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index 5f475e4f68a..fea887253e4 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ New:
- Add `Shutdown` function to `*Provider` SDK
+- Add semantic conventions for system metrics
+ ([#937](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/pull/937))
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# Metrics Semantic Conventions
-TODO: Add semantic conventions for metric names and labels.
+The following semantic conventions surrounding metrics are defined:
-Apart from semantic conventions for metrics and [traces](../../trace/semantic_conventions/README.md),
-OpenTelemetry also defines the concept of overarching [Resources](../../resource/sdk.md) with their own
-[Resource Semantic Conventions](../../resource/semantic_conventions/README.md).
+* [HTTP Metrics](http-metrics.md): Semantic conventions and instruments for HTTP metrics.
+* [System Metrics](system-metrics.md): Semantic conventions and instruments for standard system metrics.
+* [Process Metrics](process-metrics.md): Semantic conventions and instruments for standard process metrics.
+* [Runtime Environment Metrics](runtime-environment-metrics.md): Semantic conventions and instruments for runtime environment metrics.
+Apart from semantic conventions for metrics and
+[traces](../../trace/semantic_conventions/README.md), OpenTelemetry also
+defines the concept of overarching [Resources](../../resource/sdk.md) with
+their own [Resource Semantic
+## General Guidelines
+Metric names and labels exist within a single universe and a single
+hierarchy. Metric names and labels MUST be considered within the universe of
+all existing metric names. When defining new metric names and labels,
+consider the prior art of existing standard metrics and metrics from
+Associated metrics SHOULD be nested together in a hierarchy based on their
+usage. Define a top-level hierarchy for common metric categories: for OS
+metrics, like CPU and network; for app runtimes, like GC internals. Libraries
+and frameworks should nest their metrics into a hierarchy as well. This aids
+in discovery and adhoc comparison. This allows a user to find similar metrics
+given a certain metric.
+The hierarchical structure of metrics defines the namespacing. Supporting
+OpenTelemetry artifacts define the metric structures and hierarchies for some
+categories of metrics, and these can assist decisions when creating future
+Common labels SHOULD be consistently named. This aids in discoverability and
+disambiguates similar labels to metric names.
+["As a rule of thumb, **aggregations** over all the dimensions of a given
+metric **SHOULD** be
+meaningful,"](https://prometheus.io/docs/practices/naming/#metric-names) as
+Prometheus recommends.
+Semantic ambiguity SHOULD be avoided. Use prefixed metric names in cases
+where similar metrics have significantly different implementations across the
+breadth of all existing metrics. For example, every garbage collected runtime
+has slightly different strategies and measures. Using a single set of metric
+names for GC, not divided by the runtime, could create dissimilar comparisons
+and confusion for end users. (For example, prefer `runtime.java.gc*` over
+`runtime.gc.*`.) Measures of many operating system metrics are similarly
+Conventional metrics or metrics that have their units included in
+OpenTelemetry metadata (e.g. `metric.WithUnit` in Go) SHOULD NOT include the
+units in the metric name. Units may be included when it provides additional
+meaning to the metric name. Metrics MUST, above all, be understandable and
+## General Metric Semantic Conventions
+The following semantic conventions aim to keep naming consistent. They
+provide guidelines for most of the cases in this specification and should be
+followed for other instruments not explicitly defined in this document.
+### Instrument Naming
+- **limit** - an instrument that measures the constant, known total amount of
+something should be called `entity.limit`. For example, `system.memory.limit`
+for the total amount of memory on a system.
+- **usage** - an instrument that measures an amount used out of a known total
+(**limit**) amount should be called `entity.usage`. For example,
+`system.memory.usage` with label `state = used | cached | free | ...` for the
+amount of memory in a each state. Where appropriate, the sum of **usage**
+over all label values SHOULD be equal to the **limit**.
+ A measure of the amount of an unlimited resource consumed is differentiated
+ from **usage**.
+- **utilization** - an instrument that measures the *fraction* of **usage**
+out of its **limit** should be called `entity.utilization`. For example,
+`system.memory.utilization` for the fraction of memory in use. Utilization
+values are in the range `[0, 1]`.
+- **time** - an instrument that measures passage of time should be called
+`entity.time`. For example, `system.cpu.time` with label `state = idle | user
+| system | ...`. **time** measurements are not necessarily wall time and can
+be less than or greater than the real wall time between measurements.
+ **time** instruments are a special case of **usage** metrics, where the
+ **limit** can usually be calculated as the sum of **time** over all label
+ values. **utilization** for time instruments can be derived automatically
+ using metric event timestamps. For example, `system.cpu.utilization` is
+ defined as the difference in `system.cpu.time` measurements divided by the
+ elapsed time.
+- **io** - an instrument that measures bidirectional data flow should be
+called `entity.io` and have labels for direction. For example,
+- Other instruments that do not fit the above descriptions may be named more
+freely. For example, `system.paging.faults` and `system.network.packets`.
+Units do not need to be specified in the names since they are included during
+instrument creation, but can be added if there is ambiguity.
