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avikganguly01 edited this page Oct 13, 2014 · 77 revisions


This page lists out the instructions for getting started on mifosx for Developers.

[Optional] Reproducible development Environment

The following steps walk you through the process of setting up MifosX directly on your local box.

You can also choose to use our Vagrant VM instead, instructions at : MifosX Vagrant VM

Github & Git

see Github-&-Git

Gradle Setup

see Gradle setup

Eclipse Setup

see Eclipse setup

IntellJ IDEA Setup

see IntelliJ Idea Setup

Database setup

see MySQL database setup

Launching platform server locally from the command line

see Launching platform server locally from the command line

Setting up Community UI Application Locally

see Setting up Community UI Application Locally

Contribution Checklist

see Contribution Guidelines

Running Integration Tests

see Running Integration Tests

Troubleshooting Help

Gradle Build Error

If you are running your first gradle task such as "cleanEclipse eclipse" or "war" or "tomcatRunWar" and the build is failing due to a slow/erratic net connection,
avoid downloading of 3rd party gradle jars from internet.

BindException Errors

If you get the Address already in use :8080 exception whilst running the gradle command inside the mifosng-provider directory, you may need to kill the process which is already using 8080 (netstat -aon | grep 8080).

Compilation issues in Eclipse after pulling latest code

Addition of new dependencies in build.gradle after eclipsifying the project ( might cause compilation issues in Eclipse (since the .classpath file created by the gradle eclipse plugin is not updated with the details of the new dependencies)

Re-running "gradle cleanEclipse eclipse" in the mifosng-provider directory and then refreshing the project in eclipse (right-click on the project -> Refresh) would fix the same.

You would also have to re-apply all project specific formatting preferences

###OutOfMemory Errors If you see a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space or java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space memory error while using gradlew clean tomcatRunWar for the first time. Try increasing your JVM settings in gradle. The -Xmx and -XX:MaxPermSize parameters affect overall memory allocation to the tomcat server.

Inside the $GRADLE_HOME/gradle or %%GRADLE_HOME%%/gradle.bat scripts adjust the DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS="" parameter with the following: DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8005,server=y,suspend=n -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"