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Releases: openlayers/openlayers


11 Jul 20:15
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With more than 160 pull requests from 14 contributors, this release brings improved support for using OpenLayers in Node.js environments, a new WKB (well known binary) format, TypeScript declarations in the ol package, and more efficient vector tile rendering. In addition, several examples were added or improved, and many bugs were fixed.

Upgrade notes

Included TypeScript declarations

The ol package now includes TypeScript declarations as *.d.ts files.

If desired, e.g. when you don't want to adjust your code after upgrading from a previous version where you used @types/ol, you can opt out of the included types and use third-party types by specifying aliases in the compilerOptions section of tsconfig.json, e.g.

    "baseUrl": "./",
    "paths": {
      "ol": ["node_modules/@types/ol"],
      "ol/*": ["node_modules/@types/ol/*"]

Deprecation of undefinedHTML option for the MousePosition control

The undefinedHTML option for the MousePosition control has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the new placeholder option instead.

New placeholder option for the MousePosition control

When the mouse position is not available, the control renders a non-breaking space. To render something else instead,
set the placeholder option. If you want to retain the last position when the mouse leaves the viewport, set
placeholder: false. This will be the default behavior in a future release.

The placeholder option has no effect if the deprecated undefinedHTML option is also used. You should use the placeholder option instead of undefinedHTML.

Deprecation of image render mode for vector tile layers

renderMode: 'image' for vector tile layers has been deprecated. Applications continue to work, but a warning will be issued to the console. To get rid of the warning, simply remove the renderMode option.

New features and improvements

  • New create-ol-app package to create a new app with an OpenLayers map.
  • Improved rendering quality of regular shapes and circles.
  • New placeholder option for better control of the MousePosition control's output.
  • TypeScript generated .d.ts files are now included in the ol package.
  • Improved zDirection option on tile sources to control when the tile z changes on fractional zoom levels.
  • Template mode for the TileDebug source for better debugging of tile coordinate issues.
  • More efficient vector tile rendering to save battery on mobile devices and memory.
  • New 'properties' option on layers for easier use of arbitrary properties in typed environments.
  • Hit detection support when using OffscreenCanvas and workers for rendering.
  • The ol package now uses "type": "module" in package.json for easier use of OpenLayers in Node.js.
  • New WKB (Well-Known Binary) format parser and serializer.
  • Console warning when map container's width or height are zero.
  • New snapToPointer option on the Modify interaction to control user experience when clicking a vertex far away from its center.

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27 Dec 19:20
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With more than 110 pull requests, this release not only brings WFS 2.0 support and improved touch support for drawing geometries and querying features. In addition to that, several improvements, many bugs fixes, and nicer API docs and examples have found their way into the 6.5.0 release.

Upgrade notes

Units of the hitTolerance option fixed

Previously, the hitTolerance option of the map's getFeaturesAtPixel(), forEachFeatureAtPixel() and hasFeatureAtPixel() methods behaved differently depending on the devicePixelRatio (or the pixelRatio of the map), because the original value was internally multiplied by the device pixel ratio twice instead of just once. Now this is fixed. Note: The hitTolerance's units are css pixels. The documentation was updated to reflect this.

If your application adjusts for that with code like

{ hitTolerance: 10 / devicePixelRatio, }

you'll have to change that code to

{ hitTolerance: 10, }

New features and improvements

  • New scale option in RegularShape and Circle style constructors
  • WFS 2.0.0 support
  • Added preRender and postRender methods to WebGLLayerRenderer
  • Added className constructor option in ol/layer/Heatmap
  • Added load events for ol/source/Vector
  • New iconUrlFunction option for ol/format/KML
  • Added transition option to OSM and CartoDB sources
  • DragAndDrop interaction support for formats that read ArrayBuffer sources
  • New padding option for ol/View
  • New cancel event for the DragBox interaction
  • When using hitTolerance, detect closest features first
  • Ability to draw Circle geometries with a custom renderer

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03 Aug 18:06
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This is a bugfix release which fixes a performance regression, a rendering issue, and adds improvements to a few examples.

See the v6.4.0 release notes for a complete list of changes and upgrade notes when upgrading from v6.3.x.

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Dependency Updates


30 Jul 21:21
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This is a bugfix release which removes a few regressions that were introduced by v6.4.0, and fixes a few issues in examples.

See the v6.4.0 release notes for a complete list of changes and upgrade notes when upgrading from v6.3.x.

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29 Jul 18:44
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This is a bugfix release which removes a few regressions that were introduced by v6.4.0, and fixes a few issues in examples caused by the website facelift.

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Dependency Updates


26 Jul 19:06
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With more than 120 pull requests, this release brings a facelift of the website, as well as many bug fixes and several exciting new features.

Upgrade notes

Pointer events polyfill removed

Now that all major browsers support Pointer events natively, we removed the elm-pep dependency. If you are targeting older browsers that do not support Pointer events, you now need to include a pointer events polyfill (elm-pep or pepjs) in your application.

New features and improvements

  • Several event handling fixes and improvements for seamless integration into scrollable web pages and improved support for maps in web components.
  • Map interactions work again when ol.css is not included in the build.
  • More stable map views with decluttered labels during panning.
  • Image smoothing can be disabled, so raster cells can have sharp edges in image layers now.
  • Better cache management for tile layers.
  • Retina/HiDPI support for regular shape and svg icon styles.

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06 Apr 07:29
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This is a bugfix release which removes the auto-generated .d.ts TypeScript type files from the published package.

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02 Apr 20:44
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With more than 70 pull requests, this release not only brings significant improvements to the API documentation. It also fixes some old bugs and brings frequently requested improvements. And good news for TypeScript users: OpenLayers now ships with type definitions in .d.ts files.

New features and improvements

  • Several improvements to the Graticule layer, like consistent labeling, no more missing graticule lines, and it now works for views that cross the date line.
  • Better support for KML icon colors, as well as fills and outlines in PolyStyle
  • Better ol/Overlay performance and support for panning off-screen overlays into view
  • Most of the rendering code can now be run in web workers, e.g. to render to an OffscreenCanvas
  • OpenLayers now works fine in web components with shadow root
  • WebGL point layers now support rotation based on feature attributes

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13 Feb 20:16
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This is a bugfix release which resolves bundler issues due to a circular dependency, and brings a few documentation and example fixes.

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11 Feb 15:38
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With almost 90 pull requests, this release brings several new features, performance improvements and bug fixes. In addition to that, we once again improved the API documentation and the example pages.

New features and improvements

  • Mousewheel zooming now brings the same user experience as trackpad zooming. One click on the wheel no longer means a jump of a whole zoom level. Instead, depending on the speed of moving the wheel, the user has fine-grained control over zoom increments/decrements.
  • Users now have better control over the initial map viewport when the aspect ratio of the map is different from a specified initial extent.
  • Text rendering has been optimized for decluttering and improved for rotated views. This means lower memory footprint and no more blurry text when the map is rotated. Note: Whit this change, the label cache has been deprecated.
  • A new displacement option for icon, circle and regular shape styles makes positioning of point symbolizers more flexible.
  • Several improvements have been made to the KML parser for reading styles, bringing the rendered result much closer to Google Earth.
  • OpenLayers is now less aggressive on stopping events and preventing event default behavior. This means that users have more control over events, making it easier to use interactive SVGs as layers and to embed maps on scrollable pages.
  • Vector tile layers now have a vector render mode, which brings improved zooming experience for sources with not too much data.
  • We replaced the previous pointer events polyfill to elm-pep, which should work better in web components.

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