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What to contribute

Henne Vogelsang edited this page May 9, 2023 · 30 revisions

We are always looking for contributions to the Open Build Service.

In particular, this community seeks the following types of contributions:

  • code: contribute your expertise in an area by helping us expand the Open Build Service
  • ideas: participate in an issues thread or start your own to have your voice heard.
  • copy editing: fix typos, clarify language, and generally improve the quality of the content of the Open Build Service

Read this guide to understand what you can contribute to do that.

What code to contribute?

Once you are clear on how to contribute code here's a list of things the Open Build Service especially will benefit from.

Good first Ruby on Rails contributions

We maintain a list of bugs and features that we think are easy to start with for the Ruby on Rails application that serves the user and the API interface of the OBS.

If you are new to OBS and/or new to Ruby on Rails this is a good starting point to become a regular contributor to this part of the OBS.

Address Ruby on Rails Technical Debt / Anti-Patterns

We maintain a list of technical debt we took on and have have the obligation repay some time...

If you are a Ruby on Rails expert this is a good starting point to find things worth working on. Many of them include introducing new software design patterns to the code base, major architectural changes and fixing complicated issues. Very good opportunities to get exposure for your Rails kung-fu!

Ruby on Rails / Ruby Upgrades

Ruby on Rails is an actively maintained framework we are trying to stay up to date with. So multiple times a year there are major/minor upgrades with new features and potentially the need for some manual steps/fixes. Luckily we have a documented way to doing this with next_rails and our ruby packages to follow.

Which ideas to contribute?

Which writing to contribute?

OBS Books

  • Proofread
  • Update screenshots
  • Add chapters

Blog Posts for

  • Introduction to workflows / features
  • How to do XYZ... articles

Developer Wiki

  • Document sub-systems
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