The openMINDS_core repository hosts one of the metadata models of the openMINDS metadata framework. It defines modular metadata schemas for describing the general origin, location and content of neuroscience research products.
To generally learn more about the openMINDS metadata framework please go to ➡️ ReadTheDocs.
There you can also explore directly the ➡️ openMINDS_core schema specifications.
For specifically referencing the openMINDS_core metadata model, please use the following RRID Portal record:
openMINDS core metadata model (RRID:SCR_026246)
Please reference in addition openMINDS in general, using our main RRID Portal record:
openMINDS metadata framework (RRID:SCR_023173)
The openMINDS metadata framework is an open-source project and community contributions are highly appreciated. If you want to contribute please follow our ➡️ contribution guidelines.
Schema contributions to openMINDS_core should be raised and discussed on the ➡️ issue tracker
General usage questions should be raised and discussed in our ➡️ community forum.
Alternatively you can email us: [email protected]
The openMINDS metadata framework development started in the Human Brain Project (HBP), funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under the Specific Grant Agreements SGA-1 (No.720270), SGA-2 (No.785907), and SGA-3 (No. 945539).
The framework is further developed as part of the EBRAINS 2.0 project, funded from the European Union's Research and Innovation Program Horizon Europe under Grant Agreement GA (No.101147319).
The framework also receives support from the BigBrain Project, funded by HIBALL.
The openMINDS metadata framework is closely collaborating with the InterLex Project of the SciCrunch Data and Resource Infrastructure and the KnowledgeSpace hosted by the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF).