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Configuration Settings

Dave Nicolette edited this page Jan 1, 2021 · 47 revisions

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By default, configuration settings are in a file named located in the project root directory. The path to the config file can be given as a command-line arguments to the main class. See usage documentation for details. (link TBD)

Keys and values

application.copybook.filename.suffix = none

If the application copybook filenames have a suffix, specify it here without the period.


application.copybook.filename.suffix = CBL

The default is none, and if the property is not present in the config file cobol-check will assume "none". = path

The path to the root directory where source files for the application under test are located. In this points to the user's application source. Can be an absolute path (starting with /) or a relative path starting at the project root directory. In it points to the Cobol sources used in cobol-check's own test suite.


# relative = app/copy


# absolute = /home/myuser/projects/myapp/src/main/cobol/com/foo/bar/app/copy


# absolute = C:\Users\myuser\Documents\myapp\src\main\cobol\com\foo\bar\app\copy = path

The path to the root directory where copybooks for the application under test are located. In this points to the user's application copybooks. Can be an absolute path (starting with /) or a relative path starting at the project root directory. In it points to the copybooks used in cobol-check's own test suite. = copybooks

The relative path starting from where the cobol-check copybooks to be inserted into test programs are located. These are the Working-Storage (ZUTZPCWS) and Procedure Division (ZUTZPCPD) copybooks injected into the copy of the program under test.

cobolcheck.prefix = UT

Prefix for field names and paragraph names in the test management code that cobol-check inserts into programs to be tested. The default is "UT". If this conflicts with names in the programs to be tested, you can override it with a value you specify here. The value of cobolcheck.prefix will be used in COPY REPLACING statements when cobol-check inserts its test management code into the program under test.

config.loaded = production | test

This is for the tool to check itself to see if it has been initialized as expected. In this will be set to production. In it will be set to test. Users who create additional environments where cobol-check needs to run are free to define any value they wish for this property.

copybook.expansion = false | true

This controls whether cobol-check expands Cobol copybooks in the application under test. In some situations, it may be necessary for cobol-check to expand copybooks, as the merge of test code and production code occurs prior to compilation. See Copybook Expansion for more information.

locale.language,, locale.variant = (commented out by default)

You can set these to cause the tool to use a different default Locale than the system default, if desired. You can set all three, or language and country, or just language. When omitted, the tool uses the system default Locale for localizing messages on exceptions and log entries. = (no default)

The relative path on the project classpath (during development) where resource files are located for cobol-check's own development and testing. Typically this will be a value such as src/main/resources or src/test/resources.

test.suite.path = ./ALLTESTS

Relative and/or absolute paths for test suites to be included in this run. These are concatenated to the end of the list specified in command-line option --test-suite-path. Value can be a colon-delimited list. Globs are not supported!

Note the default value ./ALLTESTS is a filename, not a directory name.

"Computed" property

This not set manually in the properties file. It is computed when the Config class loads the property values at runtime.

default.locale = Locale(...)

If you specify values for locale.language,, and/or locale.variant, the load() method of the Config class creates a Locale object and stores it in the runtime configuration for convenience.

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