+### Units
+Units should follow the [UCUM](http://unitsofmeasure.org/ucum.html) (need
+more clarification in
+- Instruments for **utilization** metrics (that measure the fraction out of a
+total) are dimensionless and SHOULD use the default unit `1` (the unity).
+- Instruments that measure an integer count of something SHOULD use the
+default unit `1` (the unity) and
+[annotations](https://ucum.org/ucum.html#para-curly) with curly braces to
+give additional meaning. For example `{packets}`, `{errors}`, `{faults}`,
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+# Semantic Conventions for OS Process Metrics
+This document describes instruments and labels for common OS process level
+metrics in OpenTelemetry. Also consider the [general metric semantic
+conventions](README.md#general-metric-semantic-conventions) when creating
+instruments not explicitly defined in this document. OS process metrics are
+not related to the runtime environment of the program, and should take
+measurements from the operating system. For runtime environment metrics see
+[semantic conventions for runtime environment
+- [Metric Instruments](#metric-instruments)
+## Metric Instruments
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+# Semantic Conventions for Runtime Environment Metrics
+This document includes semantic conventions for runtime environment level
+metrics in OpenTelemetry. Also consider the [general
+metric](README.md#general-metric-semantic-conventions), [system
+metrics](system-metrics.md) and [OS Process metrics](process-metrics.md)
+semantic conventions when instrumenting runtime environments.
+- [Metric Instruments](#metric-instruments)
+ * [Runtime Environment Specific Metrics - `runtime.{environment}.`](#runtime-environment-specific-metrics---runtimeenvironment)
+## Metric Instruments
+Runtime environments vary widely in their terminology, implementation, and
+relative values for a given metric. For example, Go and Python are both
+garbage collected languages, but comparing heap usage between the Go and
+CPython runtimes directly is not meaningful. For this reason, this document
+does not propose any standard top-level runtime metric instruments. See [OTEP
+108](https://github.com/open-telemetry/oteps/pull/108/files) for additional
+### Runtime Environment Specific Metrics - `runtime.{environment}.`
+Metrics specific to a certain runtime environment should be prefixed with
+`runtime.{environment}.` and follow the semantic conventions outlined in
+[general metric semantic
+conventions](README.md#general-metric-semantic-conventions). Authors of
+runtime instrumentations are responsible for the choice of `{environment}` to
+avoid ambiguity when interpreting a metric's name or values.
+For example, some programming languages have multiple runtime environments
+that vary significantly in their implementation, like [Python which has many
+implementations](https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonImplementations). For
+such languages, consider using specific `{environment}` prefixes to avoid
+ambiguity, like `runtime.cpython.` and `runtime.pypy.`.
+There are other dimensions even within a given runtime environment to
+consider, for example pthreads vs green thread implementations.
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+# Semantic Conventions for System Metrics
+This document describes instruments and labels for common system level
+metrics in OpenTelemetry. Consider the [general metric semantic
+conventions](README.md#general-metric-semantic-conventions) when creating
+instruments not explicitly defined in the specification.
+- [Metric Instruments](#metric-instruments)
+ * [`system.cpu.` - Processor metrics](#systemcpu---processor-metrics)
+ * [`system.memory.` - Memory metrics](#systemmemory---memory-metrics)
+ * [`system.paging.` - Paging/swap metrics](#systempaging---pagingswap-metrics)
+ * [`system.disk.` - Disk controller metrics](#systemdisk---disk-controller-metrics)
+ * [`system.filesystem.` - Filesystem metrics](#systemfilesystem---filesystem-metrics)
+ * [`system.network.` - Network metrics](#systemnetwork---network-metrics)
+ * [`system.process.` - Aggregate system process metrics](#systemprocess---aggregate-system-process-metrics)
+ * [`system.{os}.` - OS Specific System Metrics](#systemos---os-specific-system-metrics)
+## Metric Instruments
+### `system.cpu.` - Processor metrics
+**Description:** System level processor metrics.
+| Name | Description | Units | Instrument Type | Value Type | Label Key(s) | Label Values |
+| ---------------------- | ----------- | ----- | --------------- | ---------- | ------------ | ----------------------------------- |
+| system.cpu.time | | s | SumObserver | Double | state | idle, user, system, interrupt, etc. |
+| | | | | | cpu | CPU number [0..n-1] |
+| system.cpu.utilization | | 1 | ValueObserver | Double | state | idle, user, system, interrupt, etc. |
+| | | | | | cpu | CPU number (0..n) |
+### `system.memory.` - Memory metrics
+**Description:** System level memory metrics. This does not include [paging/swap
+| Name | Description | Units | Instrument Type | Value Type | Label Key | Label Values |
+| ------------------------- | ----------- | ----- | ----------------- | ---------- | --------- | ------------------------ |
+| system.memory.usage | | By | UpDownSumObserver | Int64 | state | used, free, cached, etc. |
+| system.memory.utilization | | 1 | ValueObserver | Double | state | used, free, cached, etc. |
+### `system.paging.` - Paging/swap metrics
+**Description:** System level paging/swap memory metrics.
