,14 +141,16 @@ export interface InfraProps extends StackProps { readonly customConfigFiles?: string, /** Whether to enable monioring with alarms */ readonly enableMonitoring?: boolean, - /** Certificate ARN to attach to the listener */ - readonly certificateArn ?: string - /** Map opensearch port on load balancer to */ - readonly mapOpensearchPortTo ?: number - /** Map opensearch-dashboards port on load balancer to */ - readonly mapOpensearchDashboardsPortTo ?: number - /** Type of load balancer to use (e.g., 'nlb' or 'alb') */ - readonly loadBalancerType?: LoadBalancerType + /** Certificate ARN to attach to the listener */ + readonly certificateArn ?: string + /** Map opensearch port on load balancer to */ + readonly mapOpensearchPortTo ?: number + /** Map opensearch-dashboards port on load balancer to */ + readonly mapOpensearchDashboardsPortTo ?: number + /** Type of load balancer to use (e.g., 'nlb' or 'alb') */ + readonly loadBalancerType?: LoadBalancerType + /** Use instance based storage (if supported) on ec2 instance */ + readonly useInstanceBasedStorage?: boolean } export class InfraStack extends Stack { @@ -186,6 +190,8 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { private mlNodeStorage: number; + private useInstanceBasedStorage: boolean; + private dataInstanceType: InstanceType; private mlInstanceType: InstanceType; @@ -240,6 +246,9 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { throw new Error('adminPassword parameter is required to be set when security is enabled'); } + const instanceStore = `${props?.useInstanceBasedStorage ?? scope.node.tryGetContext('useInstanceBasedStorage')}`; + this.useInstanceBasedStorage = instanceStore === 'true'; + const minDistribution = `${props?.minDistribution ?? scope.node.tryGetContext('minDistribution')}`; if (minDistribution !== 'true' && minDistribution !== 'false') { throw new Error('minDistribution parameter is required to be set as - true or false'); @@ -263,12 +272,18 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { } else if (Object.values(cpuArchEnum).includes(this.cpuArch.toString())) { if (this.cpuArch.toString() === cpuArchEnum.X64) { instanceCpuType = AmazonLinuxCpuType.X86_64; - this.dataInstanceType = getInstanceType(dataInstanceType, this.cpuArch.toString()); - this.mlInstanceType = getInstanceType(mlInstanceType, this.cpuArch.toString()); + const dataInstanceDetails = getInstanceType(dataInstanceType, this.cpuArch.toString()); + const mlInstanceDetails = getInstanceType(mlInstanceType, this.cpuArch.toString()); + this.dataInstanceType = dataInstanceDetails.instance; + this.mlInstanceType = mlInstanceDetails.instance; + this.checkInstanceStorageSettings(dataInstanceDetails.hasInternalStorage); } else { instanceCpuType = AmazonLinuxCpuType.ARM_64; - this.dataInstanceType = getInstanceType(dataInstanceType, this.cpuArch.toString()); - this.mlInstanceType = getInstanceType(mlInstanceType, this.cpuArch.toString()); + const dataInstanceDetails = getInstanceType(dataInstanceType, this.cpuArch.toString()); + const mlInstanceDetails = getInstanceType(mlInstanceType, this.cpuArch.toString()); + this.dataInstanceType = dataInstanceDetails.instance; + this.mlInstanceType = mlInstanceDetails.instance; + this.checkInstanceStorageSettings(dataInstanceDetails.hasInternalStorage); } } else { throw new Error('Please provide a valid cpu architecture. The valid value can be either x64 or arm64'); @@ -455,7 +470,7 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { if (this.opensearchPortMapping === this.opensearchDashboardsPortMapping) { throw new Error('OpenSearch and OpenSearch-Dashboards cannot be mapped to the same port! Please provide different port numbers.' - + ` Current mapping is OpenSearch:${this.opensearchPortMapping} OpenSearch-Dashboards:${this.opensearchDashboardsPortMapping}`); + + ` Current mapping is OpenSearch:${this.opensearchPortMapping} OpenSearch-Dashboards:${this.opensearchDashboardsPortMapping}`); } const useSSLOpensearchListener = !this.securityDisabled && !this.minDistribution && this.opensearchPortMapping === 443 && certificateArn !== 'undefined'; @@ -470,7 +485,7 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { let dashboardsListener: NetworkListener | ApplicationListener; if (this.dashboardsUrl !== 'undefined') { const useSSLDashboardsListener = !this.securityDisabled && !this.minDistribution - && this.opensearchDashboardsPortMapping === 443 && certificateArn !== 'undefined'; + && this.opensearchDashboardsPortMapping === 443 && certificateArn !== 'undefined'; dashboardsListener = InfraStack.createListener( this.elb, this.elbType, @@ -498,7 +513,7 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { deviceName: '/dev/xvda', volume: BlockDeviceVolume.ebs(this.dataNodeStorage, { deleteOnTermination: true, volumeType: this.storageVolumeType }), }], - init: CloudFormationInit.fromElements(...this.getCfnInitElement(this, clusterLogGroup)), + init: CloudFormationInit.fromElements(...this.getCfnInitElement(this, clusterLogGroup, 'single-node')), initOptions: { ignoreFailures: false, }, @@ -518,12 +533,12 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { if (this.dashboardsUrl !== 'undefined') { InfraStack.addTargetsToListener( - dashboardsListener!, - this.elbType, - 'single-node-osd-target', - 5601, - new InstanceTarget(singleNodeInstance), - false, + dashboardsListener!, + this.elbType, + 'single-node-osd-target', + 5601, + new InstanceTarget(singleNodeInstance), + false, ); } new CfnOutput(this, 'private-ip', { @@ -540,28 +555,31 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { if (managerAsgCapacity > 0) { const managerNodeAsg = new AutoScalingGroup(this, 'managerNodeAsg', { - vpc: props.vpc, - instanceType: defaultInstanceType, - machineImage: MachineImage.latestAmazonLinux2023({ - cpuType: instanceCpuType, + launchTemplate: new LaunchTemplate(this, 'managerNodeLt', { + instanceType: defaultInstanceType, + machineImage: MachineImage.latestAmazonLinux2023({ + cpuType: instanceCpuType, + }), + role: this.instanceRole, + securityGroup: props.securityGroup, + blockDevices: [{ + deviceName: '/dev/xvda', + volume: BlockDeviceVolume.ebs(50, { deleteOnTermination: true, volumeType: props.storageVolumeType }), + }], + requireImdsv2: true, + userData: UserData.forLinux(), }), - role: this.instanceRole, + vpc: props.vpc, maxCapacity: managerAsgCapacity, minCapacity: managerAsgCapacity, desiredCapacity: managerAsgCapacity, vpcSubnets: { subnetType: SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_EGRESS, }, - securityGroup: props.securityGroup, - blockDevices: [{ - deviceName: '/dev/xvda', - volume: BlockDeviceVolume.ebs(50, { deleteOnTermination: true, volumeType: props.storageVolumeType }), - }], init: CloudFormationInit.fromElements(...this.getCfnInitElement(this, clusterLogGroup, 'manager')), initOptions: { ignoreFailures: false, }, - requireImdsv2: true, signals: Signals.waitForAll(), }); Tags.of(managerNodeAsg).add('role', 'manager'); @@ -572,56 +590,62 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { } const seedNodeAsg = new AutoScalingGroup(this, 'seedNodeAsg', { - vpc: props.vpc, - instanceType: (seedConfig === 'seed-manager') ? defaultInstanceType : this.dataInstanceType, - machineImage: MachineImage.latestAmazonLinux2023({ - cpuType: instanceCpuType, + launchTemplate: new LaunchTemplate(this, 'seedNodeLt', { + instanceType: (seedConfig === 'seed-manager') ? defaultInstanceType : this.dataInstanceType, + machineImage: MachineImage.latestAmazonLinux2023({ + cpuType: instanceCpuType, + }), + role: this.instanceRole, + securityGroup: props.securityGroup, + blockDevices: [{ + deviceName: '/dev/xvda', + // eslint-disable-next-line max-len + volume: (seedConfig === 'seed-manager') ? BlockDeviceVolume.ebs(50, { deleteOnTermination: true, volumeType: props.storageVolumeType }) : BlockDeviceVolume.ebs(this.dataNodeStorage, { deleteOnTermination: true, volumeType: this.storageVolumeType }), + }], + requireImdsv2: true, + userData: UserData.forLinux(), }), - role: this.instanceRole, + vpc: props.vpc, maxCapacity: 1, minCapacity: 1, desiredCapacity: 1, vpcSubnets: { subnetType: SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_EGRESS, }, - securityGroup: props.securityGroup, - blockDevices: [{ - deviceName: '/dev/xvda', - // eslint-disable-next-line max-len - volume: (seedConfig === 'seed-manager') ? BlockDeviceVolume.ebs(50, { deleteOnTermination: true, volumeType: props.storageVolumeType }) : BlockDeviceVolume.ebs(this.dataNodeStorage, { deleteOnTermination: true, volumeType: this.storageVolumeType }), - }], init: CloudFormationInit.fromElements(...this.getCfnInitElement(this, clusterLogGroup, seedConfig)), initOptions: { ignoreFailures: false, }, - requireImdsv2: true, signals: Signals.waitForAll(), }); Tags.of(seedNodeAsg).add('role', 'manager'); const dataNodeAsg = new AutoScalingGroup(this, 'dataNodeAsg', { - vpc: props.vpc, - instanceType: this.dataInstanceType, - machineImage: MachineImage.latestAmazonLinux2023({ - cpuType: instanceCpuType, + launchTemplate: new LaunchTemplate(this, 'dataNodeLt', { + instanceType: this.dataInstanceType, + machineImage: MachineImage.latestAmazonLinux2023({ + cpuType: instanceCpuType, + }), + role: this.instanceRole, + securityGroup: props.securityGroup, + blockDevices: [{ + deviceName: '/dev/xvda', + volume: BlockDeviceVolume.ebs(this.dataNodeStorage, { deleteOnTermination: true, volumeType: this.storageVolumeType }), + }], + requireImdsv2: true, + userData: UserData.forLinux(), }), - role: this.instanceRole, + vpc: props.vpc, maxCapacity: dataAsgCapacity, minCapacity: dataAsgCapacity, desiredCapacity: dataAsgCapacity, vpcSubnets: { subnetType: SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_EGRESS, }, - securityGroup: props.securityGroup, - blockDevices: [{ - deviceName: '/dev/xvda', - volume: BlockDeviceVolume.ebs(this.dataNodeStorage, { deleteOnTermination: true, volumeType: this.storageVolumeType }), - }], init: CloudFormationInit.fromElements(...this.getCfnInitElement(this, clusterLogGroup, 'data')), initOptions: { ignoreFailures: false, }, - requireImdsv2: true, signals: Signals.waitForAll(), }); Tags.of(dataNodeAsg).add('role', 'data'); @@ -630,28 +654,31 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { clientNodeAsg = dataNodeAsg; } else { clientNodeAsg = new AutoScalingGroup(this, 'clientNodeAsg', { - vpc: props.vpc, - instanceType: defaultInstanceType, - machineImage: MachineImage.latestAmazonLinux2023({ - cpuType: instanceCpuType, + launchTemplate: new LaunchTemplate(this, 'clientNodelt', { + instanceType: defaultInstanceType, + machineImage: MachineImage.latestAmazonLinux2023({ + cpuType: instanceCpuType, + }), + role: this.instanceRole, + securityGroup: props.securityGroup, + blockDevices: [{ + deviceName: '/dev/xvda', + volume: BlockDeviceVolume.ebs(50, { deleteOnTermination: true, volumeType: this.storageVolumeType }), + }], + requireImdsv2: true, + userData: UserData.forLinux(), }), - role: this.instanceRole, + vpc: props.vpc, maxCapacity: this.clientNodeCount, minCapacity: this.clientNodeCount, desiredCapacity: this.clientNodeCount, vpcSubnets: { subnetType: SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_EGRESS, }, - securityGroup: props.securityGroup, - blockDevices: [{ - deviceName: '/dev/xvda', - volume: BlockDeviceVolume.ebs(50, { deleteOnTermination: true, volumeType: this.storageVolumeType }), - }], init: CloudFormationInit.fromElements(...this.getCfnInitElement(this, clusterLogGroup, 'client')), initOptions: { ignoreFailures: false, }, - requireImdsv2: true, signals: Signals.waitForAll(), }); Tags.of(clientNodeAsg).add('cluster', this.stackName); @@ -661,28 +688,31 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { if (this.mlNodeCount > 0) { const mlNodeAsg = new AutoScalingGroup(this, 'mlNodeAsg', { - vpc: props.vpc, - instanceType: this.mlInstanceType, - machineImage: MachineImage.latestAmazonLinux2023({ - cpuType: instanceCpuType, + launchTemplate: new LaunchTemplate(this, 'mlNodeLt', { + instanceType: this.mlInstanceType, + machineImage: MachineImage.latestAmazonLinux2023({ + cpuType: instanceCpuType, + }), + role: this.instanceRole, + securityGroup: props.securityGroup, + blockDevices: [{ + deviceName: '/dev/xvda', + volume: BlockDeviceVolume.ebs(this.mlNodeStorage, { deleteOnTermination: true, volumeType: this.storageVolumeType }), + }], + requireImdsv2: true, + userData: UserData.forLinux(), }), - role: this.instanceRole, + vpc: props.vpc, maxCapacity: this.mlNodeCount, minCapacity: this.mlNodeCount, desiredCapacity: this.mlNodeCount, vpcSubnets: { subnetType: SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_EGRESS, }, - securityGroup: props.securityGroup, - blockDevices: [{ - deviceName: '/dev/xvda', - volume: BlockDeviceVolume.ebs(this.mlNodeStorage, { deleteOnTermination: true, volumeType: this.storageVolumeType }), - }], init: CloudFormationInit.fromElements(...this.getCfnInitElement(this, clusterLogGroup, 'ml')), initOptions: { ignoreFailures: false, }, - requireImdsv2: true, signals: Signals.waitForAll(), }); @@ -701,12 +731,12 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { if (this.dashboardsUrl !== 'undefined') { InfraStack.addTargetsToListener( - dashboardsListener!, - this.elbType, - 'dashboardsTarget', - 5601, - clientNodeAsg, - false, + dashboardsListener!, + this.elbType, + 'dashboardsTarget', + 5601, + clientNodeAsg, + false, ); } } @@ -722,6 +752,8 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { private getCfnInitElement(scope: Stack, logGroup: LogGroup, nodeType?: string): InitElement[] { const configFileDir = join(__dirname, '../opensearch-config'); let opensearchConfig: string; + let currentWorkDir = '/home/ec2-user'; + const cfnInitConfig: InitElement[] = []; const procstatConfig: ProcstatMetricDefinition[] = [{ pattern: '-Dopensearch', measurement: [ @@ -740,11 +772,22 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { }); } - const cfnInitConfig: InitElement[] = [ - InitPackage.yum('amazon-cloudwatch-agent'), + if ((nodeType === 'data' || nodeType === 'single-node') && this.useInstanceBasedStorage) { + cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand('set -ex; sudo mkfs -t xfs /dev/nvme1n1; ' + + 'sudo mkdir /mnt/data; sudo mount /dev/nvme1n1 /mnt/data; sudo chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user /mnt/data', + { + ignoreErrors: false, + })); + currentWorkDir = '/mnt/data'; + } + + const cwInit = [ + InitCommand.shellCommand('MAX_RETRIES=5; RETRY_DELAY=10; for i in $(seq 1 $MAX_RETRIES); ' + + 'do sudo yum install -y amazon-cloudwatch-agent && break || ' + + '{ echo "Attempt $i/$MAX_RETRIES failed. Retrying in $RETRY_DELAY seconds..."; sleep $RETRY_DELAY; }; done'), InitCommand.shellCommand('arc=$(arch); if [ "$arc" == "aarch64" ]; then dist="arm64"; else dist="amd64"; fi; ' + 'sudo wget -nv$dist ' - + '-O /usr/bin/yq && sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/yq'), + + '-O /usr/bin/yq && sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/yq'), CloudwatchAgent.asInitFile('/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json', { agent: { @@ -810,7 +853,7 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { files: { collect_list: [ { - file_path: `/home/ec2-user/opensearch/logs/${scope.stackName}-${scope.account}-${scope.region}.log`, + file_path: `${currentWorkDir}/opensearch/logs/${scope.stackName}-${scope.account}-${scope.region}.log`, log_group_name: `${logGroup.logGroupName.toString()}`, // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string log_stream_name: '{instance_id}', @@ -827,13 +870,15 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { InitCommand.shellCommand('set -ex;/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a fetch-config -m ec2 -c file:/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json -s'), InitCommand.shellCommand('set -ex; sudo echo "vm.max_map_count=262144" >> /etc/sysctl.conf;sudo sysctl -p'), InitCommand.shellCommand(`set -ex;mkdir opensearch; curl -L ${this.distributionUrl} -o opensearch.tar.gz;` - + 'tar zxf opensearch.tar.gz -C opensearch --strip-components=1; chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user opensearch;', { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + + 'tar zxf opensearch.tar.gz -C opensearch --strip-components=1; chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user opensearch;', { + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, }), InitCommand.shellCommand('sleep 15'), ]; + cfnInitConfig.push(...cwInit); + // Add opensearch.yml config if (this.singleNodeCluster) { const fileContent: any = load(readFileSync(`${configFileDir}/single-node-base-config.yml`, 'utf-8')); @@ -843,7 +888,7 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { opensearchConfig = dump(fileContent).toString(); cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand(`set -ex;cd opensearch; echo "${opensearchConfig}" > config/opensearch.yml`, { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, })); } else { const baseConfig: any = load(readFileSync(`${configFileDir}/multi-node-base-config.yml`, 'utf-8')); @@ -851,12 +896,12 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { baseConfig[''] = `${scope.stackName}-${scope.account}-${scope.region}`; // use discovery-ec2 to find manager nodes by querying IMDS - baseConfig['discovery.ec2.tag.Name'] = `${scope.stackName}/seedNodeAsg,${scope.stackName}/managerNodeAsg`; + baseConfig['discovery.ec2.tag.Name'] = `${scope.stackName}/seedNodeLt,${scope.stackName}/managerNodeLt`; const commonConfig = dump(baseConfig).toString(); cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand(`set -ex;cd opensearch; echo "${commonConfig}" > config/opensearch.yml`, { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, })); if (nodeType != null) { @@ -864,20 +909,20 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { const nodeConfigData = dump(nodeTypeConfig).toString(); cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand(`set -ex;cd opensearch; echo "${nodeConfigData}" >> config/opensearch.yml`, { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, })); } if (this.distributionUrl.includes('') && !this.minDistribution) { cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand('set -ex;cd opensearch;sudo -u ec2-user bin/opensearch-plugin install discovery-ec2 --batch', { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); } else { cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand('set -ex;cd opensearch;sudo -u ec2-user bin/opensearch-plugin install ' - + `${this.distVersion}/latest/linux/${this.cpuArch}` - + `/tar/builds/opensearch/core-plugins/discovery-ec2-${this.distVersion}.zip --batch`, { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + + `${this.distVersion}/latest/linux/${this.cpuArch}` + + `/tar/builds/opensearch/core-plugins/discovery-ec2-${this.distVersion}.zip --batch`, { + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); } @@ -885,31 +930,31 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { if (this.enableRemoteStore) { // eslint-disable-next-line max-len cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand(`set -ex;cd opensearch; echo "node.attr.remote_store.segment.repository: ${scope.stackName}-repo" >> config/opensearch.yml`, { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); // eslint-disable-next-line max-len cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand(`set -ex;cd opensearch; echo "node.attr.remote_store.repository.${scope.stackName}-repo.type: s3" >> config/opensearch.yml`, { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); // eslint-disable-next-line max-len cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand(`set -ex;cd opensearch; echo "node.attr.remote_store.repository.${scope.stackName}-repo.settings:\n bucket : ${scope.stackName}\n base_path: remote-store\n region: ${scope.region}" >> config/opensearch.yml`, { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); // eslint-disable-next-line max-len cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand(`set -ex;cd opensearch; echo "node.attr.remote_store.translog.repository: ${scope.stackName}-repo" >> config/opensearch.yml`, { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); // eslint-disable-next-line max-len cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand(`set -ex;cd opensearch; echo "node.attr.remote_store.state.repository: ${scope.stackName}-repo" >> config/opensearch.yml`, { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); } @@ -917,14 +962,14 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { if (this.distributionUrl.includes('') && !this.minDistribution) { cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand('set -ex;cd opensearch;sudo -u ec2-user bin/opensearch-plugin install repository-s3 --batch', { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); } else { cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand('set -ex;cd opensearch;sudo -u ec2-user bin/opensearch-plugin install ' + `${this.distVersion}/latest/linux/${this.cpuArch}` + `/tar/builds/opensearch/core-plugins/repository-s3-${this.distVersion}.zip --batch`, { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); } @@ -932,9 +977,9 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { // add config to disable security if required if (this.securityDisabled && !this.minDistribution) { // eslint-disable-next-line max-len - cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand('set -ex;cd opensearch; if [ -d "/home/ec2-user/opensearch/plugins/opensearch-security" ]; then echo " true" >> config/opensearch.yml; fi', + cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand(`set -ex;cd opensearch; if [ -d "${currentWorkDir}/opensearch/plugins/opensearch-security" ]; then echo " true" >> config/opensearch.yml; fi`, { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); } @@ -942,9 +987,9 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { // Check if there are any jvm properties being passed if (this.jvmSysProps.toString() !== 'undefined') { cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand(`set -ex; cd opensearch; jvmSysPropsList=$(echo "${this.jvmSysProps.toString()}" | tr ',' '\\n');` - + 'for sysProp in $jvmSysPropsList;do echo "-D$sysProp" >> config/jvm.options;done', + + 'for sysProp in $jvmSysPropsList;do echo "-D$sysProp" >> config/jvm.options;done', { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); } @@ -957,16 +1002,16 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { if [ $heapSizeInGb -lt 32 ];then minHeap="-Xms"$heapSizeInGb"g";maxHeap="-Xmx"$heapSizeInGb"g";else minHeap="-Xms32g";maxHeap="-Xmx32g";fi sed -i -e "s/^-Xms[0-9a-z]*$/$minHeap/g" config/jvm.options; sed -i -e "s/^-Xmx[0-9a-z]*$/$maxHeap/g" config/jvm.options;`, { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); } if (this.additionalConfig.toString() !== 'undefined') { cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand(`set -ex; cd opensearch/config; echo "${this.additionalConfig}">additionalConfig.yml; ` - + 'yq eval-all -i \'. as $item ireduce ({}; . * $item)\' opensearch.yml additionalConfig.yml -P', + + 'yq eval-all -i \'. as $item ireduce ({}; . * $item)\' opensearch.yml additionalConfig.yml -P', { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); } @@ -979,7 +1024,7 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { const remoteConfigLocation = jsonObj[localFileName]; cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand(`set -ex; echo "${dump(getConfig)}" > ${remoteConfigLocation}`, { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); }); @@ -992,14 +1037,14 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { if (this.minDistribution) { // using (stackProps.minDistribution) condition is not working when false value is being sent cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand('set -ex;cd opensearch; sudo -u ec2-user nohup ./bin/opensearch >> install.log 2>&1 &', { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); } else { cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand('set -ex;cd opensearch; ' - + `sudo -u ec2-user nohup env OPENSEARCH_INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD=${this.adminPassword} ./ >> install.log 2>&1 &`, + + `sudo -u ec2-user nohup env OPENSEARCH_INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD=${this.adminPassword} ./ >> install.log 2>&1 &`, { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); } @@ -1007,41 +1052,41 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { // If OpenSearch-Dashboards URL is present if (this.dashboardsUrl !