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OpenTelemetry Collector Processor Exploration

Status: Draft


To describe a user experience and strategies for configuring processors in the OpenTelemetry collector.

This work is being prototyped in opentelemetry-collector-contrib, the design doc is here for broader discussion.


The OpenTelemetry (OTel) collector is a tool to set up pipelines to receive telemetry from an application and export it to an observability backend. Part of the pipeline can include processing stages, which executes various business logic on incoming telemetry before it is exported.

Over time, the collector has added various processors to satisfy different use cases, generally in an ad-hoc way to support each feature independently. We can improve the experience for users of the collector by consolidating processing patterns in terms of user experience, and this can be supported by defining a querying model for processors within the collector core, and likely also for use in SDKs, to simplify implementation and promote the consistent user experience and best practices.

Goals and non-goals


  • List out use cases for processing within the collector
  • Consider what could be an ideal configuration experience for users


  • Merge every processor into one. Many use cases overlap and generalize, but not all of them
  • Technical design or implementation of configuration experience. Currently focused on user experience.

Use cases for processing

Telemetry mutation

Processors can be used to mutate the telemetry in the collector pipeline. OpenTelemetry SDKs collect detailed telemetry from applications, and it is common to have to mutate this into a way that is appropriate for an individual use case.

Some types of mutation include

  • Remove a forbidden attribute such as http.request.header.authorization
  • Reduce cardinality of an attribute such as translating value of /user/123451/profile to /user/{userId}/profile
  • Decrease the size of the telemetry payload by removing large resource attributes such as process.command_line
  • Filtering out signals such as by removing all telemetry with a of /health
  • Attach information from resource into telemetry, for example adding certain resource fields as metric dimensions

The processors implementing this use case are attributesprocessor, filterprocessor, metricstransformprocessor, resourceprocessor, spanprocessor.

Metric generation

The collector may generate new metrics based on incoming telemetry. This can be for covering gaps in SDK coverage of metrics vs spans, or to create new metrics based on existing ones to model the data better for backend-specific expectations.

  • Create new metrics based on information in spans, for example to create a duration metric that is not implemented in the SDK yet
  • Apply arithmetic between multiple incoming metrics to produce an output one, for example divide an amount and a capacity to create a utilization metric

The components implementing this use case are metricsgenerationprocessor and the former spanmetricsprocessor (now spanmetricsconnector).


Some processors are stateful, grouping telemetry over a window of time based on either a trace ID or an attribute value, or just general batching.

  • Batch incoming telemetry before sending to exporters to reduce export requests
  • Group spans by trace ID to allow doing tail sampling
  • Group telemetry for the same path

The processors implementing this use case are batchprocessor, groupbyattrprocessor, groupbytraceprocessor.

Metric temporality

Two processors convert between the two types of temporality, cumulative and delta. The conversion is generally expected to happen as close to the source data as possible, for example within receivers themselves. The same configuration mechanism could be used for selecting metrics for temporality conversion as other cases, but it is expected that in practice configuration will be limited.

The processors implementing this use case are cumulativetodeltaprocessor.

Telemetry enrichment

OpenTelemetry SDKs focus on collecting application specific data. They also may include resource detectors to populate environment specific data but the collector is commonly used to fill gaps in coverage of environment specific data.

  • Add environment about a cloud provider to Resource of all incoming telemetry

The processors implementing this use case are k8sattributesprocessor, resourcedetectionprocessor.

OpenTelemetry Transformation Language

When looking at the use cases, there are certain common features for telemetry mutation and metric generation.

  • Identify the type of signal (span, metric, log).
  • Navigate to a path within the telemetry to operate on it
  • Define an operation, and possibly operation arguments

We can try to model these into a transformation language, in particular allowing the first two points to be shared among all processing operations, and only have implementation of individual types of processing need to implement operators that the user can use within an expression.

