diff --git a/hack/daemon/win/daemon-ws2022.yaml b/hack/daemon/win/daemon-ws2022.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 474aa9e82a..0000000000 --- a/hack/daemon/win/daemon-ws2022.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: apps/v1 -kind: DaemonSet -metadata: - labels: - control-plane: daemon - name: kruise-daemon-win - namespace: kruise-system -spec: - selector: - matchLabels: - control-plane: daemon - template: - metadata: - labels: - control-plane: daemon - spec: - affinity: - nodeAffinity: - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - nodeSelectorTerms: - - matchExpressions: - - key: type - operator: NotIn - values: - - virtual-kubelet - containers: - - args: - - --logtostderr=true - - --v=5 - - --addr=:10221 - - --feature-gates=ImagePullJobGate=true - - --enable-pprof=true - - --pprof-addr=localhost:10222 - workingDir: "$env:CONTAINER_SANDBOX_MOUNT_POINT/" - command: - - $env:CONTAINER_SANDBOX_MOUNT_POINT/kruise-daemon.exe - env: - - name: NODE_NAME - valueFrom: - fieldRef: - apiVersion: v1 - fieldPath: spec.nodeName - image: openkruise/kruise-daemon-win:test # Replace with the actual image - imagePullPolicy: Always - livenessProbe: - failureThreshold: 3 - httpGet: - path: /healthz - port: 10221 - scheme: HTTP - initialDelaySeconds: 60 - periodSeconds: 10 - successThreshold: 1 - timeoutSeconds: 1 - name: daemon - resources: - limits: - cpu: 50m - memory: 128Mi - requests: - cpu: "0" - memory: "0" - terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log - terminationMessagePolicy: File - dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet - hostNetwork: true - restartPolicy: Always - schedulerName: default-scheduler - securityContext: - windowsOptions: - hostProcess: true - runAsUserName: "NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM" - serviceAccount: kruise-daemon - serviceAccountName: kruise-daemon - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10 - tolerations: - - operator: Exists - nodeSelector: - kubernetes.io/os: windows - updateStrategy: - rollingUpdate: - maxSurge: 0 - maxUnavailable: 10% - type: RollingUpdate