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[PoA] Transactions are not propagated when adding a new node to the network #10040

fooock opened this issue Dec 10, 2018 · 17 comments
F2-bug 🐞 The client fails to follow expected behavior. M4-core ⛓ Core client code / Rust. P5-sometimesoon 🌲 Issue is worth doing soon.


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fooock commented Dec 10, 2018

Before filing a new issue, please provide the following information.

  • Parity Ethereum version: Parity-Ethereum/v2.1.8-stable-3eae1d3-20181130/x86_64-linux-gnu/rustc1.30.1
  • Operating system: Linux
  • Installation: one-line installer
  • Fully synchronized: yes
  • Network: Private PoA
  • Restarted: yes

I'm trying the demo PoA tutorial. All seems to work, but when I add a new node to the network (this node isn't validator), the transactions from this node doesn't propagate to the other nodes in the network.

The initial network is composed of the nodes:

  • validator-01
  • validator-02

The updated network is with the node:

  • regular-02

All transactions related to this issue are from regular-02 node.

The genesis file for my network is:


The .toml configuration file from the regular node is:

chain = "/parity/primer.json"                                                                                                                                                                                      
base_path = "/parity/regular-02"                                                                                                                                                                                   
identity = "primer-regular-02"                                                                                                                                                                           
no_persistent_txqueue = true                                                                                                                                                                                       
port = 30302                                                                                                                                                                                                       
interface = "all"                                                                                                                                                                                                  
port = 8542                                                                                                                                                                                                        
cors = ["*"]                                                                                                                                                                                                       
apis = ["web3", "eth", "net", "personal", "parity", "parity_set", "traces", "rpc", "parity_accounts"]                                                                                                              
port = 8182                                                                                                                                                                                                        
port = 8452                                                                                                                                                                                                        
disable = true 

The .toml config file from one of the validator nodes is (the other one is the same config but with different identity and base path):

chain = "/parity/primer.json"                                                                                                                                                                                      
base_path = "/parity/validator-02"                                                                                                                                                                                 
identity = "primer-validator-02"                                                                                                                                                                         
no_persistent_txqueue = true                                                                                                                                                                                       
port = 30300                                                                                                                                                                                                       
min_peers = 50                                                                                                                                                                                                     
max_peers = 100                                                                                                                                                                                                    
port = 8540                                                                                                                                                                                                        
cors = ["*"]                                                                                                                                                                                                       
apis = ["web3", "eth", "net", "personal", "parity", "parity_set", "traces", "rpc", "parity_accounts"]                                                                                                              
port = 8180                                                                                                                                                                                                        
port = 8450                                                                                                                                                                                                        
password = ["/parity/validator-02/node.pwds"]                                                                                                                                                                      
engine_signer = "0x001b3fc96e38936badeb3b43bf8b05e43c6128e3"                                                                                                                                                       
force_sealing = true                                                                                                                                                                                               
reseal_on_txs = "all"  

When I send a new transaction from this node, a new transaction is created:

curl --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"personal_sendTransaction","params":[{\
  "value":"0xDE0B6B3A7640000"}, "**************"],"id":0}' \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:8542                                                                                             


When I want to retrieve the transaction info from this node, I obtain this result:

curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getTransactionByHash","params":["0x3135e61208a47af85e677be1e9f39efbd7a81098212f525f4cbcf6be082e8930"],"id":1}' -H "Content
-Type: application/json" localhost:8542

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "blockHash": null,
    "blockNumber": null,
    "chainId": "0x3144e",
    "condition": null,
    "creates": null,
    "from": "0x00c498303595303a7533c47cf32f632087dc1c0c",
    "gas": "0x186a00",
    "gasPrice": "0x0",
    "hash": "0x3135e61208a47af85e677be1e9f39efbd7a81098212f525f4cbcf6be082e8930",
    "input": "0x",
    "nonce": "0x16",
    "publicKey": "0xa0263cf09db59c38b4c155aa72b059b06db26cb7123ef07a48025960254268e45496890d7aa258f1337ea43d9a0d1bb05ee99410f42205c6dd817276a311e512",
    "r": "0xefad4a024b155b4bb83c519ac3f5991184c7579d328f13ce1c0b5c922f7e5b75",
    "raw": "0xf86b168083186a0094009dfd994dfe87af895bd9a6a3e5576182d52d9f880de0b6b3a764000080830628bfa0efad4a024b155b4bb83c519ac3f5991184c7579d328f13ce1c0b5c922f7e5b75a06e97cd60d336c666ba702ba52abc49862f6158c2368
    "s": "0x6e97cd60d336c666ba702ba52abc49862f6158c23685350c89c79e1c6874560c",
    "standardV": "0x0",
    "to": "0x009dfd994dfe87af895bd9a6a3e5576182d52d9f",
    "transactionIndex": null,
    "v": "0x628bf",
    "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000"
  "id": 1

From the Ethereum network status this is what I see:


I expect the transaction sent from the regular-02 node has been mined, but this never occurs.

What I'm missing?

When I use Parity 1.11.7 or 1.11.11, this network config work as expected, and all transactions are mined.



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jam10o-new commented Dec 10, 2018

Can you share the txqueue logs from your validator nodes? (-l txqueue=trace) when you try getTransactionByHash the result indicates that the transaction is still pending (blockHash is null, blockNumber is null) so that either means the transaction is either not reaching your validation nodes, or not being accepted by them once they reach the txqueue. Do you see the transaction if you try that rpc call on your validation nodes?

@jam10o-new jam10o-new added the Z1-question 🙋‍♀️ Issue is a question. Closer should answer. label Dec 10, 2018
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fooock commented Dec 10, 2018

txqueue logs from validator nodes here. When I execute the last command to see the transaction from my validator-02 node the response is nothing:

$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getTransactionByHash","params":["0x3135e61208a47af85e677be1e9f39efbd7a81098212f525f4cbcf6be082e8930"],"id":1}' -
H "Content -Type: application/json" localhost:8540

Same for the validator-01 node.

But if I try to view all transactions from my regular node, all pending transactions appear:

$ curl --data '{"method":"parity_allTransactions","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:8542 | jq
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
    {}, ......
      "blockHash": null,
      "blockNumber": null,
      "chainId": "0x3144e",
      "condition": null,
      "creates": null,
      "from": "0x00c498303595303a7533c47cf32f632087dc1c0c",
      "gas": "0x186a00",
      "gasPrice": "0x0",
      "hash": "0x2b96e93981db005758e66d04cc3b40e198e16ee87191d793ac9cadf7ddb1b507",
      "input": "0x",
      "nonce": "0x4",
      "publicKey": "0xa0263cf09db59c38b4c155aa72b059b06db26cb7123ef07a48025960254268e45496890d7aa258f1337ea43d9a0d1bb05ee99410f42205c6dd817276a311e512",
      "r": "0xff0e26b13567e5a5d683d88e89d6f0d273331a5e081d69e79e86c131cc2cd0ac",
      "raw": "0xf86b048083186a0094009dfd994dfe87af895bd9a6a3e5576182d52d9f880de0b6b3a764000080830628c0a0ff0e26b13567e5a5d683d88e89d6f0d273331a5e081d69e79e86c131cc2cd0aca0054970f35763fa4152934ad594aadc1e6f096da73
      "s": "0x54970f35763fa4152934ad594aadc1e6f096da73f02ed6735b63d23dd0d24be",
      "standardV": "0x1",
      "to": "0x009dfd994dfe87af895bd9a6a3e5576182d52d9f",
      "transactionIndex": null,
      "v": "0x628c0",
      "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000"
      "blockHash": null,
      "blockNumber": null,
      "chainId": "0x3144e",
      "condition": null,
      "creates": null,
      "from": "0x00c498303595303a7533c47cf32f632087dc1c0c",
      "gas": "0x186a00",
      "gasPrice": "0x0",
      "hash": "0xeaf88ce8ace42ebecfe966225b13c82d5fe3e47aad465385da6d573a5fa769b9",
      "input": "0x",
      "nonce": "0x5",
      "publicKey": "0xa0263cf09db59c38b4c155aa72b059b06db26cb7123ef07a48025960254268e45496890d7aa258f1337ea43d9a0d1bb05ee99410f42205c6dd817276a311e512",
      "r": "0x9145d84b8fc9da4854d6f6a18f57c9e8b80ee325b1000dab869ab66487e993a9",
      "raw": "0xf86b058083186a0094009dfd994dfe87af895bd9a6a3e5576182d52d9f880de0b6b3a764000080830628c0a09145d84b8fc9da4854d6f6a18f57c9e8b80ee325b1000dab869ab66487e993a9a004dd2d87a058629ec3b7392c01380478ae237cb9a
      "s": "0x4dd2d87a058629ec3b7392c01380478ae237cb9ac5e011f10bc94f688f32c4a",
      "standardV": "0x1",
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      "v": "0x628c0",
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      "chainId": "0x3144e",