+| Name | Description | Units | Instrument Type | Value Type | Label Key | Label Values |
+| ------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | ------------ | ----------------- | ---------- | --------- | ------------ |
+| system.paging.usage | Unix swap or windows pagefile usage | By | UpDownSumObserver | Int64 | state | used, free |
+| system.paging.utilization | | 1 | ValueObserver | Double | state | used, free |
+| system.paging.faults | | {faults} | SumObserver | Int64 | type | major, minor |
+| system.paging.operations | | {operations} | SumObserver | Int64 | type | major, minor |
+| | | | | | direction | in, out |
+### `system.disk.` - Disk controller metrics
+**Description:** System level disk performance metrics.
+| Name | Description | Units | Instrument Type | Value Type | Label Key | Label Values |
+| --------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------ | --------------- | ---------- | --------- | ------------ |
+| system.disk.io | | By | SumObserver | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | direction | read, write |
+| system.disk.operations | | {operations} | SumObserver | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | direction | read, write |
+| system.disk.io_time[1](#io_time) | Time disk spent activated | s | SumObserver | Double | device | (identifier) |
+| system.disk.operation_time[2](#operation_time) | Sum of the time each operation took to complete | s | SumObserver | Double | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | direction | read, write |
+| system.disk.merged | | {operations} | SumObserver | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | direction | read, write |
+1 The real elapsed time ("wall clock")
+used in the I/O path (time from operations running in parallel are not
+counted). Measured as:
+- Linux: Field 13 from
+- Windows: The complement of ["Disk\% Idle
+performance counter: `uptime * (100 - "Disk\% Idle Time") / 100`
+2 Because it is the sum of time each
+request took, parallel-issued requests each contribute to make the count
+grow. Measured as:
+- Linux: Fields 7 & 11 from
+- Windows: "Avg. Disk sec/Read" perf counter multiplied by "Disk Reads/sec"
+perf counter (similar for Writes)
+### `system.filesystem.` - Filesystem metrics
+**Description:** System level filesystem metrics.
+| Name | Description | Units | Instrument Type | Value Type | Label Key | Label Values |
+| ----------------------------- | ----------- | ----- | ----------------- | ---------- | ---------- | -------------------- |
+| system.filesystem.usage | | By | UpDownSumObserver | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | state | used, free, reserved |
+| | | | | | type | ext4, tmpfs, etc. |
+| | | | | | mode | rw, ro, etc. |
+| | | | | | mountpoint | (path) |
+| system.filesystem.utilization | | 1 | ValueObserver | Double | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | state | used, free, reserved |
+| | | | | | type | ext4, tmpfs, etc. |
+| | | | | | mode | rw, ro, etc. |
+| | | | | | mountpoint | (path) |
+### `system.network.` - Network metrics
+**Description:** System level network metrics.
+| Name | Description | Units | Instrument Type | Value Type | Label Key | Label Values |
+| ---------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- | ----------------- | ---------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| system.network.dropped[1](#dropped) | Count of packets that are dropped or discarded even though there was no error | {packets} | SumObserver | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | direction | transmit, receive |
+| system.network.packets | | {packets} | SumObserver | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | direction | transmit, receive |
+| system.network.errors[2](#errors) | Count of network errors detected | {errors} | SumObserver | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | direction | transmit, receive |
+| system.network.io | | By | SumObserver | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | direction | transmit, receive |
+| system.network.connections | | {connections} | UpDownSumObserver | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | protocol | tcp, udp, [etc.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_layer#Protocols) |
+| | | | | | state | [e.g. for tcp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol#Protocol_operation) |
+1 Measured as:
+- Linux: the `drop` column in `/proc/dev/net`
+- Windows:
+2 Measured as:
+- Linux: the `errs` column in `/proc/dev/net`
+- Windows:
+### `system.process.` - Aggregate system process metrics
+**Description:** System level aggregate process metrics. For metrics at the
+individual process level, see [process metrics](process-metrics.md).
+| Name | Description | Units | Instrument Type | Value Type | Label Key | Label Values |
+| -------------------- | --------------------------------------- | ----------- | ----------------- | ---------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| system.process.count | Total number of processes in each state | {processes} | UpDownSumObserver | Int64 | status | running, sleeping, [etc.](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/ps.1.html#PROCESS_STATE_CODES) |
+### `system.{os}.` - OS Specific System Metrics
+Instrument names for system level metrics that have different and conflicting
+meaning across multiple OSes should be prefixed with `system.{os}.` and
+follow the hierarchies listed above for different entities like CPU, memory,
+and network.
+For example, [UNIX load
+average](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Load_(computing)) over a given
+interval is not well standardized and its value across different UNIX like
+OSes may vary despite being under similar load:
+> Without getting into the vagaries of every Unix-like operating system in
+existence, the load average more or less represents the average number of
+processes that are in the running (using the CPU) or runnable (waiting for
+the CPU) states. One notable exception exists: Linux includes processes in
+uninterruptible sleep states, typically waiting for some I/O activity to
+complete. This can markedly increase the load average on Linux systems.
+([source of
+[linux source
+An instrument for load average over 1 minute on Linux could be named
+`system.linux.cpu.load_1m`, reusing the `cpu` name proposed above and having
+an `{os}` prefix to split this metric across OSes.