== 'undefined') { cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand(`set -ex;mkdir opensearch-dashboards; curl -L ${this.dashboardsUrl} -o opensearch-dashboards.tar.gz;` - + 'tar zxf opensearch-dashboards.tar.gz -C opensearch-dashboards --strip-components=1; chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user opensearch-dashboards;', { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + + 'tar zxf opensearch-dashboards.tar.gz -C opensearch-dashboards --strip-components=1; chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user opensearch-dashboards;', { + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand('set -ex;cd opensearch-dashboards;echo "" >> config/opensearch_dashboards.yml', { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); if (this.securityDisabled && !this.minDistribution) { cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand('set -ex;cd opensearch-dashboards;' - + './bin/opensearch-dashboards-plugin remove securityDashboards --allow-root;' - + 'sed -i /^opensearch_security/d config/opensearch_dashboards.yml;' - + 'sed -i \'s/https/http/\' config/opensearch_dashboards.yml', + + './bin/opensearch-dashboards-plugin remove securityDashboards --allow-root;' + + 'sed -i /^opensearch_security/d config/opensearch_dashboards.yml;' + + 'sed -i \'s/https/http/\' config/opensearch_dashboards.yml', { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); } if (this.additionalOsdConfig.toString() !== 'undefined') { cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand(`set -ex;cd opensearch-dashboards/config; echo "${this.additionalOsdConfig}">additionalOsdConfig.yml; ` - + 'yq eval-all -i \'. as $item ireduce ({}; . * $item)\' opensearch_dashboards.yml additionalOsdConfig.yml -P', + + 'yq eval-all -i \'. as $item ireduce ({}; . * $item)\' opensearch_dashboards.yml additionalOsdConfig.yml -P', { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); } // Starting OpenSearch-Dashboards cfnInitConfig.push(InitCommand.shellCommand('set -ex;cd opensearch-dashboards;' - + 'sudo -u ec2-user nohup ./bin/opensearch-dashboards > dashboard_install.log 2>&1 &', { - cwd: '/home/ec2-user', + + 'sudo -u ec2-user nohup ./bin/opensearch-dashboards > dashboard_install.log 2>&1 &', { + cwd: currentWorkDir, ignoreErrors: false, })); } @@ -1119,4 +1164,10 @@ export class InfraStack extends Stack { throw new Error('Unsupported load balancer type.'); } } + + private checkInstanceStorageSettings(hasInstanceStorage: boolean) { + if (this.useInstanceBasedStorage && !hasInstanceStorage) { + throw new Error('The instance type provided does not have instance backed storage. Please provide correct instance type'); + } + } } diff --git a/lib/opensearch-config/node-config.ts b/lib/opensearch-config/node-config.ts index 4281953a69c..05583853a43 100644 --- a/lib/opensearch-config/node-config.ts +++ b/lib/opensearch-config/node-config.ts @@ -66,86 +66,126 @@ export enum arm64Ec2InstanceType { C6G_LARGE = 'c6g.large', C6G_XLARGE = 'c6g.xlarge', C6G_2XLARGE = 'c6g.2xlarge', + C6GD_XLARGE = 'c6gd.xlarge', + C6GD_2XLARGE = 'c6gd.2xlarge', + C6GD_4XLARGE = 'c6gd.4xlarge', + C6GD_8XLARGE = 'c6gd.8xlarge', R6G_LARGE = 'r6g.large', R6G_XLARGE = 'r6g.xlarge', R6G_2XLARGE = 'r6g.2xlarge', R6G_4XLARGE = 'r6g.4xlarge', R6G_8XLARGE = 'r6g.8xlarge', + R6GD_XLARGE = 'r6gd.xlarge', + R6GD_2XLARGE = 'r6gd.2xlarge', + R6GD_4XLARGE = 'r6gd.4xlarge', + R6GD_8XLARGE = 'r6gd.8xlarge', + R7GD_XLARGE = 'r7gd.xlarge', + R7GD_2XLARGE = 'r7gd.2xlarge', + R7GD_4XLARGE = 'r7gd.4xlarge', + R7GD_8XLARGE = 'r7gd.8xlarge', G5G_LARGE = 'g5g.large', G5G_XLARGE = 'g5g.xlarge' } +export interface InstanceTypeInfo { + instance: InstanceType; + hasInternalStorage: boolean; +} -export const getX64InstanceTypes = (instanceType: string) => { +export const getX64InstanceTypes = (instanceType: string): InstanceTypeInfo => { switch (instanceType) { case x64Ec2InstanceType.M5_XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.M5, InstanceSize.XLARGE); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.M5, InstanceSize.XLARGE), hasInternalStorage: false }; case x64Ec2InstanceType.M5_2XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.M5, InstanceSize.XLARGE2); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.M5, InstanceSize.XLARGE2), hasInternalStorage: false }; case x64Ec2InstanceType.C5_LARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.C5, InstanceSize.LARGE); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.C5, InstanceSize.LARGE), hasInternalStorage: false }; case x64Ec2InstanceType.C5_XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.C5, InstanceSize.XLARGE); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.C5, InstanceSize.XLARGE), hasInternalStorage: false }; case x64Ec2InstanceType.C5_2XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.C5, InstanceSize.XLARGE2); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.C5, InstanceSize.XLARGE2), hasInternalStorage: false }; case x64Ec2InstanceType.R5_LARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R5, InstanceSize.LARGE); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R5, InstanceSize.LARGE), hasInternalStorage: false }; case x64Ec2InstanceType.R5_XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R5, InstanceSize.XLARGE); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R5, InstanceSize.XLARGE), hasInternalStorage: false }; case x64Ec2InstanceType.R5_2XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R5, InstanceSize.XLARGE2); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R5, InstanceSize.XLARGE), hasInternalStorage: false }; case x64Ec2InstanceType.R5_4XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R5, InstanceSize.XLARGE4); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R5, InstanceSize.XLARGE4), hasInternalStorage: false }; case x64Ec2InstanceType.R5_8XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R5, InstanceSize.XLARGE8); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R5, InstanceSize.XLARGE8), hasInternalStorage: false }; case x64Ec2InstanceType.G5_LARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.G5, InstanceSize.LARGE); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.G5, InstanceSize.LARGE), hasInternalStorage: true }; case x64Ec2InstanceType.G5_XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.G5, InstanceSize.XLARGE); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.G5, InstanceSize.XLARGE), hasInternalStorage: true }; case x64Ec2InstanceType.I3_LARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.I3, InstanceSize.LARGE); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.I3, InstanceSize.LARGE), hasInternalStorage: true }; case x64Ec2InstanceType.I3_XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.I3, InstanceSize.XLARGE); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.I3, InstanceSize.XLARGE), hasInternalStorage: true }; case x64Ec2InstanceType.I3_2XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.I3, InstanceSize.XLARGE2); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.I3, InstanceSize.XLARGE2), hasInternalStorage: true }; case x64Ec2InstanceType.I3_4XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.I3, InstanceSize.XLARGE4); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.I3, InstanceSize.XLARGE4), hasInternalStorage: true }; case x64Ec2InstanceType.I3_8XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.I3, InstanceSize.XLARGE8); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.I3, InstanceSize.XLARGE8), hasInternalStorage: true }; case x64Ec2InstanceType.INF1_XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.INF1, InstanceSize.XLARGE); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.INF1, InstanceSize.XLARGE), hasInternalStorage: false }; case x64Ec2InstanceType.INF1_2XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.INF1, InstanceSize.XLARGE2); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.INF1, InstanceSize.XLARGE2), hasInternalStorage: false }; default: throw new Error(`Invalid instance type provided, please provide any one the following: ${Object.values(x64Ec2InstanceType)}`); } }; -export const getArm64InstanceTypes = (instanceType: string) => { +export const getArm64InstanceTypes = (instanceType: string): InstanceTypeInfo => { switch (instanceType) { case arm64Ec2InstanceType.M6G_XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.M6G, InstanceSize.XLARGE); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.M6G, InstanceSize.XLARGE), hasInternalStorage: false }; case arm64Ec2InstanceType.M6G_2XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.M6G, InstanceSize.XLARGE2); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.M6G, InstanceSize.XLARGE2), hasInternalStorage: false }; case arm64Ec2InstanceType.C6G_LARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.C6G, InstanceSize.LARGE); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.C6G, InstanceSize.LARGE), hasInternalStorage: false }; case arm64Ec2InstanceType.C6G_XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.C6G, InstanceSize.XLARGE); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.C6G, InstanceSize.XLARGE), hasInternalStorage: false }; case arm64Ec2InstanceType.C6G_2XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.C6G, InstanceSize.XLARGE2); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.C6G, InstanceSize.XLARGE2), hasInternalStorage: false }; + case arm64Ec2InstanceType.C6GD_XLARGE: + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.C6GD, InstanceSize.XLARGE), hasInternalStorage: true }; + case arm64Ec2InstanceType.C6GD_2XLARGE: + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.C6GD, InstanceSize.XLARGE2), hasInternalStorage: true }; + case arm64Ec2InstanceType.C6GD_4XLARGE: + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.C6GD, InstanceSize.XLARGE4), hasInternalStorage: true }; + case arm64Ec2InstanceType.C6GD_8XLARGE: + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.C6GD, InstanceSize.XLARGE8), hasInternalStorage: true }; case arm64Ec2InstanceType.R6G_LARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R6G, InstanceSize.LARGE); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R6G, InstanceSize.LARGE), hasInternalStorage: false }; case arm64Ec2InstanceType.R6G_XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R6G, InstanceSize.XLARGE); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R6G, InstanceSize.XLARGE), hasInternalStorage: false }; case arm64Ec2InstanceType.R6G_2XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R6G, InstanceSize.XLARGE2); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R6G, InstanceSize.XLARGE2), hasInternalStorage: false }; case arm64Ec2InstanceType.R6G_4XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R6G, InstanceSize.XLARGE4); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R6G, InstanceSize.XLARGE4), hasInternalStorage: false }; case arm64Ec2InstanceType.R6G_8XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R6G, InstanceSize.XLARGE8); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R6G, InstanceSize.XLARGE8), hasInternalStorage: false }; + case arm64Ec2InstanceType.R6GD_XLARGE: + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R6GD, InstanceSize.XLARGE), hasInternalStorage: true }; + case arm64Ec2InstanceType.R6GD_2XLARGE: + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R6GD, InstanceSize.XLARGE2), hasInternalStorage: true }; + case arm64Ec2InstanceType.R6GD_4XLARGE: + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R6GD, InstanceSize.XLARGE4), hasInternalStorage: true }; + case arm64Ec2InstanceType.R6GD_8XLARGE: + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R6GD, InstanceSize.XLARGE8), hasInternalStorage: true }; + case arm64Ec2InstanceType.R7GD_XLARGE: + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R7GD, InstanceSize.XLARGE), hasInternalStorage: true }; + case arm64Ec2InstanceType.R7GD_2XLARGE: + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R7GD, InstanceSize.XLARGE2), hasInternalStorage: true }; + case arm64Ec2InstanceType.R7GD_4XLARGE: + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R7GD, InstanceSize.XLARGE4), hasInternalStorage: true }; + case arm64Ec2InstanceType.R7GD_8XLARGE: + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.R7GD, InstanceSize.XLARGE8), hasInternalStorage: true }; case arm64Ec2InstanceType.G5G_LARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.G5G, InstanceSize.LARGE); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.G5G, InstanceSize.LARGE), hasInternalStorage: true }; case arm64Ec2InstanceType.G5G_XLARGE: - return InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.G5G, InstanceSize.XLARGE); + return { instance: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.G5G, InstanceSize.XLARGE), hasInternalStorage: true }; default: throw new Error(`Invalid instance type provided, please provide any one the following: ${Object.values(arm64Ec2InstanceType)}`); } diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index 4a976888071..12fa0b8c1a4 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ } }, "node_modules/@aws-cdk/asset-awscli-v1": { - "version": "2.2.202", - "resolved": "", - "integrity": "sha512-JqlF0D4+EVugnG5dAsNZMqhu3HW7ehOXm5SDMxMbXNDMdsF0pxtQKNHRl52z1U9igsHmaFpUgSGjbhAJ+0JONg==" + "version": "2.2.204", + "resolved": "", + "integrity": "sha512-cm7aZKIubmBAS5IOkGEmh3h8VlKeOsNlLJJ39MnbmGZxXcW7+WaqIS7S4Z3YLKrs6EVQnrP8XQ2kt3cjkqKIJg==" }, "node_modules/@aws-cdk/asset-kubectl-v20": { "version": "2.1.2", @@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ "integrity": "sha512-3M2tELJOxQv0apCIiuKQ4pAbncz9GuLwnKFqxifWfe77wuMxyTRPmxssYHs42ePqzap1LT6GDcPygGs+hHstLg==" }, "node_modules/@aws-cdk/asset-node-proxy-agent-v6": { - 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infraTemplate.resourceCountIs('AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration', 3); + infraTemplate.resourceCountIs('AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate', 3); infraTemplate.resourceCountIs('AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm', 4); infraTemplate.resourceCountIs('AWS::CloudWatch::Dashboard', 1); infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener', { @@ -65,27 +65,49 @@ test('Test Resources with security disabled multi-node default instance types', Port: 8443, Protocol: 'TCP', }); - infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration', { - InstanceType: 'r5.xlarge', - IamInstanceProfile: { - Ref: 'dataNodeAsgInstanceProfileEC27E8D1', + infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate', { + LaunchTemplateData: { + InstanceType: 'r5.xlarge', + MetadataOptions: { + HttpTokens: 'required', + }, + }, + }); + infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup', { + LaunchTemplate: { + LaunchTemplateId: { + Ref: 'dataNodeLt6A2F1285', + }, }, }); - infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration', { - InstanceType: 'c5.xlarge', - IamInstanceProfile: { - Ref: 'seedNodeAsgInstanceProfile6F1EA4FF', + infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate', { + LaunchTemplateData: { + InstanceType: 'c5.xlarge', + MetadataOptions: { + HttpTokens: 'required', + }, + }, + }); + infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup', { + LaunchTemplate: { + LaunchTemplateId: { + Ref: 'seedNodeLt6F5D0A36', + }, }, }); - infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration', { - InstanceType: 'c5.xlarge', - IamInstanceProfile: { - Ref: 'managerNodeAsgInstanceProfile1415C2CF', + infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate', { + LaunchTemplateData: { + InstanceType: 'c5.xlarge', + MetadataOptions: { + HttpTokens: 'required', + }, }, }); - infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration', { - MetadataOptions: { - HttpTokens: 'required', + infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup', { + LaunchTemplate: { + LaunchTemplateId: { + Ref: 'managerNodeLtDC4E5B3A', + }, }, }); }); @@ -131,7 +153,7 @@ test('Test Resources with security disabled multi-node default instance types us infraTemplate.resourceCountIs('AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer', 1); infraTemplate.resourceCountIs('AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener', 2); infraTemplate.resourceCountIs('AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup', 2); - infraTemplate.resourceCountIs('AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration', 3); + infraTemplate.resourceCountIs('AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate', 3); infraTemplate.resourceCountIs('AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm', 4); infraTemplate.resourceCountIs('AWS::CloudWatch::Dashboard', 1); infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener', { @@ -142,27 +164,28 @@ test('Test Resources with security disabled multi-node default instance types us Port: 8443, Protocol: 'TCP', }); - infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration', { - InstanceType: 'r5.xlarge', - IamInstanceProfile: { - Ref: 'dataNodeAsgInstanceProfileEC27E8D1', - }, - }); - infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration', { - InstanceType: 'c5.xlarge', - IamInstanceProfile: { - Ref: 'seedNodeAsgInstanceProfile6F1EA4FF', + infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate', { + LaunchTemplateData: { + InstanceType: 'r5.xlarge', + MetadataOptions: { + HttpTokens: 'required', + }, }, }); - infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration', { - InstanceType: 'c5.xlarge', - IamInstanceProfile: { - Ref: 'managerNodeAsgInstanceProfile1415C2CF', + infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate', { + LaunchTemplateData: { + InstanceType: 'c5.xlarge', + MetadataOptions: { + HttpTokens: 'required', + }, }, }); - infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration', { - MetadataOptions: { - HttpTokens: 'required', + infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate', { + LaunchTemplateData: { + InstanceType: 'c5.xlarge', + MetadataOptions: { + HttpTokens: 'required', + }, }, }); }); @@ -246,38 +269,30 @@ test('Test Resources with security enabled multi-node with existing Vpc with use }); const infraTemplate = Template.fromStack(infraStack); - infraTemplate.resourceCountIs('AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration', 4); + infraTemplate.resourceCountIs('AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate', 4); infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener', { Port: 443, Protocol: 'TCP', }); - infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration', { - BlockDeviceMappings: [ - { - Ebs: { - VolumeSize: 200, + infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate', { + LaunchTemplateData: { + BlockDeviceMappings: [ + { + DeviceName: '/dev/xvda', + Ebs: { + VolumeSize: 200, + VolumeType: 'gp3', + }, }, - }, - ], + ], + }, }); infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer', { Scheme: 'internet-facing', }); - infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration', { - InstanceType: 'r5.xlarge', - IamInstanceProfile: { - Ref: 'dataNodeAsgInstanceProfileEC27E8D1', - }, - }); - infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration', { - InstanceType: 'g5.xlarge', - IamInstanceProfile: { - Ref: 'mlNodeAsgInstanceProfileFF393D8C', - }, - }); - infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration', { - MetadataOptions: { - HttpTokens: 'required', + infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate', { + LaunchTemplateData: { + InstanceType: 'g5.xlarge', }, }); }); @@ -379,9 +394,10 @@ test('Throw error on wrong cpu arch to instance mapping', () => { } catch (error) { expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(Error); // @ts-ignore - expect(error.message).toEqual('Invalid instance type provided, please provide any one the following: ' - + 'm6g.xlarge,m6g.2xlarge,c6g.large,c6g.xlarge,c6g.2xlarge,r6g.large,r6g.xlarge,r6g.2xlarge,r6g.4xlarge,r6g.8xlarge,' - + 'g5g.large,g5g.xlarge'); + expect(error.message).toEqual('Invalid instance type provided, please provide any one the following: m6g.xlarge,m6g.2xlarge,' + + 'c6g.large,c6g.xlarge,c6g.2xlarge,c6gd.xlarge,c6gd.2xlarge,c6gd.4xlarge,c6gd.8xlarge,r6g.large,r6g.xlarge,r6g.2xlarge,' + + 'r6g.4xlarge,r6g.8xlarge,r6gd.xlarge,r6gd.2xlarge,r6gd.4xlarge,r6gd.8xlarge,r7gd.xlarge,r7gd.2xlarge,r7gd.4xlarge,' + + 'r7gd.8xlarge,g5g.large,g5g.xlarge'); } }); @@ -427,6 +443,94 @@ test('Throw error on ec2 instance outside of enum list', () => { } }); +test("Throw error when useInstanceBasedStorage is true but the chosen instance type doesn't support", () => { + const app = new App({ + context: { + securityDisabled: false, + minDistribution: false, + distributionUrl: '', + cpuArch: 'x64', + singleNodeCluster: false, + dashboardsUrl: '', + distVersion: '1.0.0', + serverAccessType: 'prefixList', + restrictServerAccessTo: 'pl-12345', + dataNodeStorage: 200, + isInternal: true, + dataInstanceType: 'r5.2xlarge', + useInstanceBasedStorage: 'true', + }, + }); + + try { + const networkStack = new NetworkStack(app, 'opensearch-network-stack', { + env: { account: 'test-account', region: 'us-east-1' }, + }); + + // @ts-ignore + const infraStack = new InfraStack(app, 'opensearch-infra-stack', { + vpc: networkStack.vpc, + securityGroup: networkStack.osSecurityGroup, + env: { account: 'test-account', region: 'us-east-1' }, + }); + + // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef + fail('Expected an error to be thrown'); + } catch (error) { + expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(Error); + // @ts-ignore + expect(error.message).toEqual('The instance type provided does not have instance backed storage. Please provide correct instance type'); + } +}); + +test('check if directory is mounted if useInstanceBasedStorage is true', () => { + const app = new App({ + context: { + securityDisabled: false, + minDistribution: false, + distributionUrl: '', + cpuArch: 'arm64', + singleNodeCluster: false, + dashboardsUrl: '', + distVersion: '1.0.0', + serverAccessType: 'prefixList', + restrictServerAccessTo: 'pl-12345', + dataNodeStorage: 200, + isInternal: true, + dataInstanceType: 'c6gd.2xlarge', + useInstanceBasedStorage: 'true', + }, + }); + + const networkStack = new NetworkStack(app, 'opensearch-network-stack', { + env: { account: 'test-account', region: 'us-east-1' }, + }); + + // @ts-ignore + const infraStack = new InfraStack(app, 'opensearch-infra-stack', { + vpc: networkStack.vpc, + securityGroup: networkStack.osSecurityGroup, + env: { account: 'test-account', region: 'us-east-1' }, + }); + + const infraTemplate = Template.fromStack(infraStack); + infraTemplate.hasResource('AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup', { + /* eslint-disable max-len */ + Metadata: { + 'AWS::CloudFormation::Init': { + config: { + commands: { + '000': { + command: 'set -ex; sudo mkfs -t xfs /dev/nvme1n1; sudo mkdir /mnt/data; sudo mount /dev/nvme1n1 /mnt/data; sudo chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user /mnt/data', + ignoreErrors: false, + }, + }, + }, + }, + }, + }); +}); + test('Test multi-node cluster with only data-nodes', () => { const app = new App({ context: { @@ -459,26 +563,7 @@ test('Test multi-node cluster with only data-nodes', () => { const infraTemplate = Template.fromStack(infraStack); infraTemplate.resourceCountIs('AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup', 2); - infraTemplate.resourceCountIs('AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration', 2); - infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration', { - InstanceType: 'r5.xlarge', - IamInstanceProfile: { - Ref: 'seedNodeAsgInstanceProfile6F1EA4FF', - }, - BlockDeviceMappings: [ - { - Ebs: { - VolumeSize: 200, - VolumeType: 'gp3', - }, - }, - ], - }); - infraTemplate.hasResourceProperties('AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration', { - MetadataOptions: { - HttpTokens: 'required', - }, - }); + infraTemplate.resourceCountIs('AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate', 2); }); test('Test multi-node cluster with remote-store enabled', () => { @@ -843,12 +928,12 @@ test('Test additionalConfig overriding values', () => { 'AWS::CloudFormation::Init': { config: { commands: { - '011': { + '012': { command: "set -ex; cd opensearch/config; echo \" custom-cdk\nnetwork.port: '8041'\n\">additionalConfig.yml; yq eval-all -i '. as $item ireduce ({}; . * $item)' opensearch.yml additionalConfig.yml -P", cwd: '/home/ec2-user', ignoreErrors: false, }, - '016': { + '017': { command: "set -ex;cd opensearch-dashboards/config; echo \"something.enabled: 'true'\nsomething_else.enabled: 'false'\n\">additionalOsdConfig.yml; yq eval-all -i '. as $item ireduce ({}; . * $item)' opensearch_dashboards.yml additionalOsdConfig.yml -P", cwd: '/home/ec2-user', ignoreErrors: false,