      "condition": null,
      "creates": null,
      "from": "0x00c498303595303a7533c47cf32f632087dc1c0c",
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      "nonce": "0xa",
      "publicKey": "0xa0263cf09db59c38b4c155aa72b059b06db26cb7123ef07a48025960254268e45496890d7aa258f1337ea43d9a0d1bb05ee99410f42205c6dd817276a311e512",
      "r": "0xb0e745ec14a47a62f548df4dbfa8c148d9ed08b0fb28e4dde8d876e41c3d6aa9",
      "raw": "0xf86b0a8083186a0094009dfd994dfe87af895bd9a6a3e5576182d52d9f880de0b6b3a764000080830628c0a0b0e745ec14a47a62f548df4dbfa8c148d9ed08b0fb28e4dde8d876e41c3d6aa9a00d4264a679f14f6a5150706be81bc1b6b33841b91
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      "v": "0x628c0",
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      "publicKey": "0xa0263cf09db59c38b4c155aa72b059b06db26cb7123ef07a48025960254268e45496890d7aa258f1337ea43d9a0d1bb05ee99410f42205c6dd817276a311e512",
      "r": "0x4520d4894b1af5c20ba09897edd39d0a4cb19e8b37e6fb54d51d4affd0b058c4",
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      "nonce": "0x16",
      "publicKey": "0xa0263cf09db59c38b4c155aa72b059b06db26cb7123ef07a48025960254268e45496890d7aa258f1337ea43d9a0d1bb05ee99410f42205c6dd817276a311e512",
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      "s": "0x6e97cd60d336c666ba702ba52abc49862f6158c23685350c89c79e1c6874560c",
      "standardV": "0x0",
      "to": "0x009dfd994dfe87af895bd9a6a3e5576182d52d9f",
      "transactionIndex": null,
      "v": "0x628bf",
      "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000"
  "id": 1

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Yeah, you're certainly correct that the transactions don't seem to be being propagated in the first place. Your netstats also show your nodes are all in sync and on the same chain, that rules out connectivity issues. I'm seeing other users with similar issues elsewhere.

It looks like you're running with --no-persistent-txqueue. Have the transactions (with lower nonces) before those on the txqueue been confirmed already? This is likely a case of nodes not accepting transactions because they don't have the dependencies of the transaction.

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fooock commented Dec 10, 2018

No transactions from any validator node:


$ curl --data '{"method":"parity_allTransactions","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:8540

Using the address from my validator-01 node the client return 3 pending transactions:

$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getTransactionCount","params":["0x009dfd994dfe87af895bd9a6a3e5576182d52d9f","pending"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type
: application/json" localhost:8540

Same number of transactions using the latest param.


$ curl --data '{"method":"parity_allTransactions","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:8540

No transactions sent using this validator.

What do you mean by dependencies of the transaction? The transactions I created are to move funds between accounts and no external dependencies are involved

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jam10o-new commented Dec 10, 2018

ie, transaction nonces

@jam10o-new jam10o-new added F3-annoyance 💩 The client behaves within expectations, however this “expected behaviour” itself is at issue. M4-core ⛓ Core client code / Rust. and removed Z1-question 🙋‍♀️ Issue is a question. Closer should answer. labels Dec 12, 2018
@jam10o-new jam10o-new added this to the 2.3 milestone Dec 12, 2018
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fooock commented Dec 12, 2018

No transactions confirmed from the regular node. The pending transactions shown in one of my last comments is shorted to not occupy much space, currently, nonces from these transactions are from 0x0 to 0x16