Telemetry is modeled in the collector as pdata which is roughly a 1:1 mapping of the OTLP protocol. This data can be navigated using field expressions, which are fields within the protocol separated by dots. For example, the status message of a span is status.message. A map lookup can include the key as a string, for example attributes["http.status_code"].

Operations are scoped to the type of a signal (span, metric, log), with all of the flattened points of that signal being part of a transformation space. Virtual fields are added to access data from a higher level before flattening, for resource, library_info. For metrics, the structure presented for processing is actual data points, e.g. NumberDataPoint, HistogramDataPoint, with the information from higher levels like Metric or the data type available as virtual fields.

Virtual fields for all signals: resource, library_info.
Virtual fields for metrics: metric, which contains name, description, unit, type, aggregation_temporality, and is_monotonic.

Navigation can then be used with a simple expression language for identifying telemetry to operate on.

... where name = "GET /cats"
... from span where attributes[""] = "/health"
... where resource.attributes["deployment"] = "canary"
... from metric where metric.type = gauge
... from metric where = "http.active_requests"

Fields should always be fully specified - for example attributes refers to the attributes field in the telemetry, not the resource. In the future, we may allow shorthand for accessing scoped information that is not ambiguous.

Having selected telemetry to operate on, any needed operations can be defined as functions. Known useful functions should be implemented within the collector itself, provide registration from extension modules to allow customization with contrib components, and in the future can even allow user plugins possibly through WASM, similar to work in HTTP proxies. The arguments to operations will primarily be field expressions, allowing the operation to mutate telemetry as needed.

There are times when the transformation language input and the underlying telemetry model do not translate cleanly. For example, a span ID is represented in pdata as a SpanID struct, but in the transformation language it is more natural to represent the span ID as a string or a byte array. The solution to this problem is Factories. Factories are functions that help translate between the transformation language input into the underlying pdata structure. These types of functions do not change the telemetry in any way. Instead, they manipulate the transformation language input into a form that will make working with the telemetry easier or more efficient.


These examples contain a SQL-like declarative language. Applied statements interact with only one signal, but statements can be declared across multiple signals.

Remove a forbidden attribute such as http.request.header.authorization from spans only


Remove all attributes except for some

  keep_keys(attributes, "http.method", "http.status_code")
  keep_keys(attributes, "http.method", "http.status_code")
  keep_keys(attributes, "http.method", "http.status_code")

Reduce cardinality of an attribute

  replace_match(attributes[""], "/user/*/list/*", "/user/{userId}/list/{listId}")

Reduce cardinality of a span name

  replace_match(name, "GET /user/*/list/*", "GET /user/{userId}/list/{listId}")

Reduce cardinality of any matching attribute

  replace_all_matches(attributes, "/user/*/list/*", "/user/{userId}/list/{listId}")

Decrease the size of the telemetry payload by removing large resource attributes


Filtering out signals such as by removing all metrics with a of /health

  drop() where attributes[""] = "/health"

Attach information from resource into telemetry, for example adding certain resource fields as metric attributes

  set(attributes["k8s_pod"], resource.attributes[""])

Group spans by trace ID

  group_by(trace_id, 2m)

Update a spans ID

  set(span_id, SpanID(0x0000000000000000))
  set(span_id, SpanID(0x0000000000000000))

Create utilization metric from base metrics. Because navigation expressions only operate on a single piece of telemetry, helper functions for reading values from other metrics need to be provided.

  create_gauge("pod.cpu.utilized", read_gauge("pod.cpu.usage") / read_gauge("node.cpu.limit")

A lot of processing. Queries are executed in order. While initially performance may degrade compared to more specialized processors, the expectation is that over time, the transform processor's engine would improve to be able to apply optimizations across queries, compile into machine code, etc.



