Open Network Install Environment

ONIE is a small operating system, pre-installed on bare
metal network switches, that provides an environment for automated

Read the `ONIE Documentation <https://opencomputeproject.github.io/onie>`_ for more info.

Building ONIE

The recommended way to set up an ONIE build environment is to use a Docker image, as described
in the ONIE Documentation under `Preparing An ONIE Build Environment <https://opencomputeproject.github.io/onie/developers/building.html#preparing-an-onie-build-environment>`_.

Mailing List and Collaboration

Join the conversation -- send questions, comments and ideas to OCP-ONIE@OCP-All.groups.io.

Subscribe to the list: `https://ocp-all.groups.io/g/OCP-ONIE <https://ocp-all.groups.io/g/OCP-ONIE>`_.

Browse the archives: `https://ocp-all.groups.io/g/OCP-ONIE/topics <https://ocp-all.groups.io/g/OCP-ONIE/topics>`_.