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File metadata and controls

103 lines (74 loc) · 5.87 KB

Design Information

General Open Assistant overview

Bootstrap Process bootstraps the system. Responsible for loading config, setting up logging, and starting up the hub and legacy stacks...

A call to a start() function within imports a command_loop function, then oa.core.hub::run() is kicked off.

oa.core.hub::run() clears the thread finished flag, loads the modules listed in the "modules" configuration item passed over from the config by calling oa.core.hub::_load_modules(), which is a wrapper for oa.core.util::load_module(), passing the module path. Instantiated module objects are then stored in the dictionary with the module name as the key.

After the modules are instantiated and stored, oa.core.hub::_start_modules() iterates through the list of modules to instantiate thread barriers and module threads, then starts them using the oa.core.hub::thread_loop() function, passing itself, the module, and the thread barrier.

oa.core.hub::thread_loop() calls the module initialization method, if it exists, and then each thread loops waiting to hear for messages from it's upstream resource.

From there, the oa.modules.mind module is the last to load if the system is respecting config order. boot and root minds are loaded sequentially, and the system is readied.

System Parts


Part Description
Hub Currently the backbone of the system. Runs in the main thread and manages the child threads containing the loaded modules. Responsible for bootstrapping each module and wiring up each for input and output.
Agent Does not appear to be currently used. Looks to be an early version of Hub.
Util Holds the code for the command registry and module loading.


_in() - function which yields processed data. Each part works in a separate thread.

Each part reads messages (signals) from devices and/or from an input message wire (wire_in).

To send messages to a part ('voice' for example) use: put('voice','any sentence') To read messages (for current part) use: data = get() (get waits until any messages appear on the wire).

In sophisticated cases you may use wire_in directly (with or without locks).

Newly added parts will start automatically.

Part Description
abilities The abilities module contains functional code that is called by other modules to complete tasks requested of it via voice or text command with the exception of the file. appears responsible for handling some of the communications between modules and thread management.
ear Responsible for taking audio from the local sound device and converting it to frame data to be passed downstream. All functionality is fired through
mind Contains the boot and root minds, which define commands to add to the command registry. Each mind has it's own set of commands. Root mind used to come online after voice command, but now comes up automatically as part of boot strapping. Boot mind commands are focused on low level system functions such as listing commands and shutting the system down, where root mind is responsible for all the other commands.
sound Plays sounds files to the audio output bus via the playsound library.
speech_recognition Takes frame data from ear and works to decode what was said.
voice Text to speech via speakers. Contains an incoming channel that listens to the bus, using pyttsx3 to output.

To-Do List

Our current goals are to simplify and restructure modules to provide easy customization, operating system independence, as well as to implement more sophisticated logic such as machine learning (TensorFlow).

We would like to establish an OA.Agents blockchain network, add the ability for customization on fly (adding or changing commands via voice), provide a graphical interface, and build auto installer scripts.

  1. Develop further abilities and minds.
  2. Improve speech recogition and voice synthesis.
  3. Make OA work transparently in Windows, Mac, Linux, and all other operating systems.
  4. (use embedded browser as a display).
  5. Keyboard command input.
  6. Add new commands via voice (extend mind functionality on fly).
  7. Eye tracking system (mouse control via eyes and video camera):
  8. Emotional interaction / lip reading (advanced functionality):
  9. 3D object creation via voice using programmable Openscad:
  10. Build a simple installer for all operating systems via PyInstaller:
  11. Standardize language for module/part throughout the codebase.
  12. Simplify Core.Hub and Core.Util functionality to move module loading into the hub so that it can handle it's own stuff.
  13. Consider making the command registry a singleton or some sort of OOP pattern so that it can be more modular.
  14. Consider a dependency injection model for module/part loading.
  15. Verify that keyboard command input is working.
  16. Begin writing unit testing.

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