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File metadata and controls

131 lines (114 loc) · 4.43 KB

Adopter Statistics

This is a Flask server that is build to collect, store and administrate statistics reports and error events from opencast instances (adopters). In future opencast versions the admin will be asked to register the instance and allow sending error reports and monthly statistics reports.

Installation Guide

  • Clone Repository:
     git clone
     cd adopter-statistics-server
  • Create virtual enviroment:
     python -m venv venv
  • Activate the environment:
     . venv/bin/activate
  • Install requirements:
     pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Configure TODOs in (if you want to run it in production)
  • Run app:
     // ignore following line if running in production
     export FLASK_ENV=development
     flask run
     // if you run into ModuleNotFound-Error try using
     venv/bin/flask run
  • Open (redirect to the admin page)

Opencast Configuration

By default, Opencast will send data to For testing, you can change that by adding the following configuration option to the


User model / security:

To ensure security there is a role based user model implemented. Before handling the first request this app will create the database, create the roles "readonly" and "superuser" and will create the default superuser defined in (default: Email: "admin", "Password": "admin"). This default admin should be configured with a strong password or be deleted after another superuser was created.

To access the admin page you need to create an account. The created user will not have any permissions. A superuser needs to edit and add a role to your user profile.


  • readonly: Can see Adopter, Error Event and Statistics Report tables
  • superuser: readonly + can edit and delete entries and read/edit/delete users



Use BasicAuth for authentication.


Method Endpoint Description Auth Query param
POST /api/1.0/adopter Create Adopter [everybody]
GET /api/1.0/adopter Query all Adopters [readonly/superuser] __limit & __offset
GET /api/1.0/adopter/<adopter_key> Query adopter by adopter_key [everybody]
PUT /api/1.0/adopter/<adopter_key> Edit adopter [everybody]


	"adopter_key": "C2B1262C424F905466FBCF2ACA1148CF",
	"organisation_name": "Example University",
	"department_name": "Mathematics and Computer Science",
	"gender": null,
	"first_name": null,
	"last_name": null,
	"mail": null,
	"country": "GER",
	"postal_code": "12345",
	"city": "Exampletown",
	"street": "Main Street",
	"street_no": "1A",
	"address_additional": null,
	"contact_me": false,
	"allows_statistics": true,
	"allows_error_reports": true,
	"allows_tech_data": true

Statistics Report

Method Endpoint Description Auth Query param
POST /api/1.0/statistics_report Create statistics report (adopter_key needed) [everybody]
GET /api/1.0/statistics_report Query all statistic reports [readonly/superuser] __limit & __offset
GET /api/1.0/statistics_report/<id> Query statistic report by id [readonly/superuser]
GET /api/1.0/adopter/<adopter_key>/statistics_report Query statistics reports from adopter [everybody] __limit & __offset


	"from_date": "2019-01-01",
	"to_date": "2019-01-31",
	"opencast_version": "6.0.0",
	"adopter_key": "C2B1262C424F905466FBCF2ACA1148CF"

Error Event

Method Endpoint Description Auth Query param
POST /api/1.0/error_event Create error event (adopter_key needed) [everybody]
GET /api/1.0/error_event Query all error events [readonly/superuser] __limit & __offset
GET /api/1.0/error_event/<id> Query error event by id [readonly/superuser]
GET /api/1.0/adopter/<adopter_key>/error_event Query error events from adopter [everybody] __limit & __offset


	"timestamp": "2019-02-24T12:34:56+0100",
	"adopter_key": "C2B1262C424F905466FBCF2ACA1148CF",
	"error_type": "Runtime Exception",
	"data": "{'some': 'json_data'}",
	"opencast_version": "6.0.0"