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Mobility Data Management State of Practice

Michael Schnuerle edited this page May 12, 2020 · 10 revisions

Below are a collection of policy and technical resources related to the handling and protection of MDS and other types of mobility data. They are provided here to aid cities in developing their own policies around data privacy, security, and transparency. 

Privacy Principles and Policies

Policy documents related to the privacy implications of mobility data collection, storage, and use.

Data Processing, Aggregation, and Anonymization

Methodologies and tools for ingesting, aggregating, and anonymizing mobility data.

Risk Assessment

Toolkits and resources for understanding and managing risk associated with mobility data.

Public Data Sharing

Open / public mobility data sets, and information about approaches to anonymization.

Binning, fuzzing

Census tracts

Street segments

Data Visualization

Public-facing mobility data visualization and reporting tools.

Outreach and education

Resources for public education and outreach related to mobility data and privacy.

NOTE: The links above are provided for reference and do not represent an endorsement or official policy statement of the Open Mobility Foundation.

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