    # Assuming group_by is defined in a contrib extension module, not baked into the "transform" processor
    extensions: [group_by]
        - drop() where attributes[""] = "/health"
        - delete(attributes["http.request.header.authorization"])
        - replace_wildcards("/user/*/list/*", "/user/{userId}/list/{listId}", attributes[""])
        - group_by(trace_id, 2m)
        - drop() where attributes[""] = "/health"
        - delete(attributes["http.request.header.authorization"])
        - replace_wildcards("/user/*/list/*", "/user/{userId}/list/{listId}", attributes[""])
        - set(attributes["k8s_pod"], resource.attributes[""])
        - drop() where attributes[""] = "/health"
        - delete(attributes["http.request.header.authorization"])
        - replace_wildcards("/user/*/list/*", "/user/{userId}/list/{listId}", attributes[""])

  - receivers: [otlp]
    exporters: [otlp]
    processors: [transform]

The expressions would be executed in order, with each expression either mutating an input telemetry, dropping input telemetry, or adding additional telemetry (usually for stateful processors like batch processor which will drop telemetry for a window and then add them all at the same time). One caveat to note is that we would like to implement optimizations in the transform engine, for example to only apply filtering once for multiple operations with a shared filter. Functions with unknown side effects may cause issues with optimization we will need to explore.

Declarative configuration

The telemetry transformation language presents an SQL-like experience for defining telemetry transformations - it is made up of the three primary components described above, however, and can be presented declaratively instead depending on what makes sense as a user experience.

- type: span
      path: status.code
      value: OK
    name: drop
- type: all
    name: delete
      - attributes["http.request.header.authorization"]

An implementation of the transformation language would likely parse expressions into this sort of structure so given an SQL-like implementation, it would likely be little overhead to support a YAML approach in addition.

Function syntax

Functions should be named and formatted according to the following standards.

  • Function names MUST start with a verb unless it is a Factory.
  • Factory functions MUST be UpperCamelCase and named based on the object being created.
  • Function names that contain multiple words MUST separate those words with _.
  • Functions that interact with multiple items MUST have plurality in the name. Ex: truncate_all, keep_keys, replace_all_matches.
  • Functions that interact with a single item MUST NOT have plurality in the name. If a function would interact with multiple items due to a condition, like where, it is still considered singular. Ex: set, delete, drop, replace_match.
  • Functions that change a specific target MUST set the target as the first parameter.
  • Functions that take a list MUST set the list as the last parameter.

Implementing a processor function

The replace_match function may look like this.

package replaceMatch

import "regexp"

import ""

// Assuming this is not in "core"
processors.register("replace_match", replace_match)

func replace_match(path processors.TelemetryPath, pattern regexp.Regexp, replacement string) processors.Result  {
    val := path.Get()
	if val == nil {
		return processors.CONTINUE
	// replace finds placeholders in "replacement" and swaps them in for regex matched substrings.
	replaced := replace(val, pattern, replacement)
	return processors.CONTINUE

Here, the processor framework recognizes the second parameter of the function is regexp.Regexp so will compile the string provided by the user in the config when processing it. Similarly for path, it recognizes properties of type TelemetryPath and will resolve it to the path within a matched telemetry during execution and pass it to the function. The path allows scalar operations on the field within the telemetry. The processor does not need to be aware of telemetry filtering, the where ... clause, as that will be handled by the framework before passing to the function.

Embedded processors

The above describes a transformation language for configuring processing logic in the OpenTelemetry collector. There will be a single processor that exposes the processing logic into the collector config; however, the logic will be implemented within core packages rather than directly inside a processor. This is to ensure that where appropriate, processing can be embedded into other components, for example metric processing is often most appropriate to execute within a receiver based on receiver-specific requirements.


There are some known issues and limitations that we hope to address while iterating on this idea.

  • Handling array-typed attributes
  • Working on a array of points, rather than a single point
  • Metric alignment - for example defining an expression on two metrics, that may not be at the same timestamp
  • The collector has separate pipelines per signal - while the transformation language could apply cross-signal, we will need to remain single-signal for now