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Workflow Service
is a Workflow Service based on Activiti7, which supports dynamically and flexibly creating processes, starting processes, monitoring processes and management processes.
Pipeline management
This function can dynamically create pipeline Modal.
Pipeline Instance management
This function can start and delete pipeline instances and audit human audit tasks.
User Management
This function is used to log Choerodon users into Activiti7.
init database
CREATE USER 'choerodon'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY "choerodon"; CREATE DATABASE workflow_service DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON workflow_service.* TO choerodon@'%'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
run command as follow or run
in IntelliJ IDEAmvn clean spring-boot:run
: Register & configure centeroauth-server
authentication centerasgard-service
: Asgard ServiceMySQL
: gitlab_service
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