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  1. could you run the the regular node with -lsync=trace,txpool=trace?
  2. Seems that you are sending more than 16 transactions from the same address, can you check if setting --txqueue-per-sender 1024 on the regular node changes anything (related Local transactions should be accepted over the limit #9909 )
  3. Is regular node connected to validators and on the same block?
  4. Could you run parity_nextNonce("0x00c498303595303a7533c47cf32f632087dc1c0c") and eth_getTransactionCount("0x00c498303595303a7533c47cf32f632087dc1c0c", "latest") on the regular node and also on validator nodes?
  5. The validator logs never have anything in the pool, which seems suspicious - probably the transactions are not sent at all.

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fooock commented Dec 17, 2018

1 - Logs for the regular node can be found here
3 - Yes, regular node is connected to two nodes
4 - Results:


  • Method parity_nextNonce:
$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"parity_nextNonce","params":["0x00c498303595303a7533c47cf32f632087dc1c0c"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8542
  • Method eth_getTransactionCount:
$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getTransactionCount","params":["0x00c498303595303a7533c47cf32f632087dc1c0c", "latest"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8542                                                             


  • Method parity_nextNonce:
$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"parity_nextNonce","params":["0x00c498303595303a7533c47cf32f632087dc1c0c"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8540                                                                                   
  • Method eth_getTransactionCount:
$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getTransactionCount","params":["0x00c498303595303a7533c47cf32f632087dc1c0c", "latest"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8540                                                             


  • Method parity_nextNonce:
$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"parity_nextNonce","params":["0x00c498303595303a7533c47cf32f632087dc1c0c"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8540                                                                                   
  • Method eth_getTransactionCount:
$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getTransactionCount","params":["0x00c498303595303a7533c47cf32f632087dc1c0c", "latest"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8540                                                             

I will update the configuration to add the --txqueue-per-sender 1024 flag into the regular node.

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fooock commented Dec 17, 2018

Using --tx-queue-per-sender 1024 doesn't changes anything

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@fooock thank you so much for the logs and results, it seems thought that your transaction pool is now empty and you don't have any transactions from 0x00c498303595303a7533c47cf32f632087dc1c0c, can you confirm that?

Would you mind reproducing the situation again and provide the same logs in the case where transactions are there?

@5chdn 5chdn modified the milestones: 2.3, 2.4 Jan 10, 2019
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wkarshat commented Feb 4, 2019

@joshua-mir, you have seen these symptoms in other installations. Could you kindly cross-reference Issues for those and similar, to compare configurations and logs?
#9329 was never replicated or root caused, and this feels way beyond an 'annoyance'.

@jam10o-new jam10o-new added F2-bug 🐞 The client fails to follow expected behavior. P5-sometimesoon 🌲 Issue is worth doing soon. and removed F3-annoyance 💩 The client behaves within expectations, however this “expected behaviour” itself is at issue. labels Feb 11, 2019
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"I'm seeing other users with similar issues" usually refers to gitter. Unfortunately, I can't get everyone to share their logs or report/update issues here.

Bumped priority, I'm still seeing this incidentally, but there has been improvements due to better transaction importing #10051 @wkarshat are you still seeing this yourself and are you willing to put in time to help investigate?

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fooock commented Feb 15, 2019

@tomusdrw I can't reproduce the error...

@5chdn 5chdn modified the milestones: 2.4, 2.5 Feb 21, 2019
@soc1c soc1c modified the milestones: 2.5, 2.6 Apr 2, 2019
@ordian ordian modified the milestones: 2.6, 2.7 Jul 12, 2019
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SidhMj commented Sep 30, 2019

@joshua-mir I am running something like this

  • 3 validator nodes
  • 1 regular node.
  • regular node is connected to one of the validators nodes.

Any transaction that is submitted in the regular node are propagated to the network and included in the next block.

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@SidhMj does that imply that you aren't seeing this issue?

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SidhMj commented Sep 30, 2019

@joshua-mir yes

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OP also mentioned they can't replicate so will close unless someone states otherwise

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F2-bug 🐞 The client fails to follow expected behavior. M4-core ⛓ Core client code / Rust. P5-sometimesoon 🌲 Issue is worth doing soon.
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8 participants