All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- CoffeeNet Starter Parent to version
- CoffeeNet Starter Parent to 0.32.0
- CoffeeNet Starter Parent to 0.31.0
- New CoffeeNet Logo as favicon
- CoffeeNet Starter Parent to 0.29.0
- CoffeeNet Starter Parent to 0.28.0
- Spring Cloud to Dalston.SR5
- Maven docker plugin to 0.24.0
- CoffeeNet Starter Parent 0.26.0
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud Dalston.SR3
- CoffeeNet Starter Parent 0.24.0
- Add Security via resource server
- Add support for JWT
- CoffeeNet Starter Parent 0.23.0
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud Dalston.SR1
- Config Server with CoffeeNet Parent 0.22.1
- Logging Starter
- Discovery Starter